Dnaxx jiongww bikiu! Duw diyc soxx uanwhun :ee si kow si jriw sniaw? Jiongww bikiu! Duiww jex, qniwnarr ham' byy air, byy songxkuair, iacc byy hnuahiw ee siktew, snia'imx, pangbi, kiwbi, bongkap, henrsiong, vuthing, sionghai, kunwlann, iacc vut'anx dingxdingw jiaxee laii jurjip, siy' duw, jiapciog, iacc qethap. Jiongww bikiu! Jex dyrr hy jyr duw diyc soxx uanwhun :ee si kow.
(Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta - 61)
And what, bhikkhus, is the dukkha of having to associate
with those one dislikes? Having to meet, remain with, be in close contact, or intermingle, with sights, sounds, odours, tastes, tactile objects,
and dhammas in this world which are undesirable, unpleasant or unenjoyable, or with those who desire one’s disadvantage, loss, discomfort, or association with danger —
this, bhikkhus, is called the dukkha of having to associate
with those one dislikes.
(四念住經 - 61)