
Derjong Posad Vunxguan Qingx (Jap-id-1)

(Toxde Sinn Vyxho Hxuad) 
Hitt xee sijun, Qenqor Toxde Sinn qra Vuddyy qongw, "Sewjunx! Guaw an' quewkir ixlaii jiambong qapp dingxlew quer buliong ee dua posad. Inx longxx u vutsugi ee dua sintongx qapp dua diwhui, poxpenr dorhuar jiongwsingx. Dirr jerje posad lairdew, jitt xee Derjong Dua Posad ee sewguan siongrr cimx siongrr dang. Sewjunx! Jitt xee Derjong Posad dirr Jambudvipa u dua inenn. Cincniu Manjushri(Bunsuu), Samantabhadra(Poxhenn), Avalokiteshvara(Quanimx), qapp Maitreya(Milik) iarr huar jyr vaccingx xee sinhingg decc dorhuar liogdy. Inx ee guan jongw e uanvid. Jitt xee Derjong Posad qauwhuar liogdy itcer jiongwsingx soxx huad sewguan ee qiapsor bersux cingvac'ig diauu Ganges Hyy lairdew suax ee sowliong hiacc je.

(The Bodhisattava Kishitigarbha Vow Sutra)    
(The Dharma Protection of an Earth Spirit - 1) 
At that time the Earth Spirit Firm and Stable spoke to the Buddha and said, "World Honored One, from long ago I have personally beheld and bowed to limitless numbers of Bodhisattvas, Mahasattvas. All of them have inconceivable and great spiritual penetrations and wisdom that they use in taking vast numbers of beings across. Among all the Bodhisattvas, Earth Store Bodhisattva, Mahasattva has the deepest and most weighty vows. World Honored One, Earth Store Bodhisattva has great affinities in Jambudvipa. Manjushri, Samantabhadra, Avalokiteshvara, and Maitreya, also produce by transformation, hundreds of thousands of bodies to take across those in the Six Paths, but their vows have an end. Earth Store Bodhisattva has made these vows to teach and transform beings in the Six Paths throughout eons as many as the number of sand grains in hundreds of thousands of millions of Ganges Rivers. 

(地神護法品 - 1) 

