
Huatqur Qingx (410) - Brahmin

Duiww jitt sxer iacc laiser longxx byy iogbong, byy iogbong laii did diyc qaixtuad, jitt kuanw :ee qiyr juer Brahmin.

(Dhammapada 410 - The Brahmin)
Who has no longing anywhere in this or the next world, who is independent and unattached - him do I call a Brahmin.

(法句經 410 - 婆羅門品)

Huatqur Qingx (409) - Brahmin

Bylun sxen iacc og, dngg iacc dew, cox iacc iur, byy huwcud dyrr byy tec. Jitt kuanw :ee qiyr juer Brahmin.

(Dhammapada 409 - The Brahmin)
Who here in this world does not take what was not given, be it long, short, small, big, pleasant or unpleasant - him do I call a Brahmin.

(法句經 409 - 婆羅門品)

Huatqur Qingx (408) - Brahmin

Byy qongw colow iacc pnaiw ue. Qongw u loring qapp sidjai ee ue. Be duiww langg' huad singwde. Jitt kuanw :ee qiyr juer Brahmin.

(Dhammapada 408 - The Brahmin)
Who speaks smooth, informative and true words, by which he does not offend anyone - him do I call a Brahmin.

(法句經 408 - 婆羅門品)

Huatqur Qingx (407) - Brahmin

Tamsimx, uanwhun, qiautauu, qapp qexsenx, qra jiaxee longxx trngr danwsag, cincniu qaiwbuac lag dirr jiamx-tauu. Jitt kuanw :ee guaw qra cxingx juer Brahmin.

(Dhammapada 407 - The Brahmin)
Who has destroyed passion, hatred, conceit and hypocrisy, as if a mustard seed falls down from the head of an arrow - him do I call a Brahmin.

(法句經 407 - 婆羅門品)

Huatqur Qingx (406) - Brahmin

Duiww duiwdik byy uanwhun, duiww giac qunwtuii :ee u un'iongg, dirr jipsiuw ee langg lairdew iarr byy soxx knikib. Jitt kuanw :ee guaw qra cxingx juer Brahmin.

(Dhammapada 406 - The Brahmin)
One who is unhindered amongst the obstructed, one who is free amongst violent, one who does not cling to anything amongst those who do - him do I call a Brahmin.

(法句經 406 - 婆羅門品)

Huatqur Qingx (405) - Brahmin

Duiwtai itcer jiongwsingx, bylun qiongg iacc ziok, ix qra dycniux qapp qunwtuii longxx danr hniwsag. Be taii langg, marr be qiyr vadd langg taii langg. Jitt kuanw :ee, guaw qra cxingx juer Brahmin.

(Dhammapada 405 - The Brahmin)
Who has given up punishing of all living beings, be they trembling or firm, who does not kill, nor causes another to kill - him do I call a Brahmin.

(法句經 405 - 婆羅門品) 

Huatqur Qingx (404) - Brahmin

Byy ham' sewsioglangg qaucab, iarr byy ham' cutqelangg qauvuee, byy cur byy iogbong :ee, jitt kuanw :ee qiyr juer Brahmin.

(Dhammapada 404 - The Brahmin)
Who is not associating neither with householders nor with monks, wandering in houselessness, wanting little - him do I call a Brahmin.

(法句經 404 - 婆羅門品)  

Huatqur Qingx (403) - Brahmin

U cimdimm ee diwhui, gauu hunven si lo iacc m si, giamrjingr diyc busiong qingxqair, jitt kuanw :ee qiyr juer Brahmin.

(Dhammapada 403 - The Brahmin)
One who is endowed with deep knowledge, intelligent, knowing the difference between what is a road and what is not, who has reached the highest attainment - him do I call a Brahmin.

(法句經 403 - 婆羅門品)  

Huatqur Qingx (402) - Brahmin

Langg dirr jitt xee sewqanx narr u qakgo laii siaubet jursinx ee kow, hongwkir dang dnar did diyc qaixtuad, guaw qra cxingx juer Brahmin. 

