
Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx (sir-1)


Derr Sir Pinw: Sinwqaiw

Hitt sijun, u diwhui-mia ee Subhuti, Mahakatyayana, Mahakasyapa, qapp Mahamaudgalyayana, an’ Vuddyy tniax diyc m bad tniax .quer ee Hxuad, knuar diyc Sewjunx qipsiu Sariputra anuttara-samyak-sambodhi ee qiwzin, qamxqag hanxiuw, hnuahiw qaxx be qor .did. Inx an’ jyrui vreh kiw, jingxliw snakor, jniawvingg qingqah teh teh, jniawvingg qatauux kap de, itsimx habjiongw qiogqiongx qiongqingr, giaa tauu giongxbong jungann duiww Vuddyy qongw, “Guanw juer jingdoo ee tauu, u huer qycc lyxsuex, liahjunw ixx did diyc liappuann, byy qycc u sniaw dairzim, jiacc byy qycc jinr jit vo qriuu anuttara-samyak-sambodhiSewjunx, liw ingxzit suathuad qaur dnaxx ixx quw :ar, guanw hitt sii jairjy, sintew tiamw, dna’ sukyw kongsingr, byy siongwtew qapp byy ngwbang, duiww iuhir sintongx, cingjing vut ee qoktow, qapp singjiu jiongwsingx dingxdingw posad ee huatmngg byy cuwbi iacc hixlok. Si anwjnuaw lehh? Sewjunx hro guanw cud samqair giamrjingr diyc liappuann, qycc guanw u huer qyxx lyxsuex, soxiw duiww vut qauwhuar posad anuttara-samyak-sambodhi jitt hxang, jit diamw aw cuwbi dy' byy. Guanw dnaxx dirr vut taujingg tniax diyc sniabunn virr qipsiu anuttara-samyak-sambodhi ee qiwzin, simlai jiokk hnuahiw, did diyc m bad u :ee, byy sniu diyc qongxx qimzit hutzenn tangx tniax diyc hihanw ee Hxuad, cimx cimx qamxqag iuxhing, tangx did diyc dua lirig. Buliong dinvyw, benw kir qriuu, qaqi jurzenn did .diyc.

(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter IV Willing Acceptance 1)

At that time the noble Subhūti, Mahākātyāyana, Mahākāśyapa, and Mahāmaudgalyāyana, having heard the unprecedented teaching from the Buddha and the Bhagavat’s prediction of Śāriputra’s highest, complete enlightenment, were filled with wonder and ecstatic joy. They immediately rose from their seats, straightened their garments, leaving their right shoulders bared, and touched their right knees to the ground. With rapt attention and with palms pressed together they bowed in veneration and, gazing at the Bhagavat’s face, said to the Buddha: “We are the seniors of the sangha, old and feeble. We considered ourselves to have attained nirvana and to be incapable of further seeking highest, complete enlightenment, so we did not do so. “It has been a long time since the Bhagavat taught the Dharma in the past. Now we sit with weary bodies and only contemplate emptiness, signlessness, and wishlessness. Neither the bodhisattva teaching, nor the carefree sporting with transcendent powers, nor the pure buddha worlds, nor helping sentient beings attain enlightenment produced any eager desire in us. “Why is this? Because the Bhagavat caused us to leave the triple world and to attain nirvana. But now we are old and feeble. We did not take even a single thought of pleasure in the Buddha’s inspiration of the bodhisattvas to highest, complete enlightenment. And now in the presence of the Buddha we have heard the śrāvakas receive their prediction of highest, complete enlightenment and we are very joyful to have obtained such an unprecedented experience. We never considered that we would suddenly be able to hear this marvelous teaching; and we are overjoyed that we have attained such great benefits—an immeasurable treasure which we attained, though unsought and unawaited.

(妙法蓮華經第四品 信解之1)



Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx (snax-11)


Sewjunx beh dingg qycc suanqangw soxx qongw ee iwsur, dyrr iong jimgensix qongw:

