"Ananda, piwlun qongxx u langg kax dax ciuw dax, qui' sinkux longxx diau'iongw suwsi. Hutzenqanx naxx cincniu qra dorsnix longxjongw kngr jit vnix, byy dakkee iarr byy sunrsu. Hitt xee langg byy-en.-byy-qor iong nng xee ciuxjniuw dirr kongdiongx horsiongx syluac. Dirr nng xee ciuxjniuw-diongx snix cud bongrsiongw ee siab, qut, lingw, qapp siyx dingxdingw soxu ee siongr. Qaidongx jaix qamxsiu ee skandha iarr si anxnex. Ananda, jiaxee soxu huanwingw jiapciog, m si an' kongbuu laii, iarr m si an' ciuxjniuw cud. Cincniu anxnex, Anandan, narr an' kongbuu laii :ee, qacc erdangr jiapciog diyc ciuxjniuw, anwjnuaw berdangr jiapciog diyc sinkux? Iarr byy ingdongx si hukongx laii suanxdik beh jiapciog :ee. Narr an' ciuxjniuw cud, ingqaix benw danxtai camcab tongxhap. Qycc in'ui an' ciuxjniuw cud soxx drir, qniwnarr camcab, ciuxjniuw dyrr jaix; qniwnarr hunlii, jiapciog ee qamxsiu dyrr jinwzip. Ciuxqud, ciuxjad, qapp qutcuew ingqaix iarr qakdix diyc jinwzip sii ee jongjig. Vitdnia u jit xee u qakdix ee simx, jaix qamxsiu ee cutzip, jurzenn u jit xee budtew dirr sintew diongqanx decc ongxlaii. Tacc diyhh danxtai camcab tongxhap, jiacc laii qra qiyr juer jiapciog? Soxiw qongxx qaidongx jaix, qamxsiu ee skandha si hubuu bongrsiongw. Ix ee vunxguann m si inenn camcab, iarr m si jurhuad tenzenn :ee."
(Shurangama Sutra, Volume 2 --40)
"Ánanda, suppose a person’s hands and feet were relaxed and his entire body was in balance. He was unaware of his life-processes to the point that he experienced neither pain nor pleasure. Then for no particular reason that person might rub his hands together creating the illusory sensation of friction and smoothness, cold and warmth, and other sensations. You should be aware that the feeling Skandha is like that. Ánanda, that imaginary contact did not originate in the surrounding air nor did it originate in the palms. In fact, Ánanda, if it had come from the air, since the contact affected the palms, why didn’t it affect the rest of the body? Nor should the air select what it comes in contact with. If the sensation came from the palms, there would be no need to rub the palms together to experience it. Besides, if it came from the palms, the palms would experience it when joined, but when they were not joined, the sense of contact should return into the palms. And in that case, the arms, wrists, bones, and marrow should also be aware of its course of entry. If you insist that the mind would be aware of is leaving and entering, then the contact would be a thing in itself that came and went in the body. What need would there be to wait for the palms to be joined to experience it and identify it as contact? From this you should understand that the feeling Skandha is empty and false. Fundamentally its nature cannot be attributed to either causes and conditions or spontaneity."
阿難。譬如有人。手足宴安。百骸調適。忽如忘生。性無違順。其人無故。以二手掌。於空相摩。於二手中。妄生澀滑冷熱諸相。受陰當知亦復如是。阿難。是諸幻觸。不從空來。不從掌出。如是阿難。若空來者。既能觸掌。何不觸身。不應虛空。選擇來觸。 若從掌出。應非待合。又掌出故。合則掌知。離則觸入。臂腕骨髓。應亦覺知入時蹤跡。必有覺心。知出知入。自有一物身中往來。何待合知。要名為觸。是故當知。受陰虛妄。本非因緣。非自然性。