
Siong'ingr Vxo (1-3-22)

22. A'maw
Savatthi Sniaa ee inenn.
Sewjunx mng jre dirr vnix:a ee Kosala Qog ee Pasenadi Ongg qongxx, "Dairongg! Ongg dirr ziddiongx an' dyc'ui laii lehh?"

"Sewjunx! Guanw lau a'maw vah-zxic huer quewsinx. Sewjunx! Guaw duiww a'maw jiokk siauwliam. Sewjunx, narr guaw tangx iong cnxiu-vyw ngua a'maw be siw, guaw e iong cnxiu-vyw hro a'maw be siw. Narr guaw tangx iong bew-vyw ngua a'maw be siw, guaw e iong bew-vyw hro a'maw be siw. Narr tangx iong sxen cuanlok iacc qog ngua a'maw be siw, guaw e iong sxen cuanlok iacc qog hro a'maw be siw."

"Dairongg! Itcer jiongwsingx longxx e siw, jiongquix vitzenn e siw, byy jit xee tangx ciautuad sixbongg."
"Sewjunx! Hanxiuw. Sewjunx, m bad u :ee. Itcer jiongwsingx longxx e siw, jiongquix vitzenn e siw, byy jit xee tangx ciautuad sixbongg, anxnex qongw sidjai si urngiaw."

"Dairongg, si anxnex! Dairongg, si anxnex! Itcer jiongwsingx longxx e siw, jiongquix vitzenn e siw, byy jit xee tangx ciautuad sixbongg. Dairongg! Piwzu huisaihu soxx juer zimrhyy ee huii-aw, bylun u siyx iacc byy siyx, longxx e huixhuai, jiongquix vitzenn e huixhuai, byy jit xee be huixhuai. Cincniu jitt kuanw, itcer jiongwsingx longxx e siw, jiongquix vitzenn e siw, byy jit xee tangx ciautuad sixbongg."

[Sewjunx suansuad jiaxee... simrjiww...]

Jiongwsingx longxx e siw,
U sniwmia :ee byy jit xee be siw.
Ingqaix jiauww ix ee giap,
Qongqyw iacc juergiap longxx duer ix qniaa.
Juer og duirlyc dergak,
Juer qongdig sringx tenqair.
Soxiw diyhh juer senrsu,
Jiksen uirr birlaii.
Qongdig lirig jingwlangg,
Au sxer dro quer hnua."

(Samyutta Nikaya 1-3-22)
22. Grandmother
Setting at Savatthi. The Blessed One said to King Pasenadi of Kosala as he was sitting to one side: “Where are you coming from, great king, in the middle of the day?” 

“Venerable sir, my grandmother has died. She was old, aged, burdened with years, advanced in life, come to the last stage, 120 years from birth. Venerable sir, my grandmother was dear and beloved to me. If, venerable sir, by means of the elephant-treasure I could have redeemed my grandmother from death, I would have given away even the elephant-treasure so that she would not have died. If by means of the horse-treasure I could have redeemed her from death ... If by a prize village I could have redeemed her from death ... If by means of the country I could have redeemed my grandmother from death, I would have given away even the country so that she would not have died.”

“All beings, great king, are subject to death, terminate in death, and cannot escape death.”
“It is wonderful, venerable sir! It is amazing, venerable sir! How well this has been stated by the Blessed One: ‘All beings, great king, are subject to death, terminate in death, and cannot escape death.’”

“So it is, great king! So it is, great king! All beings, great king, are subject to death, terminate in death, and cannot escape death. Just as all the potter’s vessels, whether unbaked or baked, are subject to a breakup, terminate in their breakup, and cannot escape their breakup, so all beings are subject to death, terminate in death, and cannot escape death.

“All beings will die,
For life ends in death.
They will fare according to their deeds,
Reaping the fruits of their merit and evil:
The doers of evil go to hell,
The doers of merit to a happy realm.
Therefore one should do what is good
As a collection for the future life.
Deeds of merit are the support for living beings
(When they arise) in the other world.”

(相應部 1-3-22)
眾生皆必死   生者無不死
應如依其業   隨行功罪果
依惡墮地獄   功德生天界
然者行善事   積善為未來
功德實眾人   後世渡津場


Siong'ingr Vxo (1-3-21)

(Snax) Kosala
21. Langg
[Hitt sii, Sewjunx] Dirr Savathhi Sniaa...

Hitt jun, Kosala Qog ee Pasenadi Ongg jenongw Sewjunx hiax vaiwhongw. Vaiwhongw quer, lexqingr Sewjunx liauw dirr vnix :a jre. Sewjunx qra jre dirr vnix:a ee Kosala Qog ee Pasenadi Ongg qongw, "Dairongg! Sewqanx u sir jiongw langg."
"Dycc sir jiongw lehh?"
"Dyrr si: an' oamr qniaa zip oamr, an' oamr qniaa zip qongbingg, an' qongbingg qniaa zip oamr, qapp an' qongbingg qniaa zip qongbingg.

Dairongg! Anwjnuaw e an' oamr qniaa zip oamr lehh? Dairongg! Henrvo u langg cutsir dirr vijen ee qadingg, dirr kandala qadingg, dirr juer diklangw ee qadingg, dirr paclac ee qadingg, dirr juer puee ee qadingg, iacc dirr cingqethux ee qadingg; sanwciah qycc kuathuat imxsit, singqer kunwlann, jiahcing longxx yh did .diyc, snix jyr baiw, puawsniur qycc kiauqux, je vnertniar, dogganw, vaixciuw, vaixkax, vuanwsinx-vutsuii; did be diyc imxsit, ihok, ciaje, huekuann, hniux, iyhqyx, bincngg, kiarqex, iacc dinghuew. Ix sinkux juer og, gengiw juer og, iwliam juer og. Ix in'ui sinkux, gengiw, qapp iwliam juer og, sintew huixhuai siw liauxau e duirlyc dirr koxcamw ee soxjai, dirr og soxjai, dirr dergak. Dairongg! Piwzu langg an' oamr qniaa zip oamr, an' amwox qniaa zip amwox, dyrr si an' lasamm qniaa zip lasamm. Dairongg! Guaw qongw piwzu jitt xee langg. Dairongg! Cincniu jiaxee langg dyrr si an' oamr qniaa zip oamr.

Dairongg! Anwjnuaw e an' oamr qniaa zip qonbingg lehh? Dairongg! Henrvo u langg cutsir dirr vijen ee qadingg, dirr kandala qadingg, dirr juer diklangw ee qadingg, dirr paclac ee qadingg, dirr juer puee ee qadingg, iacc dirr cingqethux ee qadingg; sanwciah qycc kuathuat imxsit, singqer kunwlann, jiahcing longxx yh did .diyc, snix jyr baiw, puawsniur qycc kiauqux, je vnertniar, dogganw, vaixciuw, vaixkax, vuanwsinx-vutsuii; did be diyc imxsit, ihok, ciaje, huekuann, hniux, iyhqyx, bincngg, kiarqex, iacc dinghuew. Ix sinkux juer sxen, gengiw juer sxen, iwliam juer sxen. Ix in'ui sinkux, gengiw, qapp iwliam juer sxen, sintew huixhuai siw liauxau e kir sxen ee soxjai, kir tenqair. Dairongg! Piwzu u langg an' tokax vreh kir jre qiy, an' jre qiy suaw kir kiaa bew, an' kiaa bew suaw kir kiaa cnxiu, an' kiaa cnxiu suaw kir quann lxauu. Dairongg! Kyxviw guaw ixx jitt xee langg juer piwzu. Dairongg! Cincniu jiaxee langg dyrr si an' oamr qniaa zip qongbingg. 

Dairongg! Anwjnuaw e an' qongbingg qniaa zip oamr lehh? Dairongg! Henrvo u langg cutsir dirr qyquir ee qadingg, dirr dua huwho kattiya ee qadingg, dirr dua huwho brahmin ee qadingg, dirr dua huwho qajuw ee qadingg, dirr huwzu qycc u dua jaihur, dua jusanw, je qimginn, je jujaii, qapp je gnoxqog ee qadingg. Ix snix juer bixmau, hyw knuar, puehux kyxviw lenhiyc siongrr suiw ee sig hiacc hyw knuar. Ix tangx did diyc imxsit, ihok, ciaje, huekuann, hniux, iyhqyx, bincngg, kiarqex, qapp dinghuew.  Ix sinkux juer og, gengiw juer og, iwliam juer og. Ix in'ui sinkux, gengiw, qapp iwliam juer og, sintew huixhuai siw liauxau e duirlyc dirr koxcamw ee soxjai, dirr og soxjai, dirr dergak. Dairongg! Piwzu an' quann lxauu lyc kir qaur kiaa cnxiu, an' kiaa cnxiu lyc kir qaur kiaa bew, an' kiaa bew lyc kir qaur jre qiy, an' jre qiy lyc kir qaur derbin, an' derbin qangr lyc dirr oamr[soxjai]. Dairongg! Kyxviw guaw ixx jitt xee langg juer piwzu. Dairongg! Cincniu jiaxee langg dyrr si an' qongbingg qniaa zip oamr.

Dairongg! Anwjnuaw e an' qongbingg qniaa zip qongbingg lehh? Dairongg! Henrvo u langg cutsir dirr qyquir ee qadingg, dirr dua huwho kattiya ee qadingg, dirr dua huwho brahmin ee qadingg, dirr dua huwho qajuw ee qadingg, dirr huwzu qycc u dua jaihur, dua jusanw, je qimginn, je jujaii, qapp je gnoxqog ee qadingg. Ix snix juer bixmau, hyw knuar, puehux kyxviw lenhiyc siongrr suiw ee sig hiacc hyw knuar. Ix tangx did diyc imxsit, ihok, ciaje, huekuann, hniux, iyhqyx, bincngg, kiarqex, qapp dinghuew. Ix sinkux juer sxen, gengiw juer sxen, iwliam juer sxen. Ix in'ui sinkux, gengiw, qapp iwliam juer sxen, sintew huixhuai siw liauxau e kir sxen ee soxjai, kir tenqair. Dairongg! Piwzu u langg an' tokax vreh kir jre qiy, an' jre qiy suaw kir kiaa bew, an' kiaa bew suaw kir kiaa cnxiu, an' kiaa cnxiu suaw kir quann lxauu. Dairongg! Kyxviw guaw ixx jitt xee langg juer piwzu. Dairongg! Cincniu jiaxee langg dyrr si an' qongbingg qniaa zip qongbingg. Dairongg! Sewqanx u jiaxee kuanw [sir jiongw] jingwlangg."

