“Qycc u, Ananda! An’ juer jingsnix laii hingg ixjingg ee jewbu, narr inx hingg :ee ciauquer soxx kiamr :ee, jiaxee jiongwsingx e laii juer langg, laii tyw quewsin :ee. Narr jewjuw u ligliong qiamx u hokdig, dyrr juer langg be srid kir langg ee srinx laii hingg giabjer. Narr byy hokkir :ee, e juer jingsnix laii hingg soxx quewsin :ee.
Ananda, liw qaidongx jai’ngiaw. Narr iong jaibut iacc lydong, jewbu hingg liauw dyrr byy :ar. Narr dirr hitt diongqanx u sathai sniwmia iacc jiac bah, zucuw simrjiww diyhh qinglik din’aix sowliong ee qiab decc siy’ jiac siy’ taii, kyxviw lenw-aw liammix quann liammix qe decc lunjuanw byy hiyckunr. Duhuix u samatha iacc Vut cutsir, byy jiarr si be tingjiw.
Liw dnaxx ingqaix jai’ngiaw. Hiaxee niautaujiaw qra jewbu hingg liauw, kuehok guanhingg, dautaix juer langg, cutsir sriok qowjib jitt lui :ee.
Hiaxee byy qetsiongg ee singbut qra jewbu hingg liauw, kuehok guanhingg, dautaix juer langg, cutsir sriok u qyc'ngiu jitt lui :ee.
Hiaxee holii jitt lui :ee qra jewbu hingg liauw, kuehok guanhingg, dautaix juer langg, cutsir sriok hamban jitt lui :ee.
Hiaxee u dok :ee qra jewbu hingg liauw, kuehok guanhingg, dautaix juer langg, cutsir sriok og langg jitt lui :ee.
Hiaxee binrtangg jitt lui :ee qra jewbu hingg liauw, kuehok guanhingg, dautaix juer langg, cutsir sriok vijen jitt lui :ee.
Hiaxee ho'ngg jiac ee tioksingx qra jewbu hingg liauw, kuehok guanhingg, dautaix juer langg, cutsir sriok ziogjiaw jitt lui :ee.
Hiaxee ho'ngg juer snxax ee tioksingx qra jewbu hingg liauw, kuehok guanhingg, dautaix juer langg, cutsir sriok lykow jitt lui :ee.
Hiaxee dorjiauw jitt lui :ee qra jewbu hingg liauw, kuehok guanhingg, dautaix juer langg, cutsir sriok bunzinn jitt lui :ee.
Hiaxee qetsiongg ee singbut qra jewbu hingg liauw, kuehok guanhingg, dautaix juer langg, cutsir sriok congbingg jitt lui :ee.
Hiaxee unsunn ee tioksingx qra jewbu hingg liauw, kuehok guanhingg, dautaix juer langg, cutsir sriok tongdat jitt lui :ee.
Ananda! Jiaxee jiongwsingx longxx qra siokser ee jewbu hingg liauw, kuehok guanhingg, cutsir juer langg. Inx longxx busiw ixlaii in'ui bongrsiongw jy giap laii cutsir siy' taii. Byy duw diyc Zulaii, iarr byy tniax diyc Jniar Hxuad, inx e dirr lykow ee din'aix lunjuanw. Jiaxee jiongwsingx jinjniar kyxlenn.
(Shurangama Sutra, Volume 8-14)
"Moreover, Ananda, if while repaying his past debts by undergoing rebirth as an animal, such a living being pays back more than he owed, he will then be reborn as a human to rectify the excess. If the creditor is a person with strength, blessings, and virtue, then he can pay what he collected in excess without having to lose his human form. But if he lacks blessings, then he will be reborn as an animal to pay the outstanding balance."
"Ananda, if the debt involves money, material goods, or manual labor, then once it is paid, the debt is resolved. But if in the process of repayment the lives of other beings were taken or their flesh eaten, then it will start a cycle of mutual devouring and slaughtering that will send the debtors and creditors up and down endlessly for as many eons as there are atoms of universe. There is no way to put a stop to it, except through Shamatha or through a Buddha's coming to the world."
"You should know that when owls and their kind have paid back their debts, they regain their original form and are born as obstinate people."
"When creatures that are inauspicious have paid back their debts, they regain their original form and are born as abnormal people."
"When foxes have paid back their debts, they regain their original form and are born as people who are simpletons."
"When creatures of the venomous category have paid back their debts, they regain their original form and are born as malicious people."
"When tapeworms and their like have paid back their debts, they regain their original form and are born as lowly people."
"When the edible types of creatures have paid back their debts, they regain their original form and are reborn as weak people."
"When creatures that are used for clothing or service have paid back their debts, they regain their original form and are reborn as people who do hard labor."
"When creatures that migrate have paid back their debts, they regain their original form and are reborn as literary people."
"When efficacious creatures have paid back their debts, they regain their original form and are reborn as intelligent people."
"When domestic animals have paid back their debts, they regain their original form and are reborn as sophisticated people."
"Ananda, these are all beings that have finished paying back former debts and are born again in the human realm. They are involved in a beginningless scheme of karma and delusion and spend their lives killing and being killed by one another. They do not get to meet the Tathagata or hear the Proper Dharma. They just abide in the wearisome dust, passing through a repetitive cycle. Such people can truly be called pitiful."