"Kyxviw jit xui diongxjiaw 

U jit qingx dua cuwtec 

Cuwtec quw :ar 

Beh dyw aw beh dyw 

Tniadngg jiokk guihiamw 

Tiaurtauu hiuxhuai 

Dongwliongg kix kix 

Derqix huixhuai 

Cniuviah vitlic 

Angmngtoo decc hiauckag 

Tenvongg lag .lyc .laii 

Qag-aw qapp baii suaw xui 

Siwjiuuii u jiongwgai uanx uanx kiaux kiaux 

Siwqer u lacsab mic 

U go-vah xee langg 

Druar dirr hitt lairdew 

Qycc u ringx, barhiyc, pang'ingx, jiurjiauw 

Oax, hixciog, qajuix, jnixaw 

Dording, juaa, vuawqiqah, get'axtangg 

Giaqangx, iudingg 

Siuxqiongx, vikjioktiongg 

Ginciw, libaa, guehciw 

Qapp jerje pnaiw tangg 

Siwqer decc luan luan jongg 

Qui' qingx saiw-ziy caur qnoqnox 

Lacsab mic muaw muaw si 

Kionglongg jiaxee tangg 

Dirr dingxbin jurjip 

Holii, jailongg, iaxqanx 

Decc vorjiac qapp tunxdac 

Decc kuer sixtew 

Qutbah siwsnuar 

Mrjiacc jit din qxauw 

Siy’ jnex cniuw 

Iaux qaxx sueziok iurr hiongqongg 

Siwqer barjiac 

Siy’ jnex siy' qa 

Giangr gee decc vui 

Hitt qingx cur jiacc kiongxvor 

Venwsingg jitt kuanw 

Siwqer qycc u 

Li, meiuangliang 

Iarcex qapp og qxuiw 

Decc jiac langbah 

Qokk jiongw dok tangg 

Jiongxjiongw og kimsiur 

beh snetnuar beh ngiuxci 

Qokqog bih .kiw .laii decc vyxho 

Iarcex cniuw beh laii 

Siy’ jnex beh jiac 

Jiac vaw liauxau 

Og simx dngw zet 

Jingdor ee sniax 

Jinjniar kiongxvor 

Kumbhanda quiw 

Kuu dirr tokadaux 

Ursii e li de 

Jit ciyh iacc nng ciyh 

Laihuee qniasuaw 

Suijai decc sngw decc iuhir 

Qra qxauw ee nng qix kax liac lehh 

Qra inx siag qaxx be cud sniax 

Iong kax dac qxauw ee amrqunw 

An' qxauw ee kiongxhongg did diyc kuaiwlok 

Qycc u jit quaw qxuiw 

Sinkux dngg qycc dua 

Teh teh iurr ox iurr sanw 

Dniardnia druar dirr hitt lairdew 

Dua sniax huah cud og sniax 

Qiyr qongxx beh jiac 

Qycc u jit quaw qxuiw 

Naauu cincniu jiamx 

Qycc u jii quaw qxuiw 

Tauu cincniu guu-tauu 

Uree jiac langbah 

Uree jiac qxauw

Taujangx samr samr 

Janzimw qycc honghiamw

Virr iaugy qapp cuiwdax soxx vig

Hiamwhuah siwqer jauw 

Iarcex qapp gyrquiw

Jerje hiong'og ee jiauw qapp iaxsiur 

Iaux qaxx qnuaxqinw ngr siwvnix luan jauw 

An' tang'axjiw decc siamx 

Jiaxee jailan 

Kiongxvor jiwqik 

Jitt qingx puawnua ee qu cur 

Sriok dirr jit langg 

Jitt xee langg qinrzit cutmngg 

Quer byy zuarr quw 

Dirr cur-au 

Hutzenn dyc huew 

Siwbin jidsii 

Huew iam lewler 

Dongwliongg, qag-aw qapp tiau 

Virr siyx qaxx u viak .kuix ee sniax 

Dng .kir duirlyc 

Cniuviah vxangx 

Jerje quixsinn dingxdingw 

Dua sniax decc qiyr 

Pang'ingx qapp jiurjiauw jiaxee jiauxlui 

Kumbhanda jiaxee qxuiw dingxdingw 

Kiongxhongg siwqer jauw 

Jauw be cud .kir 

Hiong'og ee iaxsiur qapp dok tangg 

Siwqer jauw beh cue kangx bih 

Pisaca jitt hy qxuiw 

iarr draur dirr lairdew 

Vyc hokdig ee enqor 

Virr huew soxx vig 

Horsiongx sionghai 

Limx huih jiac bah 

Iaxqanx jitt lui 

Jairjaw singx siw 

Jerje dua hiongog ee iaxsiur 

Siy’ jnex laii beh jiac 

Caur enx hrunx qiangwqiangr 

Ciongbuanw dirr siwbin 

Giaqangx iudingg 

Dok juaa jitt lui 

Virr huew soxx siyx 

Siy’ jnex beh cud dongrhed 

Kumbhanda jitt hyw qxuiw 

Suisii qra inx liac laii jiac 

Qycc u jerje gyrquiw 

Taudingw u huew decc siyx 

Iaux, cuir dax, zuac qaxx jiokk auxnaw 

Siwqer ovec jauw 

Cuwtec si jitt kuanw 

Jinjniar kiongxvor 

Dok qapp huexjaix 

Jerje jailan m na jit xee 

Hitt sii cur ee juxlangg 

Kia dirr mngg-gua 

Tniax diyc u langg decc qongw: 

Liw ee jiongww qniaw 

Jinwjingg in’ui beh iuhir 

Zip laii jitt qingx cur 

Iuwdir budix 

Qor decc sngw 

Diongxjiaw tniax liauw 

Qniax qaxx zip kir dyc huew ee cur 

Sethuad beh qiuwjer 

Hro inx be siyx diyhsiongx 

Dyrr qra inx qniaw qongw: 

U jerje huanrlan 

U og qxuiw dok tangg 

Huexjaix decc tnuar .kuix 

Jerje kow jit xee jriab jit xee 

Siysuar byy dng 

Dok juaa, dording, vuacqiqah 

U jerje iarcex 

Qapp Kumbhanda jitt hy qxuiw 

U iaxqanx, holii, qxauw 

Pang'ingx, jiurjiauw, barhiyc, niautau'ingx 

Qapp vah qix kax jitt lui 

Iaux, cuir dax, qib qaxx auxnaw 

Jinjniar kiongxvor 

Jiaxee kow lann cuxliw 

Hyhongr qycc u dua huew 

Jiongww qniaw budix 

Suizenn tniax diyc laurve ee qauwhuew 

Iaxx in’ui jin' kuaiwlok 

Sngxhua m suah 

Hitt sii diongxjiaw 

Dyrr anxnec sniu: 

Jiongww qniaw zucuw 

Hro guaw qyckacc iuciuu huanlyw 

Jitmaw jitt qingx cur 

Byy jit hxang tangx hixair 

Mrqycc jiongww qniaw  

Qor decc sngw 

M jiapsiu guaw qar :ee 

E virr huew sionghai 

Ix dyrr anxnex sniu 

Sised jiongxjiongw hongven 

Qra jiongww qniaw qongw: 

Guaw u jiongxjioingw 

dinquir ee cittymic 

Bibiau vyxquir ee hyw ciax 

Ngiuu-ciax lok-ciax 

Dua guu-ciax 

Jitmaw dirr mngg-gua 

Linw cud .laii 

Guaw uirr linw  

Jy jiaxee ciax 

Suijai linw hnuahiw 

Erdangr sngw 

Jiongww qniaxw tniax diyc 

U jitt hy ciax 

Jiksii siy’ jnex 

Jauw .cud .kir 

Qaur qaxx kangwde 

Lirkuix soxu koxlan 

Diongxjiaw knuar diyc qniaw 

Tangx cud dyc huew ee cur 

Diamr dirr siwvnix tongtauw ee soxjai 

Ix jre sraix-aw-iw 

Qaqi decc hixkingr qongw: 

Guaw jitmaw jin' kuaiwlok 

Jiaxee jiongww qniaw 

Qra inx sniiok jin’ kunwlann 

Gugong ser hanr budix 

Zip guihiamw ee cur 

U jerje dok tangg 

Iaumoo quixquair jin' tangx qniax 

Dua huew bingw qycc iam 

An' siwbin kiw 

Jiaxee jiongww qniaw 

Qor beh sngw 

Guaw qra inx qiur 

Hro inx tuatlii 

Soxiw jingwlangg 

Guaw jitmaw jin' kuaiwlok 

Hitt sii jiongww qniaw 

Jaix laurve anzenn jre lehh 

Longxx qaur laurve hiax 

Qra laurve qongw:

