Hitt sijun, Ananda mng Qiuwtuad Posad qongxx, “Senrlamjuw! Ixx qaur jinrtauu ee mia anwjnuaw tangx jingtiamx?”
Qiuwtuad Posad qongw, “Dairdig! Liw qamxx m bad tniax Zulaii qongxx u qauw jiongw ongxsiw? Soxiw diyhh koxkngr jy suar mia ee donghuanx qapp dingx, sriux jiongxjiongw hokdig. In’ui sriux hog, siurbing qaur jiongjin, be qingquer tongwkow qapp huanrlan.”
Ananda mng qongxx, “Qauw jiongw ongxsiw si dycc quiw jiongw?”
Qiuwtuad Posad qongw, “Narr jiongww u jxingg :ee puawvni suizenn kinx, mrqycc byy iyc rix, iarr byy tangx qra knuawvni :ee, iacc si duw diyc isingx hro ix ee iyc m driyc, sidjai byy ingqaix siw suacc ongxsiw. Uree sinr sewqanx ee siaa xmoo qapp guardy. Jiaxee iaugik, lamrsamw qongw hyrhog, hro langg' sanxsingx kiongxhongg, simsinn be dnia, jiamvog mng ercnix, taii jiongxjiongw jiongwsingx, jraur sinbinn, hocniaw jeje mngwsngr, cniaw inx sur hog vyxvir, beh hibang enlenn-iksiu, quibuew did be diyc. Inx gucix, siurr behik, sinr siaa, qenwsig dendyr, suacc ongxsiw, zip kir dergak byy duiwqii. Jex qiyr jyr tauu jit jiongw ongxsiw. Derr zi jiongw ongxsiw si virr onghuad soxx dusad. Derr snax jongw si paclac hiiuu, hnor imm, air limx, hongwdong byy jamrjad, virr m si langg :ee duat ix ee jingkir laii ongxsiw. Derr sir jiongw ongxsiw si virr huew siyx. Derr go jiongw ongxsiw si virr juiw rimx. Derr lak jiongw ongxsiw si virr jiongxjiongw hiong'og ee iaxsiur tunjiac. Derr cid jiongw ongxsiw si vuac lyc snuakamr. Derr veh jiongw ongxsiw si virr dog’iyc, hu'axlo, jiuwjow, kiongsix dringw soxx hai. Derr qauw jiongw si in'ui iaux qapp cuir dax, did be diyc imxsit laii ongxsiw. Jex si Zulaii coliok qongw ee ongxsiw u jitt qauw jiongw. Qycc u qitax buliong jiongxjiongw ee ongxsiw, yh qongw e taur.”
(The Sutra of the Master of Healing -- 34)
Then Ananda asked the Bodhisattva Seeker of Salvation: "Pious man, how can a life that has come to an end be prolonged?"
The Bodhisattva Seeker of Salvation said: "Virtuous One, did you hear that the Tathagatas say that there are nine kinds of violent deaths? Therefore, I exhort you to hang up the life prolonging banner, to light up the lamps, and to perform the pious deeds. By performing the pious deeds, one's life come to a natural end without suffering from any painful experience."
Ananda asked: "what are the nine kinds of violent deaths?"
The Bodhisattva Seeker of Salvation said: "The nine violent deaths are;
(1) There are beings who become sick. Though the sickness is not serious but there is neither medicine nor a doctor for the treatment. In case they take the wrong medicine, they may meet violent death which can very well be avoided. Some trust in Maras and Heretics, or masters of magical and bewitching powers. From a frivolous prediction of good or bad luck, fear and uneasiness arises. Those people whose own heart cannot clearly discern, question fortune-tellers whether misfortunes awaits them. Some kill living beings for a sacrifice in order to propitiate the spirits. Some call out to the evil spirits and ask for protection, they wish to prolong their lives, but all to no avail. They are ignorant of the right way. They believe in heterodox views, not recognising the doctrine of moral karma. This leads in the end to a violent death. They enter into hell and can never get out of it. This is the first violent death.
(2) Some are violently executed by order of the law.
(3) Some hunt for pleasure, lead and unrestrained life with women and wine, and dissipated without halt and limit. Then the fiends come and violently snatch their spiritual vigour.
(4) Some come to a violent end by being burnt by fire.
(5) Some come to a violent end by being drowned.
(6) Some come to a violent end by being devoured by wild beasts.
(7) Some come to a violent end by falling from a steep cliff.
(8) Some come to a violent end by being destroyed by poison, by image spell Vetala, by spoken-spell Dharani, or by demonical influence to resurrect a corpse and cause it kill another person.
(9) Some suffer hunger and thirst, do not get anything to eat or drink and thus die an untimely death.
"These are what Tathagata briefly named as the nine kinds of violent deaths. Besides, there are innumerable other kinds which cannot all be told here."
(藥師琉璃光如來本願功德經 --34)