
Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx (sir-1)


Derr Sir Pinw: Sinwqaiw

Hitt sijun, u diwhui-mia ee Subhuti, Mahakatyayana, Mahakasyapa, qapp Mahamaudgalyayana, an’ Vuddyy tniax diyc m bad tniax .quer ee Hxuad, knuar diyc Sewjunx qipsiu Sariputra anuttara-samyak-sambodhi ee qiwzin, qamxqag hanxiuw, hnuahiw qaxx be qor .did. Inx an’ jyrui vreh kiw, jingxliw snakor, jniawvingg qingqah teh teh, jniawvingg qatauux kap de, itsimx habjiongw qiogqiongx qiongqingr, giaa tauu giongxbong jungann duiww Vuddyy qongw, “Guanw juer jingdoo ee tauu, u huer qycc lyxsuex, liahjunw ixx did diyc liappuann, byy qycc u sniaw dairzim, jiacc byy qycc jinr jit vo qriuu anuttara-samyak-sambodhiSewjunx, liw ingxzit suathuad qaur dnaxx ixx quw :ar, guanw hitt sii jairjy, sintew tiamw, dna’ sukyw kongsingr, byy siongwtew qapp byy ngwbang, duiww iuhir sintongx, cingjing vut ee qoktow, qapp singjiu jiongwsingx dingxdingw posad ee huatmngg byy cuwbi iacc hixlok. Si anwjnuaw lehh? Sewjunx hro guanw cud samqair giamrjingr diyc liappuann, qycc guanw u huer qyxx lyxsuex, soxiw duiww vut qauwhuar posad anuttara-samyak-sambodhi jitt hxang, jit diamw aw cuwbi dy' byy. Guanw dnaxx dirr vut taujingg tniax diyc sniabunn virr qipsiu anuttara-samyak-sambodhi ee qiwzin, simlai jiokk hnuahiw, did diyc m bad u :ee, byy sniu diyc qongxx qimzit hutzenn tangx tniax diyc hihanw ee Hxuad, cimx cimx qamxqag iuxhing, tangx did diyc dua lirig. Buliong dinvyw, benw kir qriuu, qaqi jurzenn did .diyc.

(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter IV Willing Acceptance 1)

At that time the noble Subhūti, Mahākātyāyana, Mahākāśyapa, and Mahāmaudgalyāyana, having heard the unprecedented teaching from the Buddha and the Bhagavat’s prediction of Śāriputra’s highest, complete enlightenment, were filled with wonder and ecstatic joy. They immediately rose from their seats, straightened their garments, leaving their right shoulders bared, and touched their right knees to the ground. With rapt attention and with palms pressed together they bowed in veneration and, gazing at the Bhagavat’s face, said to the Buddha: “We are the seniors of the sangha, old and feeble. We considered ourselves to have attained nirvana and to be incapable of further seeking highest, complete enlightenment, so we did not do so. “It has been a long time since the Bhagavat taught the Dharma in the past. Now we sit with weary bodies and only contemplate emptiness, signlessness, and wishlessness. Neither the bodhisattva teaching, nor the carefree sporting with transcendent powers, nor the pure buddha worlds, nor helping sentient beings attain enlightenment produced any eager desire in us. “Why is this? Because the Bhagavat caused us to leave the triple world and to attain nirvana. But now we are old and feeble. We did not take even a single thought of pleasure in the Buddha’s inspiration of the bodhisattvas to highest, complete enlightenment. And now in the presence of the Buddha we have heard the śrāvakas receive their prediction of highest, complete enlightenment and we are very joyful to have obtained such an unprecedented experience. We never considered that we would suddenly be able to hear this marvelous teaching; and we are overjoyed that we have attained such great benefits—an immeasurable treasure which we attained, though unsought and unawaited.

(妙法蓮華經第四品 信解之1)


