Derr Zi Pinw: Hongven Hxuad
Hitt sijun, Sewjunx an’ samadhi kiw .laii, duiww Sariputra qongw, “Jiongww vut ee diwhui jiww cimx buviw. Inx diwhui ee mngg yh liauxqaiw qycc yh zip .kir. Byy qaxx jit xee sniabun iacc pratyekabuddha erdangr jai’ngiaw. Si anwjnuaw lehh? Vut bad cinqin quer vaccingbanrig busor ee vut, buliong ee dyrhuad longxx u kir sidhingg, iongxbingw jingjinr, miasniax taur tenha, singjiu jiww cimx m bad u ee hxuad, soxx qangxsuad :ee suisun jiongwsingx juer diaujingw, qidiongx ee iwbi yh did liauxqaiw.
Sariputra! Guaw an’ sxingg vut ixlaii, ixx jiongxjiongw inenn, iong jiongxjiongw piwzu, siwqer kir qangxqaur, iong busor ee hongven hxuad inxcua jiongwsingx, hro inx lirkuix jerje jipdiok. Si anwjnuaw lehh? In'ui hongven hxuad, diwhui qapp qenwsig ee paramita, Zulaii longxx u kurvi.
Sariputra! Zulaii ee diwhui qapp qenwsig qongxdai qycc cim’uanw, u buliong qycc byy jiongwgai ee ligliong, byy soxx qnia'uir, u sendnia, qaixtuad qapp samadhi, cimzip byy dixjiw, singjiu itcer m bad u ee hxuad.
Sariputra! Zulaii erdangr hunvet jiongxjiongw langg, kaxbiau laii qangxsuad qokk jiongw huatmngg, gensuu ziunngw, suxx jiongwsingx ee simx hnuahiw.
Sariputra! Jongw qongw .jit .qxur. Buliong buvenx m bad u ee hxuad, vut longxx ixqingx singjiu. U qraur :ar, Sariputra, mrbenw qycc qongw. Si anwjnuaw lehh? Vut soxx singjiu derr id hihanw qapp yh liauxqaiw ee hxuad, dna’ jiongww vut jiacc tangx qiuwqingr liauxgo itcer Hxuad ee sit siongr. Soxui itcer hxuad, dyrr si u jitt hy siongr, singr, tew, lat, jyh, xinx, enn, qetqyw, vywingr, qapp tauu-buew qiuwqingr vingdingw.
(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter II Skillful Means 1)
At that time the Bhagavat arose tranquilly with insight out of samādhi and addressed Śāriputra: “Profound and immeasurable is the wisdom of the buddhas. The gate to their wisdom is hard to enter and difficult to understand. None of the śrāvakas and pratyekabuddhas may be capable of understanding it. Why is this? The buddhas have closely attended innumerable hundreds of thousands of myriads of koṭis of other buddhas. They have exhaustively carried out practices with courage and persistence under uncountable numbers of buddhas, their names becoming universally renowned. They have perfected this profound and unprecedented Dharma, and their intention in adapting their explanations to what is appropriate is difficult to understand.
“O Śāriputra! After attaining buddhahood I expounded the teaching extensively with various explanations and illustrations, and with skillful means (upāya) led sentient beings to rid themselves of their attachments. Why is this? Because all the Tathāgatas have attained perfect mastery of skillful means, wisdom, and insight.
“O Śāriputra! The wisdom and insight of the Tathāgatas is extensive, profound, immeasurable, and unhindered. They are possessed of power, fearlessness, meditation, liberation, and samādhi that is profound and endless. They have completely attained this unprecedented Dharma.
“O Śāriputra! The Tathāgatas can, through various methods, skillfully illuminate the Dharma with gentle speech and gladden the hearts of the assemblies.
“O Śāriputra! To put it briefly, the buddhas have attained this immeasurable, limitless, and unprecedented Dharma. Enough, O Śāriputra, I will speak no further. Why is this? Because the Dharma that the buddhas have attained is foremost, unique, and difficult to understand. No one but the buddhas can completely know the real aspects of all dharmas—that is to say their character, nature, substance, potential, function, cause, condition, result, effect, and essential unity.”
(妙法蓮華經第二品 方便之1)
爾時世尊從三昧安詳而起。告舍利弗。諸佛智慧甚深無量。其智慧門難解難入。一切聲聞辟支佛所不能知。所以者何。佛曾親近百千萬億無數諸佛。盡行諸佛無量道法。勇猛精進名稱普聞。成就甚深未曾有法。隨宜所說意趣難解。舍利弗。吾從成佛已來。種種因緣。種種譬喻。廣演言教。無數方便引導眾生。令離諸著。所以者何。如來方便知見波羅蜜。皆已具足。舍利弗。如來知見廣大深遠。無量無礙力無所畏。禪定解脫三昧。深入無際。成就一切未曾有法。舍利弗。如來能種種分別巧說諸法。言辭柔軟悅可眾心。舍利弗。取要言之。無量無邊未曾有法。 佛悉成就。止。舍利弗。不須復說。所以者何。佛所成就第一希有難解之法。唯佛與佛乃能究盡諸法實相。所謂諸法如是相。如是性。如是體。如是力。如是作。如是因。如是緣。如是果。如是報。如是本末究竟等。