Hitt sijun, Vuddyy qra Sariputra qongw, “Guaw knuar diyc jitmaw jiaxee jingwlangg lairdew byy qycc u qihiyc, suncuir dna' diongsit :ee. Sariputra! Cincniu jitt hy gnorban :ee tewcud iarr hyw. Liw dnaxx jimjiog tniax. Guaw beh uirr liw suecbingg."
Sariputra qongw, “Hyw, Sewjunx, guaw hnuahiw beh tniax.”
Vuddyy qra Sariputra qongw, “Jitt hy bibiau ee Hxuad, jerje Vut Zulaii si sii jiacc u qongw. Kyxviw udumbarahuex, qaur sijun jiacc kuix .jit .xe narnia. Sariputra! Linw qaidongx siongsinr Vut soxx qongw m si qew :ee. Sariputra! Jerju Vut jiauww quangii suathuad, inx ee vunxir jin' lann lixqaiw. Si anwjnuaw lehh? Guaw iong busor hongven hxuad, iong jiongxjiongw inenn qapp piwzu ee gensuu enxsuad jiaxee Hxuad. Jiaxee Hxuad m si suliong iacc hunved dyrr tangx lixqaiw, dna’ jiongww Vut jiacc tangx jaix. Si anwjnuaw lehh? Jiongww Vut Sewjunx dna’ uirdiyhh jit qnia dairsu jiacc cuthen dirr sewqanx. Sariputra! Si anwjnuaw qongxx jiongww Vut Sewjunx dna’ uirdiyhh jit qnia dairsu jiacc cuthen dirr sewqanx? Jiongww Vut Sewjunx beh hro jiongwsingx kaikew vut ee diqenr, hro inx cingjing, mrjiacc cuthen dirr sewqanx; beh qawsi jiongwsingx vut ee diqenr mrjiacc cuthenr dirr sewqanx; beh hro jiongwsingx liauxgo vut ee diqenr mrjiacc cuthen dirr sewqanx; beh hro jiongwsingx zip Vut diqenr ee dy mrjiacc cuthen dirr sewqanx. Sariputra! Jiongww Vut dyrr si uirdiyhh jit qnia dairsu jiacc cuthen dirr sewqanx.”
(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter II Skillful Means 8)
Then the Buddha addressed Śāriputra: “My assembly here is free of useless twigs and leaves; only the pure essence remains. “O Śāriputra! Let the arrogant ones go! Listen carefully and I will explain it to you.” Then Śāriputra replied: “Indeed, O Bhagavat, I greatly desire to hear it.” Then the Buddha addressed Śāriputra: “Only very rarely do the Buddha Tathāgatas teach such a True Dharma as this, as rarely as the uḍumbara flower blooms. “O Śāriputra! Trust and accept what the Buddha teaches! My words are never false. “O Śāriputra! The real intention of all the buddhas in adapting their explanations to what is appropriate is difficult to understand. Why is this? Because I have expounded the teachings with innumerable skillful means and various kinds of explanations and illustrations. Yet this Dharma is beyond reason and discernment. Only the buddhas can understand it. Why is this? Because the Buddha Bhagavats appear in this world for one great purpose alone. O Śāriputra! Now I will explain why I said that the Buddha Bhagavats appear in this world for only one great purpose. “The Buddha Bhagavat appear in this world to cause sentient beings to aspire toward purity and the wisdom and insight of the buddhas. They appear in this world to manifest the wisdom and insight of the buddhas to sentient beings. They appear in this world to cause sentient beingsto attain the wisdom and insight of a buddha’s enlightenment. They appear in this world in order to cause sentient beings to enter the path of the wisdom and insight of a buddha. “O Śāriputra! For this one great reason alone the buddhas have appeared in this world.”
(妙法蓮華經第二品 方便之8)