Siong'ingr Vxo (1-1-47)
47. Jyrlimm
"Smixmic langg ee qongdig,
Zid'ia dniardnia jingtiamx?
U siuw qaiwlut qycc anju dirr Hxuad(Dhamma) :ee,
Bylun si'angw iarr tangx ongsingx kir tenqair?"
Jingr ciu, jyrlimm,
Jy qiyniuu :ee,
Qrut jnew, qiongqib tangx limx ee juiw,
Qenwjy jurqux :ee,
Jiaxee langg ee qongdig,
Zid'ia vitdnia jingtiamx.
Anju dirr Hxuad(Dhamma) qycc u siuw qaiwlut :ee,
Jitt hy langg tangx kir tenqair."
(Samyutta Nikaya 1-1-47)
47. Planters of Groves
“For whom does merit always increase,
Both by day and by night?
Who are the people going to heaven,
Established in Dhamma, endowed with virtue?”
“Those who set up a park or a grove,
The people who construct a bridge,
A place to drink and a well,
Those who give a residence:
For them merit always increases,
Both by day and by night;
Those are the people going to heaven,
Established in Dhamma, endowed with virtue.”
(相應部 1-1-47)
任何人功德 日夜常增長
具戒止住法 誰亦往天界
植園以植林 以是作橋梁
以掘飲水井 作水小屋者
其人之功德 日夜必增長
法住戒具足 是人行天界
Qingbunn Miaa:
Siong'ingr Vxo
Siong'ingr Vxo (1-1-46)
46. Senluw
"Senluw decc vauuii,
Inx bersux jit din suh huih ee qxuiw.
Jitt dah qiyr juer Gucix Nxaa,
Anwjnuaw tangx dytuad .cud .kir?"
"Jitt diauu lo cxingx juer jingwdit,
Jitt xui qiyr juer byy qniahniaa,
Ciax hy juer byy kihkickogkok ee sniax,
U draur hxuad ee lenw-aw.
Qenwisuar juer kongwjewdaii,
Jniawliam si dniuwlii.
Guaw qra hxuad qiyr juer ciahux,
Jniawqenr si kuilo :ee.
Jre jitt kuanw ciax ee langg,
Si luw iacc si lxamm,
Uaxkyr jre jitt daii ciax,
Tangx qaur qaxx Nibbana."
(Samyutta Nikaya 1-1-46)
46. Nymphs
“Resounding with a host of nymphs,
Haunted by a host of demons!
This grove is to be called ‘Deluding’:
How does one escape from it?”
“‘The straight way’ that path is called,
And ‘fearless’ is its destination.
The chariot is called ‘unrattling,’
Fitted with wheels of wholesome states.
The sense of shame is its leaning board,
Mindfulness its upholstery;
I call the Dhamma the charioteer,
With right view running out in front.
One who has such a vehicle—
Whether a woman or a man—
Has come by this vehicle
In the vicinity of Nibbåna.”
(相應部 1-1-46)
天女所侍者 如事吸血鬼
此名愚癡林 如何得出口
此道稱真直 此地稱無怖
車稱無轢聲 具足斯法輪
慚為依靠臺 正念是帷帳
以法我稱御 正見是先行
如是乘車人 是女或是男
依於此車乘 到達於涅槃
Qingbunn Miaa:
Siong'ingr Vxo
Siong'ingr Vxo (1-1-45)
45. Uanzinn
"Ix ee miasniax dngrr kuatham,
U qnir diyc ywgi.
Sisiar diwhui,
Byy jipdiok dirr iogbong ee siu.
Ixx jaiqiyh itcer ee henzinn,
Qniaa dirr singwhenn ee dyrlo,
Si dua singwzinn."
(Samyutta Nikaya 1-1-45)
45. Perfect
“Behold him of perfect name,
The seer of the subtle goal,
The giver of wisdom, unattached
To the lair of sensual pleasures.
Behold the wise one, all-knowing,
The great seer treading the noble path.
(相應部 1-1-45)
其名無有缺 而於見秘義
若以施智慧 不著愛欲家
知一切賢者 以行於聖道
Qingbunn Miaa:
Siong'ingr Vxo
Siong'ingr Vxo (1-1-44)
44. Jit Diauu Qinx
"Jiax u jit diauu bubingg ee qinx,
Iaxqycc u nng xee juixqngxlee,
Iarr u snax jiongw uwuer,
Qycc u go xee derdniuu u go jiongw iogbong.
