
Shurangama Qingx (veh-10)

“Jitt jap jiongw xinx si sniaw? Id jiarr, imhing ee sibkir jok'iong e siy' buaa. Siy' buaa byy hiyh, zucuw soxiw u bingw huew ee qngx dirr qidiongx huatdong. Kyxviw langg iong siangx ciuw siy' syx sui' u unluanw. Nng xee sibkir horsiongx jok'iong ee enqor, soxiw u ticcngg qapp dangtiau jiaxee dairjir. Soxiw sibhongx itcer Zulaii knuar imhing bersux ioghuew. Posad knuar diyc iogbong, bersux decc jauxvi huexknex.

Zi jiarr, tamsimx ee sibkir jok'iong e sanxsingx kiplik. Kipsiuh byy suah, zucuw soxiw e jikju hanlingw ee qenvingx dirr lairdew dangwlingw. Kyxviw langg iong cuir suh kongkir, u lingw ee qamxqag. Nng xee sibkir siy' duxciuw, soxiw e kiw junr, e u cnix lenhuex, angg lenhuex, qapp vec lenhuex qetvingx jiaxee dairjir. Soxiw sibhongx itcer Zulaii knuar tamqiuu bersux tamx juiw. Posad knuar diyc tamsimx, bersux decc jauxvi u dogkir ee haiw.

Snax jiarr, gnoxban ee sibkir jok'iong e sanxsingx duiwlip. Hionglauu byy suah, zuxcuw soxiw u cuaclauu qunxqaw, pylong jrig jrig juer juilauu. Kyxviw langg iong cuiwjic ji, cuiwnua dyrr e sanxsingx. Nng xee sibkir siy' qoxdong, soxiw u hueh-hyy, hxex-hyy, zet suax, dok haiw, quanr rngiuu-dangg jiaxee dairjir. Soxiw sibhongx itcer Zulaii knuar gnoxban bersux decc limx cigaii juiw. Posad knuar qnir diyc gnoxban, bersux decc jauxvi dua juiw.

Sir jiarr, norkir ee sibkir jok'iong e sanxsingx ciongdut. Ciongdut byy suah, simx zet huad huew, krir jur jniaa qimx. Zucuw soxiw u dyx-snuax, tih-qunr, qiamr-ciu, qiamr-lunn, voxtauu, qapp dyqur. Kyxviw langg huaihun, satkir tingtingg. Nng xee sibkir siy’ qongqig, soxiw u iamx, jamw, cak, qapp tuii qongr jiaxee dairjir. Soxiw sibhongx itcer Zulaii knuar uanwhun bersux lrai dyqiamr. Posad knuar diyc uanwhun, bersux decc jauxvi sathai.

Go jiarr, kipenr ee sibkir jok'iong e sanxsingx horsiongx inxiuw. Inxiuw byy suah, zucuw soxiw u jinbok qapp kunxsyh. Kyxviw cann jimr juiw, cauxbok singdiongw. Nng xee sibkir siy’ dnii, soxiw u kakaur, ciuxkaur, qee, puevenx, hingdiong qapp qunwtuii jiaxee dairjir. Soxiw sibhongx itcer Zulaii knuar kipenr bersux cat'aw. Posad knuar diyc kipenr, bersux decc qniax jailongg.

Lak jiarr, vehcat ee sibkir jok'iong e sanxsingx siy' bulua. Bulua byy suah, be dniardiyc ee simx e jy qanjar. Zucuw soxiw u din'aix, saiw, qapp ziy, lacsab byy cingkir. Kyxviw din’aix suii hongx vuex, longxx knuar be bingg. Nng xee sibkir siy’ tnrix, soxiw u dimlunn, lirlorhenw, duirlyc, qapp pudimm jiaxee dairjir. Soxiw sibhongx itcer Zulaii knuar vehcat bersux qiapsad. Posad knuar diyc vehcat, bersux kir dac diyc dok juaa.

Cid jiarr, kiwhiamm ee sibkir jok'iong e sanxsingx uanwhun. Zucuw soxiw e sriu vuejiyc, virr qnuaix dirr sniux-aw, ciax-lai, angr, iacc lrongg-aw. Kyxviw imdok ee langg pnaiw simx doghing. Nng xee sibkir siy’ tunjiac, soxiw u hnir, danr, sax, liac, kenx, sria, liamr jiaxee dairjir. Soxiw sibhongx itcer Zulaii knuar kiwhiamm bersux pnaiw qxuiw. Posad knuar diyc kiwhiamm bersux decc limx dok jiuw.

