
Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx (zi-2)


Hitt sijun, Sewjunx beh dingg qycc suanqangw soxx qongw ee iwsur, dyrr iong jimgensix qongw:

“Sewqair ee inghiongg vutkyw-suliong

Soxu tenzinn qapp sewqanlangg 

Ixqip itcer singlingg 

Longxx berdangr liauxqaiw vut 

Vut ee ligliong si inx byy soxx qnia'uir

Ixx qaixtuad u jerje samadhi 

Ixqip vut jerje qitax ee Hxuad 

Byy huatdo cikliongg :ee 

Guanjaw inx duer busor vut 

Uanjuann sidjenr inx ee dy 

Sim simx bibiau ee Hxuad 

Yh did qnir lann liauxqaiw 

Dirr buliong ig qiab 

Sidjenr jiaxee dy liauxau 

Dirr dyrdniuu did singqyw 

Guaw ixx uanjuann bingvik

Jitt hy dua qyxvyr 

Jiongxjiongw texsingr qapp siongwtew ee ywgi 

Guaw qapp sibhongx ee vut 

Jiacc tangx jaix jitt hy su 

Jitt hy Hxuad byy huatdo qaixsueh 

Gensuu byy loring longxx diam .kir

Qitax ee jiongwsingx 

Byy qaxx jit xee erdangr lixqaiw 

Druu kiw jiongww posad 

Sinwsimx qenqor :ee 

Jiongww vut ee derjuw 

Bad qiong’iongw jiongww vut 

Itcer huanlyw ixx jin 

Uac dirr juewau jit srinx 

Cincniu jiaxee langg

Inx ee diwlik iarr byy huatdo liauxqaiw  

Qaxsuw muaw sewqanx 

Longxx cincniu Sariputra 

Jinrlik dauwdin decc sukyw qapp cunxdok 

Iarr berdangr cikdok vut ee diwhui 

Setsuw muaw sibhongx 

Longxx cincniu Sariputra 

Ixqip qitax jiongww derjuw 

Iarr muaw sibhongx vudtow

Jinrlik dauwdin decc sukyw qapp cunxdok  

Iarr berdangr jaix 

Pratyekabuddha jiamlai ee diwhui 

Byy lrau si juewau jit srinx 

Iarr muaw sibhongx sewqair 

Sowliong cincniu diknaa 

Inx jiaxee qang jit simx 

Dirr jnriu ig buliong qiab 

Beh sukyw vut sidjai ee diwhui 

Jit hunhyy dy' byy huatdo jaix 

Co' huatsimx ee posad 

Qiong’iongw busor vut 

Liauxqaiw qycc tongdat jerje girliw 

Qycc gauu suathuad 

Kyxviw diu, muaa, qapp dik’uii 

Ciongmuaw sibhongx vudtow

Qang simx ixx bibiau ee diwhui 

Qingquer Ganges Hyy suax sowliong ee qiab 

Longxx dauwdin suliongg 

Iarr berdangr jaix vut ee diwhui 

Jerje byy dywter posad 

Sowliong cincniu Ganges Hyy ee suax 

Qang simx dauwdin suniuu qapp tamwqiuu

Iarr berangr jaix 

Qycc qra Sariputra qongw 

Byy lrau jin' vutsugi 

Sim cimx bibiau ee Huxad 

Guaw dnaxx ixx longxx giamrjingr .diyc 

Dna’ guaw jaix jitt hy jinx siongr 

Sibhongx ee vut iarr qangrkuanw 

Sariputra liw qaidongx jaix 

Jiongww vut qongw :ee byy jingcax 

Duiww vut soxx qongw ee Hxuad 

Diyhh snix dua sinwsimx 

Sewjunx suathuad jiokk quw liauxau 

Diyh'air sueh jinsit 

Duiww jiongww sniabunn dairjiongr

Ixqip qriuu enqag :ee suathuad

Hro inx tuatlii kow ee sokvak 

Jin' qinw did liappuann 

Vut ixx hongven ee lat

Kaisi samsingg ee qawhuad

Jiongwsingx cuwcur u jipdiok

Diyhh inxcua inx cud .laii”

(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter II Skillful Means 2)

Thereupon the Bhagavat spoke these verses to explain this meaning again: 

The Heroes of the World are inconceivable, 

Neither devas, humans, nor any other sentient beings 

Are able to comprehend them.

No one is able to discern the power, fearlessness, 

Liberation, samādhi, and 

Other attributes of the buddhas. 

Formerly, under innumerable buddhas, 

They have fully accomplished their practices 

And the Dharma, which is profound and excellent, 

Hard to perceive and difficult to understand. 

