
Shurangama Qingx (snax-18)

"Ananda, qycjaiww liw soxx bingvik :ee, cuiwjic qapp kiwbi juewjniaa inenn snix cud jihsig. Jitt xee jihsig si knikib cuiwjic soxx snix :ee ixx cuiwjic juer hanrqair? Iacc knikib kiwbi soxx snix :ee ixx kiwbi juer hanrqair? Ananda, narr knikib cuiwjic soxx snix :ee, anxnex soxu sewqanx ee qamjiar, omm, ngnii, jiyh'iamm, sewsinx, qniux, ziogquir dy' longxx byy kiwbi. Liw qaqi damx qaqi ee cuiwjic knuar si dnix si kow? Narr cuiwjic ee texsingr si kow, si'angw laii damx cuiwjic? Cuiwjic berdangr qaqi cir qiamjniaw. Anxnex si'angw tangx qakdix kiwbi? Cuiwjic ee texsingr m si koxbi, kiwbi be qaqi snix .cud .laii. Anwjnuaw tangx juewjniaa hanrqair? Narr knikib kiwbi laii snix :ee, jihsig qaqi dyrr si kiwbi, qapp cuiwjic qinkir qangrkuanw, ingqaix berdangr qaqi cir qiamjniaw. Anwjnuaw qongw jihsig tangx qakdix si kiwbi iacc m si kiwbi? Iurqycc itcer kiwbi m si jit xee budtew soxx snix :ee. Kiwbi qacc si je jiongw laii snisingg :ee, jihsig ingqaix u je jiongw texsingr. Jihsig ee texsingr narr dna' jit xee, jitt xee texsingr qycc vitdnia si kiwbi soxx snix :ee, qiamm, jniaw, qamx, qapp hiamx camcab dangjee snix .cud .laii. Soxu venwhuar qyc'ngiu ee siongwtew qang jit xee kiwbi, ingqaix byy huatdo hunvet. Qacc byy huatdo hunvet, dyrr berdangr qiyr juer jihsig. Anwjnuaw qycc qra qiyr juer cuiwjic, kiwbi, qapp jihsig ee hanrqair? Byy ingdongx si hukongx laii snix cud liw ee simsig. Cuiwjic qapp kiwbi camcab, iarr dyrr si hitt diongqanx guanvunw byy jursingr. Anwjnuaw e snix cud hanrqair? Soxiw qongxx qaidongx jaix, cuiwjic qapp kiwbi juewjniaa inenn snix cud jihsig ee hanrqair, jitt snax xui longxx byy :ee. Anxnex cuiwjic qapp kiwbi ixqip cuiwjic ee hanrqair jitt snax xee vunxguann m si inenn camcab, iarr m si jurhuad tenzenn :ee."

(Shurangama Sutra, Volume 3 --18)
"Moreover, Ánanda, as you understand it, the tongue and flavors create the conditions that produce the tongue-consciousness. Is this consciousness produced because of the tongue so that the tongue is its realm, or is it produced because of the flavors, so that the flavors are its realm? Ánanda, if it were produced because of the tongue, then all the sugar cane, black plums, huang-lien, salt, xixing, ginger, and cassia in the world would be entirely without flavor. Also, when you tasted your own tongue, would it be sweet or bitter? If your tongue’s natural flavor were bitter, then what would taste the tongue?  Since the tongue cannot taste itself, who would have the sense of taste?  If the natural flavor of the tongue was not bitter, then it could not engender tastes. How, then, could a realm be established? If the tongue-consciousness were produced because of flavor, the consciousness itself would be a flavor. Then the case would be the same as with the tongue-organ being unable to taste itself. How could the consciousness know whether it had flavor or not? Moreover, the many flavors do not all come from one thing. Since flavors are produced from many things, the consciousness would have many substances. If the consciousness were a single substance and that substance was definitely produced from flavor, then when salt, bland, sweet, and pungent flavors were combined, their various differences would change into a single flavor and there would be no distinctions among them. If there were no distinctions, it could not be called consciousness. So, how could it further be called the realm of tongue, flavor, and consciousness? Nor could empty space produce your conscious awareness. The tongue and flavors could not combine without each losing its basic nature. How, then, could a realm be produced? From this you should understand that as to the tongue and flavors being the conditions that produce the realm of tongue-consciousness, none of the three places exists. Fundamentally the natures of the tongue, flavors, and the realm of the tongue-consciousness, these three, cannot be attributed to either causes and conditions or spontaneity."

阿難。又汝所明。舌味為緣。生於舌識。此識為復因舌所生。以舌為界。因味所生。以味為界。 阿難。若因舌生。則諸世間甘蔗。烏梅。黃連。石鹽。細辛。薑。桂。都無有味。汝自嘗舌。為甜為苦。若舌性苦。誰來嘗舌。舌不自嘗。孰為知覺。舌性非苦。味自不生。云何立界。若因味生。識自為味。同於舌根。應不自嘗。云何識知是味非味。又一切味。非一物生。味既多生。識應多體。識體若一。體必味生。鹹淡甘辛。和合俱生。諸變異相。同為一味。應無分別。分別既無。則不名識。云何復名舌味識界。不應虛空。生汝心識。舌味和合。即於是中元無自性。云何界生。是故當知。舌味為緣。生舌識界。三處都無。則舌與味。及舌界三。本非因緣。非自然性。  