(Dhammapada 402 - The Brahmin)
Who knows by himself the destruction of suffering in this world, who has put down his burden and is detached - him do I call a Brahmin.

(法句經 402 - 婆羅門品)  

Huatqur Qingx (401) - Brahmin

Cincniu juiw dih lyc dirr lenhuex ee hiyc-aw binrdingw, cincniu qra qaiwbuac he dirr jiamx-tauu, byy knikib iacc bag diyc iogbong :ee, guaw qra cxingx juer Brahmin.

(Dhammapada 401 - The Brahmin)
Like water to a lotus leaf, like a mustard seed to the point of an arrow, who doesn't cling to sense-pleasures - him do I call a Brahmin.

(法句經 401 - 婆羅門品)  


Huatqur Qingx (400) - Brahmin

Byy uanwhun, be siurkir, u dikhing, cisiuw qaiwlut, be hro iogbong tnuar .kuix, jewan jursinx qaur juewau jit sxer, guaw qra jitt kuanw qiyr juer Brahmin.

(Dhammapada 400 - The Brahmin)
Who is friendly, devout, virtuous and not arrogant, restrained and living his last life - him do I call a Brahmin.

(法句經 400 - 婆羅門品) 

Huatqur Qingx (399) - Brahmin

Virr me qapp virr pah longxx erdangr zimxsiu qycc byy uanwhun, tunlunw ee linglik cincniu qundui hiacc qiongg, jitt kuanw qiyr juer Brahmin.

(Dhammapada 399 - The Brahmin)
Who benevolently endures abuse, beating and binding, whose power is forbearance, with strong force - him do I call a Brahmin.

(法句經 399 - 婆羅門品) 

Huatqur Qingx (398) - Brahmin

Huiwduu pueduar qapp bexsyh, jamw dng syh-aw qapp kandnii :ee, kiwsag jiongwgai qycc u qakgno :ee, jitt kuanw qiyr juer Brahmin.

(Dhammapada 398 - The Brahmin)
Who has cut off strap and harness, fetter together with a bridle, who has all the obstacles removed and is awakened - him do I call a Brahmin.

(法句經 398 - 婆羅門品) 

Huatqur Qingx (397) - Brahmin

Jamw dng itcer qad, ix sidjai byy soxx qniahniaa :ee. Byy jipsiuw, lirkuix itcer sokvak, jitt kuanw :ee qiyr juer Brahmin.

(Dhammapada 397 - The Brahmin)
Who has cut off all fetters and doesn;t crave for anything, who has overcome all binds and is detached - him do I call a Brahmin.

(法句經 397 - 婆羅門品) 


Huatqur Qingx (396) - Brahmin

Qra cringx juer Brahmin m si in'ui ix an' [Brahmin] buxtaix cutsir. Narr qra huanlyw knii diauu diauu, jitt kuanw :ee qanda' tangx qiyr juer jurcii  :ee. Itcer longxx be jipsiuw, jitt kuanw :ee jiacc qiyr juer Brahmin.

(Dhammapada 396 - The Brahmin)
I do not call one a Brahmin only because on account of birth, because he is born from [a Brahmin] mother. If he has attachments, he is to be called only "self-important". One who is without attachments and without clinging - him do I call a Brahmin.

(法句經 396 - 婆羅門品) 

Huatqur Qingx (395) - Brahmin

Cing puawsamr ee snxax, siausanw qaxx qinmec lorcud. Dirr ciurnaa-lai dogqux zip sendnia, jitt kuanw :ee qiyr juer Brahmin.

(Dhammapada 395 - The Brahmin)
The person who is wearing just rags from a dust heap, is lean, with veins showing, who is meditating alone in the forest - him do I call a Brahmin.

(法句經 395 - 婆羅門品) 

Huatqur Qingx (394) - Brahmin

Gong langg vak taujangqer, cing logpuee, u sniaw loring? Luersimx si iogbong ee ciurnaa, suiw suiw ee hinghaii si jngtna :ee narnia.

