Hukongx Vyxjongr Posad an' jyrui vreh kiw, hiongr Vuddyy ee kax qnialew, suar qra Vuddyy qongw, "Guaw qapp Zulaii dirr Zindnia Bingqngx Vut hiax did diyc byy vniqair ee srinx. Hitt sii ciuw tec sir dua vyxjux, jiyr qngx sibhongx naxx biser din'aix hiacc je ee vudtah, huawjuer hukongx. Qycc dirr jursimx henxhen dua uanbuanw ee qniar. Hitt lairdew kngr jap jiongw bibiau ee vyxqngx, quanr zip sibhongx hukongx qaiwhan. Soxu ee ongqiongx vyxtah longxx zip laii qniar-lai, zip laii guaw ee sinkux. Sinkux qapp hukongx siysiang, be siy' honggai. Sinkux tangx zip naxx biser din'aix hiacc je ee qoktow, siwqer juer Vut ee dairjir, did diyc dua qinsuii sunrjiongg ee simx. U jitt xee dua sinlat si in'ui guaw jimjiog quancad sir dua byy soxx rix, snix-bet qewww bongrsiongw, ixqipp hukongx dna' jit xee qapp Vut ee qog guanvunw siysiang. Dirr siysiang jitt xee lriw lairdew did diyc byy snisiw hamzimw ee qongqyw. Vuddyy mng quanhe uanbuanw tongwdat. Quancad hukongx byy vniqair, zip samadhi, bibiau ee lat uanbuanw bingqngx. Guaw zinruii jitt hxang vaii derr id."
(Shurangama Sutra, Volume 5 --33)
Treasury of Emptiness Bodhisattva arose from his seat, bowed at the Buddha’s feet, and said to the Buddha, "The Thus Come One and I attained boundless bodies when with the Buddha Samádhi-Light. At that time I held in my hands four huge precious pearls, which shone on Buddha lands as many as the motes of dust in the ten directions, transforming them into emptiness. In my mind there appeared a great, perfect mirror and from it issued forth ten kinds of subtle, wonderful precious light that poured out into the ten directions to the farthest bounds of emptiness. All the royal lands adorned with banners were reflected in this mirror and passed through my body. This interaction was totally unhindered, because my body was like emptiness. Because my mind had become completely compliant, I could enter with ease as many countries as there are fine motes of dust and could do the Buddha’s work on a wide scale. I achieved this great spiritual power from contemplating in detail how the four elements lack any reliance; how the arising and ceasing of false thoughts is no different from emptiness; how all the Buddha lands are basically the same. Once I realized this identity, I obtained patience with the non-existence of beings and dharmas. The Buddha asks about perfect penetration. I used the contemplation of the boundlessness of emptiness to enter samádhi and attain wonderful power and perfect clarity. That is the foremost means."