[Sewjunx anxnex suansuad... simrjiww...]

Sanwciah byy sinwgiongw,
Simx vijen qycc dangwsngx,

Qenlin u og simsux,
U siaqenr byy qingwir,
Ziokme kitjiac :ee,
Sabunn iacc brahmin,

Loxkir qycc byy uirr langg sniu,
Honggai vadd langg vowsix hro kitjiac.
Jitt hy langg siw liauxau,
E jenongw kiongxvor dergak,
An' oamr qniaa zip oamr.

Vinqiongg u sinwgiongw,
Byy u vijen iacc qenlin ee simx,
Qniaa vowsix simsux qysiong,
Simx jing byy hunwluan,
Duiwtai kitjiac :ee,
Sabunn iacc brahmin,
Ix an' jyrui vreh kiw qra inx qingwlew,
Ving'anx u siusinx,
Byy honggai kitjiac qiukid.
Jitt hy langg siw liauxau,
Cutsir dirr
Traiastrimsa ee Tnix,
An' oamr qniaa zip qongbingg.

Suizenn huwzu byy sinwgiongw,
Simx vijen qycc dangwsngx,

Qenlin u og simsux,
U siaqenr byy qingwir,
Ziokme kitjiac :ee,
Sabunn iacc brahmin,

Loxkir qycc byy uirr langg sniu,
Honggai vadd langg beh vowsix hro kitjiac.
Jitt hy langg siw liauxau,
E jenongw kiongxvor dergak,
An' qongbingg qniaa zip oamr.

Huwquir u sinwgiongw,
Byy u vijen iacc qenlin ee simx,
Qniaa vowsix simsux qysiong,
Simx jing byy hunwluan,
Duiwtai kitjiac :ee,
Sabunn iacc brahmin,
Ix an' jyrui vreh kiw qra inx qingwlew,
Ving'anx u siusinx,
Byy honggai kitjiac qiukid.
Jitt hy langg siw liauxau,
Cutsir dirr
Traiastrimsa ee Tnix,
An' qongbingg qniaa zip qongbingg."

(Samyutta Nikaya 1-3-21)
III. The Third Chapter (The Kosalan Pentad)
21. Persons
Setting at Savatthi. Then King Pasenadi of Kosala approached the Blessed One, paid homage to him, and sat down to one side. The Blessed One then said to him: “Great king, there are these four kinds of persons found existing in the world. What four? The one heading from darkness to darkness, the one heading from darkness to light, the one heading from light to darkness, the one heading from light to light.

“And how, great king, is a person one heading from darkness to darkness? Here some person has been reborn in a low family—a candala family or a family of bamboo workers or a family of hunters or a family of cartwrights or a family of flower-scavengers—a poor family in which there is little food and drink and which subsists with difficulty, one where food and clothing are obtained with difficulty; and he is ugly, unsightly, deformed, chronically ill—purblind or cripple-handed or lame or paralyzed. He is not one who gains food, drink, clothing, and vehicles; garlands, scents, and unguents; bedding, housing, and lighting. He engages in misconduct with the body, misconduct with speech, and misconduct with the mind. Having done so, with the breakup of the body, after death, he is reborn in the plane of misery, in a bad destination, in the nether world, in hell.

“Suppose, great king, a man would go from darkness to darkness, or from gloom to gloom, or from stain to stain: this person, I say, is exactly similar. It is in this way, great king, that a person is one heading from darkness to darkness.

“And how, great king, is a person one heading from darkness to light? Here some person has been reborn in a low family ... one where food and clothing are obtained with difficulty; and he is ugly ... or paralyzed. He is not one who gains food ... and lighting. He engages in good conduct with the body, good conduct with speech, and good conduct with the mind. Having done so, with the breakup of the body, after death, he is reborn in a good destination, in a heavenly world.

“Suppose, great king, a man would climb from the ground on to a palanquin, or from a palanquin on to horseback, or from horseback to an elephant mount, or from an elephant mount to a mansion: this person, I say, is exactly similar. It is in this way, great king, that a person is one heading from darkness to light.

“And how, great king, is a person one heading from light to darkness? Here some person has been reborn in a high family—an affluent khattiya family, an affluent brahmin family, or an affluent householder family—one which is rich, with great wealth and property, with abundant gold and silver, abundant treasures and commodities, abundant wealth and grain; and he is handsome, attractive, graceful, possessing supreme beauty of complexion. He is one who gains food, drink, clothing, and vehicles; garlands, scents, and unguents; bedding, housing, and lighting. He engages in misconduct with the body, misconduct with speech, and misconduct with the mind. Having done so, with the breakup of the body, after death, he is reborn in the plane of misery, in a bad destination, in the nether world, in hell.

“Suppose, great king, a man would descend from a mansion to an elephant mount, or from an elephant mount to horseback, or from horseback to a palanquin, or from a palanquin to the ground, or from the ground to underground darkness: this person, I say, is exactly similar. It is in this way, great king, that a person is one heading from light to darkness.

“And how, great king, is a person one heading from light to light? Here some person has been reborn in a high family ... with abundant wealth and grain; and he is handsome, attractive, graceful, possessing supreme beauty of complexion. He is one who gains food ... and lighting. He engages in good conduct with the body, good conduct with speech, and good conduct with the mind. Having done so, with the breakup of the body, after death, he is reborn in a good destination, in a heavenly world.

“Suppose, great king, a man would cross over from palanquin to palanquin, or from horseback to horseback, or from elephant mount to elephant mount, or from mansion to mansion: this person, I say, is exactly similar. It is in this way, great king, that a person is one heading from light to light. These, great king, are the four kinds of persons found existing in the world.

“The person, O king, who is poor,
Lacking in faith, stingy,
Niggardly, with bad intentions,
Wrong in views, disrespectful,
Who abuses and reviles recluses,
Brahmins, and other mendicants;
A nihilist, a scoffer, who hinders
Another giving food to beggars:
When such a person dies, lord of the people,
He goes, O king, to the terrible hell,
Heading from darkness to darkness.

“The person, O king, who is poor,
Endowed with faith, generous,
One who gives, with best intentions,
A person with unscattered mind
Who rises up and venerates recluses,
Brahmins, and other mendicants;
One who trains in righteous conduct,
Who hinders none giving food to beggars:
When such a person dies, lord of the people,
He goes, O king, to the threefold heaven,
Heading from darkness to light.

““The person, O king, who is rich,
Lacking in faith, stingy,
Niggardly, with bad intentions,
Wrong in views, disrespectful,
Who abuses and reviles recluses,
Brahmins, and other mendicants;
A nihilist, a scoffer, who hinders
Another giving food to beggars:
When such a person dies, lord of the people,
He goes, O king, to the terrible hell,
Heading from light to darkness.

“The person, O king, who is rich,
Endowed with faith, generous,
One who gives, with best intentions,
A person with unscattered mind
Who rises up and venerates recluses,
Brahmins, and other mendicants;
One who trains in righteous conduct,
Who hinders none giving food to beggars:
When such a person dies, lord of the people,
He goes, O king, to the threefold heaven,
Heading from light to light.”

(相應部 1-3-21)
第三 拘薩羅品
大王!如何之為人由明入闇耶?大王!於今有人生高貴家。生大富剎帝利家、 大富婆羅門家、大富家主之家、富而有大財、大產、多金銀、多資財、多財穀之家。彼等美貌、見好、似樂見蓮葉具最上美色之皮膚。得飲食、衣服、車乘、華鬘、香、塗香、寢牀、住居、明燈。彼身為惡行、口為惡行、意為惡行。彼者身、口、意為惡行、身體毀壞死後,墮惡趣、苦處、地獄。大王!譬喻人由高樓下至象肩、由象肩下至馬背,由馬背下至輿,由輿下至地面,由地面降入於闇〔處〕。大王!我說譬喻此人,大王!如是之人,是由明入暗。
貧者無信仰   心卑而吝惜
慳嗇有惡思   邪見無敬心
嘲罵乞食者   沙門婆羅門
惱不為人思   妨與乞食者
如是人死後   往恐懼地獄
此由闇入闇   貧窮有信仰
無有卑吝心   行施思崇高
心靜不混亂   對他乞食者
沙門婆羅門   從座立敬禮
平安行修身   乞食不妨食
如是人死後   生於忉利天
此由闇入明   雖富無信仰
心卑心吝惜   慳嗇有惡思
邪見無敬心   嘲罵乞食者
沙門婆羅門   惱不為人思
妨與乞食者   如是人死後
往恐懼地獄   此由明入闇
富貴有信仰   無有卑吝心
行施思崇高   心靜不混亂
對他乞食者   沙門婆羅門
從座立敬禮   平安行修身
對於乞食者   不妨與之食
如是人死後   生於忉利天


Siong'ingr Vxo (1-3-20)

20. Byy qniaw (2)
Hitt sii, Kosala Qog ee Pasenadi Ongg dirr ziddiongx jenongw Sewjunx hiax vaiwhongw. Vaiwhongw quer, lexqingr Sewjunx liauw dirr vnix:a jre. Sewjunx mng jre dirr vnix:a ee Kosala Qog ee Pasenadi Ongg qongxx, "Dairongg! Ongg dirr ziddiongx an' dyc'ui laii lehh?"

