
Siong'ingr Vxo (1-7-12)

12. Udaia
Savatthi ee inenn. Hitt sii, Sewjunx cingjaw cing snxax, ciuw tec vxuah kir qaur brahmin Udaia ee kiarqex. Hitt sii, brahmin Udaia qra Sewjunx ee vxuah drew muaw vehvng. Derr zi crur, Sewjunx cingjaw cing snxax, ciuw tec vxuah kir qaur brahmin Udaia ee kiarqex, … Derr snax crur, brahmin Udaia qra Sewjunx ee vxuah drew muaw vehvng liauxau, qra ix qongw, “Jin’ huann! Sabunn Gotama mair diddit laii diddit laii.”

“Luixluiw ia jingxjiw,
Luixluiw tnix lyhho.
Luixluiw qingcann,
Luixluiw siusingg gnoxqog.
Luixluiw kid jiahsit,
Luixluiw vowsix sidbut.
Luixluiw sijuw vowsix,
Luixluiw kir qaur tenqair.
Luixluiw jrig gulinx,
Luixluiw guqniaw diyhh cue gubuw.
Luixluiw pilyy sinkow,
Gong langg luixluiw diyhh daitaix.
Luixluiw dirr snesiw lunjuanw,
Luixluiw virr sangr kir bongrde.”

Jiaxee ue qongw liauw, brahmin Udaia iong jiaxee ue duiww Sewjunx qongw, “Junjiaw Gotama si jueww derr id uixdai! Gotama si jueww derr id uixdai! Gotama kyxviw hro dyw .lyc .ee vreh kiw, virr kamr :ee henxhen, jixsi dyrlo hro bebangg :ee, kyxviw u bagjiux :ee tangx qnir diyc mihqnia ee hxingg, kyxviw oamr diongx qongbingg ee dinghuew. Junjiaw Gotama qongw jiongxjiongw hxuad. Guaw beh quiix Sewjunx, Hxuad, qapp jingdoo, hibang dirr Sewjunx Gotama jitt xui cutqex siurqair. Guan junjiaw Gotama jiaplap guaw qimzit ixau jiongsingx quiix juer iuvysad.”

(Samyutta Nikaya 1-7-12)  
12. Udaya
Setting at Savatthi. Then, in the morning, the Blessed One dressed and, taking bowl and robe, approached the residence of the brahmin Udaya. Then the brahmin Udaya filled the Blessed One’s bowl with rice. A second time in the morning the Blessed One dressed and, taking bowl and robe, approached the residence of the brahmin Udaya…. A third time in the morning the Blessed One dressed and, taking bowl and robe, approached the residence of the brahmin Udaya. Then a third time the brahmin Udaya filled the Blessed One’s bowl with rice, after which he said to the Blessed One: “This pesky recluse Gotama keeps coming again and again.”

“Again and again, they sow the seed;
Again and again, the sky-god sends down rain;
Again and again, ploughmen plough the field;
Again and again, grain comes to the realm.
Again and again, the mendicants beg;
Again and again, the donors give;
When donors have given again and again,
Again and again they go to heaven.
Again and again, the dairy folk draw milk;
Again and again, the calf goes to its mother;
Again and again, one wearies and trembles;
Again and again, the dolt enters the womb;
Again and again, one is born and dies;
Again and again, they take one to the grave.

When this was said, the brahmin Udaya said to the Blessed One: “Magnificent, Master Gotama! Magnificent, Master Gotama!… Let Master Gotama remember me as a lay follower who from today has gone for refuge for life.”

(相應部 1-7-12)
屢屢播種子   屢屢降天雨
屢屢耕農田   屢屢穀類實
屢屢乞食食   屢施施主食
屢屢施主施   屢屢行天界
屢屢搾牛乳   屢求犢母牛
屢屢疲勞苦   愚者屢入胎
屢屢於生死   屢屢送墓場


Siong'ingr Vxo (1-7-11)

(Zi) Upasaka
11. Jingwjyh
Guaw tniax .diyc .ee si anxnex. Hitt jun, Sewjunx diamr dirr Dakkhinagiri ee Magadha uaw Ekanala brahmin ee cuanx. Hitt sii, u jit xee brahmin jyccanlangg Kasi Bharadvaja dirr ia jingw ee sii anx go-vah xee levee. Hitt jun, Sewjunx cingjaw cing snxax, ciuw tec vxuah, qaur jitt xee brahmin jyccanlangg Kasi Bharadvaja ee canhngg hiax.

