
Shurangama Qingx (veh-2)

“Ananda! Jiaxee senrlamjuw, jing'air ee iogbong qodaa, dyrr be sanxsingx liogqinx ee duiwqingw. Henrjingg cunx :ee be qycc qewsiok snix .cud .laii. Simx  kanghux cingjing, diwhui sunzenn. Diwhui ee singr bingqngx uantongx, tauwqngx jiyr sibhongx sewqair. Jex diwhui si dax :ee, qiyr juer Dax Diwhui De. Iogbong ee sibkir cocox jiacc dax, iauxx bue ham' Zulaii Hxuad ee Laujuiw siy’ lenjiab.

Diyhh ixx jitt xee simx juer diongsimx, hro laujuiw lrauu .zip, uantongx bibiau ee simx tangx kaidenw. Duer jinsit bibiau uantongx ee simx, itdit snix cud jinsit ee ywbiau. Dniardnia diamr dirr bibiau ee sinwgiongw, itcer bongrsiongw bedjin byy cunx, diongdy sunjinx. Jex qiyr juer Diamr dirr Sinwgiongw ee Simx.

Jinsit ee sinwiongw u bingvik, itcer uantongx. Gnoxunr, Jap-zi Cxur qapp Jap-veh Qxair jitt snax hxang longxx berdangr qra joxgai. Zucuw, simrjiww quewkir qapp birlaii busor qiab lairdew, bylun siar srinx iacc sriu srinx ee itcer sibkir, longxx dirr henrjingg henxhen. Jiaxee senrlamjuw longxx u qiwdii, be qycc be qir. Jex qiyr juer Diamr dirr Jniawliam ee Simx.

Bibiau, uantongx qycc sunjinx, jinsit ee jingsinn sanxsingx venwhuar, busiw ixlaii ee sibkir drat qaur jit jiongw jingbingg. Dna’ ixx jingbingg ee simx qniaa hiongr jinjniar ee cingcing. Jex qiyr juer Jingjinr ee Simx.

Simx ee vunxjid sunzenn ixx diwhui henxhen. Jex qiyr juer Diamr dirr Diwhui ee Simx.

Jipcii diwhui qapp qongbingg, cuwcur jigjing byy dinxdang, jigjing bibiau siongsiongg anding. Jex qiyr juer Diamr dirr Samadhi ee Simx.

Samadhi ee qngx vangr cud qongbingg, qongbingg ee singr cimzip, dna’ jinr byy trer. Jex qiyr juer Byy Trer ee Simx.

Simx jingjinr anzenn, vyxcii diauu lehh byy sunxsid, ham' sibhongx Zulaii ee kuir siy' lenjiab. Jex qiyr juer Vyxho Hxuad ee Simx.

Qakcad diyc qongbingg, qycc tangx vyxcii diauu lehh, tangx ixx bibiau ee lat huehiongr Vut juvix ee qngx, hiongr Vut hiax anju. Kyxviw nng bin qniar, qongbingg siongduir, qidiongx bibiau ee ngiaw horsiongx siy' tac. Jex qiyr juer Huehiongr ee Simx.

Simx ee qngx amr amr huehiongr, did diyc Vut suwsiongg anding busiong bibiau ee cingjing. Anju dirr buuii, byy qycc u uisid. Jex qiyr juer Diamr dirr Qaiwlut ee Simx.

Diamr dirr qaiwlut dyrr jurjai, tangx iulik sibhongx, soxx kir jiauww guan. Jex qiyr juer Diamr dirr Guan ee Simx.

(Shurangama Sutra, Volume 8-2)

"Ananda, these good people's emotional love and desire are withered and dry, the sense-organs and sense objects no longer mesh, and so the residual habits do not continue to arise. Recognizing that the attachments of the mind are false, they use only wisdom. That wisdom shines throughout the ten directions, and this initial wisdom is called the Stage of Dry Wisdom. Although the habits of desire are initially dried up, they still have not merged with Dharma-water that flows from the Tathagatas.

"Then, with this mind centered on the middle, they enter the flow where wonderful perfection reveals itself. From the truth of that wonderful perfection there repeatedly arise wonders of truth. They always dwell in the wonder of faith, until all false thinking is completely eliminated and the Middle Way is totally true. This is called the Mind that Resides in Faith.

"When true faith is clearly understood, then perfect penetration is total, and the three aspects of skandhas, places, and realms are no longer obstructions. Then all their habits throughout innumerable eons of past and future, during which they abandon bodies and receive bodies, appear to them now in the present moment. These good people can remember everything and forget nothing. This is called the Mind that Resides in Mindfulness.

"When the wonderful perfection is completely true, that essential true brings about a transformation. They go beyond the beginningless habits to reach the one essential brightness. Relying solely on this essential brightness, they progress toward true purity. This is called the Mind of Vigor.

"The essence of the mind reveals itself as total wisdom; this is called the Mind that Resides in Wisdom.

"As the wisdom and brightness are held steadfast, a profound stillness pervades everywhere. The stage at which the majesty of this stillness becomes constant and solid is called the Mind that Resides in Samadhi.

"The light of Samadhi emits brightness. When the essence of the brightness enters deeply within, they only advance and never retreat. This is called the Mind that is Irreversible.

"When the progress of their minds is secure, and they hold their minds and protect them without loss, they connect with the life-breath of the Tathagatas of the ten directions. This is called the Mind that Protects the Dharma.

"Protecting their light of enlightenment, they can use this wonderful force to return to the Buddha's light of compassion and to come back to stand firm with the Buddha. It is like two mirrors that are set facing one another, so that between them the exquisite images inter-reflect and enter into one another layer upon layer. This is called the Mind that Makes Transferences.

"With this secret interplay of light, they obtain the Buddha's eternal solidity and unsurpassed wonderful purity. Dwelling in the unconditioned, they know no loss or dissipation.This is called the Mind that Resides in Precepts.

"Abiding in the precepts with self-mastery, they can roam throughout the ten directions, going anywhere they wish. This is called the Mind that Resides in Vows.



