
Siong'ingr Vxo (1-1-37)

37. Hue
Guaw tniax .diyc .ee si anxnex. Hitt sii, Sewjunx qapp jiongww arahant go-vah xui bikiu druar dirr Sakia Jok Kapilavatthu Sniaa ee dua ciurnaa. Jap sewqair ee dysor jiongww tnisinn iarr uirdiyhh beh vaiwqnir Sewjunx qapp jiongww bikiu laii huerjip.

Hitt sii, sir xui Cingjing Kiarkiw ee tnisinn anxnex decc sniu: "Sewjunx qapp jiongww arahant go-vah xui bikiu dauwdin druar dirr Sakia Jok Kapilavatthu Sniaa ee dua ciurnaa, jap sewqair ee dysor jiongww tnisinn uirdiyhh beh vaiwqnir Sewjunx qapp jiongww bikiu laii huerjip. Guanw jiaxee iarr diyhh jen'ongw Sewjunx hiax cingxmng. Cingxmng liauw, tangx dirr Sewjunx binrjingg qokk langg cniur jimgensix."

Dyrr anxnex hiaxee jiongww tnisinn, kyxviw u dua kuiwlat ee langg qra uankiaux ee ciuxaurdnix crunx dit, iacc qra crunx dit ee ciuxaurdnix uankiaux hiacc qinw, dirr Cingjing Kiarkiw Tnix siausid, henwsinx dirr Sewjunx ee soxjai.

Hitt sii, hiaxee jiongww tnisinn lexqingr Sewjunx liauw dyrr dirr vnix:a kia. Dirr vnix:a kia ee jit xee tnisinn dirr Sewjunx ee binrjingg cniur jimgensix:
"Ciurnaa-diongx dua jibhue,
Jiongww tnisinn jywhuew huerjip,
Qnir diyc budik ee jingdoo,
Guanw jiaxee iarr laii hur hue,
Jitt xee hxuad ee jibhue."

Hitt sii, lingrgua jit xee tnisinn dirr Sewjunx binrjingg cniur jitt siuw jimgensix:
"Dirr jiaxee bikiu,
Jursimx cingjing qycc jingwdit,
Kyxviw sraiw bexciax :ee ciuw tec bexsyh,
Henjiaw jipsiuw soxu ee qinkir."

Hitt sii, lingrgua jit xee tnisinn dirr Sewjunx binrjingg cniur jitt siuw jimgensix:
"Quah tiau paccuir mngcnuar,
Druu cecnuaa li tam'iok,
U bagjiux :ee cingjing,
Siwqer qniaa longxx byy lacsab iacc uwuer,
Iur qniaw virr sxen :ee diaujingw."

Hitt sii, lingrgua jit xee tnisinn cniur jitt siuw jimgensix:
"Si'angw qra mia qruix dirr Vut,
Dyrr be duirlyc kir og soxjai,
Jitt xee ixx siar srinx :ee,
Ingqaix e tnisinn ciongmuaw." 

(Samyutta Nikaya 1-1-37) 
37 Concourse
Thus have I heard. On one occasion the Blessed One was dwelling among the Sakyans at Kapilavatthu in the Great Wood together with a great Sangha of bhikkhus, with five hundred bhikkhus all of whom were arahants. And the devatas from ten world-systems had for the most part assembled in order to see the Blessed One and the Bhikkhu Sangha. Then the thought occurred to four devatas of the host from the Pure Abodes: “This Blessed One is dwelling among the Sakyans at Kapilavatthu in the Great Wood together with a great Sangha of bhikkhus, with five hundred bhikkhus all of whom were arahants. And the devatas from ten world-systems had for the most part assembled in order to see the Blessed One and the Bhikkhu Sangha. Let us also approach the Blessed One and, in his presence, let us each speak our own verse.”

Then, just as quickly as a strong man might extend his drawn-in arm or draw in his ex
tended arm, those devatås disappeared from among the devas of the Pure Abodes and reappeared before the Blessed One. Then those devatas paid homage to the Blessed One and stood to one side. Standing to one side, one devatå recited this verse in the presence of the Blessed One: 
“A great concourse takes place in the woods, 
The deva hosts have assembled. 
We have come to this Dhamma concourse 
To see the invincible Sangha.”  

Then another devata recited this verse in the presence of the Blessed One: 
“The bhikkhus there are concentrated; 
They have straightened their own minds. 
Like a charioteer who holds the reins, 
The wise ones guard their faculties.” 

Then another devata recited this verse in the presence of the Blessed One: 
“Having cut through barrenness, cut the cross-bar, 
Having uprooted Indra’s pillar, unstirred,  
They wander about pure and stainless, 
Young nagas well tamed by the One with Vision.”

Then another devata recited this verse in the presence of the Blessed One: 
“Those who have gone to the Buddha for refuge 
Will not go to the plane of misery. 
On discarding the human body, 
They will fill the hosts of devas.” 

(相應部 1-1-37)
[三七] 第七 會
林中大集會 天眾共會集
見無敗僧伽 我等亦來赴
於此比丘等 自心靜且直
如御執手綱 賢者守諸根
割柱碎閂銓 除柵離貪慾
有眼者清淨 不污於遊行
誰歸命於佛 不墮於惡趣
此人以捨身 應滿於天集

