"Ananda, liw qaidongx jai’ngiaw. Jitt jap jiongw xmoo, dirr buadser ee sii e dirr guaw ee hxuad lairdew cutqex siudy. Inx uree hursinx dirr langg ee sintew, uree qaqi duwhen hingtew, longxx qongw inx ixx singjiu jniar venww qakdix. Inx janwtanr imhing, pywhuai vut ee ludgii. Taujingg soxx qongw ee og xmoo sensnix qapp xmoo ee derjuw, inx ee imhing siy’ tuann. Jitt hy siaog ee iaujniax behik langg' ee simqnuax, dew jiarr qauw sxer, je jiarr ciauquer vah sxer, tangx hro jinjniar siuhing :ee jongw venr juer xmoo ee quanwsiok, siw liauxau, vitdnia juer xmoo ee juxbinn, srid kir jniar venww qakdix, duirlyc byy qnaiwdng dergak.
Liw dnaxx byy su’iaur singx cruw jibbet, junw u did diyc byy-yc, diyhh huatguan zip kir buadhuad-sidai kiw dua juvix, qiuwdo u jniar simx qycc u cimx sinr ee jiongwsingx, hro inx byy siurr xmoo ingxhiongw, did jniar diqenr. Guaw dnaxx ixx dro liw cud snesiw. Liw narr junsiuw vut qongw :ee, dyrr si vyr vut ee xunx.
Ananda! Jitt jap jiongw sendnia ee jongrtair e henxhen, longxx si sniu-dxir qapp simx horsiongx jok’iong, jiacc e henxhen jitt hy dairjir. Jiongwsingx angwdangr beluan, qycc vutjurliong, duw diyc jitt kuanw inenn, sitbee berdangr venrved, liahjunw qaqi ixx jniaa sxingr, luanrsuw qongxue, duirlyc byy qnaiwdng dergak. Linw jiaxee vitsux jiong' Zulaii qongw :ee, dirr guaw jibbet liauxau, dirr buadhuad-sidai tuanvyr, hro jiongwsingx duiww jiaxee ywgi u liauxgo. M tangx hro tnimoo did diyc hongven, vyxho u cisiuw :ee jniaa busiong ee dy.
(Shurangama Sutra, Volume 9-24)
"Ananda, you should know that in the Dharma-ending Age, these ten kinds of demons may leave the home-life to cultivate the Way within my Dharma. They may possess other people, or they may manifest themselves in various forms. All of them will claim that they have already accomplished Proper and Pervasive Knowledge and Awareness. They praise lust and break the Buddha's moral precepts. The evil demonic teachers and their demonic disciples that I just discussed transmit their teaching through licentious activity. Such deviant spirits take over cultivators' minds, and after as few as nine lives or as many as a hundred generations, they turn true practitioners entirely into followers of demons. When their lives are over, they are bound to end up as one of the demonic hordes. They will lose their proper and pervasive knowledge and fall into the Relentless Hells."
"You need not enter Nirvana yet. Although you are completing your attainment to the level beyond study, hold nonetheless to your vows to enter the Dharma-ending Age. Bring forth great compassion to rescue and take across living beings who have proper minds and deep faith. Do not let them become possessed by demons. Help them instead to attain proper knowledge and views. I have already rescued you from birth and death. By venerating the Buddha's words, you will be repaying the Buddha's kindness."
"Ananda, all ten of these states may occur in Dhyana as one's mental effort interacts with the thinking skandha. Dull and confused living beings do not evaluate themselves. Encountering such situations, in their confusion they fail to recognize them and say that they have become Sages, thereby uttering a great lie. They will fall into the Relentless Hells. In the Dharma-ending Age, after my Nirvana, all of you should pass on the Tathagata's teachings, so that all living beings can awaken to their meaning. Do not let the demons of the heavens have their way. Offer protection so that all can realize the unsurpassed Way."