
Vuddyy Qangxsuad Quanx Buliong Siursor Qingx (32)

Hitt sijun, Ananda an' jyrui vreh kiw, hiongwjenn duiww Vuddyy qongw, “Sewjunx! Qaidongx qra jitt vxo qingx qiyr sniaxmih miaa? Jitt mngg Hxuad ee iauwjiw, rair zuhyy lingxsiu qapp qir diauu lehh?”

Vuddyy qra Ananda qongw, “Jitt vxo qingx miaa qiyr jyr 'Quanx Qiglok Qoktow Buliong Siursor Vut, Quansewimx Posad, Dairsewjir Posad’, marr qiyr jyr 'Cingjing Siauduu Giabjiongr Ongxsingx Kir Jiongww Vut Taujingg'. Liw qaidongx lingxsiu qapp qir diauu lehh, m tangx vangr be qir! Siulen jitt hy samadhi :ee, henrser dyrr tangx qnir diyc Buliong Siursor Vut qapp nng xui dairsu. Narr senrlamjuw qapp senrluxzinn dna’ tniax diyc Vut qapp nng xui posad ee miaa, inx dyrr tangx druu kir buliong kalpa hiacc quw snesiw ee jue, hyhongr ikliam! Narr u liam Vut :ee, tangx jaix jitt xee langg dyrr si langg lairdew ee lenhuex. Quansewimx Posad qapp Dairsewjir Posad longxx si ix ee hyw ving’iuw. Ix tangx jre dirr dyrdniuu ongxsingx kir jiongww vut ee qex."

Vuddyy qra Ananda qongw, “Liw diyhh e qir did jiaxee ue. E qir did jiaxee ue, dyrr si e qir did Buliong Siursor Vut ee miaa.”

Vuddyy qongw jiaxee ue ee sii, junjiaw Boglenn, junjiaw Ananda qapp Vaidehi dringw tniax diyc Vuddyy soxx qongw :ee longxx jiokk hnuahiw.

(The Sutra On Contemplation Of Amitayus - 32)

Then Ananda rose from his seat, stepped forward, and said to the Buddha, “World-Honored One, what should we call this sutra and how should we receive and retain the essentials of its teaching?”

The Buddha answered, “Ananda, this sutra is called the Visualization of the Land of Utmost Bliss, of the Buddha Amitayus, and of the Bodhisattvas Avalokiteshvara and Mahasthamaprapta. It is also called the Purification and Elimination of Karmic Hindrances for Attaining Birth in the Presence of All the Buddhas. Hold fast to this sutra and do not forget it. Those who practice this samadhi will be able to see, during their lifetime, the Buddha Amitayus and the two Mahasattvas. If good men or women simply hear the Name of this Buddha or the names of those two bodhisattvas, the evil karma which they have committed during innumerable kalpas of Samsara will be extinguished. And so, how much more merit will they acquire if they concentrate on them! You should know that all who are mindful of that Buddha are like white lotus-flowers among humankind; the Bodhisattvas Avalokiteshvara and Mahasthamaprapta become their good friends. They will sit in the place of Enlightenment and be born into the family of the Buddhas.”

The Buddha further said to Ananda, “Bear these words well in mind. To bear these words in mind means to hold fast to the Name of the Buddha Amitayus.”

When the Buddha had spoken thus, the Venerable Mahamaudgalyayana, Venerable Ananda, Vaidehi and all the others greatly rejoiced to hear the Buddha’s discourse.

(佛說觀無量壽佛經 - 32)




Vuddyy Qangxsuad Quanx Buliong Siursor Qingx (31)

Hitt sijun, Sewjunx qongw jiaxee ue ee sii, Vaidehi qapp go-vah xee jaboxqanw tniax diyc vut soxx qongw, liammisii dyrr qnir diyc Qiglok Sewqair iurr kuah iurr dngg ee qingxsiong, qnir diyc vudsinx qapp nng xui posad. Inx simlai jin’ hnuahiw, kaiwtanr qongxx jionglaii m bad knuar .quer, dudzenqanx dua liauxgno, did diyc byy snex byy bet dniardiyc ee diwhui. Go-vah xee jaboxqanw huad jniawsiong samyak sambodhi ee potesimx, guanrir ongxsingx kir hitt qog. Sewjunx longxx qra inx jyr qiwzin, qongxx inx longxx tangx ongxsingx; ongxsingx kir hitt qog liauxau, inx e did diyc jiongww vut cuthen dirr binrtaujingg ee samadhi. Buliong jerje tenzinn iarr huad busiong dyrsimx.