"Sewjunx! Savatthi Sniaa jit xee dionxjiaw qajuw quewsinx. Ix byy qniaw, guaw laii jiapsiux ix ee jaisanw. Sewjunx! Ix u ngqimx veh-vah-bxan, ginn qyckacc benw qongw. Sewjunx! [jitt kuanw huwongx] diongxjiaw qajuw ee jiahsit si anxnex: camx cokngx ee sngx muee; cingrcah si anxnex: snax pnir dua muaa tni ee cox vor; jre ee ciax si anxnex: qu qycc aur ciax iong hiyc-aw juer kamwho :ee."

"Dairongg! Diyrr si anxnex. Dairongg! Diyrr si anxnex. Dairongg! Ongxsig hitt xee diongxjiaw qajuw qiyr langg' teqiongx sidbut hro jit xee laii qiukid miaa qiyr Tagarasikhi ee paccekabuddh. Ix qiyr qongxx 'Teqiongx sidbut hro sabunn' liauw dyrr an' jyrui vreh kiw lirkuix. Au .laii ix huanxhuew, sniu qongxx 'jitt xee sidbut vutzuu hro harvok kacc ngiaa.' Ix qycc uirr jaisanw laii duadcuw hniadi jit xee qniaw ee sniwmia.

Dairongg! Jitt xee diongxjiaw qajuw qiyr langg' vowsix hro laii qiukid ee Tagarasikhi paccekabuddh jitt xee giabqyw, hro ix tangx cid vaiw sringx tenqair, dngw laii cid vaiw soxx cunx ee giap, hro ix cid vaiw dngw laii Savatthi Sniaa juer diongxjiaw.

Dairongg! Jitt xee diongxjiaw qajuw vowsix liauxau huanxhuew qongxx 'jiaxee sidbut vutzuu hro harvok kacc ngiaa' ee giabqyw, ix ee simx byy kinghiongr jiahsit u sxen ee loriong, byy kinghiongr snxax u sxen ee loriong, byy kinghiongr ciax u sxen ee loriong, byy kinhiongr go jiongw iogbong u sxen ee loriong.

Dairongg! Jitt xee diongxjiaw qajuw uirr jaisanw laii sathai hniadi ee qniaw jitt xee giabvyr, hro ix e quixnarr nii, quixnarr vah nii, quixnarr cingx nii, quixnarr vacvingx nii dirr dergak siurkow. Jiauww soxx cunx ee giap, qaidongx e cid vaiw dngw .laii byy qniaw, ix ee jaihur virr buadsiux zip ongg ee qokkor. Dairongg! Jitt xee diongxjiaw qajuw, ix qu qongdig ixx jin, byy jxig sinx qongdig. Dairongg! Jitt xee diongxjiaw qimzit dirr Dua Qiywhuah Dergak virr siyx."

"Sewjunx! Diongxjiaw qajuw ixx ongxsingx kir dirr Dua Qiywhuah Dergak ar?"
"Dairongg! Diongxjiaw qajuw ixx ongxsingx kir dirr Dua Qiywhuah Dergak.

Gnoxqog, jaihur, qimginn,
Iacc vadd hxang ix soxx u :ee.
Lole, harvok, suxiongrlangg,
Qapp soxx sriok ix :ee,
Longxx be duer ix kir,
Itcer longxx e qapp ix lirkuix.
Jiauww ix srinx soxx juer,
Ixqip cuir qapp iwliam soxx juer,
Dogdok jiaxee si ix ee mic,
Dyrr e duer ix kir.
Itcer longxx jiauww giap,
Naxx ngiaw decc duer hxingg.
Mrjiacc diyhh juer senrsu,
Jxig sxen uirr birlaii,
Qongdig dirr au sxer,
Jiongwlangg dro quer hnua."


(Samyutta Nikaya 1-3-20)
20. Childless (2)
(As above, except that the amount is a hundred lakhs of gold:)

“So it is, great king! So it is, great king! Once in the past, great king, that financier householder provided a paccekabuddha named Tagarasikhi with alms food. Having said, ‘Give alms to the recluse,’ he rose from his seat and departed. But after giving, he later felt regret and thought: ‘It would have been better if the slaves or workers had eaten that alms food!’ Moreover, he murdered his brother’s only son for the sake of his fortune.

“Because that financier householder provided the paccekabuddha Tagarasikhi with alms food, as a result of that kamma he was reborn seven times in a good destination, in the heavenly world. As a residual result of that same kamma, he obtained the position of financier seven times in this same city of Savatthi. But because that financier householder later felt regret about giving, as a result of that kamma his mind did not incline to the enjoyment of excellent food, excellent clothing, and excellent vehicles, nor to the enjoyment of excellent items among the five cords of sensual pleasure. And because that financier householder murdered his brother’s only son for the sake of his fortune, as a result of that kamma he was tormented in hell for many years, for many hundreds of years, for many thousands of years, for many hundreds of thousands of years. As a residual result of that same kamma, he has furnished the royal treasury with this seventh heirless fortune.

“The old merit of that financier householder has been utterly exhausted, and he had not accumulated any fresh merit. But today, great king, the financier householder is being roasted in the Great Roruva Hell.”

“So, venerable sir, that financier householder has been reborn in the Great Roruva Hell?”
“Yes, great king, that financier householder has been reborn in the Great Roruva Hell.

“Grain, wealth, silver, gold,
Or whatever other possessions there are,
Slaves, workers, messengers,
And those who live as one’s dependents:
Without taking anything one must go,
Everything must be left behind.
But what one has done with the body,
Done by speech, and done by mind:
This is what is truly one’s own,
This one takes when one goes;
This is what follows one along
Like a shadow that never departs.
Therefore one should do what is good
As a collection for the future life.
Merits are the support for living beings
(When they arise) in the other world.”

(相應部 1-3-20)
穀物富金銀   如何為所有
奴下男傭人   及他從屬者
悉皆不隨行   一切皆離去
依於身之行   以及口意行
唯此彼身物   即隨之而行
一切皆依業   如影之隨形
然則行善事   積善為未來
功德是後世   眾人渡津場


Siong'ingr Vxo (1-3-19)

19. Byy qniaw (1)
Savatthi Sniaa ee inenn.
Hitt sii, Kosala Qog ee Pasenadi Ongg dirr ziddiongx jenongw Sewjunx hiax vaiwhongw. Vaiwhongw quer, lexqingr Sewjunx liauw dirr vnix:a jre. Sewjunx mng jre dirr vnix:a ee Kosala Qog ee Pasenadi Ongg qongw, "Dairongg! Ongg dirr ziddiongx an' dyc'ui laii lehh?"

"Sewjunx! Savatthi Sniaa jit xee diongxjiaw qajuw quewsinx. Ix byy qniaw, guaw laii jiapsiux ix ee jaisanw. Sewjunx! Ix u ngqimx veh-vah-bxan, ginn qyckacc benw qongw. Sewjunx! [jitt kuanw huwongx] diongxjiaw qajuw ee jiahsit si anxnex: camx cokngx ee sngx muee; cingrcah si anxnex: snax pnir dua muaa tni ee cox vor; jre ee ciax si anxnex: qu qycc aur ee ciax iong hiyc-aw juer kamwho :ee."

"Dairongg! Diyrr si anxnex. Dairongg! Diyrr si anxnex. Dairongg! Vijenr ee langg cocox did diyc dua jaihur, byy hro qaqi kuaiwhok, byy hro qaqi hnuahiw, byy hro verbuw kuaiwlok iacc hnuahiw, byy hro boxqniaw kuaiwlok iacc hnuahiw, byy hro suxiongrlangg qapp harvok kuaiwlok iacc hnuahiw, byy hro ving'iuw kuaiwlok iacc hnuahiw. Duiww sabunn, brahmin, sringx hiongwsiong, inxdy hiongwsiong, juanxser sringx tenqair jiaxee langg qapp su longxx m vowsix. Ix ee jaihur byy virr sikdongx laii suxiong dyrr e virr ongg buadsiux, virr ciapdy duat .kir, virr huew siyx .kir, virr juiw lrauu .kir, iacc virr ix byy qac'ir :ee siysuar qra duadcuw .kir. Dairongg! Byy sikdongx laii suxiong jaihur si byy loriong qapp longrhuir ee hing'uii.

Dairongg! Piwzu qongxx dirr byy langg druar ee soxjai u jit xee juixdii. Hex juiw dingcingx qycc liangg, qambiw, cingkir, juixdii iarr jin' suiw. Danrsi byy langg kir hiax hiangxlok, iarr byy langg kir cruw juiw, soxiw byy langg kir limx iacc sexik, dyrr si byy soxx liriong. Dairongg! Cincniu jitt kuanw byy virr sikdongx laii suxiong ee juiw dyrr si longrhuir byy loriong :ee. Jitt hy vijen ee langg did diyc jaihur, byy hro qaqi, verbuw, boxqniaw, qapp harvok an' jex did diyc kuaiwlok iacc hnuahiw. Jitt hy byy sikdongx laii suxiong jaihur si byy loriong qapp longrhuir ee hing'uii.

Dairongg! Senrzinn did diyc dua jaihur, hro qaqi kuaiwhok iacc hnuahiw, hro verbuw kuaiwlok iacc hnuahiw, hro boxqniaw kuaiwlok iacc hnuahiw, hro suxiongrlangg qapp harvok kuaiwlok iacc hnuahiw, hro ving'iuw kuaiwlok iacc hnuahiw.
Duiww sabunn, brahmin, sringx hiongwsiong, inxdy hiongwsiong, juanxser sringx tenqair jiaxee langg qapp su u vowsix. Ix ee jaihur, u virr sikdongx laii suxiong dyrr be virr ongg buadsiux, be virr ciapdy duat .kir, be virr huew siyx .kir, be virr juiw lrauu .kir, iarr be virr ix byy qac'ir :ee siysuar qra duadcuw .kir. Dairongg! U virr sikdongx suxiong ee jaihur dyrr be longrhuir.
Dairongg! Piwzu jiuqin ee cuanlok iacc sniaib u jit xee lenhuedii. Hex juiw dingcingx qycc liangg, qambiw, cingkir, juixdii iarr jin' suiw, qycc u langg kir hiax hiangxlok. Hex juiw jiongwlangg cruw kir ing, uree limx, uree iong laii sexik. Dairongg! Cincniu anxnex u virr sikdongx suxiong ee juiw, u loriong qycc byy longrhuir. Kyxviw senrzinn did diyc dua jaihur, hro qaqi... simrjiww.. ving'iuw kuiawlok iacc hnuahiw, simrjiww... anxnex sikdongx laii suxiong jaihur si u loriong qycc byy longrhuir ee hing'uii."

