Brahman ee luxjuw tniax diyc hex sniax, sinkux hiongr tnix suacc pag .lyc, qutjad jiauu longxx siursiongx. Ix jyxiu nng vingg ee sirjiaw qra huu .kiw .laii. Quer u hiacc quw cingcniw, ix duiww tnidingw qongw, 'Guan Vut linbinw, qinw qra guaw qongw guanw laurbuw kir dirr sniaw derqair. Dnaxx guaw jitt xee srinx qapp simx quer byy zuarr quw dyrr beh siw :ar.'
Hitt sii, Qakgno Huex Samadhi Jurjai Ongg Zulaii qra singwluw qongw, 'Liw qingwhong liauw, kacc qinw dngw kir cur nirr, jre jniar jniar sniu guaw ee miahy, liammix dyrr tangx jaix linw laurbuw cutsir dirr dyhh.'
(The Bodhisattava Kishitigarbha Vow Sutra)
(Divine Power in Trayastrimsa Heaven -18)
The Brahman woman suddenly lunged toward the voice she was hearing and then fell, injuring herself severely. Those around her supported and attended upon her and after a long time she was revived. Then she addressed the air saying, I hope the Buddha will be compassionate and quickly tell me into what realm my mother has been reborn. I am now near death myself.'
The Brahman woman suddenly lunged toward the voice she was hearing and then fell, injuring herself severely. Those around her supported and attended upon her and after a long time she was revived. Then she addressed the air saying, I hope the Buddha will be compassionate and quickly tell me into what realm my mother has been reborn. I am now near death myself.'
Enlightenment-Flower Samadhi Self-Mastery King Thus Come One told the worthy
woman, 'After you make your offerings, return home quickly. Sit upright and
concentrate on my name. You will soon know where your mother has been reborn.'
(忉利天宮神通品 - 18)