(The Sutra On Contemplation Of Amitayus - 31)

As the Buddha delivered these words, Vaidehi and her five hundred female attendants listened to his teaching. Having envisioned the boundless features of the Land of Utmost Bliss, the Buddha (Amitayus) and the two bodhisattvas, Vaidehi rejoiced in her heart. Wonder-struck at this revelation, she attained great awakening with clarity of mind and reached the insight into the non-arising of all dharmas. Her five hundred female attendants awakened aspiration for the highest, perfect Enlightenment and desired to be born in that land. The World-Honored One gave all of them assurances that they would be born there and that they would then attain the Samadhi of Being in the Presence of All the Buddhas. Innumerable devas also awakened aspiration for the highest Enlightenment.

(佛說觀無量壽佛經 - 31)



Vuddyy Qangxsuad Quanx Buliong Siursor Qingx (30)

Vuddyy qra Ananda qapp Vaidehi qongw, “Xe dingxhy xe janr :ee dyrr si uree jiongwsingx jy vutsen ee giap, go jiongw hinggik, jap jiongw og qapp jerje vutsen. Jitt hy gong langg in’ui og giap ingqaix duirlyc og dy, qinglik jerje kalpa, siurkow buqiongjin. Jitt hy gong langg limjiongx ee sii duw diyc senrdiwsig iong qokk jiongw an’uir ee ue uirr ix qangxsuad bibiau ee Hxuad, qar ix liam vut. Hitt xee langg virr kow soxx vig, byy huatdo liam vut. Jitt xui senriuw qra ix qongw, ‘Liw narr byy huatdo liam hitt jrunx Vut, qaidongx qongw quiix Buliong Siursor Vut.’ Jiauww anxnex itsimx hro sniax byy dng .kir, jiokjiog liam jap sniax, cinghox namo Amitayus Vut. In’ui u cinghox Vut ee miaa, jit liam suar jit liam, tangx druu kir veh-jap-ig kalpa hiacc quw snesiw ee jue. Limjiongx ee sii, ix qnir diyc uanxzenn zidlunn ee qimx lenhuex diamr dirr binrjingg. Kyxviw id liam jiqanx hiacc dew, ix dyrr ongxsingx kir Qiglok Sewqair. Dirr lenhuex-diongx muaw jap-zi dua kalpa quer, lenhuex jiacc kuix. Huex kuix ee sii, Quansewimx qapp Dairsewjir iong dairvix ee imsniax uirr hitt langg qangxsuad sidsiongr qapp dubet jue ee honghuad. Ix tniax liauw jin’ hnuahiw, liammisii dyrr huad potesimx. Jex qiyr jyr xe dingxhy xe janr :ee. Jitt snax xee qiyr jyr xe dingxhy ee quansniu, miaa qiyr jyr derr jap-lak quansniu.”

(The Sutra On Contemplation Of Amitayus - 30)

The Buddha said to Ananda and Vaidehi, “Those who attain birth on the lowest level of the lowest grade are the sentient beings who commit such evils as the five gravest offenses, the ten evil acts and all kinds of immorality. Owing to such evil karma, the fool like this will fall into evil realms and suffer endless agony for many kalpas. When he is about to die, he may meet a good teacher, who consoles him in various ways, teaching him the wonderful Dharma and urging him to be mindful of the Buddha; but he is too tormented by pain to do so. The good teacher then advises him, ’If you cannot concentrate on the Buddha, then you should say instead, Homage to Amitayus Buddha.’ In this way, he sincerely and continuously says ’Homage to Amitayus Buddha’ ten times. Because he calls the Buddha’s Name, with each repetition, the evil karma which he has committed during eighty kotis of kalpas of Samsara is extinguished. When he comes to die, he sees before him a golden lotus-flower like the disk of the sun, and in an instant he is born within a lotus-bud in the Land of Utmost Bliss. After twelve great kalpas the lotus-bud opens. When the flower opens, Avalokiteshvara and Mahasthamaprapta teach him with voices of great compassion the method of extinguishing evil karma through the realization of Suchness of all dharmas. Hearing this, he rejoices and immediately awakens aspiration for Enlightenment. Such a person is called one who attains birth on the lowest level of the lowest grade. These three together are known as the contemplation of the lowest grade of aspirants and the sixteenth contemplation.”