Veh jiarr, og qenwsig ee sibkir jok'iong, kyxviw satkayadrishti, qimwqair qapp jipdiok dringw siaog ee qamxgo sanxsingx maudunw, snex cud duiwlip. Zucuw soxiw u ongg ee suwjiaw qapp qnuauann, ciuw tec snesixpo, cincniu quewlorlangg, laii laii kir kir longxx e siy’ duw .diyc. Nng xee sibkir siy’ qauqnaa, soxiw u kamwmng, quaixiu, kyxcir, hongxcad, diaujax, henwqngx, qapp quanw senrog ee dongjuw, ciuw tec qiwlok diyc venrqaiw ee bunpo jiaxee dairjir. Soxiw sibhongx itcer Zulaii knuar og qenwsig bersux knuar diyc knex. Posad knuar diyc jiaxee hubong jipdiok, bersux kia dirr dok snuakamr.

Qauw jiarr, ongxkud langg' ee sibkir jok'iong e sanxsingx vongwhuiw. Zucuw soxiw u snuajiyc sriu gingxbuaa. Kyxviw qongw langg' pnaiw ue ee cadlangg apvig qycc ongxkud liongsen :ee. Nng xee sibkir vaii jywhuew, soxiw u rah, deh, duii, cic, apjer, siap, diaur .kiw .laii jiaxee dairjir. Soxiw sibhongx itcer Zulaii knuar vongwhuiw bersux qanjar ee how. Posad knuar diyc ongxkud, bersux kir duw diyc cewluii.

Jap jiarr, jingsiong ee sibkir jok'iong e sanxsingx ziakamr. Zucuw soxiw u huanxsia ee qniar qapp huad qngx ee lahjig. Kyxviw dirr zidtauu erdew berdangr cangr ngiaw. Nng xee sibkir siy’ henxhen, soxiw u og iuw, giap-qniar, qapp huexjux decc lorhen siokgiap, ingwgiam jiaxee dairjir. Soxiw sibhongx itcer Zulaii knuar ziakamr bersux amr cat. Posad knuar diyc ziakamr, bersux dir quann snuax dirr dua haiw qniaa.

(Shurangama Sutra, Volume 8-10)

"What are the ten causes? Ananda, the first consists the habit of lustful intercourse which gives rise to mutual rubbing. When this rubbing continues without cease, it activates a tremendous raging fire, just as warmth arises between a person's hands when he rubs them together. Because these two habits set each other ablaze, there come into being the Iron Bed, the Copper Pillar, and other such experiences. Therefore the Tathagatas of the ten directions look upon the act of lust and name it the 'fire of desire.' Bodhisattvas avoid desire as they would a fiery pit."

"The second consists of the habit of greedy scheming, which gives rise to a suction. When this suction continues without cease, it produces intense cold and solid ice where freezing occurs, just as a sensation of cold is experienced when a person draws in a blast of wind through his mouth. Because these two habits clash together, there come into being Cold Hells such as chattering, whimpering and shuddering; blue, red, and white lotuses; and other such experiences. Therefore the Tathagatas of the ten directions look upon excessive seeking and name it 'the water of greed'. Bodhisattvas avoid greed as they would a sea of pestilence."

"The third consists of habits of arrogance and resulting friction which give rise to mutual intimidation. When it accelerates without cease, it produces torrents and rapids which create restless waves of water, just as water is produced when a person continuously works his tongue in an effort to taste flavors. Because these two habits incite one another, there come into being the river of blood, the river of ashes, the burning sand, the poisonous sea, the molten copper which is forced down one's throat, and other such experiences. Therefore, the Tathagatas of the ten directions look upon self-satisfaction and name it 'drinking the water of stupidity.' Bodhisattvas avoid arrogance as they would a huge deluge."

"The fourth consists of habits of hatred which give rise to mutual defiance. When this defiance binds one without cease, one's heart becomes so hot that it catches fire, and the molten vapors turn into metal. From it is produced the mountain of knives, the iron cudgel, the tree of swords, the wheels of swords, axes and halberds, and spears and saws. It is like when a person harbors a grudge and the urge to kill surges forth. Because these two habits clash with one another, there come into being castration and hacking, beheading and mutilation, filing and sticking, flogging and beating, and other such experiences. Therefore, the Tathagatas of the ten directions look upon hatred and name it 'sharp knives and swords.' Bodhisattvas avoid hatred as they would a massacre."

