Ananda rinr qongxx, “Hukongx byy jinrtauu, dinvyw byy qiongjin. Sikzit u jit xee langg sisiar hro Vut cid xee jnii, siw liauxau dautaix juer Dngw Lenw Ongg. Hyhongr ing henrjingg jin hukongx siwqer vudtow ee dinvyw laii si'uw. Qingquer byy qiongjin ee qiab laii sniu dy' sniu vutqib. Jitt xee hokkir anwjnuaw qongxx u venqair?”
Vuddyy qra Ananda qongw, “Jiongww Vut Zulaii soxx qongw :ee longxx byy huhoo. Narr u langg srinx u sir dang jue qapp jap Parajika, sunwsikqanx jitt xui qaur hitt xui dui lyc Avici Dergai, simrjiww sibhongx soxu byy qnaiwdng dergak, byy jit xui byy byy qinglik. Narr tangx jiong' jitt xee huatmngg itliam-jiqanx duiww buat qiab byy yc :ee kaisi, jitt xee langg ee juerjiongr e duer jitt liam siaubet, siurkow ee dergak venr juer anlok ee qog. Ix did .diyc ee hokkir ciauquer jinwjingg hitt xee si’uw ee langg vah vxue, cingx vxue, cingbanrig vxue, simrjiww sngwsut iacc piwzu longxx berdangr viauxdat.
(Shurangama Sutra, Volume 10-19)
Ananda answered, "Since space is limitless, the precious things would be boundless. In the past, someone gave the Buddha seven coins and consequently was reborn as a Wheel-turning King in his next life. As to this person who now fills up all of space and all the Buddhalands with an offering of precious things that could not be reckoned through endless eons, how could there be a limit to his blessings?"
The Buddha told Ananda, "All Buddhas, Tathagatas, speak words which are not false. There might be another person who had personally committed the Four Major Offenses and the Ten Parajikas so that, in an instant, he would have to pass through the Avichi Hells in this world and other worlds, until he had passed through all the Relentless Hells in the ten directions without exception. And yet, if he could explain this Dharma-door for even just the space of a thought to those in the Dharma-ending Age who have not yet studied it, his obstacles from offenses would be eradicated in response to that thought, and all the hells where he was to undergo suffering would become lands of peace and bliss. The blessings he would obtain would surpass those of the person previously mentioned by hundreds of thousands of millions of billions of times, indeed by so many times that no calculations or analogies could express it.