(佛說觀無量壽佛經 - 30)


Vuddyy Qangxsuad Quanx Buliong Siursor Qingx (29)

Vuddyy qra Ananda qapp Vaidehi qongw, “Xe dingxhy diongx janr :ee dyrr si uree jiongwsingx uihuanw gnoxqair, vatqair qapp cutqelangg soxu ee qaiwlut. Jitt hy gong langg, tautec jingdoo ee mihqnia, tautec langg hongrhenr hro jingdoo ee mihqnia, qongw byy cingjing ee ue iarr byy qamxqag qenwsiaur, qra jerje og giap amkamr .kiw .laii. Jitt xee juerzinn, in’ui jiaxee og giap ingqaix duirlyc dergak. 

Ix limjiongx ee sii, dergak qokk jiongw huew jidsii longxx qaur. Ix duw diyc senrdiwsig iong dairjuvix jiksii uirr ix qangxsuad Amitayu Vut jap jiongw uidig, juanzenn janwtanr hitt jrunx vut qongbingg ee sinlat, iarr janwtanr qaiwlut, jingrsniu, diwhui, qaixtuad qapp qaixtuad ee diwsig. Jitt xee langg tniax liauw, tangx druu kir veh-jap-ig kalpa hiacc quw snesiw ee jue; dergak ee bingw huew huar jyr liangg hongx, cuex jerje tensiong ee huex. Huex-dingw longxx u vut qapp posad ee huawsinx laii gingjiab jitt xee langg.

Kyxviw id liam jiqanx hiacc dew ee siqanx, ix dyrr ongxsingx kir cid vyw juixdii-lai ee lenhuex lairdew, qingquer lak kalpa hiacc quw, lenhuex dyrr kuix. Huex kuix ee sii, Quansewimx qapp Dairsewjir iong cingjing ee imsniax an’uir hitt xee langg, uirr ix qangxsuad Dairsing jiww cimx ee qingdenw. Tniax diyc Hxuad liauw, ix liammisii huad busiong dyrsimx. Jex qiyr jyr xe dingxhy diongx janr :ee.”

(The Sutra On Contemplation Of Amitayus - 29)

The Buddha said to Ananda and Vaidehi, “Those who attain birth on the middle level of the lowest grade are the sentient beings who violate the five precepts, the eight precepts or the complete precepts of a monk or a nun. A foolish person such as these steals from the Sangha or takes the personal belongings of monks, or preaches the Dharma with impure motives but feels no remorse. Thus he defiles himself by evil karma, and because of this he will fall into hell.

When he is about to die and the flames of hell suddenly close in on him, he may meet a good teacher, who compassionately explains to him the ten supernal powers of Amitayus, fully describing the majestic power of the light of that Buddha, his virtues in the observance of the precepts, meditation, wisdom, emancipation and knowledge of emancipation. When he has heard this, the evil karma which he has committed during eighty kotis of kalpas of Samsara are extinguished; thus, the fierce flames of hell turn into cool and refreshing breezes, wafting heavenly flowers. On each flower is a transformed Buddha accompanied by bodhisattvas welcoming him.

In an instant, he attains birth within a lotus-bud on a seven-jewelled pond. After six kalpas the lotus-bud opens, and then Avalokiteshvara and Mahasthamaprapta comfort him with their noble voices and teach him profound Mahayana sutras. Upon hearing these, he immediately awakens aspiration for the highest Enlightenment. Such a person is called one who attains birth on the middle level of the lowest grade.”

