
Sir Liamrju Qingx (14)

Jiongww bikiu! Kyxviw jit xee quanwciuw ee taii guu :ee iacc ix kanx ee sai'aw, qra guu taii liauw jit pnir jit pnir huntiah, diamr dirr sibzirlo. Jiongww bikiu! Zucuw, bikiu jiauww hunqair laii simxcad jitt xee sinkux, bylun diamr dirr dyc'ui, si sniaw kuanw juser, jai'ngiaw qongxx, 'Jitt xee sinkux lairdew, u derqair, juixqair, huexqair, qapp hongqair.'

Zucuw, ursii iong lairbin sinkux laii quancad sinkux diamr lehh; iong guarkauw sinkux laii quancad sinkux diamr lehh; qycc iong lairgua sinkux laii quancad sinkux diamr lehh. Ursii iong sinkux quancad diyc henrsiong sanxsingx diamr lehh; iong sinkux quancad diyc henrsiong bet .kir diamr lehh; qycc iong sinkux quancad diyc henrsiong ee snix-bet diamr lehh. Soxdir u qakcad diyc: Qanda' u sinkux. Zucuw, dyrr dna' u jniar ee diwqag, dna' u jniar ee liamrtauu. Ix sniaw dy' byy knikib diamr lehh, byy qycc jipsiuw dirr sewqanx zimrhyy surbut. Jiongww bikiu! Bikiu jiauww jitt kuanw iong sinkux quancad sinkux diamr lehh.  

(Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta - 14) 
Just as if, bhikkhus, a skillful butcher or his apprentice, having slaughtered a cow and divided it into portions were sitting at the junction of four high roads, just so, a bhikkhu examines and reflects closely upon this body however it be placed or disposed as composed of the primary elements thus: “There exists in this body the earth element, the water element, the fire element and the air element.’’ 
Thus he dwells perceiving again and again the body as just the body in himself…. Thus bhikkhus, this is also a way in which a bhikkhu dwells perceiving again and again the body as just the body. 

(四念住經 - 14) 

