Vuddyy qra Sariputra qongw, “Jiongww Vut Zulaii dandanx uirdiyhh beh qauwhuar posad, itcer soxx juer :ee siongsiongg dna' uirr jit qnia dairjir, dyrr si ixx Vut ee diqenr kaikew jiongwsingx hro inx kaigo. Sariputra! Zulaii dandanx iong Itvudsingg uirr jiongwsingx suathuad, byy qitax ee ciasingg, kyxviw Zirsingg iacc Samsingg. Sariputra! Itcer sibhongx jiongww Vut ee Hxuad iarr si anxnex. Sariputra! Quewkir jiongww Vut iong buliong busor ee hongven hxuad, iong jiongxjiongw inenn qapp piwzu ee gensuu uirr jiongwsingx enxsuad jerje Hxuad, jiaxee Hxuad longxx si uirdiyhh beh suecbingg Itvudsingg. Jiaxee jiongwsingx an’ jiongww Vut tniax diyc Hxuad, quibew longxx did diyc itcer jiongw diwhui. Sariputra! Birlaii jiongww Vut e dirr sewqanx cuthen, iarr e iong buliong busor ee hongven hxuad, iong jiongxjiongw inenn qapp piwzu ee gensuu uirr jiongwsingx enxsuad jerje Hxuad. Jiaxee Hxuad longxx si uirdiyhh beh suecbingg Itvudsingg. Jiaxee jiongwsingx an’ Vut tniax diyc Hxuad, quibuew longxx did diyc itcer vudjingw ee diwhui. Sariputra! Henrjai sibhongx buliong vaccingbanrig vudtow lairdew ee jerje Vut Sewjunx longxx decc lirig jiongwsingx, hro inx did diyc anlok. Jiaxee Vut iarr iong buliong busor ee hongven hxuad, iong jiongxjiongw inenn qapp piwzu ee gensuu uirr jiongwsingx enxsuad jerje Hxuad. Jiaxee Hxuad longxx si uirdiyhh beh suecbingg Itvudsingg. Jiaxee jiongwsingx an’ Vut tniax diyc Hxuad, quibew longxx did diyc itcer vudjingw ee diwhui. Sariputra! Jiaxee Vut dandanx uirdiyhh qauwhuar posad, beh iong Vut ee diqenr kexsi jiongwsingx, beh iong Vut ee diqenr hro jiongwsingx kaigo, beh hro jiongwsingx zip Vut ee diqenr. Sariputra! Guaw jitmaw iarr si anxnex. Guaw jaix jiongwsingx u jiongxjiongw iogbong dirr simdew jipdiok. Guaw suisun inx ee vunxsingr, iong jiongxjiongw inenn qapp piwzu ee gensuu, iong hongven ee lat laii suathuad. Sariputra! Guaw anxnex jyr longxx si uirdiyhh hro inx did diyc Itvudsingg itcer vudjingw ee diwhui. Sariputra! Sibhongx sewqair lairdew byy Zirsingg, hyhongw Samsingg. Sariputra! Jiongww vut e dirr go lyy og sxer cuthen. Soxui go lyy si qiab-lyy, huanlyw-lyy, jiongwsingx-lyy, qenwsig-lyy qapp mia-lyy. Cincniu anxnex. Sariputra! Dirr qiab-lyy hunrluan ee sii, jiongwsingx uwuer, qenlin, tamsimx qapp jigdor, singjiu jerje byy sxen ee qinx. Jiongww vut iong hongven lat, jiong' Itvudsingg hunved qongw juer Samsingg. Sariputra! Guaw ee derjuw qongw qaqi si arhat iacc pratyekabuddha, m tniax iarr m jaix jiongww Vut Zulaii dandanx beh qauwhuar posad ee dairjir, inx m si Vut ee derjuw, m si arhat, m si pratyekabuddha. Qycc Sariputra! Jiaxee bikiu iacc bikiuni, inx qaqi qongw ixx giamrjingr diyc arhat, si juewau jit srinx, ixx drat qaur qiuwqingr liappuann, dyrr byy qycc libjir qriuu anuttara-samyaksambodhi. Qaidongx jaix jiaxee longxx si gnorban :ee. Si anwjnuaw lehh? Narr u bikiu sidjai giamrjingr diyc arhat suacc byy siongsinr jitt xee Hxuad, byy jitt hy dairjir, duhuix Vut beddo, henrjingg byy Vut. Si anwjnuaw lehh? Vut beddo liauxau, e kir siurcii qapp togsiong jiaxee qingdenw qycc u liauxqaiw iwsur :ee, jitt hy langg jin’ yh cue. Narr u duw diyc qitax ee Vut, duiww jitt xee Hxuad dyrr e did diyc liauxqaiw. Sariputra! Linw diyhh itsimx siongsinr, liauxqaiw qapp siurcii Vut soxx qongw :ee. Jiongww Vut Zulaii soxx qongw byy qew, byy qitax ee ciasingg, dna’ Itvudsingg.”