"The fifth consists of habits of deception and misleading involvements which give rise to mutual guile. When such maneuvering continues without cease, it produces ropes for strangling and wood for imprisoning. It is like how grass and trees grow in an irrigated field. Because the two habits perpetuate one another, there come into being handcuffs and fetters, cangues and locks, whips and clubs, sticks and cudgels, and other such experiences. Therefore, the Tathagatas of the ten directions look upon deception and name it a 'treacherous crook.' Bodhisattvas fear deception as they would a savage wolf."

"The sixth consists of the habit of lying combined with continual fraudulence which give rise to mutual cheating. When false accusations continue without cease, one becomes adept at corruption. From this there come into being such filthy impurities as dirt, excrement and urine. It is like the obscuring of one's vision when the dust is stirred up by the wind. Because these two habits augment one another, there come into being sinking and drowning, tossing and pitching, flying and falling, floating and submerging, and other such experiences. Therefore, the Tathagatas of the ten directions look upon lying and name it 'robbery and murder.' Bodhisattvas regard lying as they would treading on a venomous snake."

"The seventh consists of the habits of enmity and mutual suspicion, which give rise to grievances. From this there come into being the experiences of being pelted by flying rocks or gravel, being imprisoned in a box, car, or urn; and being bagged and struck. It is like a treacherous person who harbors evil in his mind. Because these two habits swallow one another up, there come into being tossing, pitching, seizing, striking, and banging, and other such experiences. Therefore, the Tathagatas of the ten directions look upon animosity and name it a 'perverse and harmful ghost.' Bodhisattvas regard animosity as they would drinking poisonous wine."

"The eighth consists of the habit of expressing (wrong) views, such as those of satkayadrishti, prohibitions, grasping, and other deviant insights and the karma involved in these, which result from contradiction and opposition. From these there come into being court officials and deputies holding documents, whom one meets as if they were people coming and going on the road. Because these two habits influence one another, there come into being official inquiries, baited questions, examinations, interrogations, public investigations, exposure, the youths who record good and evil, carrying the record books of the offenders' arguments and rationalizations, and other such experiences. Therefore, the Tathagatas of the ten directions look upon evil views and name them the 'pit of views.' Bodhisattvas regard having false and one-sided views as they would standing on the edge of a steep ravine full of poison."

"The ninth consists of the habit of injustice that comes from instigating false charges and libeling. From them are produced crushing between mountains, crushing between rocks, stone rollers, stone grinders, plowing, and grinding. It is like a slanderous villain who engages in persecuting good people unjustly. Because these two habits join ranks, there come into being pressing and pushing, bludgeons and compulsion, squeezing and straining, weighing and measuring, and other such experiences. Therefore, there Tathagatas of the ten directions look upon harmful accusations and name them 'a treacherous tiger.' Bodhisattvas regard injustice as they would a bolt of lightning."

"The tenth consists of the habits of litigation and the mutual disputations which give rise to covering. From them are produced the mirror that reflects and the lamp that shines, exposing one just as if one were in direct sunlight and had no way to hide one's shadow. Because these two habits bicker back and forth, there come into being evil companions, the mirror of karma, the fiery pearl, exposure of past karma, inquests, and other such experiences. Therefore, all the Tathagatas of the ten directions look upon covering and name it a 'hidden villain.' Bodhisattvas regard covering as they would having to carry a mountain atop their heads while walking upon the sea."




Shurangama Qingx (veh-9)

"Ananda! Itcer sewqanx snesiw siy’ suar, snex si duer sibquanr, siw si suii venwcenx decc liujuanw. Limjiongx ee sii, siykir iauxx bue siar srinx li, itsingx ee sxen qapp og qangrsii henxhen, iamr siw sun snex, jitt nng jiongw sibkir siy’ qauqnaa.

Juan'id dirr sniu :ee dyrr e vuex, vitdnia sringx kir tnidingw. Decc vuex ee simlai narr u hokkir, diwhui, qapp cingjing ee guan, jurzenn simx kuix, tangx qnir diyc sibhongx ee Vut qapp itcer jingrtow, suii guan ongxsingx.

Jxingg viw sniu kacc jiyw :ee vuex be hng, dyrr juer vuesenx, dua lat quixongg, huihingg iarcex, iacc derhingg rakshasa, dirr Sir Tniqair iulik, soxx kir longxx byy jiongwgai. Qidiongx u sxen-guan qapp sxen-simx :ee narr horcii gnoxhuad, iacc horcii qimwqair, duisuii ciqair ee langg, iacc siuxho sinn-jxiur, duisuii liam jxiur :ee, iacc siuxho sendnia, hro inx siuhing zimxnai ee Hxuad, jiaxee langg tangx diamr dirr Zulaii jyrui erdew.

