“Qycc hiaxee senrlamjuw, sriu-dxir kangx .kir, be jygu diyc siaog susiongw, uanbuanw ee sendnia huad qngx. Dirr samadhi, ix iwhiongr zip jibbet, genxqiur venwhuar ee texsingr, duiww cimzip kongsingr sniu tamx. Hitt sii tnimoo tranr diyc siqix, qiyr iaujniax qra ix hursinx, hro ix cuir qongw qinghuad. Jitt xee langg byy diwqag virr xmoo hursinx, iarr jurcingx qongxx qaqi did diyc busiong liappuann. U air beh qriuu kongsingr ee langg laii senrlamjuw jiax. Senrlamjuw dyrr posed jyrui suathuad. Jitt xee langg dirr jingwlangg lairdew, hingtew hutzenn kangx .kir. Jingwlangg knuar be diyc ix, zen’au ix an’ hukongx dudzenn cuthen, cuthen iacc siausid longxx jurjai. Ix tangx hro qaqi ee sinkux bersux liulii, kax qapp ciuw longxx u dnuahniux ee pangkuir, iacc dairsiauxven dnix qaxnaxx bit. Ix huixvongr qaiwlut, kinsi cutqelangg, cuir-lai dniardnia decc qongw byy-in.-byy-qyw, siw liauw ingxuanw bedbyy, byy qycc u au cutsir, iarr byy jiongww huanzinn iacc singwzinn. Ix suizenn did diyc kongsingr jibbet ee qingxqair, amwdiongx e kir buanxjiog ix jiongxjiongw ee iogbong. Jiapsiu jitt xee langg tamiok ee hing'uii :ee iarr e did diyc kongsingr ee simx, qra inqyw vuew kuix. Jex si sitzit qapp sitguec ee jingkir, qimx, gik, lingjix, qilinn, hxong, qux, hyc, qingquer cenban nii byy siw vnir juer jinglingg dirr qoktow cutsir, jiac lau jniaa xmoo laii ziauxluan siuhing :ee. Danw qaur ix iawsen, lirkuix hitt xee langg ee sintew, derjuw qapp sensnix longxx e huanrhuad. Linw qaidongx singx u qakcad, jiacc be zip lunhuee. Narr budix u behik, e duirlyc byy qnaiwdng dergak.
(Shurangama Sutra, Volume 9-22)
"Further, in the unhindered clarity and wonder that ensues after the feeling skandha is gone, this good person is untroubled by any deviant mental state and experiences perfect, bright concentration. Within Samadhi, his mind craves to enter cessation, so he investigates the nature of transformations as he greedily seeks for profound emptiness. At that time a demon from the heavens seizes the opportunity it has been waiting for. Its spirit possesses another person and uses him as a mouthpiece to expound the Sutras and the Dharma. This person, unaware that he is possessed by a demon, claims he has reached unsurpassed Nirvana. When he comes to see that good person who seeks emptiness, he arranges a seat and speaks the Dharma. In the midst of the great assembly, his physical form suddenly disappears, and no one in the assembly can see him. Then out of nowhere, he abruptly reappears. He can appear and disappear at will, or he can make his body transparent like crystal. From his hands and feet he releases the fragrance of sandalwood, or his excrement and urine may be sweet as thick rock candy. He slanders the precepts and is contemptuous of those who have left the home-life. He often says that there is no cause and no effect, that once we die, we are gone forever, that there is no afterlife, and that there are no ordinary people and no Sages. Although he has obtained a state of empty stillness, he covertly indulges his greedy desires. Those who give in to his lust also adopt his views of emptiness and deny cause and effect. This is an essence that was created during an eclipse of the sun or moon. Having fallen on gold, jade, a rare fungus, a unicorn, a phoenix, a tortoise, or a crane, the essence endowed it with life, so that it did not die for thousands or tens of thousands of years and eventually became a spirit. It was then born into this land and in its old age has become a demon. It disturbs and confuses the good person. But when it tires of doing so, it will leave the other person's body. Then both the disciples and the teacher will get in trouble with the law. You should be aware of this in advance and not get caught up in the cycle of transmigration. If you are confused and do not understand, you will fall into the Relentless Hells."