Iyc Ongg qapp Iyc Junx nng xee dharma ongjuiw, ixqip dirr huathue lairdew go-vah Brahma tnisinn an' jyrui vreh kiw, hiongr Vuddyy ee kax qnialew, suar qra Vuddyy qongw, "An' byy kaisiw ixlaii qingquer sxor qiab dirr sewqanx juer liong'ix. Cuir damx jitt xee Saha sewqair ee cauw, bok, qimx, qapp jiyc. U miaa :ee sowbok u qaur jap-bxan veh-cingx jiongw. Jurr anxnex jiauu jaix kow, sngx, qiamm, jniaw, qamx, qapp hiamx dingxdingw ee kiwbi, ixqip soxu camcab soxx snix ee venwhuar. Si lingw iacc zet, u dok iacc byy dok, jiaxee longxx jaix taur taur. Jurr singsiu Zulaii qawsi, liauxted diyc kiwbi ee vunxsingr m si kangx iarr m si u; m si srinx iacc simx, iarr be lirkuix srinx iacc simx. Hunvet kiwbi ee in'iuu, an’ jiax did diyc kaigno. Singsiu Vuddyy Zulaii inwjingr guanw nng hniadi Iyc Ongg qapp Iyc Junx nng xee posad ee miaa, jitmaw dirr huathue lairdew jyr dharma ongjuw. Knikib kiwbi laii qakdix bingqngx suar vreh kir qaur posad ee xui. Vuddyy mng quanhe uanbuanw tongdat, jiauww guaw soxx giamrjingr :ee, kiwbi ee in'iuu vaii derr id kxamw."
(Shurangama Sutra, Volume 5 --15)
The two Dharma-Princes, Medicine King and Superior Medicine, and five hundred Brahma gods in the assembly arose from their seats, bowed at the Buddha’s feet, and said to the Buddha, From beginning-less eons until now, we have been good doctors for the world. Our mouths have tasted many herbs, wood, metals, and stones of the Saha world, a hundred and eight thousand flavors. We know in detail the bitter, sour, salty, bland, sweet, and pungent flavors, and the like, in all their combinations and inherent changes. We have a thorough knowledge of whether they are cooling or warming, poisonous or non-poisonous. While serving the Thus Come One we came to know that the nature of flavors is neither empty nor existent, nor of the body or of the mind, nor apart from body or the mind. We became enlightened by discriminating among flavors. The Thus Come One sealed and certified us brothers and named us Bodhisattvas Medicine King and Superior Medicine. Now in the assembly we are Dharma Princes who have ascended to the Bodhisattva level due to having become enlightened by means of flavors. The Buddha asks about perfect penetration. As we have been certified to it, the cause of flavors is the foremost means."
藥王藥上二法王子。并在會中五百梵天。即從座起。頂禮佛足而白佛言。我無始劫。為世良醫。口中嘗此娑婆世界草木金石。名數凡有十萬八千。如是悉知苦酢鹹淡甘辛等味。并諸和合俱生變異。是冷是熱。有毒無毒。悉能遍知。承事如來。了知味性。非空非有。 非即身心。非離身心。分別味因。從是開悟。蒙佛如來印我昆季。藥王藥上二菩薩名。今於會中為法王子。因味覺明。位登菩薩。佛問圓通。如我所證。味因為上。