Guan liw sur guanw 

Snax jiongw vyxquir ee ciax 

Jiaww jinwjingg soxx dac’ingr :ee 

Qongxx jiongww qniaw cud .laii 

E hro linw snax jiongw ciax 

Suijai linw soxx qac'ir  

Jitmaw jniawdngsii 

Dna’ hibang liw sur hro guanw 

Diongxjiaw si dua huwongx 

Cngkor ee dinjongg u jerje 

Qimx ginn liulii 

Ciaquu belyw 

Iong jerje vyxbut 

Jy jerje dua ciax 

Jngsig qaxx jiokk jonggiamm 

Siwvnix ee lanqanx 

Sir bin qruar ling’aw 

Qimx ee jinsyh siy' tac 

Jinjux ee lybang 

Dniux dirr dingxbin 

Qimsig hueluiw qapp judui 

Siwqer dui .lyc 

Iong jiongxjiongw ee caixduar jongsig 

Uii dirr siwvnix 

Ziuluanw ee sidiuu 

Juer ixdiam 

Iong siongrdingw ee iur xmngg 

Qewdat cing’ig 

Iurr vec iurr cingkir 

Kamr dirr dingxbin 

U dua vec guu 

Vuii, iongxjongr qycc u lat 

Hingtew bixbiau 

Laii tuax vyxciax 

U jerje lovok 

Juer sirue 

Iong jiaxee bibiau ee ciax 

Vingdingw sur hro jiongww qniaw 

Jiongww qniaw hitt sii 

Hnuahiw qaxx diyy qapp tiaur 

Jre jitt daii vyxquir ee ciax 

Siqer kir hiiuu

Sngw qaxx jiokk kuaiwlok 

Jurjai byy jiongwgai 

Sariputra, guaw qra liw qongw  

Guaw iarr si anxnex 

Jerje singwzinn lairdew ee junjiaw 

Si sewqanlangg ee laurve 

Itcer jiongwsingx 

Longxx si guaw ee qniaw 

Inx cimx cimx jipdiok sewqanx ee kuaiwlok 

Simx byy diwhui 

Samqair byy an’unw 

Bersux dyc huew ee cur 

Ciongbuanw jiongxjiongw ee koxlan 

Jinjniar kiongxvor 

Siongsiongg u snex lau 

Vne siw ee dam'iux qapp huanrlan 

Cincniu jitt hy huew 

Dyc be srid 

Zulaii ixx tuatlii 

Samqair dyc huew ee cur 

Jigjing anhann decc quju 

An’unw diamr dirr ciurnaa qapp kongwiaw 

Jitmaw jitt xee samqair 

Longxx si guaw ee 

Qidiongx ee jiongwsingx 

Longxx si guaw ee qniaw 

Mrqycc jitmaw jitt xui 

U jerje huanrlan 

Dna’ guaw jit langg 

Erdangr qra inx qiuwho 

Suizenn itdit qra inx qawsi 

Mrqycc byy siongsinr iacc jiapsiu 

Ziamw diyc jiongxjiongw iogbong 

Tamluann ee jipdiok jin' cimx ee enqor 

Mrjiacc iong hongven 

Uirr inx qangxsuad Samsingg 

Hro jiongwsingx 

Jaix samqair ee kow 

Kaisi qapp enxsuad 

Cud sewqanx ee dy 

Jiaxee jiongww qniaw 

Narr simx u quatding 

Snax jiongw bingtongx jiauvi 

Qapp lak jiongw sintongx 

Uree giamrjingr diyc enqag 

Uree jniaa juer byy dywter posad 

Sariputra liw ar 

Guaw uirr jiongwsingx 

Iong piwzu 

Qangxsuad Itvudsingg 

Linw narr erdangr 

Siongsinr qapp jiapsiu jiaxee ue 

Itcer longxx erdangr 

Singjiu vuddy 

Jitt xee ciasingg bibiau 

Derr id cingjing 

Dirr jerje sewqanx 

Juer derr id busiong 

Vut soxx hnuahiw qapp zinrkyw 

Itcer jiongwsingx 

Soxx ingqaix cingjanr 

Qiong’iongw qapp lexqingr 

U buliong ikcingx 

Jerje ligliong, qaixtuad 

Sendnia, diwhui 

Qapp vut qitax ee huatmngg 

Did diyc jitt hy ciasingg 

Tangx hro jiongww qniaw 

Qingquer sxor qiab ee zid’ia 

Itdit decc iuhir 

Ham' jiongww posad 

ixqip sniabunn ee dairjiongr 

Jre jitt xee vyxquir ee ciasingg 

Didjiab qaur dyrdniuu 

In'ui jitt xee enqor

Sibhongx kir qriuu 

Iarr byy qitax ee ciasingg 

Dna' u vut ee hongven 

Sariputra, guaw qra liw qongw  

Linw jiaxee langg 

Longxx si guaw ee qniaw 

Guaw dyrr si laurve 

Linw qinglik quxdngg ee qiab 

Virr jiongxjiongw koxlan soxx siyx 

Guaw longxx qiuwjer 

Hro linw cud samqair 

Guaw suizenn jinwjingg qongw 

Linw e beddo 

Dna’ snesiw bedjin 

Mrqycc sidjai byy beddo

Jitmaw soxx ingqaix jaix :ee 

Dna' vut ee diwhui 

Narr u posad 

Dirr dairjiongr lairdew 

Tangx itsimx decc tniax 

Jiongww vut jinsit ee huatmngg 

Jiongww vut sewjunx 

Suizenn ixx hongven 

Soxx qaurhuar ee jiongwsingx 

Longxx si posad 

Narr u langg si siyw diwhui 

Cimx cimx jipdiok iogbong 

Uirr jiaxee langg 

Qangxsuad kow ee jinliw 

Jiongwsingx simx hnuahiw 

Did diyc m bad u :ee 

Vut qangxsuad kow ee jinliw 

Jinsit byy ca’ngi 

Narr u jiongwsingx 

M jaix kow ee qinvunw 

Cimx cimx jipdiok kow ee xinx 

Berdangr jiamrsii siawsag 

Uirdiyhh jiaxee langg 

Iong hongven qangxsuad dy 

Itcer kow ee in'iuu 

Tam'iok si qinvunw 

Narr bet tam'iok 

Byy soxx uaxkyr 

Bedjin qokk jiongw kow 

Qiyr juer derr snax jinliw 

Uirr did diyc bet ee jinliw 

Dirr dy siuhing 

Lirkuix jiongxjiongw kow ee sokvak 

Jex qiyr juer qaixtuad 

Jiaxee langg si anwjnuaw 

Laii did diiyc qaixtuad 

Dna’ lirkuix hubuu 

Qiyr juer qaixtuad 

Qisit iauxx byy did diyc 

Itcer qaixtuad 

Vut qongw jiaxee langg 

Iauxx bue jinsit beddo 

Jiaxee langg iauxx byy did diyc 

Busiong ee dy ee enqor 

Guaw mrjiacc byy beh 

Hro inx beddo 

Guaw juer huat’ongg 

Dirr Hxuad jurjai 

Beh an’unw jiongwsingx 

Soxiw dirr sewqanx cuthen 

Sariputra liw ar 

Guaw jitt xee huat’inr 

Uirr beh lirig sewqanx 

Soxiw qangxsuad 

Dirr iuhongx ee soxjai 

M tangx luan suantuann 

Narr u tniax .diyc .ee 

Suisii hnuahiw dingxlew jiapsiu 

Tangx jaix jitt xee langg si 

Avivartika byy dywter 

Narr u siongsinr qapp jiapsiu 

Jitt vxo qingx soxx qongw ee Hxuad 

Jitt xee langg ixjaw bad 

Qnir quer quewkir ee vut 

Qiongqingr qiong’iongw 

Iarr u tniax diyc jitt xee huatmngg 

Narr u langg erdangr 

Siongsinr liw soxx qongw 

Dyrr si qnir diyc guaw 

Iarr qnir diyc liw 

Qapp bikiu jingdoo 

Ixqip jerje posad 

Jitt vxo Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx 

Si uirr cimx diwhui :ee qangxsuad 

Qenwsig cenxvyc :ee tniax .diyc 

Behik byy liauxqaiw 

Itcer sniabunn 

Qapp pratyekabuddha 

Dirr jitt vxo qingx lairdew 

Lixqaiw ee lat byy qraur 

Sariputra liw ar 

Siongrcniaw dirr jitt vxo qingx 

Ixx siongsinr jiacc tangx jinwzip 

Hyhongr qitax sniabunn 

Qitax sniabunn 

In'ui sinr vut soxx qongw :ee 

Suisun jitt vxo qingx 

M si kyr qaqi ee diwhui 

Qycc Sariputra 

Qiaugno qapp vindnua 

Jipdiok gnoxqenr :ee 

M tangx qra inx qongw jitt vxo qingx 

Huanhux qenwsig cenxvyc 

Cimx cimx jipdiok go jiongw iogbong 

Tniax .diyc berdangr liauxqaiw 

Iarr m tangx uirr inx qangxsuad 

Narr u langg m sinr 

Huixvongr jitt vxo qingx 

Dyrr e dng itcer 

Sewqangx vut ee jingxjiw 

Iacc lrik bagbaii 

Laii huaigii u gihik :ee 

Liw qaidongx u tniax .quer 

Jitt hy langg ee juervyr 

Bylun vut jairser 

Iacc beddo liauxau 

Longxx u huixvongr 

Jitt vxo qingdenw :ee 

Knuar diyc u togsiong 

Susaiw qapp cisiuw jitt vxo qingx :ee 

Dyrr e qra kingsi, iamwhun, jiddor 

Itdit huaihun dirr simlai 

Jitt xee langg ee juervyr 

Liw dnaxx qycc tniax jit vaiw 

Jitt xee langg siurjiongx 

E zip Avici Dergak 

Jit qiab muaw 

Qycjaiww cutsir qinglik qiapsor 

Cincniu anxnex decc denxjuanw 

Qaur busor qiab 

An’ dergak cud .laii 

Qaidongx duirlyc juer jingsnix 

Juer qxauw iacc iaxqanx 

Sanw kogkok 

Ox qycc baiw qycc snex qewcngx qapp taixqyx 

Langg' byy air uaw 

Qycc virr langg' 

