Qycc u, senrlamjuw! Qongw diyc sisiongg yc vut, jitt hy syvyy sewqair ee Vairocana Zulaii an’ co’ huatsimx, jingjinr byy trer, ixx qongw be jin ee sinmia vowsix, vrag puee jyr juaw, tiah qud jyr vid, criah huih jyr bxak, causiaw qingdenw, jxig qaxx cincniu Sumeru Snuax hiacc quann. In'ui jundiong Hxuad, byy siyh sinmia, hyhongr ong’ui, snia’ib, cuanlok, qiongden, iacc uanlimm dringw itcer soxu. Qycc u jiongxjiongg lann sidjenr ee koxhingg, simrjiww dirr ciu-kax singjiu dua potee, duwhen jiongxjiongw sintongx, kiw jiongxjiongw venwhuar, henrcud jiongxjiongw vudsinx, diamr jiongxjiongw jingwlangg ee huerdniuu, iacc diamr itcer jiongww dua posad jibhue ee dyrdniuu, iacc diamr sniabunn qapp pratyekabuddha jibhue ee dyrdniuu, iacc diamr dngw lenw singwongg qapp siyw ongg quanwsiok jibhue ee dyrdniuu, iacc diamr vudqog, ixqip brahmin, diongxjiaw, qapp qusu jibhue ee dyrdniuu, simrjiww diamr tnix, lringg dringw veh vxo, langg, qapp byy sriok langg dringw jibhue ee dyrdniuu. Diamr dirr jiaxee jiongxjiongw jibhue ee soxjai, ixx uanbuanw ee imsniax, cincniu dua luii dinxdang, jiauww inx hixair :ee, singsik jiongwsingx, simrjiww duwhen zip liappuann. Zucuw itcer, guaw longxx duer lecc yc, cincniu jitmaw ee Sewjunx Vairocana. Zucuw, soxu huatqair, hukongx ee sewqair, sibhongx samser itcer vudqog, soxu din’aix lairdew itcer Zulaii iarr si anxnex, jit liam suar jit liam, guaw longxx duer lecc yc.
Zucuw, hukongx ee sewqair qiongjin, jiongwsingx ee sewqair qiongjin, jiongwsingx ee giap qiongjin, qapp jiongwsingx ee huanlyw qiongjin, guaw jitt hy kuanw duer lecc yc byy qiongjin. Jit liam suar jit liam byy qnaiwdng, srinx-giw-ir jitt snax jiongw giap longxx be iawsen.
(The Practices and Vows of the Bodhisattva Samantabhadra --9)
Again, O Noble-minded Man, what is meant by being “Under Buddhas’ guidance forever”? It means, for instance, the Tathagata Vairocana of the Saha-world , who from the beginning, when He made an earnest wish (for obtaining Buddhahood, in order to deliver all beings), and having made the exquisite advance by unremittingly skilful exertion, and sacrificed His lives and bodies, in unutterable and countless number, for the sake of almsgiving. He stripped off His own skin for parchment, used His own blood for ink, and His bones for writing-instruments. Thus the scripture have been written in bulk as great as Mount Sumeru. In appreciation of the Dharma, He would disregard the royal throne, dominions, palaces, gardens, and all that appertained to him. He spared no energy in his arduous career and pains-taking, until He accomplished the great Bodhi under the tree. Then He displayed various exalted powers (Abhidjnas), manifested various transmutations, revealed various Buddha-figures, and presided at the various assemblies; such as the assemblies of great Bodhisattvas, the assemblies of Sravakas and Pratyeka-Buddhas, the assemblies of the Tchakravarti-radja and petty Kings and their retinues, the assemblies of Kshatriya, Brahmins, Elders, and laymen, the assemblies of Devas, Nagas, Eight Groups , mankind, and sub-human. At these assemblies and sanctuaries, He spoke in a full and round voice of thunder, with expedient means and skilful methods, teaching the beings in a manner befitting their inclinations and happiness. Thus He led them to the maturity (of Bodhi), until He entered into Nirvana. All these examples I will follow, not only that of the present World-honoured One Vairocana, but of all the Tathagatas of the Buddha-countries, equal in number to the dust-motes of the ten quarters and three yugas, throughout the Dharma-realms and cosmic void. I will follow the examples of the Buddhas from thought to thought. Even though the void of space has ended, and the worlds of beings, the karmas of beings, the sorrows of beings all have ended, yet my practice and following of the examples of the Buddhas will not be ended. Thought succeeds thought without interruption, and in bodily, vocal and mental deeds, without weariness.
(普賢菩薩十大行願 --9)
復次善男子,言常隨佛學者。如此娑婆世界,毗盧遮那如來。從初發心,精進不退,以不可說不可說身命而為佈施。剝皮為紙,析骨為筆,刺血為墨,書寫經典,積如須彌。為重法故,不惜身命。何況王位,城邑聚落,宮殿園林,一切所有。及餘種種難行苦行,乃至樹下成大菩提,示種種神通,起種種變化,現種種佛身,處種種眾會。或處一切諸大菩薩,眾會道場。或處聲聞,及辟支佛,眾會道場。或處轉輪聖王,小王眷屬,眾會道場。或處剎利,及婆羅門,長者居士,眾會道場。 乃至或處天龍八部,人非人等,眾會道場。處於如是種種眾會。以圓滿音,如大雷震。隨其樂欲,成熟眾生。乃至示現入於涅槃。如是一切,我皆隨學。如今世尊毗盧遮那。如是盡法界虛空界,十方三世一切佛剎,所有塵中一切如來,皆亦如是,於念念中,我皆隨學。如是虛空界盡,眾生界盡,眾生業盡,眾生煩惱盡,我此隨學無有窮盡。念念相續,無有間斷。身語意業,無有疲厭。