[Sewjunx anxnex suansuad... simrjiww...]

"Kyxviw byy langg ee snua'iaw-lai ee cingjuiw,
Byy langg limx e qaqi dax .kir.
Kyxviw vijenr ee langg did diyc jaihur,
Qaqi byy iong iarr byy beh hro vadd langg.
Inghiongg u qenwsig :ee did diyc jaihur,
Qaqi suxiong iarr teqiongx hro vadd langg suxiong.
Ongg iongxiok cinlangg qapp qajok,
Be virr jiklan tangx kir qaur tenqair."

(Samyutta Nikaya 1-3-19)
19. Childless (1)
Setting at Savatthi. Then King Pasenadi of Kosala approached the Blessed One, paid homage to him, and sat down to one side. The Blessed One then said to him: “Where are you coming from, great king, in the middle of the day?”

“Here, venerable sir, a financier householder in Savatthi has died. I have come after conveying his heirless fortune to the palace, as he died intestate. There were eighty lakhs of gold, not to speak of silver. And yet, venerable sir, that financier householder’s meals were like this: he ate red rice along with sour gruel. His clothes were like this: he wore a three-piece hempen garment. His vehicle was like this: he went about in a dilapidated little cart with a leaf awning.”

“So it is, great king! So it is, great king! When a bad man gains abundant wealth, he does not make himself happy and pleased, nor does he make his mother and father happy and pleased, nor his wife and children, nor his slaves, workers, and servants, nor his friends and colleagues; nor does he establish an offering for recluses and brahmins, one leading upwards, of heavenly fruit, resulting in happiness, conducive to heaven. Because his wealth is not being used properly, kings take it away, or thieves take it away, or fire burns it, or water carries it away, or unloved heirs take it. Such being the case, great king, that wealth, not being used properly, goes to waste, not to utilization.

“Suppose, great king, in a place uninhabited by human beings, there was a lotus pond with clear, cool, sweet, and clean water, with good fords, delightful; but no people would take that water, or drink it, or bathe in it, or use it for any purpose. In such a case, great king, that water, not being used properly, would go to waste, not to utilization. So too, great king, when a bad man gains abundant wealth ... that wealth, not being used properly, goes to waste, not to utilization.

“But, great king, when a good man gains abundant wealth, he makes himself happy and pleased, and he makes his mother and father happy and pleased, and his wife and children, and his slaves, workers, and servants, and his friends and colleagues; and he establishes an offering for recluses and brahmins, one leading upwards, of heavenly fruit, resulting in happiness, conducive to heaven. Because his wealth is being used properly, kings do not take it away, thieves do not take it away, fire does not burn it, water does not carry it away, and unloved heirs do not take it. Such being the case, great king, that wealth, being used properly, goes to utilization, not to waste. So too, great king, when a good man gains abundant wealth ... that wealth, being used properly, goes to utilization, not to waste.

“Suppose, great king, not far from a village or a town, there was a lotus pond with clear, cool, sweet, and clean water, with good fords, delightful; and people would take that water, and drink it, and bathe in it, and use it for their purposes. In such a case, great king, that water, being used properly, would go to utilization, not to waste. So too, great king, when a good man gains abundant wealth ... that wealth, being used properly, goes to utilization, not to waste.

“As cool water in a desolate place
Evaporates without being drunk,
So when a scoundrel acquires wealth
He neither enjoys himself nor gives.
But when the wise man obtains wealth
He enjoys himself and does his duty.
Having supported his kin, free from blame,
That noble man goes to a heavenly state.”

(相應部 1-3-19)
如無人山野清水   無人飲用自行滅
若猶卑人得富者   不自用亦不與他
英雄識者以得富   自用並供其他事
彼牛王養親族群   無被非難行天界


Siong'ingr Vxo (1-3-18)

18. Byy hongwdong (2)
Hitt sii, Sewjunx dirr Savatthi Sniaa druar.
Jre dirr vnix:a ee Kosala Qog ee Pasenadi Ongg iong jiaxee ue qra Sewjunx qongw, "Sewjunx! Guaw qo' jit langg dirr jingrquanx camsenn ee sii
snix cud jitt xee sniurhuad: 'Jiauww sewjunx qangxsuad sxen ee hxuad, diyhh ham' sxen ee ving'iuw, sxen ee dangpnua, qapp sxen ee dongjir qau'ongw, m hyw ham' og ee ving'iuw, og ee dangpnua, qapp og ee dongjir qau'ongw.'"

"Dairongg! Si anxnex byy cyr. Dairongg! Si anxnex byy cyr. Dairongg! Jiauww guaw soxx qangxsuad sxen ee hxuad, diyhh ham' sxen ee ving'iuw, sxen ee dangpnua, sxen ee dongjir qau'ongw, m hyw ham' og ee ving'iuw, og ee dangpnua, qapp og ee dongjir qau'ongw.

Dairongg! Hitt sii, guaw dirr Sakyana ee jongjok hiax kiarkiw. Dairongg! Hitt jun, Onanda Bikiu kir guaw hiax vaiwhongw. Vaiwhongw quer, duiww guaw lexqingr liauw dirr vnix:a jre. Dairongg! Jre dirr vnix:a ee Onanda Bikiu qra guaw qongw, 'Sewjunx! U jit xee sxen ee ving'iuw, sxen ee dangpnua, qapp sxen ee dongjir, dua dikhing singjiu jidvnuar.'

Dairongg! Ix ue qongw liauw, guaw iong jiaxee ue qra Onanda Bikiu qongw, 'Onanda, m si anxnex. Onanda, m si anxnex. Onanda! U jit xee sxen ee ving'iuw, sxen ee dangpnua, qapp sxen ee dongjir, dua dikhing tangx singjiu juanvo. Onanda! U jit xee sxen ee ving'iuw, sxen ee dangpnua, qapp sxen ee dongjir ee bikiu, tangx qitai ix siuhingg veh singwdy, suwsiongg siuhingg veh singwdy.

Onanda!  Anwjnuaw qongxx u sxen ee ving'iuw, sxen ee dangpnua, qapp sxen ee dongjir tangx suwsiongg siuhingg veh singwdy?

Onanda! Bikiu junjiaur uanxlii, junjiaur lii tamx, qapp junjiaur duanrbet laii siuhingg jniar qenr, tangx siar li [huanlyw] qapp juanxhiongr [liappuann]. Junjiaur uanxlii, junjiaur li tamx, qapp junjiaur duanrbet laii siuhingg jniar srux... simrjiww jniar giw... simrjiww jniar giap.. simrjiww jniar mia... simrjiw jniar jingjinr... simrjiww jniar liam... simrjiww jniar dnia tangx siar li qapp juanxhiongr. Onanda! Anxnex u jit xee sxen ee ving'iuw, sxen ee dangpnua, qapp sxen ee dongjir ee bikiu  e siuhingg veh singwdy, suwsiongg siuhingg veh singwdy.

Onanda! Jiauww anxnex dyrr jaix u jit xee sxen ee ving'iuw, sxen ee dangpnua, qapp sxene ee dongjir, dua dikhing tangx singjiu juanvo.

Onanda! Vutlun zuhyy, qra guaw junw sxen ee ving'iuw, snix ee jiongwsingx dui' snix ee jongrhongw laii qaixtuad, lau ee jiongwsingx dui' lau ee jongrhongw laii qaixtuad, puawvni ee jiongwsingx dui' puawvni ee jongrhongw laii qaixtuad, siw .kir ee jiongwsingx dui' siw .kir ee jongrhongw laii qaixtuad, ciuu, vrix, kow, iux, qapp bun ee jiongwsingx dui' ciuu, vrix, kow, iux, qapp bun ee jongrhongw laii qaixtuad. Onanda! Jiauww anxnex qaidongx jaix u jit xee sxen ee ving'iuw, sxen ee dangpnua, qapp sxen ee dongjir, dua dikhingg tangx singjiu juanvo.'

Dairongg! Mrjiacc qongxx, ongg berdangr byy anxnex yc. Dyrr si guaw ingqaix u sxen ee ving'iuw, sxen ee dangpnua, qapp sxen ee dongjir. Dairongg! Berdangr byy anxnex yc. Dairongg! Beh u sxen ee ving'iuw, sxen ee dangpnua, qapp sxen ee dongjir :ee berdangr byy jiauww jitt xee honghuad diamr lehh, dyrr si dirr senrhuad byy hongwdong.

Dairongg! Ongg byy hongwdong, qutlat byy hongwdong, ongg ee horqiongx iarr ingqaix e anxnex sniu, 'Ongg byy hongwdong, qutlat byy hongwdong, guanw jiaxee iarr ingqaix byy hongwdong, qutlat byy hognwdong.'

Dairongg! Ongg byy hongwdong, qutlat byy hongwdong, kattiia lovok iarr ingqaix e anxnex sniu, 'Ongg byy hongwdong, qutlat byy hongwdong, guanw jiaxee iarr ingqaix byy hongwdong, qutlat byy hognwdong.'

Dairongg! Ongg byy hongwdong, qutlat byy hongwdong, qokbinn iarr ingqaix e anxnex sniu, 'Ongg byy hongwdong, qutlat byy hongwdong, guanw jiaxee iarr ingqaix byy hongwdong, qutlat byy hognwdong.'

Dairongg! Ongg byy hongwdong, qutlat byy hongwdong, qaidongx iarr e vyxho qaqi, iarr e vyxho horqiongx, iarr e vyxho cngkor qapp jaivyw."

[Sewjunx suanqangw... simrjiww...]

Qewsiok u guanrbang,
Beh did diyc dua huwquir.
Henjaiw juer qongdig,
Ylyw byy hongwdong.
Henjiaw byy hognwdong,
Laii did diyc nng jiongw lirig.

