Qycc senrlamjuw kingqiur diyc soxu juewhingg-dxir kangx .kir, snix-bet ixx bet, mrqycc bibiau ee jigbet iauxx bue uanbuanw. Ix narr sniu qongxx srinx qapp simx an' soxx huequix :ee qapp soxx quiix :ee cud .laii .ee, sibhongx hukongx iarr longxx an’ hiax snix kiw, dyrr qra jex juer soxx suanlauu ee soxjai, liahjunw si jinsit qycc suwiongg, qycc juer byy snix-bet ee qaixsueh. Dirr snix-bet diongx, sniu' jaw qra knuar juer si siongsiongg diamr lehh, qcc duiww byy snix u behik, iarr duiww snix-bet byy bingvik. Anju dirr jitt jiongw dimbee, qycc qra qaixsueh juer busiong ee qingxqair, jitt xee langg dyrr e dui lyc _________, ix e qra Jurjai Tnix liahjuer si ix ee pnuarli, duiww vut potee e snix cud behik, srid kir diqenr.
Jex si ixx quiix soxx lip ee derr snax jiongw simx, singjiu bongrsiongw ee quexjiw, ham' uanbuanw tongdat li zuxx hng, uivue Liappuann Sniaa, snix cud uanbuanw dendyr ee jingxjiw.
Qycc senrlamjuw kingqiur diyc soxu juewhingg-dxir kangx .kir, snix-bet ixx bet, mrqycc bibiau ee jigbet iauxx bue uanbuanw. Narr dirr soxx jaix :ee qra knuar jyr si uantongx qycc poxpenr, ix dyrr liahjunw qongxx, sibhongx cauxbok longxx si u jxingg, ham' langg byy jingcax. Cauxbok e juer langg, langg siw liauxau qycc jniaa juer sibhongx ee cauw qapp ciu, jitt nng hxang byy hunved, longxx u diqag, qycc qra qaixsueh juer busiong ee qingxqair, jitt xee langg e dui lyc budix :ee u diqag ee jipdiok. Jipdiok qongxx itcer longxx u diqag ee Vasishtha qapp Sainika e venr juer ix ee pnuarli, duiww vut potee e snix cud behik, srid kir diqenr.
Jex si cuixdok poxpenr u diqag soxx lip ee derr sir jiongw simx, singjiu vuebiu ee quexjiw, ham' uanbuanw tongdat li zuxx hng, uivue Liappuann Sniaa, snix cud diqenr dendyr ee jingxjiw.
(Shurangama Sutra, Volume 10-10)
"Further, the good person has thoroughly seen the formations skandha as empty. He has already ended production and destruction, but he has not yet perfected the subtle wonder of ultimate serenity. If he regards what he is returning to as a refuge, he will suspect that his body and mind come forth from there, and that all things in the ten directions of space arise from there as well. He will explain that that place from which all things issue forth is the truly permanent body, which is not subject to production and destruction. While still within production and destruction, he prematurely reckons that he abides in permanence. Since he is deluded about non-production, he is also confused about production and destruction. He is sunk in confusion. If he interprets this as a supreme state, he will fall into the error of taking what is not permanent to be permanent. He will speculate that the God of Sovereignty (Ishvaradeva) is his companion. Confused about the Bodhi of the Buddhas, he will lose his knowledge and understanding.
"This is the third state, in which he makes a false speculation based on the idea that there is a refuge. He strays far from perfect penetration and turns his back on the City of Nirvana, thus sowing the seeds of an distorted view of perfection.
"Further, the good person has thoroughly seen the formations skandha as empty. He has already ended production and destruction, but he has not yet perfected the subtle wonder of ultimate serenity. Based on his idea that there is universal awareness, he formulates a theory that all the plants and trees in the ten directions are sentient, not different from human beings. He claims that plants and trees can become people, and that when people die they again become plants and trees in the ten directions. If he considers this idea of unrestricted, universal awareness to be supreme, he will fall into the error of maintaining that what is not aware has awareness. Vasishtha and Sainika, who maintained the idea of comprehensive awareness, will become his companions. Confused about the Bodhi of the Buddhas, he will lose his knowledge and understanding.
"This is the fourth state, in which he creates an erroneous interpretation based on the idea that there is a universal awareness. He strays far from perfect penetration and turns his back on the City of Nirvana, thus sowing the seeds of a distorted view of awareness.