(Dhammapada 394 - The Brahmin)
What use is your matted hair, fool? What use is your garment from antelope skin? Inside you is a jungle, you touch only the outside.

(法句經 394 - 婆羅門品) 

Huatqur Qingx (393) - Brahmin

M si uirdiyhh taujangqer, jingxjok, iacc cutsir dirr Brahmin ee enqor, si'angw liauxqaiw jinliw qapp Dharma, jitt kuanw :ee jiacc jniawqangw si Brahmin.

(Dhammapada 393 - The Brahmin)
One is not a Brahmin because of matted hair, lineage or birth. In whom there is truth and the Dharma, he is pure, he is a Brahmin.

(法句經 393 - 婆羅門品)

Huatqur Qingx (392) - Brahmin

Bylun an' dyc'ui laii tniax diyc u Jniawsiong Qakdix :ee soxx qangxsuad ee Hxuad (Dharma), duiww qangxsuad :ee ingqaix qra juncunn, cincniu Brahmin junqingr singwhuew qangrkuanw.

(Dhammapada 392 - The Brahmin)
From whom you learned the Dharma, that is taught by the truly and completely Awakened One, you should duly pay your respects to him, like a Brahmin at the fire sacrifice.

(法句經 392 - 婆羅門品)

Huatqur Qingx (391) - Brahmin

Byy iong sinkux, gengiw iacc iwliam juer jiongxjiongw okhingg, jitt snax xui u jewan :ee dyrr qiyr juer Brahmin.

(Dhammapada 391 - The Brahmin)
Who does not perform any evil deeds by body, speech or mind, who is restrained in three ways - him do I call a Brahmin.

(法句經 391 - 婆羅門品) 

Huatqur Qingx (390) - Brahmin

Brahmin, dirr hixlok-diongx jewan qaqi ee simx, jitt kuanw hyw .cxur m si siyxkuaw. Suisii jamw dng beh sionghai langg' ee simx, koxtangr dyrr tangx tingjiw.

(Dhammapada 390 - The Brahmin)
For a Brahmin, there is nothing better than when he is holding the mind back from agreeable things. When one turns away from a wish to hurt, then one just calms down the suffering.
(法句經 390 - 婆羅門品)

Huatqur Qingx (389) - Brahmin

M tangx pah Brahmin. Brahmin m tangx siurkir. Pah langg :ee jin' qenwsiaur. Siurkir :ee qyckacc qenwsiaur.

(Dhammapada 389 - The Brahmin)
One should not strike a Brahmin. But a Brahmin should not get angry with the one, who hit him. Shame to those who hurt Brahmins! More shame to those, who are angry with them!  

(法句經 389 - 婆羅門品)


Huatqur Qingx (388) - Brahmin

Kiwsag okhingg :ee qiyr juer Brahmin. Hing'uii cingjing :ee cxingx juer sabunn. Qaqi sauwduu uwuer :ee qiyr juer cutqelangg.

(Dhammapada 388 - The Brahmin)
One is called "a Brahmin" because he keeps away from evil. One is called "a recluse" because he lives in tranquility. If one has renounced one's own impurities, then one is called "a monk".

(法句經 388 - 婆羅門品)

Huatqur Qingx (387) - Brahmin

Zit .sii zidtauu jiyr, amwsii guehniuu jiyr. Kshatriya ee buxjongx qimx sicsih. Brahmin sendnia ee sii qngx ngiarngia. Vuddyy ee qngx zid'ia jit siwqer jiyr.

(Dhammapada 387 - The Brahmin)
During the day shines the sun, at night shines the moon. The Kshatriya shines when armed, the Brahmin shines when meditating. And the Buddha shines with splendor all day and night.

(法句經 387 - 婆羅門品)

Huatqur Qingx (386) - Brahmin

Zip sendnia, anzenn diamr lehh, lirkuix din'aix qapp uwuer, soxx qaix juer :ee longxx juer :ar, itcer ee huanlyw longxx byy, giamrjingr diyc siongrr quann ee qingxqair, jitt hy dyrr si Brahmin.