(佛說觀無量壽佛經 - 29)



Vuddyy Qangxsuad Quanx Buliong Siursor Qingx (28)

Vuddyy qra Ananda qapp Vaidehi qongw, “Xe dingxhy dingw janr :ee dyrr si uree jiongwsingx jy jerje og giap, mrqycc byy huixvongr Dairsing ee qingdenw. Jitt hy gong langg, jy jerje og giap qycc byy qamxqag qenwsiaur, limjiongx ee sii duw diyc senrdiwsig, uirr ix janwtanr Dairsing jap-zi vxo qingx ee bingbok. In’ui tniax diyc jiaxee qingdenw ee miaa, ix tangx druu kir jit-cingx kalpa hiacc quw qik dang ee og giap. U diwhui :ee qycc qar ix habjiongw caciuw, cinghox namo Amitayus Vut. In'ui u cinghox Vut ee miaa, ix tangx druu kir go-jap-ig kalpa hiacc quw snesiw ee jue. 

Hitt sii, hitt jrunx Vut dyrr cepair Vut ee huawsinx, Quansewimx ee huawsinx qapp Dairsewjir ee huawsinx qaur siuhingjiaw taujingg janwtanr qongxx, ‘Jin’ hyw, senrlamjuw! Liw cinghox vut ee miaa, soxiw liw ee jue siaubet, guanw laii gingjiab .liw.’ Jiaxee ue qongw liauw, siuhingrjiaw dyrr qnir diyc sxig-lai muaw siwqer longxx Vut ee huawsinx ee qngx, jin’ hnuahiw, liammisii quewsinx. Ix jre vyw-lenhuex duer dirr vut ee huawsinx aurviah, ongxsingx kir dirr vyw-dii lairdew, qingquer cid cid sir-jap-qauw zit, lenhuex kuix. Huex kuix ee sii, dairjuu-dairvix ee Quanwsewimx Posad qapp Dairsewjir Posad hongwsia cud dua qngx cuthen dirr hitt langg binrjingg, uirr ix qangxsuad jiww cim'yr jap-zi vxo qingx. Tniax liauw, siuhingrjiaw u sinr u liauxqaiw, huad busiong dyrsimx. Qingquer jap siyw kalpa hiacc quw, ix did diyc vah jiongw ee Hxuad, drat qaur zip co’ de. Jex qiyr jyr xe dingxhy dingw janr :ee. Tniax diyc vut ee miaa, Hxuad ee miaa qapp jingdoo ee miaa, tniax diyc Samvyw dyrr tangx did diyc ongxsingx.”

(The Sutra On Contemplation Of Amitayus - 28)

The Buddha said to Ananda and Vaidehi, “Those who attain birth on the highest level of the lowest grade are the sentient beings who commit various evil acts but do not slander the Mahayana sutras of greater scope. When a foolish person such as this, who has committed much evil but feels no remorse, is about to die, he may meet a good teacher, who praises the titles of the twelve divisions of the Mahayana scriptures. By hearing these sutra-titles, he is released from the burden of evil karma which he has accumulated during a thousand kalpas. Furthermore, this wise teacher advises him to join his palms and call, ’Homage to Amitayus Buddha’. Calling the name of the Buddha extinguishes the evil karma that the dying person has committed during fifty kotis of kalpas of Samsara.

The Buddha then sends his transformed body and those of Avalokiteshvara and Mahasthamaprapta to the aspirant; they praise him, saying, ’Well done, man of good deeds! By calling the Name of the Buddha your evil karma has been extinguished, and so we have come to welcome you.’ When these words are uttered, the aspirant sees a flood of light from that transformed Buddha fill his room. Having seen this, he rejoices and dies. Seated on a jewelled lotus-flower, he follows the transformed Buddha and is born on a jewelled pond. In seven weeks the lotus-bud opens and Avalokiteshvara, the Bodhisattva of Great Compassion, and Mahasthamaprapta appear before him, releasing great floods of light, and explain to him the extremely profound teachings of the twelve divisions of the scriptures. Having heard these, the aspirant accepts them in faith, and awakens aspiration for the highest Enlightenment. After ten smaller kalpas, he acquires clear understanding of the one hundred dharmas and enters the First Stage of Bodhisattvahood. Such a person is called one who attains birth on the highest level of the lowest grade. Thus he is born by hearing the Name of the Buddha, the Dharma and the Sangha — that is, the Three Treasures.”