Duarhaiw u jap-zi xee qngxjng,
Singwhenn tangx ciauuat cimenx dergak."
(Samyutta Nikaya 1-1-44)
44. One Root
“The seer has crossed over the abyss
With its one root, two whirlpools,
Three stains, five extensions,
An ocean with twelve eddies.”
(相應部 1-1-44)
僅此有一根無明 亦復有二面斷常
亦有三種垢三毒 復有五地場五欲
十二渦、大海有地窖地獄 聖者得超越。
Qingbunn Miaa:
Siong'ingr Vxo
Siong'ingr Vxo (1-1-43)
43. Jiahsit
"Bylun tnisinn iacc langg,
Longxx qra jiac dongwjuer kuaiwlok.
E byy air jiac :ee,
Si sniaxmih kuanw Iasha(Iarcex)?"
"U sinr qycc simx cingjing :ee,
Sisiar sidbut ee langg
Jitt sxer qapp au sxer,
Longxx tangx did diyc jiahsit.
Mrjiacc qongxx kiwduu qenlin,
Gauu sisiar tangx laii jenr ngiaa qau sxenx.
Qongdig si jingwlangg
Qniaa hiongr au sxer ee dorjuntauu."
(Samyutta Nikaya 1-1-43)
43. Food
“They always take delight in food,
Both devas and human beings.
So what sort of spirit could it be
That does not take delight in food?”
“When they give out of faith
With a heart of confidence,
Food accrues to (the giver) himself
Both in this world and the next.
Therefore, having removed stinginess,
Conquering the stain, one should give a gift.
Deeds of merit are the support for living beings
(When they arise) in the other world.”
(相應部 1-1-43)
不論天及人 皆以食為樂
時有不喜食 夜叉實何者
以信清淨心 行施食之人
此世及後世 皆可得其食
是故調伏慳 善施克眼垢
功德即人人 後世航渡頭
Qingbunn Miaa:
Siong'ingr Vxo
Siong'ingr Vxo (1-1-42)
42. Sisiar Sniaw
"Sisiar sniaw si sisiar kuiwlat?
Sisiar sniaw si sisniar bixmau?
Sisiar sniaw si sisiar anlok?
Sisiar sniaw si sisiar ganxsig?
Sisiar itcer :ee si si'angw?
Guaw soxx mng :ee cniaw kaiqaiw."
"Sisiar sidbut diyrr si sisiar kuiwlat.
Sisiar ihok diyrr si sisiar bixmau.
Sisiar ciabew diyrr si sisiar anlok.
Sisiar denrhuew diyrr si sisiar ganxsig.
Sisiar kiarkiw ee cur :ee,
Diyrr si sisiar itcer.
Qangxqaur jniawhuad :ee,
Diyrr si sisiar be sixbyy."
(Samyutta Nikaya 1-1-42)
42. Giving What
“Giving what does one give strength?
Giving what does one give beauty?
Giving what does one give ease?
Giving what does one give sight?
Who is the one who gives everything?
Being asked, please explain to me.”
“Giving food, one gives strength;
Giving clothes, one gives beauty;
Giving a vehicle, one gives ease;
Giving a lamp, one gives sight;
The one who gives a residence
Is the one who gives everything.
But the one who teaches the Dhamma
Is the one who gives the Deathless.”
(相應部 1-1-42)
與何與力耶 與何美貌耶
與何安樂耶 與何與眼耶
與何一切耶 問之對我說
與食物與力 與衣與美貌
與車乘與樂 與燈明與眼
與住處人者 是為與一切
教與正法者 是與不死人
Qingbunn Miaa:
Siong'ingr Vxo
Siong'ingr Vxo (1-1-41)
(Go) Decc Dyc
41. Dngdecc dyc
Guaw tniax .diyc .ee si anxnex. Hitt sijun, Sewjunx dirr Shravasti Sniaa Jeta Ciurnaa ee Anathapindika Hngg kiarkiw. Hitt sii, u tnisinn dirr lebingg vangr cud qik bibiau ee qngx venww jiyr qui'ee Jeta Hngg, uaw kir Sewjunx hiax beh cingxmng. U cingxmng ar, ix hiongr Sewjunx qnialew liauw dirr vnix:a kia. Dirr vnix:a kia hitt xui tnisinn dirr Sewjunx ee binrjingg cniur jitt siuw jimgensix, qongxx:
"Huew dyc siyx cur,
Qra soxu mihqnia vnuax .cud .kir.