Jitt sxer ee lirig,
Ixqip birlaii ee lirig.
U juer jitt xee girhingg :ee,
Inghiongg cxingx juer henjiaw.

(Samyutta Nikaya 1-3-18)
18. Diligence (2)
Setting at Savatthi. 

Sitting to one side, King Pasenadi of Kosala said to the Blessed One: “Here, venerable sir, while I was alone in seclusion, the following reflection arose in my mind: ‘The Dhamma has been well expounded by the Blessed One, and that is for one with good friends, good companions, good comrades, not for one with bad friends, bad companions, bad comrades.’”

“So it is, great king! So it is, great king! The Dhamma has been well expounded by me, and that is for one with good friends, good companions, good comrades, not for one wi
th bad friends, bad companions, bad comrades.

“On one occasion, great king, I was living among the Sakyans, where there is a town of the Sakyans named Nagaraka. Then the bhikkhu Ónanda approached me, paid homage to me, sat down to one side, and said: ‘Venerable sir, this is half of the holy life, that is, good friendship, good companionship, good comradeship.’ 

“When this was said, great king, I told the bhikkhu Ónanda: ‘Not so, Ónanda! Not so, Ónanda! This is the entire holy life, Ónanda, that is, good friendship, good companionship, good comradeship. When a bhikkhu has a good friend, a good companion, a good comrade, it is to be expected that he will develop and cultivate the noble eightfold path. 

And how, Ónanda, does a bhikkhu who has a good friend, a good companion, a good comrade, develop and cultivate the noble eightfold path? 

Here, Ónanda, a bhikkhu develops right view, which is based upon seclusion, dispassion, and cessation, maturing in relinquishment. He develops right intention ... right speech ... right action ... right livelihood ... right effort ... right mindfulness ... right concentration, which is based upon seclusion, dispassion, and cessation, maturing in relinquishment. It is in this way, Ónanda, that a bhikkhu who has a good friend, a good companion, a good comrade, develops and cultivates the noble eightfold path. 

“‘By this method too, Ónanda, it may be understood how the entire holy life is good friendship, good companionship, good comradeship: by relying upon me as a good friend, Ónanda, beings subject to birth are freed from birth; beings subject to aging are freed from aging; beings subject to illness are freed from illness; beings subject to death are freed from death; beings subject to sorrow, lamentation, pain, displeasure, and despair are freed from sorrow, lamentation, pain, displeasure, and despair. It is by this method too, Ónanda, that it may be understood how the entire holy life is good friendship, good companions hip, good comradeship.’ 

“Therefore, great king, you should train yourself thus: ‘I will be one who has good friends, good companions, good comrades.’ It is in such a way that you should train yourself.

“When, great king, you have good friends, good companions, good comrades, you should dwell with one thing for support: diligence in wholesome states.

“When, great king, you are dwelling diligently, with diligence for support, your retinue of harem women will think thus: ‘The king dwells diligently, with diligence for support. Come now, let us also dwell diligently, with diligence for support.’

“When, great king, you are dwelling diligently, with diligence for support, your retinue of khattiya vassals will think thus ... your troops will think thus ... your subjects in town and countryside will think thus: ‘The king dwells diligently, with diligence for support.
Come now, let us also dwell diligently, with diligence for support.’
“When, great king, you are dwelling diligently, with diligence for support, you yourself will be guarded and protected, your retinue of harem women will be guarded and protected, your treasury and storehouse will be guarded and protected.

“For one who desires lofty riches
Following each other in succession,
The wise here praise diligence
In performing deeds of merit.
The wise person who is diligent
Secures both kinds of good:
The good found in this very life
And the good pertaining to the future.
The steadfast one, by reaching the good,
Is declared a person of wisdom.”

(相應部 1-3-18)
繼續負願望   欲得至大富
賢者行功德   以讚不放逸
賢者不放逸   以得二種利
現世之益利   以及未來利
依得於此義   英雄謂賢者


Siong'ingr Vxo (1-3-17)

17. Byy hongwdong (1)
Hitt sii, Sewjunx dirr Savatthi Sniaa druar.
Jre dirr vnix:a ee Kosala Qog ee Pasenadi Ongg iong jiaxee ue qra Sewjunx qongw, "Sewjunx! Jitt sxer ee lirig qapp birlaii ee lirig, qamxx u jit xee huad tangx did diyc nng jiongw lirig?"
"Dairongg! U jit xee honghuad tangx did diyc henrjai qapp birlaii ee lirig."
"Sewjunx! Tangx diyc henrjai ee lirgi qapp birlaii ee lirgi ee honghuad si sniaw?"
"Dairongg! Tangx did diyc henrjai ee lirgi qapp birlaii ee lirig ee honghuad si byy hongwdong. Dairongg! Piwzu qongxx zimrhyy vorqniaa iaxsiur ee kaziah longxx u hac zip cnxiu ee kaziah. Dyrr si in'ui qongxx cnxiu ee kaziah siongrqaiww dua. Dairongg! Cincniu jitt kuanw, henrjai ee lirig qapp birlaii ee lirgi, ixx jit xee honghuad tangx did diyc nng jiongw lirig."

Sewjunx suanqangw jex... simrjiww...

Dngg huewsiu qapp byy puawvni,
Qycc snix suiw tangx sringx tenqair.
Zit zit decc qiubang,
Laii cutsir dirr qyquir ee qadingg.
Henjiaw juer qongdig,
Ylyw byy hongwdong :ee.
Henjiaw byy hongwdong,
Lirig henrjai ee honghuad,
Simrjiww tangx lirig birlaii.
Narr did diyc jitt nng jiongw lirig,
U juer jitt xee girhingg :ee,
Inghiongg cxingx juer henjiaw.

(Samyutta Nikaya 1-3-17)
17. Diligence (1)
Setting at Savatthi. Sitting to one side, King Pasenadi of Kosala said to the Blessed One: “Is there, venerable sir, one thing which secures both kinds of good, the good pertaining to the present life and that pertaining to the future life?”
“There is one thing, great king, which secures both kinds of good, the good pertaining to the present life and that pertaining to the future life.”
“But what, venerable sir, is that one thing?”
“Diligence, great king. Just as the footprints of all ambulatory living beings fit into the footprint of the elephant, and the elephant’s footprint is declared to be the
chief among them by reason of its great size, so diligence is the one thing which secures both kinds of good, the good pertaining to the present life and that pertaining to the future life.
“For one who desires long life and health,
Beauty, heaven, and noble birth,
(A variety of) lofty delights
Following each other in succession,
The wise here praise diligence
In performing deeds of merit.
The wise person who is diligent
Secures both kinds of good:
The good found in this very life
And the good pertaining to the future.
The steadfast one, by reaching the good,
Is declared a person of wisdom.”

(相應部 1-3-17)
生命與無病   美貌生天界
日日於願望   以生高貴家
賢者行功德   稱讚不放逸
賢者不放逸   現法之益利
乃至未來利   若得此二利
依於得此義   英雄謂賢者


Siong'ingr Vxo (1-3-16)

16. Qongjuw
Savatthi Sniaa ee inenn.
Hitt sii, Kosala Qog ee Pasenadi Ongg jen'ongw Sewjunx hiax vaiwhongw. Vaiwhongw quer, lexqingr Sewjunx liauw dirr vnix:a jre.

Hitt sii u jit xee langg kir jre dirr Kosala Qog ee Pasenadi Ongg ee vnix:a, qycc uaw kir Kosala Qog ee Pasenadi Ongg ee hnirkangx-vnix qra qongw, "Ongg! Mallika Hongho snix jaboxqniaw."
Anxnex qongw ee sii, Kosala Qog ee Pasenadi Ongg byy hnuahiw.

Hitt sii, Sewjunx jaix Kosala Qog ee Pasenadi Ongg byy hnuahiw, dyrr cniur jimgensix qongxx,
"Ongg ar jit xee hurzinlangg,
Tangx kacc ngiaa quer javolangg.
Ix u diwhui qycc siuw qaiwlut,
Qingwair daqex qycc hongrtai angsair.
Ix snix ee qniaw,
E juer inghiongg iacc toxde ee juxlangg.
Jitt hy henhu ee qniaw,
Iarr tangx tongxdi ongqog."

(Samyutta Nikaya 1-3-16)
16. Daughter
Setting at Savatthi. Then King Pasenadi of Kosala approached the Blessed One, paid homage to him, and sat down to one side. Then a certain man approached King Pasenadi and informed him in a whisper: “
Sire, Queen Mallika has given birth to a daughter.” When this was said, King Pasenadi was displeased.

Then the Blessed One, having understood that King Pasenadi was displeased, on that occasion recited these verses:
“A woman, O lord of the people,
May turn out better than a man:
She may be wise and virtuous,
A devoted wife, revering her mother-in-law.
The son to whom she gives birth
May become a hero, O lord of the land.
The son of such a blessed woman
May even rule the realm.”

(相應部 1-3-16)
人主或婦人   勝比於男子
有智慧全戒   敬姑及事夫
以生其子者   英雄地上主
實如賢妻子   亦教導王國

Siong'ingr Vxo (1-3-15)

15. Jenr (2)
Hitt jun, Magadha Qog Videhi ee qniaw Ajatasattu Ongg jingxvingx sir xee qundui jiamduir Kosala Qog ee Pasenadi Ongg, qrongx zip Kasi Qog.

Kosala Qog ee Pasenadi Ongg u tniax diyc qongxx Magadha Qog Videhi ee qniaw Ajatasattu Ongg jingxvingx sir xee qundui beh qrongx zip Kasi Qog. Hitt sii, Kosala Qog ee Pasenadi Ongg jingxvingx sir xee qundui beh dirr Kasi Qog cutjenr Magadha Qog Videhi ee qniaw Ajatasattu Ongg.

Dyrr anxnex, Magadha Qog Videhi ee qniaw Ajatasattu Ongg qapp Kosala Qog ee Pasenadi Ongg huatsingx jenwjingx. Dirr jitt vaiw jenwdaur, Magadha Qog Videhi ee qniaw Ajatasattu Ongg qrongx puar Kosala Qog ee Pasenadi Ongg qra uahliac.

