
Siong'ingr Vxo (1-1-17)

17. Yh Sidhingg
"Byy diwhui :ee qniaa sabunn-hxuad,
Yh sidhingg qycc yh zimxsiu.
Gong langg duirlyc jiongwgai,
Dirr jiax ee langg siongrr je.
Narr byy qra simx jewhok,
Sabunn-hxuad tangx qniaa quiw zit?
Iwliam si qnaxlyy,
E jit vo jit vo dimbee .lyc .kir."
"Kyxviw qux iong qaqi ee kag,
Qra tauu, buew, ciuw, qapp kax cangr dirr hitt lairdew.
Bikiu cisiuw iwliam,
Be jib diauu diauu iarr be honghai tazinn,
Huanlyw siar srinx li,
Ix si'angw longxx be kir jikvi." 

(Samyutta Nikaya 1-1-17)
17. Difficult to Practise
“Recluseship is hard to practise
And hard for the inept to endure,
For many are the obstructions there
In which the fool founders.

How many days can one practise recluseship
If one does not rein in one’s mind?
One would founder with each step
Under the control of one’s intentions."

"As a tortoise draws its limbs into its shell
So should a bhikkhu draw in the mind’s thoughts.
Independent, not harassing others,
Fully quenched, he would not blame anyone.” 

(相應部 1-1-17)
無智沙門行  難為並難忍
愚者墮障礙  於此人最多
若不制伏心  幾日沙門行
思念之為囚  步步當沉溺
如龜以已殻  藏頭尾手足
比丘攝意念  無著無害他
以離於煩惱  誰亦不得貶 

