
Derjong Posad Vunxguan Qingx (Qauw-14)

Narr limjiongx ee langg, inx cur-lai ee quanwsiok, simrjiww dna' jit xee langg u uirr jitt xee vnerlangg dua sniax liam jit xee Vut ee miaa, jitt xee limjiongx :ee dukiw go jiongw byy qnaiwdng ee jue, cunx :ee ix ee jiongxjiongw giabvyr longxx tangx siaubet. Hiaxee go jiongw byy qnaiwdng ee jue qigqii dang, qingquer qangxx ig ee qiab iauxx berdangr dytuad .cud .laii. Vrng limjiongx ee sii vadd langg uirr ix liam vut ee mia, u huan jiaxee jue, jue iarr tangx jiamrjiam siaubet. Hyhongr jiongwsingx qaqi cinghox vut ee miaa :ee, inx did .diyc ee hokkir buliong, buliong ee jue iarr tangx siaubet." 

(The Bodhisattava Kishitigarbha Vow Sutra)        
(The Names of Buddhas - 14) 
When people are on the verge of dying, a group of their relatives, or even just one of them, should recite Buddhas' names aloud for the people who are sick. By doing so, the karmic retributions of those people who are about to die will be dissolved, even offenses deserving Fivefold Relentless Retribution. Offenses warranting Fivefold Relentless Retribution are so extremely heavy that those who commit them should not escape retribution for millions of eons. If, however, at the time of such offenders' deaths, someone recites the names of Buddhas on their behalf, then their offenses can gradually be dissolved. How much more will that be the case for beings who recited those names themselves. The merit they attain will be limitless and will eradicate measureless offenses."    

(稱佛名號品 - 14) 