(Dhammapada 386 - The Brahmin)
Who is meditating, stainless, settled, has done his duty, is without taints, has reached the highest attainment - him do I call a Brahmin.

(法句經 386 - 婆羅門品)

Huatqur Qingx (385) - Brahmin

Byy hitt vingg hnua iacc jitt vingg hnua, nng vingg longxx byy. Lirkuix kow, byy sokvak, jitt hy dyrr si Brahmin.

(Dhammapada 385 - The Brahmin)
For whom there does not exist the opposite shore, this shore nor both shores, who is fearless and detached - him do I call a Brahmin.

(法句經 385 - 婆羅門品)

Huatqur Qingx (384) - Brahmin

Narr suwsiongg diamr dirr jriw qapp quanx jitt nng hxang, Brahmin tangx qaur qaxx hitt vingg hnua. U diwhui :ee dubet soxu itcer sokvak.

(Dhammapada 384 - The Brahmin)
If a Brahmin is crossed over to the opposite shore in regard of two things, then all the bonds of such a knowing one disappear.

(法句經 384 - 婆羅門品)

Huatqur Qingx (383) - Brahmin

Pacvniar qra iogbong ee laujuiw jamw dng. Brahmin, linw qaidongx kiwsag iogbong. Liauxted soxu dxir ee jok'iong jnuaw bet jin, liw dyrr jaix liappuann (Nirvana).

(Dhammapada 383 - The Brahmin)
Having undertaken the effort, cut off the stream of suffering. Dispel sense-pleasures, Brahmin! Having realized the destruction of conditioned things, you know the Nirvana, Brahmin!

(法句經 383 - 婆羅門品)

Huatqur Qingx (382) - Bikiu

Bikiu suizenn iauxx siauwlenn, qutlat sidjenr Vuddyy soxx qawsi :ee. Ix ee qonghuix jiywqngx jitt xee sewqanx, cincniu guehniuu an' ohunn-lai cud .laii.

(Dhammapada 382 - The Monk)
The monk who, while young, practices the teaching of the Buddha, illuminates this world like a moon freed from cloud.

(法句經 382 - 比丘品)

Huatqur Qingx (381) - Bikiu

Bikiu u hnuahiw simx, singsimx sinwzim Vuddyy ee qawsi, tangx drat qaur jigjing, anlok, soxu giabhing longxx qaixtuad ee qingxqair.

(Dhammapada 381 - The Monk)
The monk who is full of joy and trusting in the Buddha's teaching, will acquire the peaceful state of Nirvana, quieting of all conditioned things and happiness.

(法句經 381 - 比丘品)

Huatqur Qingx (380) - Bikiu

Qaqi juer qaqi ee siuxhorjiaw. Qaqi juer qaqi soxx uaxkyr :ee. Qaqi junxjad qaqi, cincniu singlixlangg kenjer hyw bew qangrkuanw.

(Dhammapada 380 - The Monk)
One is indeed one's own lord. One is indeed one's own destiny. Therefore restrain yourself, just like a merchant restrains a good horse.

(法句經 380 - 比丘品)

Huatqur Qingx (379) - Bikiu

Liw qaidongx qingxqair jursinx, qaidongx huanxsingw jursinx. Siuxho qaqi qycc u jniar ee liamrtauu, bikiu, liw tangx anlok kiarkiw.

(Dhammapada 379 - The Monk)
You yourself exhort and control yourself. The monk, who is self-guarded and mindful, will live happily.

(法句經 379 - 比丘品)

Huatqur Qingx (378) - Bikiu

Sinkux cingjing, gengiw cingjing, simx iarr jigjing :ee diamr dirr samadhi. Kiwsag sewsiok kuaiwlok ee bikiu qiyr juer jigjing :ee. 