(佛說觀無量壽佛經 - 28)


Vuddyy Qangxsuad Quanx Buliong Siursor Qingx (27)

“Diongx dingxhy xe janr ee senrlamjuw qapp senrluxzinn, hauwiongw verbuw, duiww sewqanx qniaa zingi, jitt hy langg limjiongx ee sii e duw diyc senrdiwsig uirr ix qangxsuad Amitayus Qoktow kuaiwlok ee dairjir ixqip Huatjong Bikiu sir-jap-veh xee dua guan. Tniax diyc jiaxee dairjir liauw, ix sui'au dyrr quewsinx. Bersux jit xee u dua kuiwlat :ee qra ciuxqud auw zip qycc crunx cud hiacnirr dew ee siqanx, ix jiksii ongxsingx kir qaur Sehongx Qiglok Sewqair. Qinquer cid zit, ix duw diyc Quansewimx qapp Dairsewjir, tniax diyc Hxuad jin’ hnuahiw, drat qaur sotapanna ee uircur. Quer jit siyw kalpa hiacc quw jniaa jyr arhat. Jex qiyr jyr diongx dingxhy xe janr :ee. Jiaxee qiyr jyr diongx dingxhy ongxsingx ee quansniu, miaa qiyr jyr derr jap-go quansniu. U jiauww anxnex quansniu :ee qiyr jyr jniar quansniu, ixgua :ee qiyr jyr siaa quansniu.”

(The Sutra On Contemplation Of Amitayus - 27)

“Those who attain birth on the lowest level of the middle grade are good men and women who are dutiful to and care for their parents and do benevolent deeds for others. When such a person is about to die, he may meet a good teacher, who fully explains to him the bliss of the land of Amitayus and the Forty-eight Great Vows of the Bhiksu Dharmakara. Having heard this, he dies and in the short time it takes a strong man to bend and straighten his arm, he attains birth in the Western Land of Utmost Bliss. Seven days after his birth there, he meets Avalokiteshvara and Mahasthamaprapta, rejoices at hearing the Dharma from them and so reaches the Stage of a Stream-Winner. After one smaller kalpa, he becomes an Arhat. Such a person is called one who attains birth on the lowest level of the middle grade. These three together are known as the contemplation of the middle grade of aspirants and the fifteenth contemplation. To practice in this way is called the correct contemplation, and to practice otherwise is incorrect.”

(佛說觀無量壽佛經 - 27)



Vuddyy Qangxsuad Quanx Buliong Siursor Qingx (26)

“Diongx dingxhy diongx janr ee jiongwsingx jit zit jit xia ciciuw vatqair, jit zit jit xia cisiuw samanera-qaiwlut, jit zit jit xia cisiuw cutqelangg soxu ee qaiwlut, byy srid uigii. Inx iong jitt xee qongdig huehiongr, hibang ongxsingx kir Qiglok Qoktow.

U siuw qaiwlut decc hrunx siuhing ee qongdig, jitt hy siuhingrjiaw limjiongx ee sii qnir diyc Amitayus qapp jerje quanwsiok longxx hongwsia cud qimsig ee qngx, ciuw tec cid vyw lenhuex qaur siuhingrjiaw binrjingg. Siuhingrjiaw tniax diyc kongdiongx u sniax decc janwtanr qongxx, 'Senrlamjuw! Cincniu liw jitt kuanw senrzinn, u junjiaur sxamx sxer jiongww vut soxx qar :ee, guanw laii gingjiab .liw.’ Siuhingrjiaw qnir diyc qaqi srinx jre dirr lenhuedaii, lenhuex dyrr hap .kiw .laii ongxsingx kir qaur Qiglok Sewqair. Dirr vyw-dii lairdew qingquer cid zit, lenhuex dyrr kuix. Huex kuix, ix bagjiux vreh qimx babjiongw janwtanr Sewjunx. Tniax diyc Hxuad jin' hnuahiw, ix drat qaur sotapanna uircur, qingquer vnuar kalpa hiacc quw dyrr jniaa jyr Arhat. Jex qiyr jyr diongx dingxhy diongx janr :ee.

