
Poxhenn Posad Jap Dua Hinggii qapp Sewguan (1)

Hitt sii, Samantabhadra (Poxhenn) Posad Mahasattva janwtanr Zulaii busiong ee qongdig liauxau, duiww jiongww posad qapp Kumara Sudhana(Sxen Jaii) qongw, “Senrlamjuw! Zulaii ee qongdig, qaxsuw sibhongx itcer jiongww vut qingquer byy huatdo qongw, vudtow din’aix sowliong ee qiab hiacc quw, siysuar enxsuad iarr qongw be liauw. Narr beh singjiu jitt hy qongdig, ingqaix siulen jap jiongw qongxdai ee qniagii qapp sewguan. Dycc jap jiongw lehh? Derr id, lexqingr jiongww vut. Derr zi, cingjanr Zulaii. Derr snax, dua dua qiong’iongw vut. Derr sir, camwhuew giabjiongr. Derr go, duiww tazinn ee qongdig suihiw. Derr lak, cniaw vut dngw huatlenw. Derr cid, cniaw vut diamr sewqanx. Derr veh, sisiongg yc vut. Derr qauw, siongsiongg suisun jiongwsingx. Derr jap, poxpenr huehiongr.

(The Practices and Vows of the Bodhisattva Samantabhadra --1)

When the Bodhisattva Mahasattva Samantabhadra having discoursed upon and eulogized the exalted merits and virtues of the Tathagata, addressed the kumara Sudhana and a great company of Bodhisattvas as follows: O Noble-minded Man, the (infinite) merits and virtues of the Tathagata are ineffable. If such were preached by all the Buddhas of the ten quarters who consecutively enumerated them during unspeakable and incalculable aeons in the Buddha-domains equal to the smallest dust-motes (in the atmosphere) in number, they could not thereby be exhausted. If (there be any who) aspire to attain this high state of merit, (let them understand that) its realization depends upon the attainment of the Ten-fold Paramita : the vows of widest and highest aspiration and the actual practice of them. But what is the Ten-fold Paramita? (you might ask) It is: First, to pay the highest homage and veneration to all Buddhas. Second, to preach (the virtues of) and to praise (the glories of) the Tathagatas. Third, to make abundant offerings for the veneration to the Buddhas. Fourth, to be penitent and confess one’s evil deeds and hindrances. Fifth, to approve of and rejoice at the merits and virtues of others. Sixth, to request Buddhas to set in motion “The Wheel of Dharma”. Seventh, to beseech Buddhas to remain in the world. Eighth, to be a zealous follower of the “Way of the Buddhas” forever. Ninth, to be always in harmony with all beings (bestowing on them gifts according to their needs). Tenth, to turn over all one’s merits to (benefit) all beings.

(普賢菩薩十大行願 --1)