Soxx iamwor qapp kingjen 

Dniardnia iauqix qycc cuir dax 

Qutbah siausanw 

Uac lehh sriu koxcow  

Siw liauxau virr kenx jnghia, jiyhtauu 

Vut-jingw jeddng ee enqor 

Jiacc e sriu jitt hy juervyr 

Narr juer logdyy 

Iacc cutsir juer luu-aw 

Sinkux dniardnia pnai dang 

Qycc ho’ngg sud 

Simx simx liam liam dna’ juiw qapp cauw 

Cunx :ee busow jaix 

Huixvongr jitt vxo qingx ee enqor 

Did .diyc ee juervyr si jitt kuanw 

Uree juer iaxqanx 

Zip kir cuanlok 

Sintew taixqyx snex qewcngx 

Iurr jit bak byy .kir 

Jerje ginxaw 

Qra ix pah  

Sriu jiongxjiongw koxtangr 

Ursii drir qaur siw 

Dirr siw liauxau 

Qycc cutsir juer bongxjuaa  

Hingtew iurr dngg iurr dua 

U go-vah yojana 

Cauwhni, exqauw qycc byy kax 

Iong vakdoxpuee decc suanx 

Virr jerje ser jiah tangg 

Decc qra qa 

Zid’ia siurkow 

Byy jit sii tingg .quer 

Huixvongr jitt vxo qingx ee enqor 

Did .diyc ee juervyr si jitt kuanw 

Narr tangx juer langg 

Soxu qinx-dxir amwdam didun 

Iurr ew iurr baiw iurr vnaixkax 

Cnimii, cauwhni, kiauqux 

Ix soxx qongw :ee 

Langg' longxx byy siongsinr iacc jiapsiu 

Cuir dniardnia caur momox 

Virr quixquair soxx dnii 

Sanwciah harjen 

Virr langg' soxx cesaiw 

Je vne siausanw 

Byy soxx uaxkyr 

Suizenn beh cinqin langg' 

Langg' m cab :ix 

Narr u soxx did .diyc 

Liammix qycc srid .kir 

Narr yc hing'ix 

Jiauww cuwhongx dirvni 

Qycc jingqax vadd jiongw vni 

Uree qycc drir qaur siw 

Nar qaqi u vni 

Byy langg laii qra qiur iacc idi 

Qaxsuw hok liong’iyc 

Vni qyckacc okhuar 

Narr duw diyc huanxluan 

U jygu cauhongx, cniuxqiab, ciapdy 

Jiaxee juervyr 

Venww srinx sriu jaiiongx 

Jitt hy juerzinn 

Ingxuanw be qnir diyc vut 

Jiongww singwzinn ee ongg 

Suathuad qauwhuar 

Jitt hy juerzinn 

Dniardnia cutsir dirr u jailan ee soxjai 

Hongdenx, cauwhni, simx luan 

Ingxuanw be tniax diyc Hxuad 

Qingquer busor qiab 

Cincniu Ganges Hyy suax ee sowliong 

Cutsir dyrr cauwhni qycc exqauw 

Liogqinx byy jiauvi 

Dniardnia diamr dirr dergak 

Cincniu iuu hngg quanqongx 

Dirr qitax og dy 

Cincniu dirr qaqi ee cuwtec 

Logdyy, luu-aw, dix, qxauw jiaxee soxjai 

Dyrr si inx jiong' beh kir :ee 

Huixvongr jitt vxo qingx ee enqor 

Did .diyc ee juervyr cincniu jitt kuanw 

Narr tangx juer langg 

U cnimii, cauwhni, exqauw

Qapp sanwciah jiongjxiongw ciksuex 

Laii jngsig jurqiw 

U juixjingw, ngsanw 

Qewcngx, taixqyx, iongjux  

Jiaxee vni 

Laii juer inx ee ihok 

Dniardnia diamr dirr caur mimox ee soxjai 

Uwuer byy cingkir 

Cimx cimx jipdiok gnoxqenr 

Jingqax lorkir 

Im'iok ee huew jiokk iam 

Kimsiur iarr hyw byy decc qingw 

Huixvongr jitt vxo qingx ee enqor 

Did .diyc ee juervyr cincniu jitt kuanw 

Sariputra, guaw qra liw qongw  

Huixvongr jitt vxo qingx :ee 

Narr qongw lun jue 

Qiapsor qiongjin iarr qongw be liauw 

In’ui jitt xee enqor 

Guaw mrjiacc qra liw qongw 

U byy diwhui ee langg dirr lairdew 

M tangx qangxsuad jitt vxo qingx 

Narr u qinx-dxir lrai :ee 

Diwhui bingtongx 

Je qenwbunn qycc u diwsig 

Beh qriuu vuddy :ee 

Jitt hy langg 

Jiacc tangx uirr ix qangxsuad 

Narr u langg bad qnir quer 

Ikvaccingx xui vut 

Jingr jerje sxen ee vunw 

Sinwsimx qending 

Jitt hy langg 

Jiacc tangx uirr ix qangxsuad 

Narr u langg jingjinr 

Dniardnia siulen jusimx 

Byy siyh qaqi ee sintew qapp sniwmia 

Jiacc tangx uirr ix qangxsuad 

Narr u langg qiongqingr 

Byy zirsimx 

Lirkuix jiongxjiongw gugong :ee 

Dirr snuanaa qapp snuaqog dogqux 

Jitt hy langg 

Jiacc tangx uirr ix qangxsuad 

Qycc Sariputra 

Narr qnir diyc u langg 

Lirkuix u og diwsig :ee 

Ham' sxen ee cinqin juer ving'iuw 

Jitt hy langg 

Jiacc tangx uirr ix qangxsuad 

Narr qnir diyc vut ee derjuw 

Cisiuw qaiwlut jin' cingjing 

Kyxviw cingjing ee bingjux 

Qriuu Dairsing ee qingdenw 

Jitt hy langg 

Jiacc tangx uirr ix qangxsuad 

Narr u langg byy hunxlo 

Jingwdit qycc unziuu :ee 

Dniardnia linbinw itcer 

Duiww jiongww vut qiongqingr 

Jitt hy langg 

Jiacc tangx uirr ix qangxsuad 

Qycc u vut ee derjuw 

Dirr dairjiongr lairdew 

Ixx cingjing ee simx 

Iong jiongxjioingw inenn 

Piwzu qapp gensuu 

Suathuat byy jiongwgai 

Jitt hyy langg 

Jiacc tangx uirr ix qangxsuad 

Narr u bikiu 

Uirr itcer diwhui 

Siwqer kir qriuu hxuad 

Habjiongw dingxlew jiapsiu 

Dna’ hnuahiw siurcii 

Dairsing ee qingdenw 

Simrjiww m jiapsiu 

Qitax qingdenw jit siuw jimgensix 

Jitt hy langg 

Jiacc tangx uirr ix qangxsuad 

Narr u langg  

Cincniu qriuu vut ee sarira 

Itsimx qriuu qingdenw 

Did .diyc liauxau dingxlew jiapsiu 

Jitt xee be qycc 

Duiqiuu qitax ee qingx 

Iarr m bad liam quer 

Guardy ee denxjik 

Jitt hy langg 

Jiacc tangx uirr ix qangxsuad 

Sariputra, guaw qra liw qongw 

Guaw qongw jiaxee langg ee jinghingg 

Dyrr si beh qriuu vuddy :ee 

Qiongjin qiapsor iarr qongw be liauw 

Jiaxee langg 

Erdangr siongsinr qapp lixqaiw 

Liw qaidongx uirr inx qangxsuad 

Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex qingx” 

(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter III A Parable 11)

Then the Buddha, wanting to elaborate on the meaning of this again, spoke these verses: 

Suppose there were an affluent man 

Who had a large house, 

And this house was very old, 

On the verge of collapsing. 