(The Sutra On Contemplation Of Amitayus - 26)

“Those who attain birth on the middle level of the middle grade are the sentient beings who observe for at least a day and night the eight abstinences, the precepts for a novice or the complete precepts of a monk or a nun, and do not violate any of the rules of conduct. They transfer the merit acquired to the Land of Utmost Bliss, aspiring to be born there.

When such an aspirant, perfumed by the virtue of observing the precepts, is about to die, he sees Amitayus coming towards him with his attendants, radiating a golden light and carrying a seven-jewelled lotus-flower. He hears a voice in the sky above praising him, saying ’Man of good deeds, since you are virtuous and have followed the teachings of the Buddhas of the three periods, I have come to welcome you.’ The aspirant finds himself seated upon the lotus-flower. The flower having closed, the aspirant is born on a jewelled pond of the Western Land of Utmost Bliss. After seven days the lotus-bud unfolds, and then he opens his eyes. With joined palms he pays homage to the World-Honored One, rejoices at hearing the Dharma and reaches the Stage of a Stream-Winner. After half a kalpa, he becomes an Arhat. Such a person is called one who attains birth on the middle level of the middle grade.

(佛說觀無量壽佛經 - 26)



Vuddyy Qangxsuad Quanx Buliong Siursor Qingx (25)

Vuddyy qra Ananda qapp Vaidehi qongw, “Diongx dingxhy dingw janr ee jiongwsingx cisiuw gnoxqair, vatqair, siuw soxu qaiwlut, byy huan go jiongw hinggik ee jue, byy huan jiongxjiongw ee quewsid qapp juerog. Inx ixx jitt xee senrqinx huehiongr, hibang ongxsingx kir Qiglok Qoktow.

Jitt hy langg limjiongx ee sii, Amitayus ham' jerje bikiu qapp quanwsiok e qra uii lehh, hongwsia qimsig ee qngx qaur hitt xee langg ee soxjai, enxsuad kow, kangx, busiongg qapp bugnow, janwtanr cutqex tangx li jiongxjiongw ee kow. 

Siuhingrjiaw knuar .diyc, simlai dua hnuahiw. Ix qnir diyc qaqi srinx jre dirr lenhuedaii, qui lehh habjiongw hiongr Vut lexvair. Buerjingrr giaa tauu dyrr ongxsingx kir qaur Qiglok Sewqair, lenhuex dyrr kuix. Dng' huex kuix ee sii, ix tniax diyc qokk jiongw imsniax longxx decc janwtanr Sir Singwder, ix jiksii drat qaur Arhat uircur, u snax jiongw bingtongx, lak jiongw sintongx, qapp veh jiongw qaixtuad. Jex qiyr jyr diongx dingxhy dingw janr :ee.

(The Sutra On Contemplation Of Amitayus - 25)

The Buddha said to Ananda and Vaidehi, “Those who attain birth on the highest level of the middle grade are the sentient beings who keep the five precepts, observe the eight abstinences, practice in compliance with various precepts, and abstain from committing the five gravest offenses and other transgressions. They transfer the merit acquired to the Western Land of Utmost Bliss, aspiring to be born there.

When such a person is about to die, Amitayus appears before him, surrounded by a host of monks and radiating a golden light. He then expounds the truth of suffering, emptiness, impermanence and no-self, and praises renunciation of the world as the way to escape from suffering.

Seeing this, the aspirant greatly rejoices and finds himself seated upon a lotus-flower. He kneels down, joins his palms and worships the Buddha. Before he raises his head, he attains birth in the Land of Utmost Bliss, where his lotus-bud soon opens. When the flower opens, he hears various sounds and voices extolling the Four Noble Truths. He immediately attains Arhatship, acquires the three kinds of transcendent knowledge and the six supernatural powers, and realizes the eight samadhis of emancipation. Such a person is called one who attains birth on the highest level of the middle grade.

