Sewjunx! Jiaxee Jambudvipa ee
javolangg iacc jaboxlangg beh limjiongx ee sii, sinsig vutbingg, berhiauw hunved senrog, simrjiww bagjiux qapp hni-aw longxx knuar be diyc qapp tniax be diyc. Jiaxee
langg ee quanwsiok qaidongx sed dua henwqingr, tak qingx, ixqip liam
vut qapp posad ee miahy. Jitt hy kuanw senrenn erdangr hro quewsinx :ee tangx ham' hiaxee jiongxjiongw og dy li hng hng, jerje xmoo, qxuiw, qapp sinn marr longxx e trer .kir.
(The Bodhisattava Kishitigarbha Vow Sutra)
(Praises of King Yama and His Followers
Honored One, when men or women in Jambudvipa are on the verge of death, their consciousnesses
and spirits become confused and dark. They are unable to discriminate between
good and evil, and their eyes and ears are unable to see or hear. That is why
relatives of those deceased should make generous offerings, recite the sacred
Sutras, and recite the names of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. Such good conditions
can cause the deceased to leave the Evil Paths, and all the demons, ghosts, and
spirits will withdraw and disperse.
(閻羅王眾讚歎品 - 12)