The halls were extremely dangerous, 

The pillar bases rotten and disintegrating, 

The beams and framework dangerously tilted, 

And the stairways were falling apart. 

The fences and walls were cracked, 

The plaster was peeling off, 

The thatched roof was falling down, 

The rafters and eaves were coming apart, 

The partitions were everywhere askew,

And the whole place was covered with filth.

Five hundred people lived there, 

And moving around helter-skelter were 

Kites, owls, hawks, eagles, crows, magpies, 

Doves, pigeons, lizards, snakes, vipers, 

Scorpions, centipedes, millipedes, 

Newts, myriapods, ferrets, badgers, mice, 

Rats, and other harmful creatures. 

It was filled with stench, 

And there were places overflowing with excrement. 

All kinds of bugs 

Had gathered there. 

There were foxes, wolves, and vermin 

Devouring, trampling, and gnawing on corpses, 

Scattering bones and flesh about; 

And a pack of dogs, 

Forcing each other out of the way, 

Rushed to the spot— 

Frightened and exhausted from hunger, 

They were searching everywhere for food, 

Fighting among themselves, snatching at food, 

Biting, snarling, and barking at each other. 

This house was terrifying, 

Corrupted to this grotesque condition: 

Ogres of the mountains and valleys,

Yakṣas, and demons were everywhere 

Devouring human flesh. 

There were various poisonous insects, 

All kinds of harmful birds of prey, 

And beasts who were producing, rearing, 

And protecting their offspring. 

Yakṣas were scrabbling and fighting to devour them. 

And after sating themselves, 

Evil thoughts would arise in them. 

The sound of their fighting 

Was terrifying. 

The kumbhāṇḍa demons were crouching on the ground, 

Sometimes rising up a foot or two. 

Roaming about, pleasing themselves as they liked, 

They would catch two legs of a dog, 

Beat it until it could not bark 

And grabbing the dog’s neck with their legs, 

Terrify it for their own amusement.

There were also other demons living there 

With large bodies, naked, dark, and gaunt. 

They were screaming horrifying howls, 

Crying out while searching for food. 

Other demons were there, 

Some with needlelike throats, 

While others had necks 

Like a cow’s head; 

Some had those of human flesh-eaters or dog-devourers.

Their hair was disheveled like rank weeds 

And they were destructive and malicious. 

Driven by hunger and thirst, 

They were crying and scurrying about. 

Yakṣas, hungry ghosts, 

And various malicious birds and beasts 

Were peering out of the windows 

And running frantically in all directions, 

Driven by hunger. 

In this house, with its immeasurable terrors, 

There were many such horrendous things as these. 

Now suppose this old and decaying house 

Belonged to a man, 

And this man came out from it a short distance. 

Soon after, the house suddenly 

Burst into flames behind him. 

The fire instantly spread in all directions. 

The frame, beams, rafters, and pillars exploded, 

And shaking, split and crashed, 

While the fences and walls collapsed. 

All the demons screamed out loudly.

The hawks, eagles, other birds, 

And kumbhāṇḍa demons, panicked and terrified, 

Could not get out. 

Malicious beasts and poisonous insects 

Concealed themselves in holes.

There were also piśāca demons dwelling there 

Who, because of little merit, 

Were chased by the flames. 

They were tearing at each other, 

Drinking blood and eating flesh.

A horde of vermin had already died off,

And the large malicious beasts 

Raced to devour them, 

While the smoke of the stench flowed 

And filled everywhere. 

As the centipedes, millipedes, 

And poisonous snakes rushed, 

Burning, out of their holes 

The kumbhāṇḍa demons devoured them 

One after another. 

The hungry ghosts, with their hair on fire, 

Ravenous, thirsty, and suffering from the heat, 

Frantically scurried about.

In this way, the house was extremely terrifying 

With poison and fire, 

And disasters more than one. 

Then the householder, who was standing 

Outside the entrance of the house, 

Heard someone say: Just a moment ago, 

In the midst of their play, 

Your children entered this house. 

Being young and ignorant,

They are attached to playing games.

Hearing this, the affluent man was startled 

And went into the burning house 

To save them from the disaster of the fire.

As he thought fit, he warned the children 

And explained the various dangers:

There are malicious demons, poisonous insects, 

And the fire is raging everywhere. 

There are endless horrors, 

One right after another. 

There are poisonous snakes, lizards, vipers, 

Yakṣas, kumbhāṇḍa demons, vermin,

Foxes, dogs, hawks, eagles, kites, 

Owls, and centipedes, all acutely suffering 

From hunger and thirst 

And all extremely terrifying. 

These horrors are difficult to deal with, 

How much more so the conflagration! 

But the children, being ignorant, 

Would not listen to their father’s warning.

Still attached to their games, 

They kept right on playing. 

Thereupon the affluent man thought:

My children by doing this Increase my distress! 

There is nothing to enjoy now in this house. 

Nevertheless, my children who are absorbed in play 

Will not accept my instructions 

And so will be hurt by the fire. 

Then he immediately thought 

That he should advise his children 

Using various skillful means, and said:

I have a variety of unusual toys 

Such as fine carts adorned with beautiful treasures, 

Yoked to sheep, deer, and oxen. 

They are just outside the gate. 

O children! Come out of the house! 

I had these carts made for you. 

Play with them as you like! 

Hearing about these carts, 

The children immediately started 

To push each other out of the way 

To get out of the house. 

Arriving at an open area, 

They escaped from the disaster. 

The affluent man, seeing that his children 

Had escaped from the burning house 

And were standing at the crossroads, 

Sat down on his lion seat. 

Then he joyously said: 

Now I am happy!

It is extremely difficult to raise these children. 

Foolish and ignorant, 

They entered a dangerous house 

Full of various poisonous insects, 

Terrifying ogres from mountains and valleys, 

And a raging fire that broke out in all directions.

In spite of this, 

These children were attached to playing their games. 

But by causing them to escape from the disaster, 

I have saved them. 

Therefore, my people, I now feel at ease. 

Thereupon the children, 

Seeing their father sitting in peace, 

Approached him saying: 

Please, father, 

Give us the three kinds of carts

 Adorned with treasures 

That you just promised us, 

When you said that if we, your children, came out 

You would give us three kinds of carts 

Just as we like.

Now is the right time. 

Give them to us right away! 

This affluent man, 

Who was extremely wealthy, 

Had an abundance of treasures. 

He had a number of great carts made, 

Adorned with various precious things 

Like gold, silver, lapis lazuli, 

Mother-of-pearl, and agate. 

They were beautifully decorated, 

Encircled with railings, 

And were covered with hanging bells 

Attached to golden cords. 

Over them was hung a net of pearls 

With golden flower tassels 

Hanging down everywhere. 

They were all completely 

Decorated in a variety of colors. 

The bedding was made of soft silk 

That was covered with 

An extremely fine carpet of spotless white 

Which cost thousands of koṭis. 

There were large white oxen, 

Healthy and powerful with beautiful bodies, 

Yoked to the jeweled carts, 

And they were guarded by many attendants. 