Hitt sii, jitt xee brahmin jyccanlangg Kasi Bharadvaja hunpuer sidbut hro jingwlangg. Hitt jun, Sewjunx kir hunpuer sidbut hiax kia lehh. Brahmin jyccanlangg Kasi Bharadvaja knuar diyc Sewjunx uirr beh kitjiac kia lehh, qnir diyc Sewjunx ee sii, qongw, “Sabunn! Guaw u jingwjyh. Jingwjyh jiacc tangx jiac. Sabunn, liw iarr diyhh jingwjyh, jingwjyh jiacc u tangx jiac.”

Brahmin! Guaw iarr u jingwjyh. U jingwjyh jiacc u jiac.”

“Mrqycc, guanw byy knuar diyc junjiaw Gotama ee qadnax, ditauu, levee, letauu, gucak, iacc guqangw. Junjiaw Gotama suacc anxnex qongw, ‘Brahmin! Guaw iarr u jingwjyh. U jingwjyh jiacc u jiac.’”

Hitt sii, brahmin jyccanlangg Kasi Bharadvaja iong jimgensix duiww Sewjunx qongw:
“Liw qongw liw si jyccanlangg,
Guaw byy knuar diyc liw jingwjyh.
Guaw mng liw jitt xee jyccanlangg,
Guanw jiaxee beh jnuaw jaix liw u jingwjyh?"

“Sinwgiongw si jingxjiw,
Tuanwlen si qam'uw,
Diwhui si qadnax qapp ditauu,
Jaix qenwsiaur si vner,
Dingrsinn si syh,
Jniawliam si guaw ee levee qapp letauu,
Simrjiww juer gucak.
Siuxho srinx qapp siuxho giw,
Jaix jiac ee liong.
U sinr benw quah cauw,
Unsunn dyrr byy sokvak,
Guaw u pnai jingjinr ee ligliong,
Kyxviw guqangw pnai dang dnar,
Siong'ingr dauc dauc aw qniaa.
Qniaa jinwjingg byy dywdngw,
Qniaa kir dyhh longxx byy visiongx.
Guaw anxnex jingwjyh,
Be siw si quexjiw.
Anxnex decc jingwjyh,
Guanw uanjuann tuatlii koxnauw.”

“Junjiaw Gotama cniaw laii jiac. Junjiaw Gotama si jycsitlangg. Gotama soxx jingr :ee si be siw ee jingxjiw.”

Guaw cniur jitt siuw jimgensix liauw,
Jiac m si guaw tangx jyr :ee.
Jex m si u qenwsig :ee sik'iong ee hxuad.
Jiongww vut cniur jimgensix,
Decc hiyxding jitt xee qewdat.
Brahmin uaw hxuad diamr lehh,
Si sing’uac ee dy.
Huanlyy itjin qniajuer cingjing,
Singjiu uanjuann ee dua singwjiaw,
Uaxkyr ee imxsit,
Si juer qongdig ee cann.”

Jiaxee ue qongw liauw, hitt sii, jyccann ee brahmin Kasi Bharadvaja iong jiaxee ue duiww Sewjunx qongw, “Gotama si jueww derr id uixdai! Gotama si jueww derr id uixdai! Gotama kyxviw hro dyw .lyc .ee vreh kiw, virr kamr :ee henxhen, jixsi dyrlo hro bebangg :ee, kyxviw u bagjiux :ee tangx qnir diyc mihqnia ee hxingg, kyxviw oamr diongx qongbingg ee dinghuew. Junjiaw Gotama qongw jiongxjiongw hxuad. Guaw beh quiix Sewjunx, Hxuad, qapp jingdoo, hibang dirr Sewjunx Gotama jitt xui cutqex siurqair. Guan junjiaw Gotama jiaplap guaw qimzit ixau jiongsingx quiix juer iuvysad.”

