Qycjaiww qongw, jiongww bikiu! Bikiu iong qorr henrsiong, quanrr lairgua lak xui laii quancad henrsiong diamr lehh. Dnaxx, jiongww bikiu! Bikiu anwjnuaw iong qorr henrsiong, quanrr lairgua lak xui laiii quancad henrsiong diamr lehh? Jiongww bikiu! Duiww jex, bikiu jai'ngiaw bagjiux, jai'ngiaw siktew, jai'ngiaw in'ui jitt nng hxang soxx sanxsingx ee qad. Ix jai'ngiaw qongxx bue snix cud ee qad snix cud, jai'ngiaw qongxx ixx snix cud ee qad bedjin, qycc jai'ngiaw qongxx ixx bedjin ee qad dirr birlaii be qycjaiww snix cud.
(Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta - 36)
And again, bhikkhus, a bhikkhu dwells perceiving again
and again the six internal and external sense bases as just the six internal and external sense bases. And how,
bhikkhus, does a bhikkhu dwell perceiving again and again
the six internal and external sense bases as just the six
internal and external sense bases?
Here, bhikkhus, a bhikkhu knows the eye
and the visible objects and the fetter that arises dependent
on both. He also knows how the fetter which has not yet
arisen comes to arise; he knows how the fetter that has
arisen comes to be discarded; and he knows how the
discarded fetter that has arisen comes to be discarded; and
he knows how the discarded fetter will not arise in the
(四念住經 - 36)