When they were given these fine carts, 

The children were joyful and excited. 

They got on the carts 

And drove delightedly all about. 

Amusing themselves in play, 

They mastered them without difficulties. 

The Buddha said to Śāriputra:

I am also like this. 

I am the father of the world, 

The best of the sages. 

All sentient beings are my children. 

They are deeply attached to worldly pleasures 

And have no wisdom. 

There is no peace in the triple world, 

Just like in the burning house, 

Which is full of various suffering 

And which is extremely terrifying. 

There are always the sufferings 

Of birth, old age, illness, and death. 

Such fires as these burn endlessly. 

The Tathāgata, who has already left 

The burning house of the triple world, 

Lives in tranquility 

And dwells at ease in the forest. 

Now this triple world is my property 

And the sentient beings in it are my children. 

There are now many dangers here 

And I am the only one who can protect them. 

Although I give them advice, 

They do not accept it, 

Because they are tainted with desires

And have deep attachments. 

On this occasion I teach the three vehicles 

Using skillful means. 

Realizing the sufferings of the triple world, 

I reveal and explain it 

To cause sentient beings to 

Escape from the mundane path. 

If these children are resolute, 

They are endowed with the three knowledges

And six transcendent powers. 

Or they can become pratyekabuddhas or 

Bodhisattvas who have reached 

The stage of nonretrogression.

O Śāriputra!

I explain the single buddha vehicle 

To sentient beings, using this illustration.

If you are able to accept what I say, 

You will all attain the buddha path. 

This vehicle is subtle, pure, and peerless. 

There is nothing superior to it 

In all the worlds. 

This is what the Buddha enjoys. 

All the sentient beings should praise, 

Honor, and revere it. 

There are immeasurable thousands of koṭis

Of powers, liberations, meditations, 

Wisdoms, and other attributes of the Buddha. 

I cause my children to obtain such a vehicle 

And let them play continuously, 

Day and night, for kalpas. 

I cause the bodhisattvas as well as the śrāvakas 

To board this jeweled vehicle, 

And lead them directly 

To the terrace of enlightenment. 

For this reason, 

There is no other vehicle but 

The skillful means of the buddhas, 

Even if one seeks in all the ten directions.

I tell you, O Śāriputra: 

All of you are my children, 

And I am thus your father. 

Since you were burned by the fire 

Of various sufferings for many kalpas, 

I saved you all

By leading you out of the triple world. 

Although I have previously told you 

About your parinirvāṇa, 

You have only extinguished birth and death 

And have not actually attained nirvana. 

You should now seek only 

The wisdom of the Buddha. 

If there are any bodhisattvas in this assembly, 

They should listen singlemindedly

To the real teaching of all the buddhas. 

Those sentient beings 

Whom the Buddha Bhagavats 

Lead and inspire with skillful means 

Are all bodhisattvas. 

Because people have little knowledge

And are deeply attached to pleasures, 

I teach them the truth of suffering (i.e., the First Noble Truth). 

And those sentient beings rejoice, 

Having attained

Such an unprecedented experience. 

The truth of suffering taught by the Buddha

Is nothing but the truth. 

To those who do not know the origin of suffering (i.e., the Second Noble Truth), 

Who are deeply attached to its causes 

And unable to abandon them even for a while, 

I teach the truth about the path to its cessation 

Using skillful means. 

All the causes of suffering 

Originate from excessive craving. 

When this craving is extinguished,

The source is removed. 

The cessation of suffering 

Is called the Third [Noble] Truth. 

One practices the path leading to its cessation (i.e., the Fourth Noble Truth]

In order to attain the truth of cessation. 

Removing the bonds of sufferings is called liberation. 

In what sense have these people attained liberation?

They have merely removed false views 

And called that liberation. 

But actually, they have not yet completely attained it.

The Buddha has explained that these people 

Have not actually attained nirvana:

I do not intend to lead them to nirvana 

Because they have not yet attained the highest path.

I am the Lord of the Dharma 

And have mastered the Dharma.

I appear in the world 

To cause sentient beings to be at peace. 

O, you, Śāriputra! 

Teach this my Dharma sign 

To benefit the world! 

Wherever you may go, 

Never propagate it recklessly. 

You should know that those who hear, 

Rejoice, and fully accept it 

Have reached the stage of nonretrogression. 

Those who accept the teaching of this sutra 

Have formerly seen the buddhas in the past, 

Honored, and paid homage to them, 

And also heard this teaching. 

Those who are able to accept what you teach, 

Will see me, you, the monks and the bodhisattvas. 

This very Lotus Sutra shall be taught 

Only to the profoundly wise. 

Those of superficial awareness who hear it 

Will become confused and will not comprehend it. 

This sutra is beyond the comprehension

Of all the śrāvakas and pratyekabuddhas. 

O, you, Śāriputra!

Even you understood this sutra only through faith; 

It is no wonder that the other disciples cannot. 

They accept this sutra 

Because they believe the Buddha’s teaching, 

But it is beyond their intellectual comprehension. 

O Śāriputra! 

Never teach this sutra 

To those who are arrogant and lazy, 

Or to those who hold 

False views about the self. 

Never teach it to those people 

Of superficial awareness, 

Who are deeply attached 

To the desires of the five senses, 

Since even if they heard it, 

They would not understand.

Those people who will not accept

And who disparage this sutra, 

Will consequently destroy the seed of the Buddha

In the entire world. 

Now listen to what I teach

About the results of the errors of those people 

Who frown upon and have doubts about this sutra. 

Listen also to what I teach 

Concerning the results of the errors of those people, 

Who, whether at the time 

Of the Buddha’s presence in this world 

Or after his parinirvāṇa, disparage this sutra, 

And despise, hate, and hold grudges 

Against the people who recite, copy, and preserve it. 

When such people die, 

They will go to the Avīci Hell,

And after spending a kalpa there, 

Will be born in the same way 

Again and again for innumerable kalpas.

After coming out of this hell, 

They will be reborn as animals.

If born as dogs or vermin, 

Their bodies will be emaciated, dark-spotted, 

Devoid of hair, with scabies and leprosy. 

Tormented, hated, and despised by people, 

They will constantly suffer from hunger and thirst. 

With withered bones and flesh, 

They will be in anguish while living 

And covered with stones after death. 

Because they destroyed 

The seed of the Buddha, 

They will suffer the consequences 

Of their errors. 

If they are born as camels or mules, 

They will always have heavy burdens to carry. 

They will be whipped repeatedly 

And think of nothing but water and grass.

It is because they disparaged this sutra 

That they suffer the consequences of their errors in this way. 

If they are born as vermin and enter a village, 

Children will beat them because they have scabies, 

Leprosy, and perhaps a missing eye. 

At times they will be tortured even to death. 

After dying, 

They will be reborn as giant snakes 

With great bodies as long as five hundred yojanas. 

Deaf, dumb, legless, slithering on their bellies, 

Eaten at by small insects, 

They will suffer day and night without respite. 

They suffer the consequences of their errors in this way, 

Because they disparaged this sutra. 

If they are born as humans, 

They will have dull faculties 

And be runts who twitch and are crippled,

Blind, deaf, and humpbacked. 

No matter what they may say 

People will not believe them. 

Their breath will always be foul. 

They will be snatched at by demons. 

Being poor and degraded and enslaved by others, 

They will be emaciated from many illnesses 

And will have nowhere to turn. 

When they approach others, 

They will be disdained. 

Even if they manage to get something 

They will immediately lose it. 

