
Siong'ingr Vxo (1-2-17)

17. Subrahma
Kia dirr vnix:a tnisinn ee qniaw Subrahma hiongr Sewjunx cniur jimgensix qongxx:
"Jitt xee simx siongsiongg qnia'uir,
Jitt xee ir siongsiongrr kiw junr.
Duiww ixx huatsingx :ee e kiongxku,

Duiww iauxx bue huatsingx :ee iarr kiongxku.
Narr u benw qnia'uir ee honghuad,
Guan liw cniaw jixsi."

"Potehunx ixgua,
Kinbenw siuhing ixgua,
Jewan soxu qinmngg ixgua,
Itcer hongwkir ixgua,
Guaw knuar m qnir,
Jiongwsingx ee ving'anx."

(Samyutta Nikaya 1-2-17)
17. Subrahma
Standing to one side, Subrahmå, son of the devas, addressed the Blessed One in verse: 
“Always frightened is this mind,
The mind is always agitated
About unarisen problems
And about arisen ones.
If there exists release from fear,
Being asked, please declare it to me.”

“Not apart from enlightenment and austerity,
Not apart from restraint of the sense faculties,
Not apart from relinquishing all,
Do I see any safety for living beings.”

(相應部 1-2-17)
此心常怖畏     此意常顫慄
起時甚恐懼     不起亦恐懼
若有免畏道     願請以指教
菩提分之外     勤修行之外
制諸根之外     一切放棄外
我不得窺見     眾生之平安

