
Shurangama Qingx (snax-19)

"Ananda, iurqycc liw soxx bingvik :ee, sintew qapp bongkab juewjniaa inenn snix cud sinsig. Jitt xee sinsig si knikib sintew soxx snix :ee ixx sintew juer hanrqair? Iacc knikib bongkab soxx snix :ee ixx bongkab juer hanrqair? Ananda, narr knikib sintew soxx snix :ee, vitdnia byy hap qapp lii nng jiongw qakcad laii knikib, sintew beh anwjnuaw u iwsig? Narr knikib bongkab soxx snix :ee, vitdnia byy liw sintew junjai. Qamxx u dycc jit xee byy sintew qycc tangx qakdix hap qapp lii :ee? Ananda, budtew be in'ui bongkab u qakdix. Sintew tangx qakdix u bongkab. Qakdix sintew dyrr si bongkab. Qakdix bongkab dyrr si sinsig. Jitt xee bongkab m si sintew. Jitt xee sintew m si bongkab. Sintew qapp bongkab nng jiongw siongwtew guandew vingrr byy jit xui. Hap jywhuew dyrr si sintew qaqi ee texsingr. Lirkuix dyrr si hukongx dingxdingw ee siongr. Lairgua be juewjniaa, diongqanx beh anwjnuaw singlip? Diongqanx qacc be singlip, lairgua ee texsingr longxx si kangx :ee. Anxnex liw ee sinsig snix .cud .laii si an' sniaw laii qenwlip hanrqair? Soxiw qongxx qaidongx jaix sintew qapp bongkab juewjniaa inenn snix cud sinsig ee hanrqair, jitt snax xui longg byy :ee. Anxnex sintew qapp bongkab ixqip sinsig ee hanrqair jitt snax xee vunxguann m si inenn camcab, iarr m si jurhuad tenzenn :ee."

(Shurangama Sutra, Volume 3 --19)
"Moreover, Ánanda, as you understand it, the body and objects of touch create the conditions that produce the body-consciousness. Is this consciousness produced because of the body, such that the body is its realm, or is it produced because of objects of touch, such that objects of touch are its realm? Ánanda, if it were produced because of the body, the body alone cannot generate the awareness of contact or separation. What would the body be conscious of? If it were produced because of objects of touch, then your body should not be necessary. But who can perceive contact with something other than the body? Ánanda, things do not perceive objects of touch; the body does. What the body knows is objects of touch, and what is aware of objects of touch is the body. Objects of touch are not the body, and the body is not objects of touch. The two entities of body and objects of touch basically have no location. If it were the body-consciousness that came in contact with the body, then it would be the body’s own substance and nature. If the body-consciousness were separate from the body, then it would be like empty space. Since the internal and external aspects can’t be established, how can something be set up between them? Since no such middle can be set up, the internal and external aspects are by nature empty. From what, then, would your consciousness be produced? From this you should understand that as to the body and objects of touch being the conditions that produce the realm of body-consciousness, none of the three places exists. Fundamentally the body, objects of touch, and the realm of body-consciousness, these three, cannot be attributed to either causes and conditions or spontaneity."

阿難。又汝所明。身觸為緣。生於身識。此識為復因身所生。以身為界。因觸所生。以觸為界。 阿難。若因身生。必無合離二覺觀緣。身何所識。若因觸生。必無汝身。誰有非身知合離者。阿難。物不觸知。身知有觸。知身即觸。知觸即身。即觸非身。即身非觸。身觸二相。元無處所。合身即為身自體性。離身即是虛空等相。內外不成。中云何立。中不復立。內外性空。則汝識生。從誰立界。是故當知。身觸為緣。生身識界。三處都無。則身與觸。及身界三。本非因緣。非自然性。

