"Ananda, liw qycc pnri jitt xee hniuloo lairdew ee dancaa knuar mai. Jiaxee hniux narr diamw jit jangg, Shravasti Sniaa sir-jap lxiw lai qang sijun longxx pnri e diyc pangkuir. Jex sniaxmih iwbi? Jitt xee pangkuir si dancaa soxx snix .ee, liw ee pni-aw soxx snix .ee, iacc kanghux soxx snix :ee? Ananda, narr jitt xee pangkuir si an' pni-aw snix .cud .laii, qiyr juer pni-aw soxx snix :ee, qaidongx an' pni-aw cud .laii. Pni-aw m si dancaa. Anwjnuaw qongw pni-aw lairdew u dancaa ee pangkuir? Narr qongw liw pnri .diyc ee pangkuir qaidongx an' pni-aw zip .kir. Pni-aw lairdew cud pangkuir, qongxx liw pnri .diyc si byy hac lixlo. Narr kanghux soxx snix :ee, kanghux ee vunxsingr ciangjai, pangkuir ingdongx marr suwsiongg dilehh. Tacc diyhh jiyh hniuloo laii siyx jitt xee qobok? Narr si caa soxx snix :ee, jitt xee pangkuir ee guanjid in'ui diamw huew siyx vniwjniaa hniuenx. Narr pni-aw tangx pnri .diyc, si qapp huexenx siy' qab. Hitt xee huexenx cingwquann be tangx qaur zuarr iau'uanw. Anwjnuaw sir-jap lxiw lai :ee longxx pnri e diyc? Soxiw qongxx qaidongx jaix, pangkuir, pni-aw, qapp pnri longxx byy jit xee jursow. Dyrr si qongxx pnri qapp pangkuir jitt nng xui si hubuu bongrsiongw, vunxguann m si inenn camcab, iarr m si jurhuad tenzenn :ee."
(Shurangama Sutra, Volume 3 --10)
"Moreover, Ánanda, you smell the chandana in this censer. When one particle of this incense is lit, it can be smelled simultaneously through forty miles around the city of Shravasti. What do you think? Is this fragrance produced from the chandana wood? Is it produced in your nose, or does it arise within emptiness? Ánanda, once again, if the fragrance were produced from your nose, what is said to be produced from the nose should come forth from the nose Your nose is not chandana, so how can your nose have the fragrance of chandana? When you say you smell a fragrance, it should enter your nose. Smelling is not defined as the nose emitting fragrance. If it were produced from within emptiness, since the nature of emptiness is eternal and unchanging, the fragrance should be constantly present. Why should the presence of the fragrance be contingent on the burning of dry wood in the censer? If it were produced from the wood, since the nature of this incense is such that it gives off smoke when it is burned, then when the nose smelled it, the nose should be filled with smoke, which does not happen. The smoke rises into the air, and before it has reached the distance, how can the fragrance already be smelled at a distance of more than ten miles? From this you should understand that neither the fragrance nor the nose’s smelling can be located, and thus the two places of smelling and fragrance are empty and false. Fundamentally their natures cannot be attributed to either causes and conditions or spontaneity."
阿難。汝又嗅此鑪中栴檀。此香若復然於一銖。室羅筏城四十里內。同時聞氣。於意云何。此香為復生栴檀木。生於汝鼻。為生於空。阿難。若復此香。生於汝鼻。稱鼻所生。當從鼻出。鼻非栴檀。云何鼻中有栴檀氣。稱汝聞香。當於鼻入。鼻中出香。說聞非義。若生於空。空性常恒。香應常在。何藉鑪中。爇此枯木。若生於木。則此香質。因爇成煙。若鼻得聞。合蒙煙氣。其煙騰空。未及遙遠。四十里內。云何已聞。 是故當知。香鼻與聞。俱無處所。即嗅與香。二處虛妄。本非因緣。非自然性。