
Derjong Posad Vunxguan Qingx (Lak-7)

Qycc u, Poxpenr Qongxdai! Narr u jaboxlangg iawsen snex jyr kiapsir iacc qau vnertniar :ee, jixiaur dirr Derjong ee sxiong taujingg, dirr jiac jit dxngr vng ee siqanx lairdew, itsimx it'ir qra jiambong qapp qnialew, jitt xee jaboxlangg dirr cingban qiab itjair snix cutsir, ix ee sinkux qapp siongwmau e uanbuanw. Jitt xee baiw luw narr byy iawsen luxzinsinx, dirr vaccingbanrig itjair snix cutsir diongqanx, ix e suwsiongg jyr luxongg, onghuix, higjiaw si cutsir jyr jaixsiongr, dua sner :ee iacc dua diongxjiaw ee jaxboxqniaw, snex jyr duanjniar, soxu ee siongwtew uanbuanw. In'ui u itsimx it'ir qra Derjong Posad jiambong qapp qnialew, ix jiacc e tangx did diyc jitt hy kuanw hokkir.   

(The Bodhisattava Kishitigarbha Vow Sutra)       
(The Thus Come One's Praises -7) 
Moreover, Universally Expansive, women who are ugly or prone to sickness will dislike those problems. If they gaze at and bow to images of Earth Store Bodhisattva with sincere resolve for even just a few minutes, then throughout millions of eons, they will always be born with full and perfect features. If those woman who are ugly do not dislike having female bodies, then throughout billions of lives they will always be born as women of royal lineage, or will marry into royalty, or will become daughters of prime ministers, prominent families, or great Elders. They will be of upright birth and full-featured. They will receive such blessings from having sincerely beheld and worshiped Earth Store Bodhisattva. 

(如來讚歎品 -7)  

