“Qycc u, Ananda! Qxuiw ee giap ixx jin, jxingg qapp susniu nng hxang longxx kangx :ar, laii dirr sewqanx ham' jewjuw sngwsiaur. Dautaix juer jingsnix, hnaii siokser ee jewbu.
Duw diyc mic jniaa juer quair qxuiw :ee, mic bedbyy, og vyr liauxqed, dirr sewqanx dautaix, kacc je juer niautaujiauw.
Duw diyc hongx jniaa juer kyxngua-qxuiw :ee, hongx bedbyy, og vyr liauxqed, dirr sewqanx dautaix, kacc je si juer byy qetsiongg ee singbut.
Duw diyc jingsnix jniaa juer muirquiw :ee, jingsnix bedbyy, og vyr liauxqed, dirr sewqanx dautaix, kacc je si juer holii jitt lui :ee.
Duw diyc tangg jniaa juer qoxdok-qxuiw :ee, qoxdok bedbyy, og vyr liauxqed, dirr sewqanx dautaix, kacc je si juer u dok :ee.
Dirr sueter ee sii jniaa juer igquiw :ee, sueter uanqed, og vyr liauxqed, dirr sewqanx dautaix, kacc je si juer binrtangg jitt lui :ee.
Duw diyc krir jniaa juer iaux qxuiw :ee, krir bedbyy, og vyr liauxqed, dirr sewqanx dautaix, kacc je si juer ho'ngg jiac ee tioksingx.
Duw diyc oamr ee iamxquiw :ee, oamr uanqed, og vyr liauxqed, dirr sewqanx dautaix, kacc je si juer ho'ngg juer snxax ee tioksingx.
Duw diyc zidguat-jinghuaa ee bongxliongw-qxuiw :ee, zidguat-jinghuaa bedbyy, og vyr liauxqed, dirr sewqanx dautaix, kacc je si juer dorjiauw jitt lui :ee.
Duw diyc qongbingg ee cesaiw-qxuiw :ee, qongbingg bedbyy, og vyr liauxqed, dirr sewqanx dautaix, kacc je si juer qetsiongg ee singbut.
Duw diyc langg jniaa juer tuansangr-qxuiw :ee, langg siw, og vyr liauxqed, dirr sewqanx dautaix, kacc je si juer unsunn ee tioksingx.
Ananda! Jiaxee longxx in'ui giabhuew siyx dax, siokser ee jrer hingg liauw, dautaix juer jingsnix, iarr longxx an’ kanghux ee giap soxx jiyinw :ee. Narr liauxgo diyc potee-dy, jiaxee kanghux ee enn guanwvunw dyrr be sanxsingx. Kyxviw liw tee kiw :ee, Vyw Lenhuex Pangx dingxdingw, ixqip Liulee Ongg qapp Sxen Cnxix Bikiu. Jiaxee og giap, jurvunw qaqi snix .cud .laii, m si an’ tnidingw qangr .lyc .laii, m si an' de bunr .cud .laii, iarr m si langg’ hro inx :ee. Qaqi ee bongrsiongw jiyinw :ee, diyhh qaqi laii sriu. Potee ee simdiongx, longxx jikju jiaxee huhoo qapp bongrsiongw.
(Shurangama Sutra, Volume 8-13)
"Moreover, Ananda, when his karma as a ghost is ended and the consequences of his emotion and thought are over, he comes into the world to meet his creditors and settle his accounts with them. He is born as an animal to repay his debts from past lives."
"The retribution of the strange ghost of material objects is finished when the object is destroyed and it is reborn in the world, usually as a species of owl."
"The retribution of the drought ghost of the wind is finished when the wind subsides, and it is reborn in the world, usually as a species of uncanny creature which gives inauspicious prognostications."
"The retribution of the mei ghost of an animal is finished when the animal dies, and it is reborn in the world, usually as a species of fox."
"The retribution of the gu ghost in the form of worms and insects is finished when the gu is exhausted, and it is reborn in the world, usually as a species of venomous creature."
"The retribution of a pestilence ghost found in degeneration is finished when the degeneration is complete, and it is reborn in the world, usually as a species of tapeworm."
"The retribution of the ghost which takes shape in gases is finished when the gases are gone, and it is then reborn in the world, usually as a species of animal used for food."
"The retribution of the ghost of darkness is finished when the darkness ends, and it is then reborn in the world, usually as a species of animal used for clothing or service."
"The retribution of the ghost which unites with energy is finished when the union dissolves, and it is then reborn in the world, usually as a species of migratory creature."
"The retribution of the ghost of brightness and intellect is finished when the brightness disappears, and it is then reborn in the world, usually as a species of efficacious creature."
"The retribution of the ghost that relies on a person is finished when the person dies, and it is then reborn in the world, usually as a species of domestic animal."
"Ananda, all this is due to the burning out of his karmic fire in payment for his debts from past lives. The rebirth as an animal is also occasioned by his own false and empty karma. If he awakens to Bodhi, then fundamentally none of these false conditions will exist at all. You mentioned Precious Lotus Fragrance, King Crystal, and Bhikshu Good Stars. Evil karma such as theirs was created by them alone. It did not fall down out of the heavens or well up from the earth, nor was it imposed upon them by some person. Their own falseness brought it into being, and so they themselves have to undergo it. In the Bodhi-Heart, it is empty and false--a cohesion of false thoughts."