Even if they study medicine 

And cure themselves according to the correct method, 

They will suffer from other illnesses again 

And may even die. 

When they get sick 

No one will tend to them; 

And even if they take the proper medicine 

Their pain will increase. 

Every hand will be turned against them, 

Threatening them, pilfering and stealing from them. 

They will fall helplessly into this plight 

Because of their transgressions. 

Such erring people will never see 

The Buddha, the king of seers, 

Preaching the Dharma and leading and inspiring people. 

Such people will always be born Into difficult circumstances. 

Crazed, unheeding, and unthinking, 

They will never hear the teaching. 

They will be born deaf and dumb, 

With defective faculties 

For as many immeasurable kalpas 

As the sands of the Ganges River.

Though they will always find themselves in hell, 

They will feel as if they were playing 

In a pleasure garden. 

Although they are in other troubled states of being, 

They will feel as if they were in their own home. 

They will live among camels, mules, boars, and dogs.

These are the results of their error

In disparaging this sutra. 

If they are born as human beings, 

They will be deaf, blind, mute,

Impoverished, and decrepit.

Such will be their adornments. 

They will have dropsy, gonorrhea, 

Scabies, leprosy, and tumors. 

Such diseases as these will be their clothing. 

Their bodies will always be foul, filthy, and impure. 

Their deep attachment to false views 

About the self will cause 

Their anger and passion to increase. 

Their sexual desires will be insatiable, 

With either birds or beasts as their objects. 

These are the results of their 

Errors in disparaging this sutra. 

The Buddha said to Śāriputra: 

If one were to explain 

The consequences of the errors 

Of those who disparage this sutra,

It would take more than a kalpa. 

For that reason I am now telling you

Never to expound this sutra 

To those who have little wisdom. 

You should teach it

Only to those people of sharp faculties 

Who are wise, learned, and understanding,

Who have good memories and erudition, 

And are seeking the buddha path. 

You should teach it to those who have seen 

Hundreds of thousands of koṭis of buddhas, 

Who have planted good roots, and are resolute. 

Teach it to those who strive, 

Always practice compassion, 

And give unsparingly of their bodies and lives. 

You should teach it to those who are respectful 

And devoid of hypocrisy, 

Who are living alone

In mountains and valleys away from fools.

O Śāriputra! 

You should teach it 

To those who have left their bad companions 

And made friends with virtuous people. 

Teach it to the heirs of the Buddha 

Who have good conduct, are as pure as jewels, 

And who are seeking the Mahayana sutras. 

You should teach it 

To those who are free of anger, 

Honest, flexible, always sympathetic to everyone, 

And who honor all the buddhas. 

Teach it to the heirs of the Buddha 

In the great assembly, 

Who have pure thoughts 

And who teach the Dharma without doubts, 

Using various reasonings, 

Illustrations, and explanations. 

You should teach it to those monks 

Who, always and everywhere in search of the Dharma, 

Seek the Omniscient One, 

To whom they joyfully press their palms together, 

Touch their heads, and preserve 

Only the Mahayana sutras with pleasure,

Who never preserve even a single verse 

Of any other sutra. 

Teach it to those who seek this sutra 

As intently as they seek for the relics of the Buddha, 

Who after obtaining it will accept it 

Respectfully, with bowed heads; 

And will not seek any other sutra 

And will never think about heretical scriptures. 

O Śāriputra! I say to you: 

I have described the characteristics of those 

Who seek the buddha path, 

Though a kalpa would not suffice to do so in full. 

You should teach the Lotus Sutra 

To those who are able to accept it.

(妙法蓮華經第三品 譬喻之11)  