(Dhammapada 378 - The Monk)
The monk who is calm in body, calm in speech, tranquil, composed, and has discarded all worldly gains, is called calmed.

(法句經 378 - 比丘品)

Huatqur Qingx (377) - Bikiu

Kyxviw vassika(bagni) ee huex lenx .kir sria .kir, linw jiaxee bikiu kiwsag tamsimx qapp uanwhun iarr si jitt kuanw.

(Dhammapada 377 - The Monk)
Just like the jasmine sheds its withered flowers, so you should shed passion and hatred, monks.

(法句經 377 - 比丘品)


Huatqur Qingx (376) - Bikiu

Taiwdo rair singkunw, hing’uii rair jniawduanx. Jex diwsuw ix kuaiwlok muaw muaw, soxu ee kow tangx bet jin.

(Dhammapada 376 - The Monk)
Associate with virtuous friends who are of pure livelihood and active. Act friendly and let your behavior be good. Then, full of joy, you will make an end of suffering.

(法句經 376 - 比丘品)

Huatqur Qingx (375) - Bikiu

U diwhui ee bikiu, dirr sewqanx diyhh singx anxnex juer: Siuxho qinx-dxir qapp dijiog, cisiuw did qaixtuad ee qaiwlut.

(Dhammapada 375 - The Monk)
This here are the basic tasks for the wise monk: watchfulness over his senses, contentment and restraint in the monk's precepts.

(法句經 375 - 比丘品)

Huatqur Qingx (374) - Bikiu

Narr jaix qindir ee snix qapp bet :ee, ix e did diyc hnuahiw qapp kuaiwlok. U jitt kuanw liauxqaiw :ee ingxx be siw.

(Dhammapada 374 - The Monk)
Whenever one understands thoroughly the rise and fall of the five aggregates, he will obtain joy and happiness. For those, who understand, this is known as "the deathlessness".

(法句經 374 - 比丘品)

Huatqur Qingx (373) - Bikiu

Bikiu qapp langg' qeckuix, ix ee simx jigjing. Jimjiog quancad Hxuad, ix did diyc huanhux hiangxsiu be diyc ee kuaiwlok.

(Dhammapada 373 - The Monk)
The monk, who dwells in solitude, whose mind is tranquil, and who truly sees the Dharma with insight, experiences superhuman joy.

(法句經 373 - 比丘品)

Huatqur Qingx (372) - Bikiu

Byy diwhui :ee byy sendnia. Byy sendnia :ee byy diwhui. Sendnia qapp diwhui qiamqor :ee, jinjniar u jiapqin liappuann(Nirvana).

(Dhammapada 372 - The Monk)
There is no meditation for the ignorant one. There is no wisdom for someone, who does not meditate. Who has both wisdom and meditation, he is indeed close to the Nirvana.

(法句經 372 - 比丘品)

Huatqur Qingx (371) - Bikiu

Siulen sendnia, m tangx vangr hongr hongr. Simx m tangx siurr iogbong behik. M hyw danw qaur diyhh tunx tih-qiuu, siyx .diyc jiacc laii qiyr kow!

(Dhammapada 371 - The Monk)
Meditate, o monk! Don't be negligent! Let your mind not wander in the five strands of sensual pleasures. Don't negligently swallow the metal ball. When you are burning, don't lament, "This is suffering!"

(法句經 371 - 比丘品)

Huatqur Qingx (370) - Bikiu

Jamxdng go hxang jipbee, kiwsag go hxang jipbee, qutlat pacvniar dirr go jiongw siuhing. Ciautuad go hxang jipbee ee bikiu qiyr juer "dro quer pogvor :ee".

(Dhammapada 370 - The Monk)
Cut off five things, abandon five, five further cultivate. The monk who has overcome five attachments is called the one who has crossed over the flood.

(法句經 370 - 比丘品)

Huatqur Qingx (369) - Bikiu

Bikiu, cnriu jitt jiah junn dinxtauu ee juiw. Juiw byy .kir, junn kinkuair. Jamxdng tamsimx qapp uanwhun dyrr tangx giamrjingr diyc liappuann (Nirvana).