(佛說觀無量壽佛經 - 25)


Vuddyy Qangxsuad Quanx Buliong Siursor Qingx (24)

"Dingw dingxhy xe janr :ee iarr sinr inqyw, byy huixvongr Dairsing, huad busiong dyrsimx. Inx qra jitt hxang qongdig huehiongr, hibang ongxsingx kir Qiglok Qoktow.

Jitt hy siuhingrjiaw limjiongx ee sii, Amitayus ham' Quansewimx, Dairsewjir, ixqip jerje quanwsiok ciuw tec qimx lenhuex, huar jyr go-vah jrunx vut laii gingjiab jitt xee langg. Go-vah jrunx vut ee huawsinx qang sijun crunx ciuw, janwtanr qongxx, ‘Hxuad ee qniaw! Liw dnaxx ixx cingjing, huad busiong dyrsimx. Guanw laii gingjiab .liw.’ 

Knuar diyc jiaxee liauw, ix qnir diyc qaqi srinx jre dirr qimx lenhuex. Jre dniardiyc, huex hap .kiw .laii, ix duer Sewjunx aurviah, dyrr ongxsingx kir cid vyw juixdii lairdew. Qingquer jit zit jix xia, lenuex dyrr kuix, cid zit lairdew dyrr erdid qnir diyc Vut. Suizenn qnir diyc Vut ee srinx, vut soxu hingsiong ee hyw, ix iaxx byy bingliauw, dirr sxamx-cid zi-jap-id zit jiacc knuar e cingcyw, tniax jiongww imsniax longxx decc enxsuad bibiau ee Hxuad. Ix iulik sibhongx, henwqingr jiongww vut. Ix dirr jiongww vut taujingg tniax diyc cim’yr ee Hxuad, qingquer snax siyw kalpa hiacc quw dyrr did diyc vah mngg ee Hxuad, druar dirr hnuahiw de. Jex qiyr jyr dingw dingxhy xe janr :ee. Jiaxee qiyr jyr quansniu dingw dingxhy ongxsingx ee quansniu, miaa qiyr jyr derr jap-sir quanx. U jiauww anxnex quansniu :ee qiyr jyr jniar quansniu, ixgua :ee qiyr jyr siaa quansniu.”

(The Sutra On Contemplation Of Amitayus - 24)

“Those who attain birth on the lowest level of the highest grade likewise accept the law of karmic causes and effects, do not speak slightingly of the Mahayana and awaken aspiration for the highest Enlig, htenment. They transfer the merit acquired to the Land of Utmost Bliss, aspiring to be born there.

When such an aspirant is about to die, Amitayus, together with Avalokiteshvara, Mahasthamaprapta and a host of attendants, come to welcome him, bringing a golden lotus-flower and manifesting five hundred transformed Buddhas. Those transformed Buddhas extend their hands all at once and praise the aspirant, saying, ’Son of the Dharma, since you have awakened pure aspiration for the highest Enlightenment, we have come to welcome you.’

When he has viewed all this, the aspirant finds himself seated upon a golden lotus-flower, which then closes. Following the World-Honored One, he immediately attains birth on a seven-jewelled pond. After a day and night, the lotus-flower opens and, within seven days, the aspirant beholds the Buddha. Although he sees the Buddha’s body, he is still unable to discern his physical characteristics and marks clearly. But after three weeks he sees them distinctly, and also hears all the sounds and voices proclaiming the wonderful Dharma. Then he can travel in all the ten quarters to make offerings to the Buddhas and hear their profound teachings. After three smaller kalpas he acquires clear understanding of the one hundred dharmas and dwells in the Stage of Joy. Such a person is called one who attains birth on the lowest level of the highest grade. These three together are known as the contemplation of the highest grade of aspirants, and the fourteenth contemplation. To practice in this way is called the correct contemplation, and to practice otherwise is incorrect.”

(佛說觀無量壽佛經 - 24)



Vuddyy Qangxsuad Quanx Buliong Siursor Qingx (23)

“Dingw dingxhy diongx janr :ee mrbenw cisiuw qapp siongrtok Dairsing ee qingdenw. Inx u liauxqaiw dyrliw, tniax diyc siongrr quann ee ywgi iarr be qniahniaa. Inx cimx sinr inqyw, be huixvongr Dairsing. Inx qra jitt hxang qongdig huehiongr, hibang ongxsingx kir Qiglok Qoktow.

