Siong'ingr Vxo (1-2-24)
24. Siyx Huii :ee (Gatikara)
Kia dirr vnix:a tnisinn ee qniaw siyx huii :ee dirr Sewjunx binrjingg cniur jitt siuw jimgensix, qongxx:
"Bikiu did qaixtuad u cid xee langg,
Ongxsingx kir qaur Aviha (Byy Huanlyw Tnix).
Iogbong qapp uanwhun itjin byy cunx,
Ixqingx dortuad duiww sewqanx iogbong ee jipdiok.
Ciautuad sixmoo ee lingxhik jin' lann,
Si'angw tangx tuatlii lamwde?
Jitt sxer qra jitt xee langsinx siar liauxau,
Tangx tuatlii tnix ee ioksog :ee si si'angw?
"Upaka, Palaganda,
Qapp Pukkasati longxjongw jitt snax xee.
Bhaddiya, Bhaddadeva,
Bahudanti, qapp Pingiya,
Jiaxee langg siar langsinx,
Iarr si tangx tuatlii tnix ee ioksog :ee."
"Dytuad xmoo Mara ee uahdauh,
Qongw qaxx jin' driyc.
Inx jiaxee jaix sniaw hxuad,
Laii dngrjuat sokvak?"
"Sewjunx ee hxuad ixgua byy vadd hxang,
Sewjunx qar :ee ixgua byy vadd jiongw.
Inx hiaxee jaix jitt xee hxuad,
Laii dngrjuat sokvak.
Soxu ee miaa qapp siksinx,
Itjin byy cunx.
Jitt sxer jaix jitt xee hxuad,
Inx dngrjuat soxu ee sokvak."
"Yh jaix qycc yh gro,
Liw qongw cim'yr ee ue.
Liw jaix sniaw langg ee hxuad,
Laii qongw jiaxee ue?"
"Dirr quewkir sxer guaw Gatikara,
Dirr Vehalinga ee soxjai decc siyx huii,
Laii hongrtai laurve qapp laurbuw.
Kasaap Zulaii jitt sxer,
Juer upasaka(qusu),
Qapp iogbong li hng hng,
Byy iogbong u siuhing.
Guaw vunxdew si liw ee donghiongx,
Jingg sxer si liw ee ving'iuw.
Guaw jniarjniar si,
Did qaixtuad bikiu cid xee qidiongx jit xee.
Tamx qapp hun itjin byy cunx,
Jaix dortuad sewqanx ee iogbong :ee."
Liw soxx qongw :ee byy m driyc.
Liw ixjingg si siyx huii :ee,
Dirr Vehalinga ee soxjai decc siyx huii.
Qapp iogbong li hng hng,
Byy iogbong u siuhing.
Si guaw ee donghiongx,
Quewkir sxer kaksit si guaw ee ving'iuw."
Dirr jiax dauwdin siuhing,
Buexsinx u nng langg,
Duw diyc sikzit qowiuw,
Sursit dyrr si anxnex.
(Samyutta Nikaya 1-2-24)
24. Gatikara
Standing to one side, Gatikara, son of the devas, recited this verse in the presence of the Blessed One:...
“Seven bhikkhus reborn in Avihå
Have been fully liberated.
With lust and hatred utterly destroyed,
They have crossed over attachment to the world.
And who are those who crossed the swamp,
The realm of Death so hard to cross?
Who, having left the human body,
Have overcome the celestial bond?
Upaka and Palaganda,
With Pukkasåti—these are three.
Then Bhaddiya and Bhaddadeva,
And Båhudanti and Pingiya.
These, having left the human body,
Have overcome the celestial bond.”
(The Blessed One:)
“Good is the word you speak of them,
Of those who have abandoned Måra’s snares.
Whose Dhamma was it that they understood
Whereby they cut through the bondage of becoming?”
“It was not apart from the Blessed One!
It was not apart from your Teaching!
By having understood your Dhamma
They cut through the bondage of becoming.
Where name-and-form cease,
End without remainder:
By understanding that Dhamma here
They cut through the bondage of becoming.”
(The Blessed One:)
“Deep is the speech you utter,
Hard to understand, very hard to grasp.
Having understood whose Dhamma
Do you utter such speech?”
“In the past I was the potter,
Ghatikåra in Vehalinga.
I supported my mother and father then
As a lay follower of the Buddha Kassapa.
I abstained from sexual intercourse,
I was celibate, free from carnal ties.
I was your fellow villager,
In the past I was your friend.
I am the one who knows
These seven liberated bhikkhus,
Who with lust and hatred utterly destroyed
Have crossed over attachment to the world.”
(The Blessed One:)
“Just so it was at that time,
As you say, O Bhaggava:
In the past you were the potter,
Ghatikara in Vehalinga.
You supported your mother and father then
As a lay follower of the Buddha Kassapa.
You abstained from sexual intercourse,
You were celibate, free from carnal ties.
You were my fellow villager,
In the past you were my friend.”
Such was the meeting that took place
Of those friends from the past,
Both now inwardly developed,
Bearers of their final bodies.
(相應部 1-2-24)
比丘解脫有七人 得上生於無煩天
欲貪瞋恚滅無餘 並超世間之愛著
難超死魔之領域 誰是超越泥地者
此世捨此人身後 亦離天軛者是誰
優波迦波羅犍陀 弗久左底為第三
跋提耶犍陀捉婆 婆睺羅祇頻祇耶
此等諸人捨人身 亦是離卻天軛人
逃惡魔係蹄 言之何微妙
彼等知誰法 斷除有結縛
無外世尊法 無外世尊教
彼等知其法 斷除有結縛
於此名與色 滅盡無有餘
此世知其法 彼斷有結縛
知難悟又難 汝言深奧語
汝知何人法 以語如是語
昔世我陶師 於耶發鄰加
行村作陶壺 以事父與母
迦葉如來世 乃為優婆塞
遠離於永欲 無欲修梵行
我本同鄉者 前為卿之友
然而我正是 解脫七比丘
貪瞋滅無餘 知超世愛著
跋伽婆如汝 之語有如是
汝前為陶師 於耶發鄰加
街村作陶壺 遠離於永欲
無欲修梵行 我乃同鄉者
積此高修習 最後身二人
邂逅昔故友 真實如是者
Qingbunn Miaa:
Siong'ingr Vxo
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