(Dhammapada 369 - The Monk)
Empty this boat, monk! Empty it will travel quickly. Having cut off passion and hatred, you will approach the Nirvana.

(法句經 369 - 比丘品)

Huatqur Qingx (368) - Bikiu

U siuxqor juvix ee bikiu, hnuahiw Vuddyy ee qawsi, tangx qaur qaxx jigjing, anlok, ixqip soxu giabhing longxx qaixtuad ee qingxqair.

(Dhammapada 368 - The Monk)
The monk, who is abiding in loving-kindness and trusting in the Buddha's teaching, will acquire the peaceful state of Nirvana, quieting of all conditioned things and happiness.

(法句經 368 - 比丘品)


Huatqur Qingx (367) - Bikiu

Dirr iwsig iacc siksinx be jipsiuw dirr guaw qapp guaw ee, marr be uirdiyhh byy :ee laii iusiongx, jitt kuanw sidjai tangx cxingx juer bikiu.

(Dhammapada 367 - The Monk)
Who is not attached to anything in his whole mind and body, who does not grieve for nonexistent things, he is truly called a monk.

(法句經 367 - 比丘品)

Huatqur Qingx (366) - Bikiu

Bikiu soxx did .diyc .ee suizenn jiyw, byy kiwhiamm soxx did .diyc .ee. Sing'uac cingjing byy vinrdnua, sidjai virr jerje tnisinn soxx ylyw.

(Dhammapada 366 - The Monk)
Even the gods praise the monk, who is living a pure life and is active, who does not neglect his spiritual profit, even though he has few material gains.

(法句經 366 - 比丘品)

Huatqur Qingx (365) - Bikiu

M tangx knuawkinx qaqi soxx did .diyc .ee. M tangx himsen vadd langg soxx did .diyc .ee. Bikiu himsen vadd langg, berdangr giamrjingr diyc samadhi.

(Dhammapada 365 - The Monk)
One should not neglect one's own spiritual gain. One should not envy others. The monk who envies others will not attain concentration. 

(法句經 365 - 比丘品)

Huatqur Qingx (364) - Bikiu

Druar dirr Hxuad ee loghngg, hnuahiw qinduer Hxuad, soxx sniu soxx liam longxx si Hxuad, jitt kuanw ee bikiu be dywtewlux.

(Dhammapada 364 - The Monk)
The monk who is delighting in the Dharma, devoted to the Dharma, pondering the Dharma and always bearing the Dharma in mind, will never fall away from the true Dharma.

(法句經 364 - 比丘品)

Huatqur Qingx (363) - Bikiu

Bikiu u junxjad gengiw, senrliongg, kiauxkir qycc diamrjing. C.-cingcyw-c. qangxsuad Hxuad ee ywgi, unhyy qycc ziusun.

(Dhammapada 363 - The Monk)
Sweet is the speech of the monk, who has control over his mouth, speaks cleverly, is not proud, and explains the Dharma and its meaning.

(法句經 363 - 比丘品)

Huatqur Qingx (362) - Bikiu

Kax, ciuw, qapp gengiw u junxjad :ee, ix u junxjad qaur qik. Simx hnuahiw dirr sendnia, dogqux jaix buanxjiog :ee, jitt hy qiyr jyr bikiu.

(Dhammapada 362 - The Monk)
Who has control over his hands, feet and speech, who is fully controlled, with inward joy and firm, in solitude and contented - him do people call a monk.

(法句經 362 - 比丘品)

Huatqur Qingx (361) - Bikiu

Sinkux u siurr jewan si hyw dai. Uergiw u siurr jewan si hyw dai. Liamrtauu u siurr jewan si hyw dai. Itcer u siurr jewan si hyw dai. U jewan itcer ee bikiu tangx qaixtuad itcer ee kow.

(Dhammapada 361 - The Monk)
Restraint over the body is good. Good is restraint over the speech. Restraint over the mind is good. Good is restraint everywhere. The monk who is restrained everywhere will be freed from all suffering.