Hitt sii, Kosala Qog ee Pasenadi Ongg anxnex sniu, "Magadha Qog Videhi ee qniaw Ajatasattu Ongg laii hai guaw, suizenn guaw byy qra hai, danrsi ix si guaw ee guersingx. Guaw lingkyw duadcuw Magadha Qog Videhi ee qniaw Ajatasattu Ongg soxu ee cnxiu-qunx, bew-qunx, ciax-qunx, qapp vorvingx-qunx liauxau qra kudiok."

Hitt sii, Kosala Qog ee Pasenadi Ongg duadcuw Magadha Qog Videhi ee qniaw Ajatasattu Ongg soxu ee cnxiu-qunx, bew-qunx, ciax-qunx, qapp vorvingx-qunx liauxau qra kudiok.

Hitt sii, jiongww bikiu jaixsii snxax cing hyxser, vxuah tec lehh zip Savatthi Sniaa qiukid. Dirr Savatthi Sniaa qiukid vngrdngr liauw qra vxuah he lehh, inx jenongw Sewjunx hiax vaiwhongw. Vaiwhongw quer qra Sewjunx qnialew liauw dirr vnix:a jre. Jre dirr vnix:a ee jiongww bikiu duiww Sewjunx qongw jitt hxang su, "Sewjunx! Magadha Qog Videhi ee qniaw Ajatasattu Ongg jingxvingx sir xee qundui jiamduir Kosala Qog ee Pasenadi Ongg, qrongx zip Kasi Qog. Sewjunx! Kosala Qog ee Pasenadi Ongg tniax .diyc iarr jingxvingx sir xee qundui beh cutjenr. Dirr jitt vaiw jenwdaur, Magadha Qog Videhi ee qniaw Ajatasattu Ongg qrongx puar Kosala Qog ee Pasenadi Ongg qra uahliac. Sewjunx! Kosala Qog ee Pasenadi Ongg anxnex sniu, '
Magadha Qog Videhi ee qniaw Ajatasattu Ongg laii hai guaw, suizenn guaw byy qra hai, danrsi ix si guaw ee guersingx. Guaw lingkyw duadcuw Magadha Qog Videhi ee qniaw Ajatasattu Ongg soxu ee cnxiu-qunx, bew-qunx, ciax-qunx, qapp vorvingx-qunx laiuxau qra kudiok.' Sewjunx! Dyrr anxnex, Kosala Qog ee Pasenadi Ongg duadcuw Magadha Qog Videhi ee qniaw Ajatasattu Ongg sir xee qundui qycc qra hitt xee ongg kudiok."

Hitt sii, Sewjunx liauxqaiw jitt qnia dairjir, dyrr dirr hitt jun cniur jitt siuw jimgensix qongxx:
"Langg uirdiyhh qaqi ee lirig,
Laii cniuxduat tazinn.
Ix virr cniuxduat ee sii.
Cniuxduat :ee virr cniuxduat.
Gong langg og iauxx bue singsik,
Suizenn sniu soxx did .diyc .ee dongzenn.
Og singsik sii,
Jiacc sriu koxnauw.

Taii vadd langg :ee,
Dyrr e taii diyc qaqi.
Sringr quer vadd langg :ee,
Dyrr e sringr quer qaqi.

Tixciyr vadd langg :ee,
Dyrr e huixvongr diyc qaqi.
Laii ziauxluan vadd langg :ee,
Dyrr e ziauxluan diyc qaqi.
Giablik anxnex decc lunjuanw,
Duat langg :ee qaidongx virr duat."

(Samyutta Nikaya 1-3-15)
15. Battle (2)
(Opening as in 14)
In that battle King Pasenadi defeated King Ajåtasattu and captured him alive. Then it occurred to King Pasenadi: “Although this King Ajatasattu of Magadha has transgressed against me while I have not transgressed against him, still, he is my nephew. Let me now confiscate all his elephant troops, all his cavalry, all his chariot troops, and all his infantry, and let him go with nothing but his life.” 

Then King Pasenadi confiscated all King Ajatasattu’s elephant troops, all his cavalry, all his chariot troops, and all his infantry, and let him go with nothing but his life. 

Then, in the morning, a number of bhikkhus dressed and, taking their bowls and robes, entered Savatthi for alms. When they had walked for alms in Savatthi and had returned from their alms round, after the meal they approached the Blessed One, paid homage to him, sat down to one side, and reported what had happened.  

Then the Blessed One, having understood the meaning of this, on that occasion recited these verses:
“A man will go on plundering
So long as it serves his ends,
But when others plunder him,
The plunderer in turn is plundered.
The fool thinks fortune is on his side
So long as his evil does not ripen,
But when the evil ripens
The fool incurs suffering.
The killer gets a killer for himself,
A conqueror, one who conquers him.
The abuser gets abuse,
The reviler, one who reviles.
Thus by the unfolding of kamma
The plunderer in turn is plundered.”

(相應部 1-3-15)
人為己利時   即以掠奪他
他之被奪時   彼亦為所奪
愚者惡不實   雖思為當然
惡之成實時   即受於苦惱
若以殺他人   即得殺己者
若以勝他人   即得勝己者
以譏他人者   即得誹己者
以惱他人者   即得惱己者
如是業輪轉   奪人當被奪


Siong'ingr Vxo (1-3-14)

14. Jenr (1)
Hitt sii, Sewjunx dirr Savatthi Sniaa druar. Hitt jun, Magadha Qog Videhi ee qniaw Ajatasattu Ongg jingxvingx sir xee qundui jiamduir Kosala Qog ee Pasenadi Ongg, qrongx zip Kasi Qog.

Kosala Qog ee Pasenadi Ongg u tniax diyc qongxx Magadha Qog Videhi ee qniaw Ajatasattu Ongg jingxvingx sir xee qundui beh qrongx zip Kasi Qog. Hitt sii, Kosala Qog ee Pasenadi Ongg jingxvingx sir xee qundui beh dirr Kasi Qog cutjenr Magadha Qog Videhi ee qniaw Ajatasattu Ongg.

Hitt sii, Magadha Qog Videhi ee qniaw Ajatasattu Ongg qapp Kosala Qog ee Pasenadi Ongg huatsingx jenwjingx. Hitt vaiw jenwdaur, Magadha Qog Videhi ee qniaw Ajatasattu Ongg qrongx puar Kosala Qog ee Pasenadi Ongg. Kosala Qog ee Pasenadi Ongg dyy dngw siuxdox Savatthi Sniaa.

Hitt sii, jiongww bikiu jaixsii snxax cing hyxser, vxuah tec lehh zip Savatthi Sniaa qiukid. Dirr Savatthi Sniaa qiukid vngrdngr liauw qra vxuah he lehh, inx jenongw Sewjunx hiax vaiwhongw. Vaiwhongw quer qra Sewjunx qnialew liauw dirr vnix:a jre. Jre dirr vnix:a ee jiongww bikiu duiww Sewjunx qongw jitt hxang su,
"Sewjunx! Magadha Qog Videhi ee qniaw Ajatasattu Ongg qapp Kosala Qog ee Pasenadi Ongg huatsingx jenwjingx. Hitt vaiw jenwdaur, Magadha Qog Videhi ee qniaw Ajatasattu Ongg qrongx puar Kosala Qog ee Pasenadi Ongg. Kosala Qog ee Pasenadi Ongg dyy dngw siuxdox Savatthi Sniaa."

"Jiongww bikiu! Magadha Qog Videhi ee qniaw Ajatasattu Ongg u pnaiw ving'iuw, pnaiw dangpnua, qapp pnaiw dongjir. Jiongww bikiu! Kosala Qog ee Pasenadi Ongg u sxen ee ving'iuw, sxen ee dangpnua, qapp sxen ee dongjir. Jiongww bikiu! Danrsi Kosala Qog ee Pasenadi Ongg qim'ia jenr vai, ingqaix e qankow pnaiw kunr."

(Sewjunx, qongw jex... simrjiww...)

Singwli e jiyx laii uanwhun,
Sitvai :ee qankow pnaiw kunr.
Jixsu qra singwvai siawsag,
Jiacc tangx vingjing anlok kunr.

(Samyutta Nikaya 1-3-14)
14. Battle (1)
Setting at Savatthi. Then King Ajatasattu of Magadha, the Videhi son, mobilized a four-division army and marched in the direction of Kasi against King Pasenadi of Kosala.

King Pasenadi heard this report, mobilized a four-division army, and launched a counter-march in the direction of Kasi against King Ajatasattu.

Then King Ajatasattu of Magadha and King Pasenadi of Kosala fought a battle. In that battle King Ajåtasattu defeated King Pasenadi, and King Pasenadi, defeated, retreated to his own capital of Savatthi.

Then, in the morning, a number of bhikkhus dressed and, taking their bowls and robes, entered Savatthi for alms. When they had walked for alms in Savatthi and had returned from their alms round, after the meal they approached the Blessed One, paid homage to him, sat down to one side, and reported what had happened. (The Blessed One said:)
“Bhikkhus, King Ajatasattu of Magadha has evil friends, evil companions, evil comrades. King Pasenadi of Kosala has good friends, good companions, good comrades. Yet for this day, bhikkhus, King Pasenadi, having been defeated, will sleep badly tonight.”

“Victory breeds enmity,
The defeated one sleeps badly.
The peaceful one sleeps at ease,
Having abandoned victory and defeat.”

(相應部 1-3-14)
勝利以生怨   敗者苦難寢
只有捨勝敗   平靜樂安眠


Siong'ingr Vxo (1-3-13)

13. Dua jiac
Hitt sii, Sewjunx dirr Savatthi Sniaa druar. Hitt jun, Kosala Qog ee Pasenadi Ongg siongsiongg jiac jit vngrknax ee vng.