Having pursued these practices

For innumerable koṭis of kalpas, 

I attained the result on the terrace of enlightenment 

And understood completely. 

I and the buddhas of the ten directions 

Know such matters, 

Such as the great results and rewards, 

And the meaning of various aspects and characteristics. 

It is impossible to explain this Dharma; 

The powers of speech fail. 

No other sentient being is able to understand it, 

Except for those bodhisattvas 

Who, in their belief, are willing to understand. 

Even the multitude of the Buddha’s disciples, 

Who have formerly paid homage to all the buddhas, 

Who have put an end to all their corruption 

And are bearing their last bodies, 

Are not able to understand it. 

Even if this whole world 

Were filled with those such as Śāriputra, 

And they tried together to comprehend it, 

They still would not be able to understand completely 

The wisdom of the buddhas. 

Again, even if the worlds of the ten directions 

Were filled with such disciples 

As Śāriputra, 

And they tried together to comprehend it, 

They still would not be able to completely understand. 

And even if the worlds of the ten directions 

Were filled with pratyekabuddhas, 

As numerous as bamboo trees in a grove, 

Who had keen wisdom 

And were bearing their last bodies, 

Free from corruption, 

Even if they tried together singlemindedly, 

For innumerable kalpas, 

To comprehend the wisdom of the buddhas, 

Still they would not understand it in the least. 

Even if the worlds of the ten directions 

Were packed as thick as stalks of rice,

Flax, bamboo, and reeds 

With bodhisattvas, recent aspirants to enlightenment, 

Who had paid homage to innumerable buddhas— 

Though they fully understood the meaning 

And could expound the Dharma, 

Even with this subtle wisdom, 

If they tried together singlemindedly to comprehend, 

For as many kalpas as the sands of the Ganges River, 

They still would not be able to know 

The wisdom of the buddhas. 

Even if bodhisattvas, 

As numerous as the sands of the Ganges River, 

Who had reached the stage of nonretrogression, 

Tried together singlemindedly to comprehend it, 

Still they would not be able to know.

(The Buddha, still speaking to Śāriputra, said: )

I have already attained the profound and subtle Dharma 

That is incorruptible 

And beyond all comprehension. 

Only I and the buddhas of the ten directions know this. 

O Śāriputra! 

You should know that the words 

Of the buddhas are never inconsistent. 

You should trust fully in the Dharma 

That the Buddha expounds; 

The Dharma of the Bhagavat 

Has been in existence for a long time. 

I will now definitely expound the truth. 

I address myself to the śrāvakas 

And those seeking the pratyekabuddha vehicle. 

It was I who caused them to become free 

From the bondage of suffering, and to attain nirvana. 

I have revealed the teaching of the three vehicles 

With the power of the skillful means of the buddhas 

So as to free the sentient beings

 From their various human attachments.

(妙法蓮華經第二品 方便之2)  


 世雄不可量  諸天及世人

 一切眾生類  無能知佛者

 佛力無所畏  解脫諸三昧

 及佛諸餘法  無能測量者

 本從無數佛  具足行諸道

 甚深微妙法  難見難可了

 於無量億劫  行此諸道已

 道場得成果  我已悉知見

 如是大果報  種種性相義

 我及十方佛  乃能知是事

 是法不可示  言辭相寂滅

 諸餘眾生類  無有能得解

 除諸菩薩眾  信力堅固者

 諸佛弟子眾  曾供養諸佛

 一切漏已盡  住是最後身

 如是諸人等  其力所不堪

 假使滿世間  皆如舍利弗

 盡思共度量  不能測佛智

 正使滿十方  皆如舍利弗

 及餘諸弟子  亦滿十方剎

 盡思共度量  亦復不能知

 辟支佛利智  無漏最後身

 亦滿十方界  其數如竹林

 斯等共一心  於億無量劫

 欲思佛實智  莫能知少分

 新發意菩薩  供養無數佛

 了達諸義趣  又能善說法

 如稻麻竹葦  充滿十方剎

 一心以妙智  於恒河沙劫

 咸皆共思量  不能知佛智

 不退諸菩薩  其數如恒沙

 一心共思求  亦復不能知

 又告舍利弗  無漏不思議

 甚深微妙法  我今已具得

 唯我知是相  十方佛亦然

 舍利弗當知  諸佛語無異

 於佛所說法  當生大信力

 世尊法久後  要當說真實

 告諸聲聞眾  及求緣覺乘

 我令脫苦縛  逮得涅槃者

 佛以方便力  示以三乘教

 眾生處處著  引之令得出