Dogdok in'ui cur-lai ee mic,
U lirig m tangx siyx.
Anxnex dirr jitt xee sewqanx,
Lau, siw, huew dyc decc siyx.
Iong vowsix qra vnuax .cud .kir,
Soxx sisiar :ee virr vnuax .cud .kir.
Sisiar tangx did kuaiwlok ee quewjiw,
Byy sisiar byy jitt hy quexjiw.
Iong ciapdy iacc juer ongg laii cniuxduat,
Virr huew siyx jiauu byy .kir.
Jitt hy kuanw huwzu ee sintew,
Siw ee sii soxu iarr longxx diyhh vangwhe.
Henzinn jaix jitt hy dyrliw,
Hiangxsiu huwquir qycc gauu vowsix,
Hyw hyw liriong qycc u vowsix,
Ongxsingx tniqair be siurr jikjue."
(Samyutta Nikaya 1-1-41)
V. Ablaze
41. Ablaze
Thus have I heard. On one occasion the Blessed One was dwelling at Shravasti in Jeta’s Grove, Anathapindika’s Park. Then, when the night had advanced, a certain devatå of stunning beauty, illuminating the entire Jeta’s Grove, approached the Blessed One. Having approached, he paid homage to the Blessed One, stood to one side, and recited these verses in the presence of the Blessed One:
“When one’s house is all ablaze
The vessel taken out
Is the one that is useful,
Not the one left burnt inside.
So when the world is all ablaze
With (the fires of) aging and death,
One should take out (one’s wealth) by giving:
What is given is well salvaged.
What is given yields pleasant fruit,
But not so what is not given.
Thieves take it away, or kings,
It gets burnt by fire or lost
Then in the end one leaves the body
Along with all one’s dear possessions.
Having understood this, the wise man here
Enjoys himself but also gives.
Having given and enjoyed as fits his means,
Blameless he goes to the heavenly state.”
(相應部 1-1-41)
第五 燃燒品
〔四一〕第一 正在燒
由火燄燃家 搬出諸物品
惟只於此家 是善不為燒
如是於此世 老死火熾燒
布施而搬出 施者為搬出
施乃得樂果 不施無此果
依盜王者奪 被火燒消滅
如是富此身 死時無不捨
賢者以知此 享富且善施
從力用且施 行天無難責
Qingbunn Miaa:
Siong'ingr Vxo
Siong'ingr Vxo (1-1-40)
40. Huntnix ee Jaboxqniaw (II)
Guaw tniax .diyc .ee si anxnex. Hitt sijun, Sewjunx diamr dirr Vesali ee Dua Caa Vnuawlauu-aw Qangxdngg. Hitt sii, Huntnix ee jaboxqniaw Culako Kanada(Siyw Angg Lenhuex) Qongjuw dirr lebingg vangr cud qig qibiau ee qngx venww jiyr dua ciurnaa. Ix jenongw Sewjunx hiax beh qingwvair. U qingwvair ar, ix hiongr Sewjunx qnialew liauw dyrr dirr vnix:a kia. Dirr vnix:a kia hitt xui Huntnix ee Siyw Angg Lenhuex Qongjuw dirr Sewjunx binrjingg cniur jitt siuw jimgensix, qongxx:
"Nawqngx hiacc cnixbak ee bixmau,
Guaw Huntnix ee jaboxqniaw,
Siyw Angg Lenhuex laii qaur jiax,
Lexqingr Vut qapp Hxuad,
Gimm u ywgi ee jimgensix.
Jitt hy kuanw ee singwhuad,
U jiongxjiongw ee huatmngg.
Suizenn hiacnirr je,
Beh it'id laii qongw kiw.
Qniwnarr guaw u yc .diyc qir did simtauu :ee,
Beh coliok laii qangxsuad inx ee iwgi.
Bylun sintew, cuir, iacc iwliam,
Dirr jitt xee sewqanx,
Itcer ee og longxx byy juer.
Qapp iogbong li hng hng,
U jniawsimx qapp jniawliam,
M tangx kir singsiu byy lirig soxx druar .laii,
Itcer ee koxnauw.
(Samyutta Nikaya 1-1-40)
40 Pajjunna’s Daughter (2)
Thus have I heard. On one occasion the Blessed One was dwelling at Vesåli in the Great Wood, in the Hall with the Peaked Roof. Then, when the night had advanced, Culako
kanadå, Pajjunna’s (younger) daughter, of stunning beauty, illuminating the entire Jeta’s Grove, approached the Blessed One. Having approached, she paid homage to the Blessed One, stood to one side, and recited these verses in the presence of the Blessed One:
“Here came Kokanadå, Pajjunna’s daughter,
Beautiful as the gleam of lightning.