Hitt sii, Kosala Qog ee Pasenadi Ongg jiac vng vaw dua kuir cuanw kir Sewjunx hiax vaiwhongw. Vaiwhongw quer lexqingr Sewjunx liauw dyrr dirr vnix:a jre. Hitt sii, Sewjunx jaix Kosala Qog ee Pasendadi Ongg jiac vng vaw dua kuir cuanw, dyrr dirr hitt sii cniur jitt siuw jimgensix qongxx:
"Suwsiongg cisiuw jniawliam,
Jiahvng jaix liong ee langg,
Kow e jiyw .kir,
Kacc be lau tangx jiac dngg huewsiu."

Hitt sii, Sudassana kia dirr Kosala Qog ee Pasenadi Ongg aurviah. Hitt jun, Kosala Qog ee Pasenadi Ongg duiww Sudassana huah qongxx, "Sudassana! Aurvaiw liw dirr guaw jiahvng ee sii, cniur jitt siuw dirr Sewjunx taujingg tniax .diyc tangx amwliam ee jimgensix. Guaw dagg qangx jit-vah kox sniuw .liw."
Sudassana daphok Kosala Qog ee Pasenadi Ongg qongxx, "Dairongg, hyw."
Dirr Kosala Qog ee Pasenadi Ongg jiahvng ee sii, ix dyrr cniur jitt siuw dirr Sewjunx taujingg tniax .diyc tangx amwliam ee jimgensix: 
"Suwsiongg cisiuw jniawliam,
Jiahvng jaix liong ee langg,
Kow e jiyw .kir,
Kacc be lau tangx jiac dngg huewsiu."

Hitt sii, Kosala Qog ee Pasenadi Ong dyrr jiamrjiam venr jiac jit vngrknax ixlai ee vng dyrr buanxjiog. Dyrr anxnex, Kosala Qog ee Pasenadi Ongg ee sintew viw ixongw kacc kongqen. Ix iong ciuw bongx sintew, hitt dongsii huad huad cud jitt xee hnuahiw ee gengiw qongxx, "Sewjunx sidjai ixx nng jiongw lirig linbinw guaw, dirr henrjai ee lirig qapp birlaii ee lirig."

(Samyutta Nikaya 1-3-13)
13. A Bucket Measure of Food
Setting at Savatthi. Now on that occasion King Pasenadi of Kosala had eaten a bucket measure of rice and curries.

Then, while still full, huffing and puffing, the king approached the Blessed One, paid homage to him, and sat down to one side. Then the Blessed One, having understood that King Pasenadi was full and was huffing and puffing, on that occasion recited this verse:
“When a man is always mindful,
Knowing moderation in the food he eats,
His ailments then diminish:
He ages slowly, guarding his life.”

Now on that occasion the brahmin youth Sudassana was standing behind King Pasenadi of Kosala. The king then addressed him thus: “Come now, dear Sudassana, learn this verse from the Blessed One and recite it to me whenever I am taking my meal. I will then present you daily with a hundred kahapanas as a perpetual grant.”
“Yes, sire,” the brahmin youth Sudassana replied. Having learned this verse from the Blessed One, he recited it to King Pasenadi whenever he was taking his meal.

Then King Pasenadi of Kosala gradually reduced his intake of food to at most a pint-pot measure of boiled rice. At a later time, when his body had become quite slim, King Pasenadi of Kosala stroked his limbs with his hand and on that occasion uttered this inspired utterance: “The Blessed One showed compassion towards me in regard to both kinds of good—the good pertaining to the present life and that pertaining to the future life.” 

(相應部 1-3-13)
以常持正念   取食知量人
則少有其苦   遲老得壽長
以常持正念   取食知量人
則少有其苦   遲老得壽長


Siong'ingr Vxo (1-3-12)

12. Go xee ongg
Hitt sii, Sewjunx dirr Savatthi Sniaa druar. Hitt jun, Pasenadi Ongg dringw go xee ongg virr go jiongw iogbong soxx dnii, cionghunx decc hiangxsiu kuaiwlok. Dirr inx hitt diongqanx snix kiw jitt jiongw gengiw, "Sniaxmih ziniok vaii derr id?"

Hitt sii, u langg anxnex qongw, "Siktew dirr ziniok vaii derr id." Iarr u langg anxnex qongw, "Snia'imx dirr ziniok vaii derr id." Iarr u langg anxnex qongw, "Pangbi dirr ziniok vaii derr id." Iarr u langg anxnex qongw, "Kiwbi dirr ziniok vaii derr id." Iarr u langg anxnex qongw, "Bongkab dirr ziniok vaii derr id." Hitt jun, hiaxee ongg horsiongx longxx vuthok.

Hitt sii, Kosala Qog ee Pasenadi Ongg iong jiaxee ue qra hiaxee ongg qongw, "Ving'iuw! Cniaw quer .laii. Lanw jiaxee nacc m jen'ongw Sewjunx hiax cingxmng jitt xee ywgi? Jiauww Sewjunx uirr lanw jiaxee soxx qongw, qokk langg ingqaix siurqaur ciciuw."
Hitt go xee ongg huedab Kosala Qog ee Pasenadi Ongg qongw, "Ving'iuw, anxnex hyw!"

Hitt sii, hitt go xee ongg ixx Pasenadi Ongg juer cuartauu jen'ongw Sewjunx hiax vaiwhongw. Vaiwhongw .quer, lexqingr Sewjunx liauw dirr vnix:a jre. Jre dirr vnix:a ee Kosala Qog ee Pasenadi Ongg iong jiaxee ue qra Sewjunx qongw, "Sewjunx! Guanw jiaxee go xee ongg virr go jiongw iogbong soxx dnii, cionghunx decc hiangxsiu kuaiwlok. Guanw jiaxee snix cud jiaxee gengiw, 'Sniaxmih ziniok vaii derr id?' U langg anxnex qongw, 'Siktew dirr ziniok vaii derrr id.' Iarr u langg anxnex qongw, 'Snia'imx dirr ziniok vaii derr id.' Iarr u langg anxnex qongw, 'Pangbi dirr ziniok vaii derr id.' Iarr u langg anxnex qongw, 'Kiwbi dirr ziniok vaii derr id.' Iarr u langg anxnex qongw, 'Bongkab dirr ziniok vaii derr id.' Sewjunx! Sniaxmih ziniok vaii derr id lehh?"

"Dairongg! Guaw qongw sniaxmih ziniok vaii derr id si ixx langg ee simqnuax soxx hixair ee tingdo laii quatding :ee. Dairongg! Jiongxjiongw siktew, u langg qac'ir, u langg byy qac'ir. U langg in'ui siktew laii hnuahiw, narr erdangr buanxjiog soxx sniu, dyrr hibang qriuu qitax qyckacc qigdingw bibiau ee siktew. Duiww inx hiaxee laii qongw, siktew si busiong qigdingw :ee.

Dairongg! Jiaxee sniaimx, simrjiww... pangbi... simrjiww... kiwbi... simrjiw...
jiongxjiongw bongkab, u langg qac'ir, u langg byy qac'ir. U langg in'ui bongkab laii hnuahiw, narr erdangr buanxjiog soxx sniu, dyrr hibang qriuu qitax qyckacc qigdingw bibiau ee bongkab. Duiww inx hiaxee laii qongw, bongkab si busiong qigdingw :ee."
Hitt sii, u Candanangalika iarr dirr hiax jre. Hitt jun, Candanangalika an' jyrui vreh kiw, qingqah penx jit vingg duiww Sewjunx habjiongw, iong jiaxee ue qra Sewjunx qongw, "Sewjunx! Guaw simlai u sniurhuad. Sxen Quewongw! Guaw simlai u sniurhuad."
Sewjunx qongw, "Candanangalika! Cniaw qongw cud .laii."
Hitt sii, Candanangalika dirr Sewjunx ee jyrui taujing iong sna' rinr ee jimgensix janwtanr qongxx:
"Pangx pangx ee angg lenhuex,
Jaixsii kuix pangbi be snruar .kir.
Knuar diyc Angirasa ee qngx,
Qngx ngiawngiar naxx taiwiongg."

Hitt sii, hitt go xee ongg hro Candanangalika go niaw jinglursnax cniaw ix cing lehh. Hitt jun, Candanangalika qra jitt go niaw jinglursnax henr hro Sewjunx.

(Samyutta Nikaya 1-3-12) 
12. Five Kings
Setting at Savatthi. Now on that occasion five kings headed by King Pasenadi were enjoying themselves supplied and endowed with the five cords of sensual pleasure when this conversation arose among them:
“What is the best of sensual pleasures?”

Some among them said: “Forms are the best of sensual pleasures. ” Some said: “Sounds are the best.” Some: “Odors are the best.” Some: “Tastes are the best.” Some: “Tactile objects are the best.” 

Since those kings were unable to convince one another, King Pasenadi of Kosala said to them: “Come, dear sirs, let us approach the Blessed One and question him about this matter. As the Blessed One answers us, so we should remember it.”
“All right, dear sir,” those kings replied. 

Then those five kings, headed by King Pasenadi, approached the Blessed One, paid homage to him, and sat down to one side. King Pasenadi then reported their entire discussion to the Blessed One, asking: “What now, venerable sir, is the best of sensual pleasures?” 

“Great king, I say that what is best among the five cords of sensual pleasure is determined by whatever is most agreeable. Those same forms that are agreeable to one person, great king, are disagreeable to another. When one is pleased and completely satisfied with certain forms, then one does not yearn for any other form higher or more sublime that those forms. For him those forms are then supreme; for him those forms are unsurpassed. 

“Those same sounds ... Those same odors ... Those same tastes ... Those same tactile objects that are agreeable to one person, great king, are disagreeable to another. When one is pleased and completely satisfied with certain tactile objects, then one does not yearn for any other tactile object higher or more sublime that those tactile objects. For him those tactile objects are then supreme; for him those tactile objects are unsurpassed.” 

