
Derjong Posad Vunxguan Qingx (Id-17)

Hitt sii, Brahman ee luxjuw jiambong hitt xee junquir ee binriongg, snix cud qavue ee qingwdiong. Ix qaqi simlai decc sniu qongxx, ‘Vut ee miaa qiyr jyr Dua Qakgno, kurvi itcer diwhui. Ix narr u dirr sewqanx, guaw tangx mng ix guanw laurbuw siw liauxau kir dirr dyhh. Ix vitdnia e jaix.'
Hitt sii, Brahman ee luxjuw kaur jiokk quw, bagjiux qimx qimx jiambong Zulaii, hutzenqanx tniax diyc kongdiongx u sniax, qongw, 'Decc kaur ee singwluw ar, m tangx jiacnirr vi'aix. Guaw dnaxx laii jixsi liw linw laurbuw kir dirr dyhh.'
Brahman ee luxjuw habjiongw hiongr tnix, qycc duiww tnix qongw, 'Sniaxmih sinn hiacc dua undig, laii beh an'uir guaw ee iuciuu? Guaw jurr srid kir laurbuw ixlaii, zid'ia decc siauwliam, byy der tangx mng guanw laurbuw kir dirr sniaw derqair.'
Hitt sii, kongdiongx u sniax, qycjaiww qra luxjuw vyr qongxx, 'Guaw si liw soxx jiambong qapp qingwvair :ee, dyrr si quewkir hitt xee Qakgno Huex Samadhi Jurjaii Ongg Zulaii. Guaw knuar diyc liw suliam buxcinx viw vingsionglangg kacc dingvue cimx, mrjiacc laii beh qra liw sirdix.'  

(The Bodhisattava Kishitigarbha Vow Sutra) 
(Divine Power in Trayastrimsa Heaven -17) 
As the Brahman woman beheld the honored countenance she became doubly respectful while thinking to herself, 'Buddhas are called Greatly Enlightened Ones who have gained All-Wisdom. If this Buddha were in the world I could ask him where my mother went after she died. He would certainly know.'  
The Brahman woman then wept for a long time as she gazed longingly upon the Thus Come One. Suddenly a voice in the air said, '0 weeping, worthy woman, do not be so sorrowful. I shall now show you where your mother has gone.' 
The Brahman woman placed her palms together as she addressed space saying, 'Which Virtuous Divinity is comforting me in my grief? From the day I lost my mother onward I have held her in memory day and night, but there is nowhere I can go to ask about the realm of her rebirth.' 
The voice in the air spoke to the woman again, I am the one you behold and worship, the former Enlightenment-Flower Samadhi Self-Mastery King Thus Come One. Because I have seen your regard for your mother is double that of ordinary beings, I have come to show you where she is.'    

(忉利天宮神通品 - 17)  