Venerating the Buddha and the Dhamma,
She spoke these verses full of meaning.
Though the Dhamma is of such a nature
That I might analyse it in many ways,
I will state its meaning briefly
To the extent I have learnt it by heart.
One should do no evil in all the world:
Neither by speech nor mind nor body.
Having abandoned sense pleasures,
Mindful and clearly comprehending,
One should not pursue a course
That is painful and harmful.”
(相應部 1-1-40)
[四十] 第十 雲天公主(其二)
色鮮之電光 我雲天公主
紅蓮來至此 禮敬佛與法
奉說有益偈 如此之聖法
種種之方法 雖以如何多
於分別而說 只要我有心
略說此意義 即使身口意
而在於此世 不作一切惡
以離於愛慾 於正心正念
不受無利益 之一切苦惱
Qingbunn Miaa:
Siong'ingr Vxo
Siong'ingr Vxo (1-1-39)
39. Huntnix ee Jaboxqniaw (I)
Guaw tniax .diyc .ee si anxnex. Hitt sijun, Sewjunx diamr dirr Vesali ee Dua Caa Vnuawlauu-aw Qangxdngg. Hitt sii, Huntnix ee jaboxqniaw Kokanada(Angg Lenhuex) Qongjuw vangr cud qig qibiau ee qngx venww jiyr dua ciurnaa, dirr lebingg ee sii jenongw Sewjunx hiax beh qingwvair. U qingwvair ar, ix hiongr Sewjunx qnialew liauw dyrr dirr vnix:a kia. Dirr vnix:a kia hitt xui Huntnix ee Kokanada Qongjuw dirr Sewjunx binrjingg cniur jitt siuw jimgensix, qongxx:
"Druar dirr Vesali ee ciurnaa,
Jiongwsingx ee siongrsiong,
Busiong Jniawqag Buddha,
Guaw Huntnix ee jaboxqniaw,
Kokanadå qra liw qiongqingr qnialew.
U bagjiux tangx juewjingr,
Jitt xee hxuad guaw ixjingg tniax .diyc,
Guaw jitmaw u knuar .diyc dyrr jaix,
Sxen Quewongw Muni soxx qawsi :ee.
Bylun zimrhyy langg,
Narr laii huixvongr jitt xee singwhuad,
Hongr hongr ee gong langg,
E duirlyc Roruva(Qiywhuah) Dergak,
Qingquer dngquw ee qiapsor sriu tongwkow.
Bylun zimrhyy langg,
Narr jigjing qapp zimxnai,
Cinqin jitt xee singwhuad :ee,
Qra sintew siar liauw li ee sii,
Ingqaix e tnisinn ciongmuaw."
(Samyutta Nikaya 1-1-39)
39 Pajjunna’s Daughter (1)
Thus have I heard. On one occasion the Blessed One was dwellingat Vesåli in the Great Wood in the Hall with the Peaked Roof. Then, when the night had advanced, Kokanadå, Pajjunna’s daughter, of stunning beauty, illuminating the entire Jeta’s Grove, approac hed the Blessed One. Having approached, she paid homage to the Blessed One, stood to one side, and recited these verses in the presence of the Blessed One:
“I worship the Buddha, the best of beings,
Dwelling in the woods at Vesåli.
Kokanadå am I,
Kokanadå, Pajjunna’s daughter.
Earlier I had only heard that the Dhamma
Has been realized by the One with Vision;
But now I know it as a witness
While the Sage, the Sublime One, teaches.
Those ignorant folk who go about
Criticizing the noble Dhamma
Pass on to the terrible Roruva hell
And for long experience suffering.
But those who have peace and acquiesence
In regard to the noble Dhamma,
On discarding the human body,
Will fill the hosts of devas.”
(相應部 1-1-39)
[三九] 第九 雲天公主(其一)
住毗舍離林 眾生之上首
無上正覺者 我雲天公主
紅蓮恭禮奉 有眼者之證
此法我先聞 我今眼當知
善逝牟尼說 不論任何人
以謗此聖法 閒蕩之愚人
墮叫喚地獄 長劫受痛苦
不論任何者 寂靜與忍辱
近此聖法人 以舍此身時
Qingbunn Miaa:
Siong'ingr Vxo
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