Now on that occasion the lay follower Candanangalika was sitting in that assembly. Then the lay follower Candanangalika rose from his seat, arranged his upper robe over one shoulder, and, extending his hands in reverential salutation towards the Blessed One, said to him: “An inspiration has come to me, Blessed One! An inspiration has come to me, Sublime One!”
“Then express your inspiration, Candanangalika,” the Blessed One said.
Then the lay follower Candanangalika, in the presence of the Blessed One, extolled him with an appropriate verse:
“As the fragrant red lotus Kokanada
Blooms in the morning, its fragrance unspent,
Behold Angirasa, the Radiant One,
Like the sun beaming in the sky.”

Then those five kings bestowed five upper robes upon the lay follower Candanangalika. But the lay follower Candanangalika bestowed those five upper robes upon the Blessed One.

(相應部 1-3-12)
〔一二〕 五王
大王!此等之聲……乃至……香……乃至……味……乃至……此等之觸,或為 心所好者,或為心所不好者。有人或依觸而歡喜,若得滿足所思,則不再希望其他更殊勝微妙之觸。於彼而言,其觸乃無上之最殊勝。」
芳香赤蓮華         晨開香不去
見鴦耆羅光   映空如太陽


Siong'ingr Vxo (1-3-11)

(Zi) Byy Qniaw
11. Sokhuad siuhing :ee
Hitt sii, Sewjunx druar dirr Savatthi Sniaa Dangx Hngg Log'axbuw Qangxdngg. Qycc, hitt sii zit beh lyc, Sewjunx qo' jit langg an' jingrquanx camsenn ee jyrui vreh kiw, cud kir cur-gua dirr mngkauw jre. Hitt sijun, Kosala Qog ee Pasenadi Ongg kir Sewjunx hiax vaiwhongw, vaiwhongw .quer, lexqingr Sewjunx liauxau dirr vnix:a jre.

Hitt xee sijun u cid xee sokhuad siuhing :ee, cid xee nigantha, cid xee ciacteh siuhing :ee, cid xee cing dyrpaur :ee, qapp cid xee iuhongx siuhing :ee, inx hiap-xe ee xmngg iacc sinkux ee xmngg longxx jin' dngg, jingxqah iarr dngg, tec iuhongjiaw ee iongrqu, an' li Sewjunx byy hng ee soxjai qniaa .quer.

Hitt sii, Kosala Qog ee Pasenadi Ongg an' jyrui vreh kiw, jingxliw dingxtauu snxax, qingqah penx jit vingg, jniawvingg ee katauux qui dirr tokax, hiongr cid xee sokhuad siuhing :ee, cid xee nigantha, cid xee ciactew siuhing :ee, cid xee cing dyrpaur :ee, qapp cid xee iuhongx siuhing :ee habjiongw, qra qaqi ee miaa vyr snax vaiw, "Junjiaw! Guaw si Kosala Qog ee Pasenadi Ongg."

Hitt sii, Kosala Qog ee Pasenadi Ogg lirkuix hitt cid xee sokhuad siuhing :ee, cid xee nigantha, cid xee ciactew siuhing :ee, cid xee cing dyrpaur :ee, qapp cid xee iuhongx siuhing :ee liauxau, didjiab kir Sewjunx hiax vaiwhongw. Vaiwhongw quer, lexqingr Sewjunx liauw dirr vnix: jre.

Jre dirr vnix:a ee Kosala Qog ee Pasenadi Ongg duiww Sewjunx qongw, "Sewjunx! Inx jiaxee langg dirr jitt sewqanx juer arahant, iacc si ixx kurvi jniaa juer arahant?"

"Dairongg! Jiaxee langg si arahant iacc si ixx kurvi jniaa juer arahant? Jex si qapp ongg qangrkuanw dirr cur nirr hiangxsiu ioglok, druar dirr u qniaxzii sirser ee jiongwgai diongx, qycc suxiong Kasian Qog ee dnuahniux, dir huekox, punr pangjuiw buah pangliau, dunxkngr qimginn :ee jin' yh jaix :ee.

Dairongg! Inx hiaxee ciqair siong'ix druar dauwdin, zicniaw m si dew siqanx, si dngg siqanx siong'ix qycc m si byy decc sulu, siong'ix sulu qycc m si byy diwhui, qapp u diwhui :ee siong'ix qaidongx did diwsig. 

Dairongg! Inx hiaxee cingjing siong'ix druar dauwdin, zicniaw m si dew siqanx, si dngg siqanx siong'ix qycc m si byy decc sulu, siong'ix sulu qycc m si byy diwhui, qapp u diwhui :ee siong'ix qaidongx did diwsig. 

Dairongg! Inx hiaxee dirr vuthing ee sii kia jai, zicniaw m si dew siqanx, si dngg siqanx siong'ix qycc m si byy decc sulu, siong'ix sulu qycc m si byy diwhui, qapp u diwhui :ee siong'ix qaidongx did diwsig. 

Dairongg! Inx hiaxee ee diwhui qingquer qiongrdongg siongliongg,  zicniaw m si dew siqanx, si dngg siqanx siong'ix qycc m si byy decc sulu, siong'ix sulu qycc m si byy diwhui, qapp u diwhui :ee siong'ix qaidongx did diwsig." 

"Sewjunx! Jniasit hanxiuw. Sewjunx! Jniasit bue bad jingrr bue. Sewjunx, jiaxee dairjir kaksit si jiauww Sewjunx soxx qongw, ' Dairongg! Jiaxee dairjir dyrr sngr dirr cur nirr hiangxsiu ioglok... simrjiww... dunxkngr qimginn :ee jin' yh jiax... simrjiww...'

"Sewjunx! Jiaxee guaw pair langg' amwhongw kir hongxcad ee jiaxee langg, dirr hongxcad qokk qog dngw .laii, cocox jiauww inx hiaxee soxx cathongw :ee, dirr aurviah guaw laii juer qetlun.

Sewjunx, zuqimx hiaxee uirr kiwduu dinser ee uwuer, sew sinkux buah pangliau, tir taujangx qapp cuiwciux, cing vec snxax, virr go jiongw iogbong soxx dnii, kurvi :ee si kuaiwlok." 

Hitt sii, Sewjunx liauxqaiw jitt xee ywgi, dirr jitt sii cniur jimgensix qongxx:
"Langg sidjai si byy iongngi an' siongwmau laii liauxqaiw.

Dew siqanx knuar .diyc .ee m tangx sinr.
Langg gauu qig guarviauw.
Dirr jitt xee sewqanx poxpenr hnuaiqniaa.
Naxx si qycc naxx m si,
Too juer ee hnirqaux,
Dorqimx ee vnuar sxenw dangjnii.
Langlangg jrngx hro suiw,
Lairbin byy cingjing,
Guarviauw suiw suiw decc hnuaiqniaa." 

(Samyutta Nikaya 1-3-11)  
II. The Second Chapter (Without a Son)
11. Seven Jatilas
On one occasion the Blessed One was dwelling at Såvatthi in the Eastern Park in the Mansion of Migara’s Mother. Now on that occasion, in the evening, the Blessed One had emerged from seclusion and was sitting by the outer gateway. Then King Pasenadi of Kosala approached the Blessed One, paid homage to him, and sat down to one side.

Now on that occasion seven jatilas, seven niganthas, seven naked ascetics, seven one-robed ascetics, and seven wanderers—with hairy armpits, long fingernails and long body hairs, carrying their bundles of requisites—passed by not far from the Blessed One.

Then King Pasenadi of Kosala rose from his seat, arranged his upper robe over one shoulder, knelt down with his right knee on the ground, and, extending his hands in reverential salutation towards the seven jatilas, seven niganthas, seven naked ascetics, seven one-robed ascetics, and seven wanderers, he announced his name three times: “I am the king, venerable sirs, Pasenadi of Kosala!... I am the king, venerable sirs, Pasenadi of Kosala!”

Then, not long after those seven jatilas ... and seven wanderers had departed, King Pasenadi of Kosala approached the Blessed One, paid homage to him, sat down to one side, and said to the Blessed One: “Those, venerable sir, are to be included among the men in the world who are arahants or who have entered upon the path to arahantship.”

“Great king, being a layman who enjoys sensual pleasures, dwelling at home with a bed crowded with children, enjoying the use of Kåsian andalwood, wearing garlands, scents, and unguents, receiving gold and silver, it is difficult for you to know: ‘These are arahants or these have entered upon the path to arahantship.’

“It is by living together with someone, great king, that his virtue is to be known, and that after a long time, not after a short time; by one who is attentive, not by one who is inattentive; by one who is wise, not by a dullard.

“It is by dealing with someone, great king, that his honesty is to be known, and that after a long time, not after a short time; by one who is attentive, not by one who is inattentive; by one who is wise, not by a dullard.

“It is in adversities, great king, that a person’s fortitude is to be known, and that after a long time, not after a short time; by one who is attentive, not by one who is inattentive; by one who is wise, not by a dullard.

“It is by discussion with someone, great king, that his wisdom is to be known, and that after a long time, not after a short time; by one who is attentive, not by one who is inattentive; by one who is wise, not by a dullard.”

“It is wonderful, venerable sir! It is amazing, venerable sir! How well this has been stated by the Blessed One: ‘Great king, being a layman ... it is difficult for you to know ...(as above) ... by one who is wise, not by a dullard.’

“These, venerable sir, are my spies, undercover agents, coming back after spying out the country. First information is gathered by them and afterward I will make them disclose it. Now, venerable sir, when they have washed off the dust and dirt and are freshly bathed and groomed, with their hair and beards trimmed, clad in white garments, they will enjoy themselves supplied and endowed with the five cords of sensual pleasure.”

Then the Blessed One, having understood the meaning of this, on that occasion recited these verses: 
“A man is not easily known by outward form
Nor should one trust a quick appraisal,
For uncontrolled men fare in this world
In the guise of the well controlled.
Like a counterfeit earring made of clay,
Like a bronze half-penny coated with gold,
Some move about in disguise:
Inwardly impure, outwardly beautiful.”

(相應部 1-3-11)
第二 拘薩羅品
色貌之於人   實是不易知
即刻見勿信   善制者其相
非為制御人   此世普橫行
如似是而非   泥土之耳環
渡金銅半錢   人人裝飾美
內懷於不淨   外面美橫行