
Shurangama Qingx (qauw-12)

"Qycc hiaxee dirr samadhi ee senrlamjuw, qnir diyc sxig-dxir siausid, sriu-dxir c.-cingcyw-c. Dirr jingsinn hunbingg diongx, uanbuanw liauxgo diyc jingbii ee dyrliw, did diyc dua suisun. Hutzenqanx, ix ee simx qamxqag buhan kinsangx qycc anlok, dyrr qongw qaqi ixx jniaa sxingr, did dua jurjai. Jex qiyr juer in’ui diwhui did diyc jiongxjiongw ee kinsangx qapp cingjing. U liauxgo dyrr byy quewsid, m si jingwgo diyc singwdy. Narr liahjunw qaqi ixx jniaa sxingr :ee, dyrr u jit hunx hnor kinsangx qapp cingjing ee xmoo zip ix ee simdew, qongw qaqi ixx uanbuanw jiokgiac, byy beh qycc qriuu jinwvo. Jiaxee jerje si byy-yc bikiu, e hai jiongwsingx duirlyc kir Avici Dergak. In’ui srid kir jinjniar ee qamxsiu, qaidongx e duirlyc.

"Qycc hiaxee dirr samadhi ee senrlamjuw, qnir diyc sxig-dxir siausid, sriu-dxir c.-cingcyw-c., dirr bingkag liauxgo lairdew snix cud hix ee bingg singr. Dirr qidiongx, ix hutzenn snix cud qruix hiongr ingxx bet ee simx, qra inqyw vuew kuix, it'ir zip hubuu. Hubuu ee simx henxhen, ix simrjiww snix cud ingxuanw jibbet ee qenwqair. U liauxgo dyrr byy quewsid, m si jingwgo diyc singwdy. Narr liahjunw qaqi ixx jniaa sxingr :ee, dyrr u kangx-xmoo zip ix ee simdew, simrjiww ix e huixvongr cisiuw qaiwlut :ee, qongxx inx si Siyxsingg, qongxx Posad jingwgo kongsingr, u sniaw qaiwlut diyhh cisiuw? Jitt xee langg dniardnia dirr sinwjiongr binrjingg ciamwuat, limx jiuw, jiac bah, qniaa imhingg. In’ui u xmoo ee ligliong decc ingxhiongw, sinwjiongr duiww ix byy huaigii. Ix ee simx quxdngg hro qxuiw cimzip, qiamxcaiw e qongw jiac saixziy ham' jiuxbah qangrkuanw, qongxx jiaxee longxx si kangx :ee, pywhuai vut ee ludgii, hai langg' huanrhuad. In’ui srid kir jinjniar ee qamxsiu, qaidongx e duirlyc.

(Shurangama Sutra, Volume 9-12)

"Further, in this state of Samadhi, the good person sees the disintegration of the form skandha and understands the feeling skandha. In his refined understanding, he awakens completely to subtle principles. Everything is in accord with his wishes. He may suddenly experience limitless lightness and ease in his mind. He may say that he has become a sage and attained great self-mastery. This is called 'attaining lightness and clarity due to wisdom'. If he understands, then there is no error. This experience does not indicate sagehood. But if he considers himself a sage, then a demon that likes lightness and clarity will enter his mind. Claiming that he is already satisfied, he will not strive to make further progress. For the most part, such cultivators will become like the Unlearned Bhikshu. He will mislead living beings so that they will fall into the Avichi Hell. Lacking proper Samadhi, he will certainly fall."

"Further in this state of Samadhi, the good person sees the disintegration of the form skandha and understands the feeling skandha. In that clear awakening, he experiences a false clarity. Within that, suddenly he may veer towards the view of eternal extinction, deny cause and effect, and take everything as empty. The thought of emptiness so predominates that he comes to believe that there is eternal extinction after death. This is called 'the mental state of Samadhi dissolving so that one loses sight of what is right'. If he understands, then there is no error. This experience does not indicate sagehood. But if he considers himself a sage, then a demon of emptiness will enter his mind. He will slander the holding of precepts, calling it a "Small Vehicle Dharma." He will say, "Since Bodhisattvas have awakened to emptiness, what is there to hold or violate?" This person, in the presence of his faithful Danapatis, will often drink wine, eat meat, and engage in wanton lust. The power of the demon will keep his followers from doubting or denouncing him. After the ghost has possessed him for a long time, he may consume excrement and urine, or meat and wine, claiming that all such things are empty. He will break the Buddha's moral precepts and mislead people into committing offenses. Lacking proper Samadhi, he will certainly fall."



