“Ananda! Jiaxee tnidingw qokk jiongw tenzinn dyrr si huanhux decc sriu giabqyw ee vywingr, sriu liauw qycc e zip lunhuee. Hiaxee tenongg dyrr si posad dirr samadhi decc iulik, jiauww cuwsu jiamrjiam jingjinr, huehiongr singwzinn soxx siuhing ee lo.
Ananda! Dirr Sir Kangx Tnix :ee, srinx qapp simx bedjin, dingrsingr henxhen, giabqyw ee sikdinn iarr byy .kir, an’ jiax qaur jinrtauu qiyr juer Busikqair.
Jiaxee longxx byy liauxted bibiau qakgo qongbingg ee simx, jikju bongrsiongw dirr samqair laii huatsingx. Dirr hitt diongqanx jiauww bongrsiongw dimlunn kir cid dy. Pudgala qokk jiauww inx ee jingxlui.
Qycc u, Ananda! Dirr samqair lairdew qycc u sir jiongw asura.
Narr dirr qxuiw-dy ixx horhuad ee lat, jiar sintongx zip kangx :ee, jitt jiongw asura an’ nxng snix .cud .laii, sriok qxuiw-dy.
Narr dirr tenzinn-diongx qongdig lyhqe duirlyc, druar dirr zidguat hurqin. Jitt jiongw asura si taisingx, sriok langg-dy.
U asura ongg dirr sewqair u qenwqongx, lat dua byy qniahniaa, tangx ham' Brahama Ongg, Shakra Sinn qapp Sir Ten'ongg vnivuic. Jitt jiongw asura si huawsingx :ee, sriok tnix-dy.
Ananda! Qycc u jit jiongw qerlo ee asura, dirr duarhaiw ee diong'ngx cutsir, druar dirr haiwdew ee dongrhet, zit .sii dirr hukongx qnia'iuu, amwsii dngw juixdew hiyckunr. Jitt jiongw asura in’ui sipkir laii cutsir, sriok jingsnix-dy.
(Shurangama Sutra, Volume 9-4)
"Ananda, the beings in all these heavens are ordinary beings receiving the fruits of their karmic rewards. Once their rewards are exhausted, they must once again enter rebirth. The lords of these heavens, however, are all Bodhisattvas who roam in Samadhi. They gradually progress in their practice and make transference to the way cultivated by all sages."
"Ananda, these are the Four Heavens of Emptiness, where the bodies and minds of the inhabitants are extinguished. Concentration emerges, and they are free of the karmic retribution of form. This final group is called the Formless Realm."
"The beings in all of them have not understood the wonderfully enlightened bright mind. Their accumulation of falseness brings into being false existence in the Triple Realm. Within this they falsely follow along and become submerged in the seven destinies. As pudgalas, they gather together with their own kind."
"Furthermore, Ananda, there are four categories of asuras in the Triple Realm."
"Those in the path of ghosts who, by means of their strength of protecting the Dharma, can ride their spiritual penetrations to enter into emptiness are asuras born from eggs; they belong to the destiny of ghosts."
"Those who have fallen in virtue and have been dismissed from the heavens dwell in places near the sun and moon. They are asuras born from wombs and belong to the destiny of humans."
"There are asura kings who uphold the world with a penetrating power and fearlessness. They are able to contend with the Brahma Lord, the God Shakra, and the Four Heavenly Kings. These asuras come into being by transformation and belong to the destiny of gods."
"Ananda, there is another, baser category of asuras. They are born in the center of the great seas and live in underwater caves. During the day they roam in emptiness; at night they return to their watery realm. These asuras come into being because of moisture and belong to the destiny of animals."