U jiauww anxnex siuhing :ee, limjiongx ee sii, Amitayus ham' Quanwsewimx, Dairsewjir ixqip buliong dairjiongr qapp quanwsiok e qra uii lehh, tec jixqimsig ee daii qaur siuhingjiaw ee binrtaujingg janwtanr qongxx, ‘Hxuad ee qniaw! Liw siuhing Dairsing, liauxqaiw siongrr quann ywgi, soxiw guaw dnaxx laii gingjiab .liw.’ Amitayus qapp jit-cingx xee vut ee huawsinx qang sijun crunx ciuw. Siuhing :ee knuar diyc qaqi jre dirr jixqimsig ee daii-dingw, habjiongw caciuw, janwtanr jiongww vut, id liam jiqanx dyrr ongxsingx kir hitt qog ee cid vyw juixdii lairdew. 

Jitt xee jixqimsig ee daii cincniu jit luiw dua vyw huex, qingquer jit mii dyrr kuix. Siuhing :ee srinx venr jyr jixqimsig, kax-drew iarr u cid vyw lenhuex. Vut qapp posad longxx hongwsia cud qngx jiyr siuhingrjiaw ee sinkux, siuhingrjiaw kuix bak. In’ui ix jingg sxer u siuhing, tangx poxpenr tniax diyc dairjiongr ee sniax, dyrr si suncuir decc qangxsuad siongrr quann ywgi. Ix qniaa lyc qimsig ee daii, lexvair vut, habjiongw janwtanr Sewjunx, qingquer cid zit, dyrr did diyc jniawsiong samyak sambodhi, be trer dywdngw. Hitt sii ix dyrr e vuex qaur sibhongx kir qingwvair jiongww vut, dirr jiongww vut ee soxjai siuhing jiongxjiongw samadhi. Ix qingquer jit siyw kalpa hiacc quw dyrr did diyc byy snex byy bet dniardiyc ee diwhui. Vut e cuthen dirr ix binrjingg qra jyr qiwzin. Jex qiyr jyr dingw dingxhy diongx janr :ee.

(The Sutra On Contemplation Of Amitayus - 23)

“Those who attain birth on the middle level of the highest grade, do not necessarily uphold and chant the sutras of greater scope, but comprehend the teachings of the Buddha so well that when they hear the supreme truths, they are not dismayed. They have deep faith in the law of karmic causes and effects and do not speak slightingly of the Mahayana. They transfer the merit acquired to the Land of Utmost Bliss, aspiring to be born there.

When such an aspirant is about to die, Amitayus appears before him, surrounded by Avalokiteshvara, Mahasthamaprapta and innumerable sages and attendants, carrying a purple-gold lotus-seat. The Buddha praises him, saying, ’Son of the Dharma, because you have practiced the Mahayana and appreciate the supreme truths, I have come to welcome you.’ So saying, he and a thousand transformed Buddhas extend their hands all at once towards the aspirant, who, seeing himself sitting on the purple-gold seat, joins his palms and praises the Buddhas. In an instant, he is born in a seven-jewelled pond of that land.

The purple-gold seat has become like a great jewelled flower, which opens after one night. The body of the aspirant has become the color of purple-gold, and beneath his feet are seven-jewelled lotus-flowers. The Buddha and bodhisattvas together release a flood of light which illuminates the aspirant’s body. His eyes open, and because of the store of merit from his previous life, he hears voices everywhere expounding only the most profound and supreme truths. Descending from his golden seat, he bows with joined palms and praises the Buddha, the World-Honored One. After seven days, he immediately reaches the Stage of Non-retrogression for realizing the highest, perfect Enlightenment. He is also able to fly in the ten quarters, as he wishes, to revere all the Buddhas and learn various samadhis from them. After the lapse of a smaller kalpa, he attains the insight into the non-arising of all dharmas and receives from each Buddha the prediction of his future Buddhahood. Such a person is called one who attains birth on the middle level of the highest grade.

(佛說觀無量壽佛經 - 23)
