
Siong'ingr Vxo (1-11-21)

(Snax) Sakka
21. Taii 
Hitt sii, Sewjunx dirr Savatthi Sniaa Jeta Ciurnaa ee Anathapindika Hngg kiarkiw. 

Hitt sijun, tender Sakka laii Sewjunx hiax vaiwhongw. Vaiwhue quer, ix lexqingr Sewjunx liauw dirr vnix:a kia. Kia dirr vnix:a ee tender Sakka iong jimgensix duiww Sewjunx qongw: 
“Taii siw sniaw e hyw kunr? 
Taii siw sniaw be visiongx? 
Sathai dycc jit hxang, 
Gotama liw e ylyw?” 

“Taii siw hunxlo e hyw kunr. 
Taii siw hunxlo be visiongx. 
Vasava, qinx dok, 
Siongrr dingxquann si bit :ee qra taii driau,
Taii siw hunxlo singwjiaw e ylyw, 
Taii siw jitt hxang be visiongx.” 

(Samyutta Nikaya 1-11-21)  
III. The Third Chapter (Sakka Pentad)

21. Having Slain  
At Savatthi, in Jeta’s Grove. 

Then Sakka, lord of the devas, approached the Blessed One, paid homage to him, and stood to one side. Standing to one side, Sakka, lord of the devas, addressed the Blessed One in verse: 
“Having slain what does one sleep soundly? 
Having slain what does one not sorrow? 
What is the one thing, O Gotama, 
Whose killing you approve?” 

“Having slain anger, one sleeps soundly; 
Having slain anger, one does not sorrow; 
The killing of anger, O Vasava, 
With its poisoned root and honey-sweet tip: 
This is the killing the noble ones praise, 
For having slain that, one does not sorrow.” 

(相應部 1-11-21)
第三 帝釋品
殺何物樂眠   殺何物不悲 
殺害何一法   瞿曇卿讚耶 
殺忿最樂眠   殺忿無有悲 
婆娑婆毒根   以為最上蜜 
殺忿聖者讚   殺此而無悲 


Siong'ingr Vxo (1-11-20)

20. Tender Sakka ee Lexqingr (III) 
Hitt sii, Sewjunx dirr Savatthi Sniaa Jeta Ciurnaa ee Anathapindika Hngg kiarkiw. Dirr jiax, Sewjunx suansuad qongxx, “Jiongww bikiu! Ingxzit tender Sakka hoqiyr sraiw bexciax ee Matali qongxx, ‘Matali! Qra vak jit-cingx jiah liongmaw ee bexciax kanx .laii. Guaw beh jenongw uanlimm himsiongw bixqingw.’  

Sraiw bexciax ee Matali rinr qongxx, ‘Hyw, junjiaw!’ Ix dyrr kanx u vak jit-cingx jiah liongmaw ee bexciax laii qra tender Sakka qongw, ‘Junjiaw! Jit-cingx jiah liongmaw soxx kanx ee ciax ixqingx cuann jiauvi ar. Junjiaw, jitmaw dyrr tangx laii kir.’ 

“Jiongww bikiu! Hitt sii tender Sakka qniaa lyc Singwli Dxen, habjiongw lexqingr jiongww bikiu. Jiongww bikiu! Hitt sii, sraiw bexcaix ee Matali iong jimgensix duiww tender Sakka qongw: 
‘Sintew lacsab, 
Dimm lyc dirr sixtew lairdew, 
Uirr iauqix qapp cuiwdax tongwkow, 
Jiaxee langg diyhh junqinr liw jiacc driyc. 
Vasava, jiaxee cutqex :ee, 
U sniaw tangx himsen? 
Qongw jit xe aw singwjiaw ee uergiw, 
Guaw beh tniax liw qongw.’ 

[tender Sakka:] 
‘Matali, guaw himsen 
Jitaxee cutqelangg. 
Inx lirkuix hniujngx, 
Byy iogbong sniaw longxx byy.
Siyw cur sniaw dy' byy junkngr
Byy vann iarr byy uex.
Soxx su'iaur :ee vadd langg virvan, 
Ixx jitt kuanw hongsig decc uac.
Gauu qongw senrgiw qapp jniawgiw, 
Diam diam decc iuhongx. 
Jiongww tnisinn qapp asura siy' jenr, 
Matali, hiaxee huanhux, 
Iarr decc siy’ jingdor. 
Dirr jenwjingx diongx inx byy qapp langg' jenr.
Dirr hiaxee tec giaa buxkir :ee diongqanx, 
Inx jingrjig.
Dirr hiaxee jipdiok :ee diongqanx,
Inx byy jipdiok. 
Matali, guaw  
Lexqingr inx hiaxee.’ 

‘Tender Sakka liw lexqingr langg, 
Sidjai si sewsiong jueww derr id hyw.  
Vasava, liw lexqingr :ee,  
Guaw iarr ingqaix qra lexqingr.' 

Suja ee angx qongw jiaxee ue,  
Tenongg Maghava,  
Lexqingr bikiu jingdoo,  
Dairsingx vreh jnriu ciax." 

(Samyutta Nikaya 1-11-20)  
20. The Worship of the Sangha (or Sakka’s Worship (3)) 
(As above down to:) 

“Then, bhikkhus, Sakka, lord of the devas, descending from the Vejayanta Palace, raised his hands in reverential salutation and worshipped the Bhikkhu Sangha. Then Matali the charioteer addressed Sakka, lord of the devas, in verse: 
‘It is these that should worship you— 
The humans stuck in a putrid body, 
Those submerged inside a corpse, 
Afflicted with hunger and thirst.
Why then do you envy them, 
These who dwell homeless, Vasava? 
Tell us about the seers’ conduct; 
Let us hear what you have to say.’ 

‘This is why I envy them,
Those who dwell homeless, Matali: 
Whatever village they depart from, 
They leave it without concern. 
They do not keep their goods in storage, 
In a pot or a box. 
Seeking what others have prepared, 
By this they live, firm in vows: 
Those wise ones who give good counsel, 
Maintaining silence, of even faring.
While devas fight with asuras 
And people fight with one another, 
Among those who fight, they do not fight; 
Among the violent, they are quenched; 
Among those who grasp, they do not grasp: 
These are the ones whom I worship, Matali.’ 

‘Those whom you worship, my lord Sakka, 
Are indeed the best in the world. 
I too will worship them— 
Those whom you worship, Vasava.’ 

(The Blessed One:) 
“Having given this explanation, 
Having worshipped the Bhikkhu Sangha, 
The deva-king Maghava, Suja’s husband, 
The chief, climbed into his chariot.” 

(相應部 1-11-20)
持污穢身體   沉淪於屍中 
為飢渴痛苦   此人可尊敬 
婆娑婆出家   等有何可羨 
語聖者等行   我欲聞汝言 
摩多利我羨   此出家人眾 
彼等從村出   悉除無欲望 
小屋無何藏   無瓶又無鍋 
所望物備他   此以養育身 
賢善語正語   默然正遊方 
諸天修羅戰   摩多利凡夫 
又是相鬥爭   戰中有不戰 
自我持武器   中者在靜寂 
執著者之中   在於不執著 
摩多利我乃   禮敬於彼等 
帝釋汝禮人   實世最勝者 
婆娑婆汝禮   我亦當禮敬 
是語須闍夫   天王摩怯婆 
語禮比丘僧   最先乘其車」