Jxingg qapp sniu vnii je, byy vuex tnix iarr byy duirlyc, dirr zinqanx cutsir. Susiongw ee qongbingg diwsuw congbingg, jingqamw ee oamr diwsuw hunrdun

Jxingg kacc je quer sniu, duirlyc jyr jingsnex, jxingg dang juer u mox :ee, jxingg kinx juer u uxmoo :ee.

Cid hunx jxingg snax hunx sniu, e dimm lyc juixlunn, snex dirr huew lairdew, sriu zet krir qapp bingw huew, iacc juer iaux qxuiw, dniardnia virr huew siyx, lenrr juiw dy' tangx qra sionghai, byy jiac byy limx, qingquer vaccingx qiab.

Qauw hunx jxingg jit hunx sniu, e duirlyc qycc crngx quer huexlunn, srinx zip kir hongx qapp huew ee qauqair, kinx :ee ongxsingx kir u qnaiwdng dergak, dang :ee ongxsingx kir byy qnaiwdngw dergak. Dandanx u jxingg diyrr dimm lyc Avici Dergak. Narr dimlunn ee simdiongx u huixvongr Dairsing, pywhuai Vut ee qimwqair, luanrsuw suathuad, tamqiuu sinwjiaw ee vowsix, lamrsamw kir sriu langg' ee qiongqingr, huan go hinggik jap dang jue, e ongxsingx kir sibhongx Avici Dergak. Jiaxee og giap suizenn qaqi jyr did laii, jiongwsingx qang giap hunlui, u inx qinguann sanxsingx ee soxjai.

Ananda! Jiaxee longxx si jiongwsingx qaqi ee giabvyr soxx qamxingr, jy jap jiongw sibkir ee xinx, sriu lak jiongw sna' qauqnaa ee qyxvyr.

(Shurangama Sutra, Volume 8-9)

"Ananda, all beings in the world are caught up in the continuity of birth and death. Birth happens because of their habitual tendencies; death results inflow and change. When they are on the verge of dying, but when the final warmth has not left their bodies, all the good and evil they have done in that life suddenly and simultaneously manifest. They experience the intermingling of two habits: an abhorrence of death and an attraction to life."

"Endowed solely with thought, they will fly and can certainly be reborn in the heavens. If fly into the heart, with blessings and wisdom, as well as pure vows, then their hearts will spontaneously open and they will see the Buddhas of the ten directions and all their pure lands and they will be reborn in whichever one they wish."

"When they have more thought than emotion, they are not quite as ethereal and so they become flying immortals, great mighty ghost kings, space traveling-yakshas, or earth-traveling rakshasas who roam the Heaven of the Four Kings, going where they please without obstruction. Among them may be some with good vows and good hearts who will protect and uphold my dharma. Perhaps they protect the pure precepts by following and supporting those who hold precepts. Perhaps they protect holy mantras by following and supporting those who hold mantras. Perhaps they protect those who practice Dhyana Samadhi so they can cultivate Dharma-Ksanti(forbearance)s. These beings will be close to the Tathagata beneath his seat."

"When their thought and emotion are of equal proportions, they neither fly nor fall, but are born in the human realm, where the brightness of thought leads to intelligence and the darkness of emotion leads to dullness."

"When they have more emotion than thought, they enter the animal realm. With heavier emotion, they become fur-bearing beasts; with lighter emotion, they become winged creatures."

"When they have seventy percent emotion and thirty percent thought, they fall beneath the wheel of water and are bordering on the wheel of fire, where they experience the full force of the raging blaze. In the bodies of hungry ghosts, they are constantly burned to a crisp. Even water harms them, and they have nothing to eat or drink for hundreds of thousands of eons."

"When they have ninety percent emotion and ten percent thought, they fall through the wheel of fire until their bodies enter a region where wind and fire interact. With lighter emotion they are born in the intermittent hell; with heavier emotion they are born in the unintermittent hell. When they are possessed entirely of emotion, they sink into the Avici Hell. If in their minds they slander the Mahayana, defame the Buddha's pure precepts, irrationally speak dharma, are greedy for offerings from the faithful, recklessly accept the respect of others, commit the five rebellious acts and the ten major offenses, then they are further reborn in Avici Hell throughout the ten directions. Although one receives one's due according to the evil karma one has created, a group can undergo an identical lot, and there are definite places where it occurs."

"Ananda, it all comes from the karmic responses which living beings themselves invoke. They create ten habitual causes and undergo six interacting retributions. 