(法句經 361 - 比丘品)

Huatqur Qingx (360) - Bikiu

Bagjiux u siurr jewan si hyw dai. Hni-aw u siurr jewan si hyw dai. Pni-aw u siurr jewan si hyw dai. Cuiwjic u siurr jewan si hyw dai.

(Dhammapada 360 - The Monk)
Restraint over the eye is good. Good is restraint over the ear. Restraint over the nose is good. Good is restraint over the tongue.

(法句經 360 - 比丘品)


Huatqur Qingx (359) - Iogbong

Cauwcauw hai cande, iogbong hai sewzinn. Si'uw hro ham' iogbong li hng hng :ee, tangx did diyc dua qongqyw.

(Dhammapada 359 - The Thirst)
Fields are ruined by weeds. This mankind is ruined by desires. Therefore, what is given to those devoid of desires brings much fruit.

(法句經 359 - 愛欲品)

Huatqur Qingx (358) - Iogbong

Cauwcauw hai cande, cigaii hai sewzinn. Si'uw hro ham' cigaii li hng hng :ee, tangx did diyc dua qongqyw.

(Dhammapada 358 - The Thirst)
Fields are ruined by weeds. This mankind is ruined by delusion. Therefore, what is given to those devoid of delusion brings much fruit.

(法句經 358 - 愛欲品) 

Huatqur Qingx (357) - Iogbong

Cauwcauw hai cande, uanwhun hai sewzinn. Si'uw hro ham' uanwhun li hng hng :ee, tangx did diyc dua qongqyw.

(Dhammapada 357 - The Thirst)
Fields are ruined by weeds. This mankind is ruined by hatred. Therefore, what is given to those devoid of hatred brings much fruit.

(法句經 357 - 愛欲品) 

Huatqur Qingx (356) - Iogbong

Cauwcauw hai cande, tamsimx hai sewzinn. Si'uw hro ham' tamsimx li hng hng :ee, tangx did diyc dua qongqyw. 

(Dhammapada 356 - The Thirst)
Fields are ruined by weeds. This mankind is ruined by passions. Therefore, what is given to those devoid of passions brings much fruit. 

(法句經 356 - 愛欲品) 

Huatqur Qingx (355) - Iogbong

Jnijaii e huixbet gong langg, quatding berdangr huixbet qriuu beh qaur hitt hnua :ee. Gong langg in'ui duiww jnijaii ee iogbong, hai qaqi cincniu hai vadd langg.

(Dhammapada 355 - The Thirst)
Possessions hurt the stupid, but not those who are in search for the opposite shore of suffering. With his thirst for possessions the fool hurts the others as well as himself.

(法句經 355 - 愛欲品) 

Huatqur Qingx (354) - Iogbong

Soxu ee vowsix dyrr Dharma ee vowsix siongrqaiww hyw. Soxu ee kiwbi dyrr Dharma ee kiwbi siongrqaiww hyw. Soxu ee hixlok dyrr Dharma ee hixlok siongrqaiww hyw. Dubet iogbong tangx jenr ngiaa itcer ee kow.

(Dhammapada 354 - The Thirst)
The gift of Dharma conquers all gifts. The taste of Dharma excels all tastes. The joy of Dharma excels all joys. The destruction of thirst conquers all suffering.

(法句經 354 - 愛欲品) 

Huatqur Qingx (353) - Iogbong

Guaw hanghok itcer. Guaw liauxqaiw itcer. Soxu itcer byy bag diyc lasamm. Kiwsag itcer, dubet iogbong did diyc qaixtuad. Jursinx giamrjingr :ee, beh qiyr si'angw juer sensnix?

(Dhammapada 353 - The Thirst)
I have conquered all and know everything. I am unstained by anything. I have given up everything, freed through destruction of thirst. I have found all out by myself; whom should I point out as my teacher?

(法句經 353 - 愛欲品) 