Vuddyy qra dairongg qongw, "Liw ee sinkux jitmaw junjai. Guaw jitmaw qycc mng liw. Liw jitt xee ziogsinx qapp qimqongjiyc qangrkuanw ingxuanw be pnaiw, be nua, iacc si e hiuxnua, e hai .kir?"
"Sewjunx! Guaw jitmaw jitt xee ziogsinx jiongquix e bedjuat."
Vuddyy qra dairongg qongw, "Liw m bad bedbyy .quer, jnuaxngiu jai'ngiaw e bedjuat?"
"Sewjunx! Guaw jitt xee busiongg e pnaiw .kir ee sinkux suizenn m bad huixhai .quer, guaw quanknuar bagjingg muixx jit xee liamrtauu decc venwcenx qapp srid .kir. Sinx ee liamrtauu diddit laii byy tinghiyh, cincniu caa siyx qaxx vniwjniaa hux, jiamrjiam sriaux .kir, byy .kir, sixbongg byy tingsuah. Tangx jaix jitt xee sinkux qaidongx e bedjin."
Vuddyy qongw, "Byy m driyc. Dairongg, liw jitmaw ee huewtauu ixqingx decc lyxsuex :ar. Liw jitmaw ee binriongg qapp ginxaw ee sii beh anwjnuaw vixping?"
"Sewjunx! Ixjaw guaw jyr ginxaw ee sii, qihux anggee qycc qimqut. Diongxsingg venr duarlangg, hetkir jiokk ong. Acc jitmaw si laurhuexaw, hro sueduee vig qaxx beh byy lo. Hingboo dasanw lauxjaux, byy sincaiw. Taumngg vec, binrpuee ziauu. Cunx byy quiw dxangx tangx uac. Ham' siauwlenn dng' iongw ee sii beh tacc e vixping .did?"
Vuddyy qra dairongg qongw, "Liw ee hingboo ingqaix m si hud .jit .xe venr laursiongr .kir .ee."
Dairongg qongw, "Sewjunx! Venwhuar si amr amr aw decc iik :ee. Guaw jinjniar diwqag be diyc. Qnuaa .langg qapp zuac .langg kir qycc laii, jiamrjiam qaur qaxx jitmaw jitt xee ngiu. Sniaxmih enqor? Guaw zi-jap huer ee sii, suizenn qongxx si siauwlenlangg, binrmau ixqingx viw dongcox jap huer ee sii kacc lau kuanw. Snax-jap huer ee sii, viw zi-jap huer ee sii iurr kacc sueziok. Qaur jinw lak-jap-zi huer, uat tauu knuar go-jap huer hitt jun suacc uanxzenn jongwlenn. Sewjunx! Guaw u knuar diyc amr amr aw decc iik. Suizenn jitt xee suevai ee venwcenx qapp iik hanrdnia dirr jap nii. Narr qycc hro guaw siongser suniuu, venwhuar nacc dna' jit qixnii, nng qixnii? Sidjai si dagg nii longxx decc quexvnir. Qamxx dna' dagg nii quexvnir? Dagg guehzit iarr si u decc juanxhuar. Suacc si dna' dagg guehzit juanxhuar? Qycc si dagg qangx decc venwcenx. Jing jing aw sniu, jimjiog knuar. Kshana kshana diongqanx, jit xee liamrtauu quer jit xee liamrtauu longxx byy tingg kxig. Soxiw guaw jai'ngiaw sinkux jiongquix e bedbyy .kir."
(Shurangama Sutra, Volume 2 --3)
The Buddha said to the great king, "Let’s talk about your body as it is right now. Now I ask you, will your physical body be like vajra, indestructible and living forever? Or will it change and go bad?"
"World Honored One, this body of mine will keep changing until it eventually perishes."
The Buddha said, "Great king, you have not yet perished. How do you know you will perish?"
"World Honored One, although my impermanent, changing, and decaying body has not yet become extinct, I observe it now, as every passing thought fades away. Each new one fails to remain, but is gradually extinguished like fire turning wood to ashes. This ceaseless extinguishing convinces me that this body will eventually completely perish."
The Buddha said, "So it is. Great king, at your present age you are already old and declining. How does your appearance and complexion compare to when you were a youth?"
"World Honored One, in the past when I was young my skin was moist and shining. When I reached the prime of life, my blood and breath were full. But now in my declining years, as I race into old age, my form is withered and wizened and my spirit dull. My hair is white and my face is wrinkled and not much time remains for me. How could one possibly compare me now with the way I was when in my prime?"
The Buddha said, "Great king, your appearance should not decline so suddenly."
The king said, "World Honored One, the change has been a hidden transformation of which I honestly have not been aware. I have come to this gradually through the passing of winters and summers. How did it happen? In my twenties, I was still young, but my features had aged since the time I was ten. My thirties were a further decline from my twenties, and now at sixty-two I look back at my fifties as hale and hearty. World Honored One, I now contemplate these hidden transformations. Although the changes wrought by this process of dying are evident through the decades, I might consider them further in finer detail: these changes do not occur just in periods of twelve years; there are actually changes year by year. Not only are there annual changes, there are also monthly transformations. Nor does it stop at monthly transformations; there are also differences day by day. Examining them closely, I find that kshana by kshana, thought after thought, they never stop. And so I know my body will keep changing until it has perished."
佛告大王。汝身現在。今復問汝。汝此肉身。為同金剛常住不朽。為復變壞。世尊。我今此身。 終從變滅。佛言大王。汝未曾滅。云何知滅。世尊。我此無常變壞之身雖未曾滅。我觀現前。念念遷謝。新新不住。如火成灰。漸漸銷殞。殞亡不息。決知此身。當從滅盡。佛言。如是。大王。汝今生齡。已從衰老。顏貌何如童子之時。世尊。我昔孩孺。膚腠潤澤。年至長成。血氣充滿。而今頹齡。迫於衰耄。形色枯悴。精神昏昧。髮白面皺。逮將不久。如何見比充盛之時。佛言大王。汝之形容。應不頓朽。王言世尊。變化密移。我誠不覺。寒暑遷流。漸至於此。何以故。我年二十。雖號年少顏貌已老初十歲時。三十之年。又衰二十。於今六十。又過於二。觀五十時。宛然強壯。世尊。我見密移。雖此殂落。其間流易。且限十年。若復令我微細思惟。其變寧唯一紀二紀。實為年變。豈唯年變。亦兼月化。何直月化。兼又日遷。沈思諦觀。剎那剎那。念念之間。不得停住。故知我身。終從變滅。