 譬如長者  有一大宅  其宅久故

 而復頓弊  堂舍高危  柱根摧朽

 梁棟傾斜  基陛隤毀  牆壁圮坼

 泥塗褫落  覆苫亂墜  椽梠差脫

 周障屈曲  雜穢充遍  有五百人

 止住其中  鵄梟雕鷲  烏鵲鳩鴿

 蚖蛇蝮蠍  蜈蚣蚰蜒  守宮百足

 狖貍鼷鼠  諸惡蟲輩  交橫馳走

 屎尿臭處  不淨流溢  蜣蜋諸蟲

 而集其上  狐狼野干  咀嚼踐蹋

 䶩齧死屍  骨肉狼藉  由是群狗

 競來搏撮  飢羸慞惶  處處求食

 鬪諍齒查掣   嘊喍㘁吠  其舍恐怖

 變狀如是  處處皆有  魑魅魍魎

 夜叉惡鬼  食噉人肉  毒蟲之屬

 諸惡禽獸  孚乳產生  各自藏護

 夜叉競來  爭取食之  食之既飽

 惡心轉熾  鬪諍之聲  甚可怖畏

 鳩槃荼鬼  蹲踞土埵  或時離地

 一尺二尺  往返遊行  縱逸嬉戲

 捉狗兩足  撲令失聲  以腳加頸

 怖狗自樂  復有諸鬼  其身長大

 裸形黑瘦  常住其中  發大惡聲

 叫呼求食  復有諸鬼  其咽如針

 復有諸鬼  首如牛頭  或食人肉

 或復噉狗  頭髮蓬亂  殘害凶險

 飢渴所逼  叫喚馳走  夜叉餓鬼

 諸惡鳥獸  飢急四向  窺看窓牖

 如是諸難  恐畏無量  是朽故宅

 屬于一人  其人近出  未久之間

 於後舍宅  忽然火起  四面一時

 其炎俱熾  棟梁椽柱  爆聲震裂

 摧折墮落  牆壁崩倒  諸鬼神等

 揚聲大叫  雕鷲諸鳥  鳩槃荼等

 周章惶怖  不能自出  惡獸毒蟲

 藏竄孔穴  毘舍闍鬼  亦住其中

 薄福德故  為火所逼  共相殘害

 飲血噉肉  野干之屬  竝已前死

 諸大惡獸  競來食噉  臭烟熢勃

 四面充塞  蜈蚣蚰蜒  毒蛇之類

 為火所燒  爭走出穴  鳩槃荼鬼

 隨取而食  又諸餓鬼  頭上火燃

 飢渴熱惱  周章悶走  其宅如是

 甚可怖畏  毒害火災  眾難非一

 是時宅主  在門外立  聞有人言

 汝諸子等  先因遊戲  來入此宅

 稚小無知  歡娛樂著  長者聞已

 驚入火宅  方宜救濟  令無燒害

 告喻諸子  說眾患難  惡鬼毒蟲

 災火蔓延  眾苦次第  相續不絕

 毒蛇蚖蝮  及諸夜叉  鳩槃茶鬼

 野干狐狗  雕鷲鵄梟     百足之屬

 飢渴惱急  甚可怖畏  此苦難處

 況復大火  諸子無知  雖聞父誨

 猶故樂著  嬉戲不已  是時長者

 而作是念  諸子如此  益我愁惱

 今此舍宅  無一可樂  而諸子等

 耽湎嬉戲  不受我教  將為火害

 即便思惟  設諸方便  告諸子等

 我有種種  珍玩之具  妙寶好車

 羊車鹿車  大牛之車  今在門外

 汝等出來  吾為汝等  造作此車

 隨意所樂  可以遊戲  諸子聞說

 如此諸車  即時奔競  馳走而出

 到於空地  離諸苦難  長者見子

 得出火宅  住於四衢  坐師子座

 而自慶言  我今快樂  此諸子等

 生育甚難  愚小無知  而入險宅

 多諸毒蟲  魑魅可畏  大火猛炎

 四面俱起  而此諸子  貪樂嬉戲

 我已救之  令得脫難  是故諸人

 我今快樂  爾時諸子  知父安坐

 皆詣父所  而白父言  願賜我等

 三種寶車  如前所許  諸子出來

 當以三車  隨汝所欲  今正是時

 唯垂給與  長者大富  庫藏眾多

 金銀琉璃  車磲馬腦  以眾寶物

 造諸大車  莊校嚴飾  周匝欄楯

 四面懸鈴  金繩交絡  真珠羅網

 張施其上  金華諸瓔  處處垂下

 眾綵雜飾  周匝圍繞  柔軟繒纊

 以為茵蓐  上妙細㲲  價直千億

 鮮白淨潔  以覆其上  有大白牛

 肥壯多力  形體姝好  以駕寶車

 多諸儐從  而侍衛之  以是妙車

 等賜諸子  諸子是時  歡喜踊躍

 乘是寶車  遊於四方  嬉戲快樂

 自在無礙  告舍利弗  我亦如是

 眾聖中尊  世間之父  一切眾生

 皆是吾子  深著世樂  無有慧心

 三界無安  猶如火宅  眾苦充滿

 甚可怖畏  常有生老  病死憂患

 如是等火  熾然不息  如來已離

 三界火宅  寂然閑居  安處林野

 今此三界  皆是我有  其中眾生

 悉是吾子  而今此處  多諸患難

 唯我一人  能為救護  雖復教詔

 而不信受  於諸欲染  貪著深故

 以是方便  為說三乘  令諸眾生

 知三界苦  開示演說  出世間道

 是諸子等  若心決定  具足三明

 及六神通  有得緣覺  不退菩薩

 汝舍利弗  我為眾生  以此譬喻

 說一佛乘  汝等若能  信受是語

 一切皆當  成得佛道  是乘微妙

 清淨第一  於諸世間  為無有上

 佛所悅可  一切眾生  所應稱讚

 供養禮拜  無量億千  諸力解脫

 禪定智慧  及佛餘法  得如是乘

 令諸子等  日夜劫數  常得遊戲

 與諸菩薩  及聲聞眾  乘此寶乘

 直至道場  以是因緣  十方諦求

 更無餘乘  除佛方便  告舍利弗

 汝諸人等  皆是吾子  我則是父

 汝等累劫  眾苦所燒  我皆濟拔

 令出三界  我雖先說  汝等滅度

 但盡生死  而實不滅  今所應作

 唯佛智慧  若有菩薩  於是眾中

 能一心聽  諸佛實法  諸佛世尊

 雖以方便  所化眾生  皆是菩薩

 若人小智  深著愛欲  為此等故

 說於苦諦  眾生心喜  得未曾有

 佛說苦諦  真實無異  若有眾生

 不知苦本  深著苦因  不能暫捨

 為是等故  方便說道  諸苦所因

 貪欲為本  若滅貪欲  無所依止

 滅盡諸苦  名第三諦  為滅諦故

 修行於道  離諸苦縛  名得解脫

 是人於何  而得解脫  但離虛妄

 名為解脫  其實未得  一切解脫

 佛說是人  未實滅度  斯人未得

 無上道故  我意不欲  令至滅度

 我為法王  於法自在  安隱眾生

 故現於世  汝舍利弗  我此法印

 為欲利益  世間故說  在所遊方

 勿妄宣傳  若有聞者  隨喜頂受

 當知是人  阿鞞跋致  若有信受

 此經法者  是人已曾  見過去佛

 恭敬供養  亦聞是法  若人有能

 信汝所說  則為見我  亦見於汝

 及比丘僧  并諸菩薩  斯法華經

 為深智說  淺識聞之  迷惑不解

 一切聲聞  及辟支佛  於此經中

 力所不及  汝舍利弗  尚於此經

 以信得入  況餘聲聞  其餘聲聞

 信佛語故  隨順此經  非己智分

 又舍利弗  憍慢懈怠  計我見者

 莫說此經  凡夫淺識  深著五欲

 聞不能解  亦勿為說  若人不信

 毀謗此經  則斷一切  世間佛種

 或復顰蹙  而懷疑惑  汝當聽說

 此人罪報  若佛在世  若滅度後

 其有誹謗  如斯經典  見有讀誦

 書持經者  輕賤憎嫉  而懷結恨

 此人罪報  汝今復聽  其人命終

 入阿鼻獄  具足一劫  劫盡更生

 如是展轉  至無數劫  從地獄出

 當墮畜生  若狗野干  其影乞頁

 黧黮疥癩  人所觸嬈  又復為人

 之所惡賤  常困飢渴  骨肉枯竭

 生受楚毒  死被瓦石  斷佛種故

 受斯罪報  若作馲駝  或生中驢

 身常負重  加諸杖捶  但念水草

 餘無所知  謗斯經故  獲罪如是

 有作野干  來入聚落  身體疥癩

 又無一目  為諸童子  之所打擲

 受諸苦痛  或時致死  於此死已

 更受蟒身  其形長大  五百由旬

 聾騃無足  宛轉腹行  為諸小蟲

 之所唼食  晝夜受苦  無有休息

 謗斯經故  獲罪如是  若得為人

 諸根闇鈍  矬陋攣躄  盲聾背傴

 有所言說  人不信受  口氣常臭

 鬼魅所著  貧窮下賤  為人所使

 多病痟瘦  無所依怙  雖親附人

 人不在意  若有所得  尋復忘失

 若修醫道  順方治病  更增他疾

 或復致死  若自有病  無人救療

 設服良藥  而復增劇  若他反逆

 抄劫竊盜  如是等罪  橫羅其殃

 如斯罪人  永不見佛  眾聖之王

 說法教化  如斯罪人  常生難處

 狂聾心亂  永不聞法  於無數劫

 如恒河沙  生輒聾瘂  諸根不具

 常處地獄  如遊園觀  在餘惡道

 如己舍宅  駝驢猪狗   是其行處

 謗斯經故  獲罪如是   若得為人

 聾盲瘖瘂     貧窮諸衰      以自莊嚴

 水腫乾痟  疥癩癰疽   如是等病

 以為衣服  身常臭處   垢穢不淨

 深著我見  增益瞋恚   婬欲熾盛

 不擇禽獸  謗斯經故   獲罪如是

 告舍利弗  謗斯經者   若說其罪

 窮劫不盡  以是因緣   我故語汝

 無智人中  莫說此經   若有利根

 智慧明了  多聞強識   求佛道者

 如是之人  乃可為說   若人曾見

 億百千佛  殖諸善本   深心堅固

 如是之人  乃可為說   若人精進

 常修慈心  不惜身命   乃可為說

 若人恭敬  無有異心   離諸凡愚

 獨處山澤  如是之人   乃可為說

 又舍利弗  若見有人   捨惡知識

 親近善友  如是之人   乃可為說

 若見佛子  持戒清潔   如淨明珠

 求大乘經  如是之人   乃可為說

 若人無瞋  質直柔軟   常愍一切

 恭敬諸佛  如是之人   乃可為說

 復有佛子  於大眾中   以清淨心

 種種因緣  譬喻言辭   說法無礙

 如是之人  乃可為說   若有比丘

 為一切智  四方求法   合掌頂受

 但樂受持  大乘經典   乃至不受

 餘經一偈  如是之人   乃可為說

 如人至心  求佛舍利   如是求經

 得已頂受  其人不復   志求餘經

 亦未曾念  外道典籍   如是之人

 乃可為說  告舍利弗   我說是相

 求佛道者  窮劫不盡   如是等人

 則能信解  汝當為說   妙法華經