(Samyutta Nikaya 1-7-11)  
II. The Lay Followers
11. Kasi Bharadvaja
Thus have I heard. On one occasion the Blessed One was dwelling among the Magadhans at Dakkhinagiri near the brahmin village of Ekanala. Now on that occasion the brahmin Kasi Bharadvaja, Bharadvaja the Ploughman, had five hundred ploughs fastened to their yokes at the time of sowing. Then, in the morning, the Blessed One dressed and, taking bowl and robe, went to the place where the brahmin Kasi Bharadvaja was at work.

Now on that occasion the brahmin Kasi Bharadvaja’s food distribution was taking place. Then the Blessed One approached the place of the food distribution and stood to one side. The brahmin Kasi Bharadvaja saw the Blessed One standing for alms and said to him:
“Recluse, I plough and sow, and when I have ploughed and sown I eat. You too, recluse, ought to plough and sow; then, when you have ploughed and sown, you will eat.”

“I too, brahmin, plough and sow, and when I have ploughed and sown I eat.”

“But we do not see Master Gotama’s yoke or plough or ploughshare or goad or oxen; yet Master Gotama says, ‘I too, brahmin, plough and sow, and when I have ploughed and sown I eat.’“

Then the brahmin Kasi Bharadvaja addressed the Blessed One in verse:
“You claim to be a man who works the plough,
But I do not see your ploughing.
If you’re a ploughman then answer me:
How should we understand your ploughing?”

“Faith is the seed, austerity the rain,
Wisdom my yoke and plough;
Shame is the pole, mind the yoke-tie,
Mindfulness my ploughshare and goad.
Guarded in body, guarded in speech,
Controlled in my appetite for food,
I use truth as my weeding-hook,
And gentleness as my unyoking.
Energy is my mighty beast of burden,
Carrying me to security from bondage.
It goes ahead without regression
To where, having gone, one does not sorrow.
In such a way this ploughing is done
Which has the Deathless as its fruit.
Having finished this ploughing,
One is freed from all suffering.”

“Let Master Gotama eat! The worthy is a ploughman, since Master Gotama does ploughing which has even the Deathless as its fruit.”

“It is not fitting for me to eat food
Over which verses have been sung.
This, brahmin, is not the principle
Observed by those who clearly see.
The Enlightened Ones reject such food
Over which verses have been sung.
As such a principle exists, O brahmin,
This is their rule of conduct.
Serve with other food and drink
The consummate one, the great seer,
The one whose taints have been destroyed,
In whom all worry has subsided.
For he is the proper field
For one intent on merit.”

When this was said, the brahmin Kasi Bharadvaja said to the Blessed One: “Magnificent, Master Gotama! Magnificent, Master Gotama! The Dhamma has been made clear in many ways by Master Gotama, as though he were turning upright what had been turned upside down, revealing what was hidden, showing the way to one who was lost, or holding up a lamp in the dark for those with eyesight to see forms. I go for refuge to Master Gotama, and to the Dhamma, and to the Bhikkhu Sangha. Let Master Gotama remember me as a lay follower who from today has gone for refuge for life.”

(相應部 1-7-11)
第二 優婆塞品
汝自云農夫   我不見汝耕
我問農夫語   何知我等耕
信仰是種子   鍛鍊是甘雨
智慧軛為鋤   慚乃為其柄
定為是其繩   正念我犁鑱
乃至為刺棒   守身及守語
以知食之量   以信免割草
樂道我休息   精進乃我負
重荷立牡牛   瑜伽運安穩
行而無有歸   行而亦無悲
如是我耕耘   不死是果實
以為此耕耘   我悉脫苦惱
唱偈非為食   婆羅門有此
知見者非法   諸佛之唱偈
責斥等價值   婆羅門住法
唯此生活道   諸漏悉皆盡
後悔之行靜   完滿大聖者
以事奉飲食   為求功德田