
Siong'ingr Vxo (1-2-16)

16. Vasudatta
Kia dirr vnix:a tnisinn ee qniaw Vasudatta hiongr Sewjunx cniur jimgensix qongxx:
"Kyxviw virr qiamr duc,
Kyxviw taujangx dyc huew,
Bikiu siawsag tam'iog,
U jniawliam decc cutqex."

"Kyxviw virr qiamr duc,
Kyxviw taujangx dyc huew,
Bikiu siawsig siksinx soxx qnir ,
U jniawliam decc cutqex."

(Samyutta Nikaya 1-2-16)
16. Vasudatta
Standing to one side, Vasudatta, son of the devas, recited this verse in the presence of
the Blessed One:
“As if smitten by a sword,
As if his head were set on fire,
A bhikkhu should wander mindfully
In order to abandon sensual lust.” 

“As if smitten by a sword,
As if his head were set on fire,
A bhikkhu should wander mindfully
In order to abandon identity view.”

(相應部 1-2-16)
猶如觸於劍   猶如髮燃時
比丘捨欲貪   正念於出家
猶如觸於劍   猶如髮燃時
捨身見比丘   正念於出家

