
Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx (sir-3)

Sewjunx! Dua huwongx diongxjiaw dyrr si Zulaii. Guanw jiaxee dyrr cincniu si Vuddyy ee qniaw. Zulaii marr dniardnia qongw guanw si qniaw. Sewjunx! Guanw in’ui u snax jiongw kow, dirr snesiw lairdew sriu jiongxjiongw vikzet qapp kyxnauw, behik, budix, hingr jipdiok siyxsingg ee hxuad. Qimzit Sewjunx hro guanw suuii diyhh siauduu jiongxjiongw cincniu vunr ee biurlun. Guanw dirr siyxsingg ee hxuad qutlat jingjinr did diyc jit zit liappuann ee dairqer. Did .diyc liauxau, simlai dua hnuahiw, qaqi qamxqag u qraur :ar, dyrr sniu qongxx in'ui dirr Vudhuad u qutlat jingjinr, soxx did .diyc .ee jiokk je.

Mrqycc Sewjunx jaw dyrr jaix guanw simlai qac'ir qycc jipdiok qerlo ee siyxsingg, dyrr suijai guanw, m quanw guanw, byy jyr hunved duiww guanw qongxx, 'Linw iarr tangx did diyc Zulaii diqenr ee vyxjong.' Sewjunx iong hongvven ee ligliong suecbingg Zulaii ee diwhui. Guanw an’ Vuddyy did diyc jit zit liappuann ee dairqer, liahjunw did diyc dua singjiu, duiww jitt xee Dairsing byy jiwhiongr kir duiqiuu. 

Guanw qycc liahjunw Zulaii ee diwhui si uirr jiongww posad decc kaisi qapp enxsuad, mrjiacc qaqi dirr jitt hxang byy jiwguan. 

Si anwjnuaw lehh? Vuddyy jai'ngiaw guanw simlai hingr siyxsingg ee hxuad, iong hongven ee ligliong suisun guanw. Guanw m jaix qaqi jinjniar si vut ee qniaw.

Jitmaw guanw jiacc jaix, Sewjunx dirr vut ee diwhui byy dangwsngx. Si anwjnuaw lehh? Guanw an’ sikzit ixlaii jinjniar si vuddyy ee qniaw, mrqycc dna' hingr siyxsingg ee hxuad. Narr guanw u hingwcur beh yc Dairsing, Vuddyy dyrr e uirr guanw enxsuad Dairsing ee Hxuad. Dirr jitt vxo qingx, dna’ enxsuad Itvudsingg. 

Sikzit dirr posad binrjingg u jikvi sniabunn dna' hingr siyxsingg ee hxuad, mrqycc Vuddyy sidjai u iong Dairsing decc qauwhuar. Soxiw guanw qongw guanvunw byy simx beh duiqiuu, qimzit huat’ongg ee dua vyxjong jurzenn qaur. Vut ee qniaw soxx ingqaix did .diyc .ee, guanw longxx u did .diyc."

(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter IV Willing Acceptance 3)

“O Bhagavat! This very wealthy man is the Tathāgata, and all of us are the heirs of the Buddha. The Tathāgata has always said that we are his children. Because of the triple sufferings, O Bhagavat, we experienced pain, were confused, ignorant and attached to inferior teachings in life after life. Today the Bhagavat has made us think about getting rid of the dung of fallacies regarding the reality of the world and that, in this respect, we diligently strove to attain the nirvana only as one seeking a salary for a single day’s labor. We had already attained it and were extremely happy and satisfied with it. We said to ourselves: Because we have made diligent efforts to comprehend the Buddha’s teaching we have attained a great deal. 

“But the Bhagavat had formerly perceived that we were attached to desires and content with lowly aspirations. While letting us be so he did not explain that we were to have a portion of the treasure house of the Tathāgata’s wisdom and insight. Through the power of skillful means the Bhagavat has taught the wisdom of the Tathāgatas. Although we had attained nirvana from the Buddha as our salary for one day’s labor, we thought we had attained much and did not seek the Mahayana. 

“Furthermore, we have manifested and explained the wisdom of the Tathāgata for the bodhisattvas; but we ourselves had no aspirations regarding it. 

“Why is this? The Buddha, knowing that we were content with lowly aspirations, taught us according to what is appropriate through the power of skillful means. But we did not know that we really were the heirs of the Buddha. 

“Now we fully know that the Bhagavat is unstinting in regard to the wisdom of the buddhas. What is the reason for this? We have actually been the heirs of the Buddha from long ago, even though we only yearned for the inferior teaching. If we had yearned for the superior teaching, then the Buddha would have taught the teachings of the Mahayana to us. Yet, in this sutra he has taught only the single vehicle. 

“Now, in the past the Buddha reviled the śrāvakas—those who yearned for the inferior teaching—in the presence of the bodhisattvas, but actually the Buddha inspired them also with the Mahayana. That is why we say that though we originally had no desire to seek the great treasure of the King of the Dharma it has now come to us unsought and unawaited. We have all attained what we should attain as the heirs of the Buddha.” 

(妙法蓮華經第四品 信解之3)

世尊。大富長者則是如來。我等皆似佛子。如來常說我等為子。世尊。我等以三苦故。於生死中受諸熱惱。迷惑無知樂著小法。今日世尊。令我等思惟蠲除諸法戲論之糞。我等於中勤加精進得至涅槃一日之價。既得此已心大歡喜自以為足。而便自謂。於佛法中勤精進故。所得弘多。然世尊。先知我等心著弊欲樂於小法。便見縱捨不為分別。汝等當有如來知見寶藏之分。世尊以方便力說如來智慧。我等從佛得涅槃一日之價。以為大得。於此大乘無有志求。我等又因如來智慧。為諸菩薩開示演說。而自於此無有志願。所以者何。佛知我等心樂小法。以方便力隨我等說。而我等不知真是佛子。今我等方知。世尊於佛智慧無所悋惜。 所以者何。我等昔來真是佛子。而但樂小法。若我等有樂大之心。佛則為我說大乘法。於此經中唯說一乘。而昔於菩薩前毀呰聲聞樂小法者。然佛實以大乘教化。是故我等說本無心有所悕求。今法王大寶自然而至。如佛子所應得者皆已得之。

