
Vuddyy Qangxsuad Buliong Siursor Qingx (76)

Dyrr anxnex, Ananda vreh kiw srinx ngua snxax, duanjniar sintew, bin hiongr sehngx, qiongqingr habjiongw, qui' sinkux pag dirr tokax qingwvair Buliong Siursor Vut. Ix qongw, "Sewjunx, guanw guan qnir hitt xui vut, anlok qoktow, jiongww posad, qapp sniabunn dairjiongr."
Jiaxee ue qongw suah, jiksii Buliong Siursor Vut vangwsia cud dua qongbingg, poxpenr jiyr dirr itcer jiongww vut ee sewqair. Adamantine Snuax, Sumeru Snuax, duarser soxu ee snuax, soxu itcer, longxxx qang jit sig. 
Kyxviw duarjuiw bixmuaw sewqair, banrbut dimm .lyc knuar be diyc, kongwkuah byy venqair, qanda' qnir diyc duarjuiw. Hitt xui vut ee qongbingg iarr si jitt hy kuanw. Sniabunn qapp posad, inx itcer qongbingg longxx hro ix kamr diauu lehh, dogdok qnir diyc vudqngx, bingqngx hniaxbak. Hitt sii, Ananda qnir diyc Buliong Siursor Vut, uidig u uigiamm, bersux Sumeru Snuax, viw sewqair itcer ee snuax longxx kacc quann. Siongwmau hyw qycc qongbingg, byy jit xui byy jiyr .diyc. Huathue ee jingwlangg jidsiqanx longxx knuar .diyc. Hiax ee jiongwsingx qnir diyc jitt xee qoktow iarr si jitt hy kuanw. 

(Buddha Spoken Infinite Life Sutra - 76)  
Ananda stood up, rearranged his robes, assumed the correct posture, faced westward, and, demonstrating his sincere reverence, joined his palms together, prostrated himself on the ground and worshipped Amitayus. Then he said to the Buddha Shakyamuni, "World-Honored One, I wish to see that Buddha, his Land of Peace and Bliss, and its hosts of
bodhisattvas and shravakas."
As soon as he had said this, Amitayus emitted a great light, which illuminated all the Buddha-lands. The Encircling Adamantine Mountains, Mount Sumeru, together with large and small mountains, and everything else shone with the same (golden) color. That light was like the flood at the end of the period of cosmic change that fills the whole world, when myriads of things are submerged, and as far as the eye can see, there is nothing but a vast expanse of water. Even so was the flood of light emanating from Amitayus. All the lights of shravakas and bodhisattvas were outshone and surpassed, and only the Buddha's light remained shining bright and glorious. At that time Ananda saw the splendor and majesty of Amitayus resembling Mount Sumeru, which rises above the whole world. There was no place which was not illuminated by the light emanating from his body of glory. The four groups of followers of the Buddha in the assembly saw all this at the same time. Likewise, those of the Pure Land saw everything in this world.

(佛說無量壽經 - 76) 
於是阿難起整衣服,正身西面,恭敬合掌,五體投地,禮無量壽佛。白言:「世尊,願見彼佛 安樂國土,及諸菩薩聲聞大眾。」說是語已,即時無量壽佛,放大光明,普照一切諸佛世界。金剛圍山、須彌山王、大小諸山,一切所有,皆同一色。譬如劫水彌滿世界,其中萬物沈沒不現,滉瀁浩汗,唯見大水,彼佛光明,亦復如是。聲聞菩薩,一切光明,皆悉隱蔽,唯見佛光,明耀顯赫。爾時,阿難即見無量壽佛,威德巍巍,如須彌山王,高出一切諸世界上,相好光明,靡不照耀。此會四眾,一時悉見;彼見此土,亦復如是。 


Vuddyy Qangxsuad Buliong Siursor Qingx (75)

Vuddyy qra Ananda qongw, "Liw kiw .laii, kir ngua snxax, habjiongw qiongqingr kir qingwvair Buliong Siursor Vut. Sibhongx qoktow ee jiongww Vut qapp Zulaii, suwsiongg dangjee ylyw qapp janwtanr hitt xui Vut, qongxx ix byy jipsiuw iarr byy joxgai." 

(Buddha Spoken Infinite Life Sutra - 75) 
The Buddha said to Ananda, "Rise to your feet, rearrange your robes, put your palms together, and respectfully revere and worship Amitayus. Buddhas and Tathagatas in the lands of the ten quarters always praise with one accord that Buddha's virtues of non-attachment and unimpeded activity."  

(佛說無量壽經 - 75) 


Vuddyy Qangxsuad Buliong Siursor Qingx (74)

Vuddyy qra Maitreya qongw, "Linw qokk langg diyhh jimjiog sniu, horsiongx qingxqair, jiauww vut ee qingdenw ywgi, m tangx uihuanw."
Maitreya Posad habjiongw duiww Vuddyy qongw, "Vut soxx qongw :ee jin' driyc. Sewzinn kaksit si jitt kuanw. Zulaii juvix kyxlenn jiongwsingx, hro guanw longxx tangx dortuad. Sriu Vut cimx cimx ee qauwhuer, guanw m qnaw laii uivue iacc sitgo."

(Buddha Spoken Infinite Life Sutra - 74) 
The Buddha said to Maitreya, "You should each ponder on this well, teach and admonish each other, and be on guard against disobeying the Buddha's instruction."
The Bodhisattva Maitreya, with his palms together, said, "O Buddha, how sincere and earnest your admonition is! People of the world are just as you have described. O Tathagata, you take pity on and care for us without discrimination and seek to deliver us all from suffering. Having accepted the Buddha's repeated exhortations, I will be careful not to disobey them."

(佛說無量壽經 - 74)  