
Shurangama Qingx (snax-12)

"Ananda, liw dniardnia dirr jaixkiw iong ciuw syx tauu. Jex sniaxmih iwbi? Jai'ngiaw u syx tauu, jex si si'angw u bongkab ee qakdix? Si ciuxqud jaix iacc taukag jaix? Narr qakdix dirr ciuw, tauu dyrr ingqaix m jaix. Anwjnuaw qongw ho'ngg bongx .diyc? Narr qakdix dirr tauu, dyrr byy ing diyc ciuw. Anwjnuaw qongw kir bongx .diyc? Narr tauu qapp ciuw longxx u qakdix, anxnex, liw Ananda ingdongx u nng xee sintew. Narr junw bongkab ee qakdix si tauu qapp ciuw soxx snix .cud .ee, anxnex ciuw qapp tauu ingdongx si ittew. Narr si ittew, bongkab ee qakdix dyrr be singlip. Narr junw u nng xee sintew, si'angw u bongkab ee qakdix? U jaidiau bongx :ee byy qakdix. Ho'ngg bongx :ee byy jaidiau kir bongx. Byy ingdongx hukongx qapp liw e snix cud bongkab ee qakdix. Soxiw qongxx qaidongx jaix, bongkab ee qakdix qapp sintew longxx byy jitt xee jursow. Dyrr si qongxx sintew qapp bongkab jitt nng xee si hubuu bongrsiongw, vunxguann m si inenn camcab, iarr m si jurhuad tenzenn :ee."

(Shurangama Sutra, Volume 3 --12)
"Ánanda, early every morning you rub your head with your hand. What do you think? When the sensation of rubbing occurs, what does the touching? Does the head or the hand do the touching? If the ability to touch were in the hand, then the head should have no knowledge of it. How could we then say that the head was touched? If it were in the head, then the hand would be useless, and how could it be said to have touched? If each had the ability to touch, then you, Ánanda, should have two bodies. If between the head and the hand only one touch took place, then the hand and the head would be of one substance. If they were one substance, then no touch would be possible. If they were two substances, to which would the touch belong? The one that was capable of touch would not be the one that was touched. The one that was touched would not be the one that was capable of touch. Nor should it be that the touch came into being between you and emptiness. From this you should understand that neither the sensation of touch nor the body can be located, and thus the two places of body and touch are empty and false. Fundamentally their natures cannot be attributed to either causes and conditions or spontaneity."

阿難。汝常晨朝以手摩頭。於意云何。此摩所知。誰為能觸。能為在手。為復在頭。若在於手。 頭則無知。云何成觸。若在於頭。手則無用。云何名觸。若各各有。則汝阿難。應有二身。若頭與手一觸所生。則手與頭。當為一體。若一體者。觸則無成。若二體者。觸誰為在。在能非所。在所非能。不應虛空與汝成觸。是故當知。覺觸與身。俱無處所。即身與觸。二俱虛妄。本非因緣。非自然性。

