
Shurangama Qingx (cid-1)

"Ananda! Liw decc mng liapsimx. Guaw dnaxx singx qongw zip Samadhi qapp siulen hagsip ywbiau ee huatmngg. Beh qriuu posad-dy, rair singx cisiuw jitt sir jiongw ludgii, vec cincniu vingsngx, jurzenn be snix cud itcer qihiyc. Zucuw, simx snax hxang og qapp cuir sir hxang og vitzenn byy snix cud ee in’iuu. Ananda! Jitt sir hxang su narr byy uisid, simx iarr byy knikib dirr siksinx, pangbi, kiwbi qapp bongkab, itcer xmoo-su jnuaxngiu e huatsingx?

Narr u siokser ee sibquanr berdangr bedduu, liw dyrr qar jitt xee langg itsimx liamrsiong guaw Vut Taukag-dingw qongbingg ee Maha-Sitata-Patra Busiong Sinjiur. Jex si an' qnir be diyc Zulaii taukag-dingw ee buuii simx-vut, an’ ix taukag-dingw huad cud qonghuix, jre dirr Vyxlenhuex soxx qongw ee sinjiur.

Zicniaw liw siokser qapp Matangi qinglik quer sxor qiab ee inenn qapp un’air sibkuir m si itsingx iacc jit qiab. Guaw jid’err suan’iongg, linw aiwiog ee simx dyrr tangx ingxuanw tuatlii jniaa juer Arahant. Hitt xee imluan ee luxzinn byy simx beh siuhing. In'ui sinlat amr amr janwjo, ix soksok giamrjingr diyc byy yc ee qyxui. Anwjnuaw linw jiaxee dirr huathue ee Singbunn, qriuu siongrdingw dy, quatding sxingg vut, kyxviw sunrhongx ia din'aix, u sniaw qanlann?

Dirr buadser narr u beh dirr dyrdniuu jre :ee, diyhh singx cisiuw bikiu cingjing ee qaiwlut, qaidongx suanxdik qaiwlut cingjing ee derr id sabunn juer suhu. Narr byy duw diyc jinjniar cingjing ee jingdoo, liw qaiwlut cisiuw vitdnia be singjiu. Qaiwlut singjiu liauxau, cing sinx ee cingkir snxax, diamw hniux dirr cur nirr anqux, siongrliam jitt xee simx-vut soxx qongw ee sinjiur jit-vah-kxongr-veh vxenr, zen’au qatqair, qenwlip dyrdniuu, qycc qriuu sibhongx henrjai druar dirr qoktow ee Busiong Zulaii vangr dairvix ee qngx laii quanwdingw qacii.

Ananda! Dirr jitt hy buadser ee cingjing bikiu, bikiuni, iacc veh’ix sijuw, inx tamx-imm ee simx ixx bet, cisiuw Vut cingjing ee qaiwlut, dirr dyrdniuu lairdew huad posad-guan. Inx cutzip dyrdniuu longxx e sexik, jaxamr lak xee sisinn byy kunr decc siuhing, qingquer sxamx-cid zi-jap-id zit, guaw jurzenn e henwsinx dirr hiaxee langg binrjingg, qra inx syx tauu andah, hro inx kaigno."

Ananda duiww Vuddyy qongw, "Sewjunx! Guaw did diyc Zulaii busiong linbinw ee qauwhuew, simx ixx kaigno, ixx jaix siuhing ee lo, ixx singjiu byy yc ee qyxui. Dirr buadhuad siuhing, qenwlip dyrdniuu, diyhh anwjnuaw qatqair, jiacc huhap Vut Sewjunx cingjing ee quijig?"

(Shurangama Sutra, Volume 7-1)

"Ananda, you asked about collecting one's thoughts; I have now begun to explain the wonderful method of cultivation for entrance into Samadhi in order to seek the Bodhisattva Way. First one must be as pure as glistening frost in keeping these four rules of deportment. One must refrain from all superfluous behavior and then the three evils of the mind and the four of the mouth will have no cause to come forth. Ananda, if one does not neglect these four matters, and, further, does not pursue forms, fragrances, tastes, objects of touch, and the like, then how can any demonic deeds arise?

"If people cannot put an end to their habits from the past, you should teach them to singlemindedly recite my Light Atop the Buddha's Crown Unsurpassed Holy Mantra: Maha-Sitata-Patra. It is the None-Can-See-The-Top Hallmark atop the crown of the Tathagatas' heads. It is the mantra-heart proclaimed by the Buddhas of the Unconditioned Mind who come forth from the crowns in a blaze of light and sit upon jeweled lotus flowers.

"What is more, your past lives with Matangi's daughter have created accumulated eons of causes and conditions. Your habits of fondness and emotional love go back not just one life, nor even just one eon. Yet, as soon as I proclaimed it, she was freed forever from the love in her heart and accomplished Arhatship. Even that prostitute, who had no intention of cultivating, was imperceptibly aided by that spiritual power and was swiftly certified to the position beyond study; then what about you Hearers in the assembly, who seek the most supreme Vehicle and are resolved to realize Buddhahood? For you it should be as easy as tossing dust into a favorable wind. What, then, is the problem?

"Those in the final age who wish to sit in a Way-place must first hold the pure precepts of a Bhikshu. To do so, they must find as their teacher a foremost Shramana who is pure in the precepts. If they do not encounter a member of the Sangha who is truly pure, then it is absolutely certain that their deportment in precepts and rules cannot be accomplished. Having kept the precepts well, they should put on fresh, clean clothes, light incense in a place where they are alone, and recite this holy mantra spoken by the Heart-Buddha 108 times. After that, they should secure the boundaries and establish the Way-place.

"Then they should beseech the unsurpassed Tathagatas abiding in their lands throughout the ten directions to emit a light of great compassion that anoints the crowns of the cultivators' heads.

"Ananda, when any such pure Bhikshus, Bhikshunis, or white-robed donors in the Dharma ending Age who can get rid of greed and lust even at the mental level, hold the Buddhas' pure precepts, and in a Way-place make the vows of a Bodhisattva and can bathe upon entering and exiting each time, continuing that practice of the Way day and night for three weeks without sleep, I will appear before these people in a physical form and rub the crowns of their heads to comfort them and enable them to become enlightened."

Ananda said to the Buddha, "Bhagavan, enveloped in the Tathagata's unsurpassed, compassionate instruction, my mind has already gained an awakening, and I know how to cultivate and be certified to the Way beyond study. But how do those who cultivate in the final age and want to establish a Way-place, secure the boundaries in accord with the rules of purity of the Buddhas, Bhagavans?"