(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter II Skillful Means 9)
The Buddha addressed Śāriputra, saying: “The Buddha Tathāgatas lead and inspire only bodhisattvas. All the acts of a buddha are always for one purpose. The buddhas manifest their wisdom and insight solely to inspire sentient beings to enlightenment. “O Śāriputra! A Tathāgata teaches sentient beings the Dharma only through the single buddha vehicle. There is no other, neither a second nor a third. “O Śāriputra! The true nature of all the buddhas of the ten directions is exactly like this. “O Śāriputra! All the buddhas of the past expounded the teachings for the sake of sentient beings, using incalculable and innumerable skillful means and various explanations and illustrations. These teachings were all for the sake of the single buddha vehicle. All these sentient beings, hearing the Dharma from the buddhas, finally attained omniscience. “O Śāriputra! All the future buddhas who will appear in the world will expound the teachings for the sake of sentient beings, using incalculable and innumerable skillful means and various explanations and illustrations. These teachings will all be for the single buddha vehicle. All sentient beings who hear this Dharma from these buddhas will ultimately attain omniscience. “O Śāriputra! All the Buddha Bhagavats of the present, in immeasurable hundreds of thousands of myriads of koṭis of buddha worlds of the ten directions, teach the Dharma to sentient beings using incalculable and innumerable skillful means with various explanations and illustrations to benefit many of them and cause them to feel at peace. These Dharmas are all of the single buddha vehicle. All the sentient beings who hear the Dharma from these buddhas will ultimately attain omniscience. “O Śāriputra! These buddhas lead and inspire only bodhisattvas, because they want to teach sentient beings with the wisdom and insight of the Buddha, to enlighten sentient beings with the wisdom and insight of the Buddha, and to cause sentient beings to enter the path of the wisdom and insight of the Buddha. “O Śāriputra! I too am now like this. Having understood the various desires and deep-rooted inclinations of sentient beings, I teach the Dharma according to their capacities through the power of skillful means, using various explanations and illustrations. “O Śāriputra! I do this in order to cause them to attain the omniscience of the single buddha vehicle. “O Śāriputra! Since there is no second vehicle in the worlds of the ten directions, how could there be a third! “O Śāriputra! The buddhas appear in the troubled world of the five defilements, which are the defilement of the kalpa, the defilement through desire’s confusion, the defilement of sentient beings, the defilement of views, and the defilement of lifespan. Therefore, O Śāriputra, in the period of the decadent kalpa, because sentient beings are filthy, greedy, jealous, and develop roots of error, all the buddhas illuminate the three [vehicles] with the power of skillful means in order to teach the single buddha vehicle. “O Śāriputra! If any of my disciples declare that they are arhats or pratyekabuddhas, and do not listen or comprehend that all the Buddha Tathāgatas teach only the bodhisattvas, they are not disciples of the buddhas, nor are they arhats or pratyekabuddhas. “Again, O Śāriputra! If there are any monks or nuns who would declare that they have attained arhatship, that they are bearing their last bodies and are destined for complete nirvana, and yet who have not sought highest, complete enlightenment, they should be considered arrogant people. “Why is this? Because there is no case in which a monk who has actually achieved arhatship does not believe in this Dharma, except after the Buddha has entered parinirvāṇa and there is no buddha present. “What is the reason for this? Because after the parinirvāṇa of the Buddha it is hard to find people who preserve, recite, and understand the meaning of the sutras like this. But if they should meet other buddhas they will immediately understand this teaching. “O Śāriputra! You should wholeheartedly accept and preserve the words of the Buddha. The words of the Buddha Tathāgatas are never false. There are no other vehicles, only the single buddha vehicle.”
(妙法蓮華經第二品 方便之9)
佛告舍利弗。諸佛如來。但教化菩薩。諸有所作常為一事。唯以佛之知見示悟眾生。舍利弗。如來但以一佛乘故為眾生說法。無有餘乘若二若三。舍利弗。一切十方諸佛法亦如是。舍利弗。過去諸佛以無量無數方便種種因緣譬喻言辭。而為眾生演說諸法。是法皆為一佛乘故。是諸眾生從諸佛聞法。究竟皆得一切種智。舍利弗。未來諸佛當出於世。亦以無量無數方便種種因緣譬喻言辭。 而為眾生演說諸法。是法皆為一佛乘故。是諸眾生從佛聞法。究竟皆得一切種智。舍利弗。現在十方無量百千萬億佛土中諸佛世尊。多所饒益安樂眾生。是諸佛亦以無量無數方便種種因緣譬喻言辭。而為眾生演說諸法。是法皆為一佛乘故。是諸眾生從佛聞法。究竟皆得一切種智。舍利弗。是諸佛但教化菩薩。欲以佛之知見示眾生故。欲以佛之知見悟眾生故。欲令眾生入佛之知見故。舍利弗。我今亦復如是。知諸眾生有種種欲深心所著。隨其本性。以種種因緣譬喻言辭方便力而為說法。舍利弗。如此皆為得一佛乘一切種智故。舍利弗。十方世界中尚無二乘。何況有三。舍利弗。諸佛出於五濁惡世。所謂劫濁煩惱濁眾生濁見濁命濁。如是舍利弗。劫濁亂時眾生垢重。慳貪嫉妬成就諸不善根故。諸佛以方便力。於一佛乘分別說三。舍利弗。若我弟子。自謂阿羅漢辟支佛者。不聞不知諸佛如來但教化菩薩事。此非佛弟子。非阿羅漢。非辟支佛。又舍利弗。是諸比丘比丘尼。自謂已得阿羅漢是最後身究竟涅槃。便不復志求阿耨多羅三藐三菩提。當知此輩皆是增上慢人。所以者何。若有比丘實得阿羅漢。若不信此法。無有是處。除佛滅度後現前無佛。所以者何。佛滅度後。如是等經。受持讀誦解義者。是人難得。若遇餘佛。於此法中便得決了。舍利弗。汝等當一心信解受持佛語。諸佛如來言無虛妄。無有餘乘唯一佛乘。